The house is a mess. Most of my art sale display (apart from the actual art) is still in the car. Just a little overwhelmed. I don't know what it is about November. I guess it's just uber-busy. The sale -- it's not a new thing. I know about it. Yet it creeps up on me. And then it's Thanksgiving and holiday decorating and shopping and wrapping and mailing. I love it all. I'm overwhelmed. I know. I said it before. It bears repeating.
The sale went very well and thanks for all your nice comments on the last post! Our venue, a fellow artist's home, was lovely and packed with all sorts of art. Calendars, cards, my felties, watercolors, prints, cute little cat bags, magnets, mittens, cat food bowls, scarves, and loads and loads of jewelry.
I want to give a special shout-out to blog readers who contacted me about special orders for cards and felties. Thank you for supporting a starving artist!
Well, not starving by any means. But I will be next week. On Friday, I took Rick for his colonoscopy; turnaround is fair play. I scheduled mine a couple of days before Thanksgiving because I may as well go-litely a few days before and maybe I'll break even over the holiday!
The day after the sale was a total waste. I got a flu shot on the way home Saturday and on Sunday had a fever of over 102. I'm supposed to go to the ER if I'm over 100.4 so after a chat with the doc, we determined it was indeed the flu shot and we must have been right because the next day I was fine. Still, I didn't need a wasted day.
Our cold weather has taken a brief turn for the better and while it is gloomy, it is not freezing or raining and this is a welcome break. The birds are bulking up and so is the squirrel. I made a wonderful stuffed dumpling squash recipe and put the squash seeds and guts out and Bushy was happy too!
I did get a nice surprise in the mail the other day. One of my Twitter pals had a drawing and I won this delightful Susan Branch holiday book! It arrived, wrapped so prettily, it was like a special treat.
I don't know if you follow Vivian Swift's blog, but if you do, you'll know she brought a rock home from the Orkney Islands and is sending it on a cross-country trip for a photo shoot in her readers' cities. I had the rock last month and Vivian has just posted its Michigan tour on her blog. If you feel so inclined, take a look!
This week finds me anticipating a visit to the annual Greens Market, where I intend to return ready to deck the halls. This is an annual trip for my friend Jan and me. A few years ago there was this wonderful gourd-woman there. I wish she would return.
For whatever reason, I get a little melancholy in November. I think about several wonderful friends who left this world too early. Not necessarily in November or December, like my dad, but still, who didn't have the opportunity to have another Thanksgiving or Christmas. The wheat in the photo below was given to me by my blog friend Diana during our last visit. It's quite powerful how those we meet through our blogs can touch our hearts and how deeply we feel the loss. I am grateful that Diana and so many others here were part of my life, if for all too short a time.
We will have our Thanksgiving with the kids the day after and both Rick and I are looking forward to time with our Toddler Twosome, their parents and their uncle. For Rick to have his two boys and two Grand Boys around really shows how the generations evolve.
Speaking of which, I had to share this photo of Rick and Cameron during his christening last week. I was at the sale and missed it, unfortunately, but oh, those smiles!
I'm trying to catch up with visiting all of you! Meanwhile, I hope you are having a good week as we enter the Busy Season.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
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November and March, for those of us who live in the north, are about the gloomiest months of the year, but somehow we get through them every year, and I am sure this year will be no different for you, Jeanie. And after all in ten days it will be December. Glad to hear that your sale went well.
I hope you will soon feel happier. November is always a hard month, but for me December is the worst. Lovely photo from Rick and the little one. Hugs, Valerie
What a generous commitment to arts and crafts your friend makes to open her house up to not only craftsman to displace stuff but to the public to buy it from you all.
I hear a lot of people saying they feel overwhelmed this time of the year. So much is expected of ourselves and our families as the holidays approach, it's no wonder we feel extra pressure. Not to mention the holidays often makes us look back and remember those who are no longer with us. My dad died on Christmas day so I know who you feel about your dad not being with you.
Hi Jeanie, that's a nice holiday book, and everything here looks nice and pretty and lovely :)
Glad to hear you are well, I know, we are getting busier for the holiday seasons and the weather is unpredictable.
The sweetest one, big smile of Cameron and Rick!
Hi Jeanie. I'm glad your sale went well for you. I have been to house sales with a bunch of crafters and always thought it was such a great idea. It is hard to remember those we have lost around the holidays but they seem to come front and center at this time of year, not that they aren't at other times too, but more so now. Those two sure have the same smile. So sweet..Thanks for your visit and Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy
That is a beautiful photo of Cameron and Rick, it made me smile, a wide beaming smile :-)
Good for you for having a well deserved successful show. November is always a difficult month - it's just dreary. Since I'm flying to Budapest on Thanksgiving Day, I'm skipping Thanksgiving this year. It's my favorite holiday and I will miss it. Enjoy your holiday preparations.
Cameron is so big! When did that happen! He's definitely in full on toddler mode. He looks so much bigger than our petite Paul (he was 21# and 31' at 18 months, I don't think he's gained much since then!). Everyone looks bigger than Paul, though, but you look at his dad who is very thin and trim and you know why!
November is tiring. The holidays are fun but they are a busy time, especially for women who put a lot of effort into decor and yummy food. I do it because I want to and I enjoy it (for the most part) but it is time consuming! I'm really excited for Thanksgiving because we should be pretty settled in our house by then. We are fast unpackers as I have clutter/boxes! The day after Thanksgiving I'm going to an "idea house" that is seasonally decorated by a local greenhouse/decor shop. They completely redecorate the house 4-5 times each year. I've always wanted to go but never got around to doing it but this year I'm going on Black Friday with my mom and 2 SILs. I'm hoping to find some inspiration for how to decorate our house! My mom went to a workshop at her local nursery/greenhouse on how to make festive holiday planters so she is going to help me make 2 and also help me get stuff for our window boxes. I'm really excited!
I am sorry to hear you had such a high fever! No wonder you feel extra tired and overwhelmed. Stay healthy, dear friend!
Squirrels really are irresistible! Did you see the crazy Instagram page about a pet rescue squirrel who wears funny hats and sleeps with a tiny teddy bear? I don't even care if it's somehow a fake, it's so cute.
best... mae at
Lovely photo of Rick and Cameron! I know the feeling of overwhelmed. I seem to have acquired loads of magazines which I haven't read and might not. Or might. I haven't decided yet!
Would you send me a private message with your mailing address? I would like to send you something.
Many wonderful photos here: the wheat, the squirrel, the colorful turkey.
I for one am not overwhelmed. I have my head firmly in the sand and do not plan on lifting it for another week or so.
You certainly are keeping busy!
You sound like you need a vacation, although getting ready for one is a chore that might not be such a great idea. It looks like (other than the fever) life has been pretty good just too busy. So take breath and relax and be sure you can actually enjoy it all. You don't want to end up really sick for Thanksgiving. Hugs-Erika
November and December are always crazy months for me. Looks like the art sale was a hit! Janice
Looks like it was a wonderful SALE venue.
I would enjoy visiting the Mistletoe Sale in person, in the future!
Your package was in the mail today, I will get a check in the mail in the morning.
Loved all my note cards and pictures, thanks again!
The deco is so nice!
I think in Germany horseshoes have to be hung with the open part up, so luck and happiness can fall in.
Oh. My FIL tells me to have a colonoscopy, too, I fear it so much and think I have still time. From age 50 on they say. Plus I hate hospitals. I never find sleep in there. The smell is awful, too.
I wish you get through this easily!
The turkey is fun, I love it! No flu shot here but once and I was down two weeks from that.
Oh, thank you for the reminder! I forgot to put out peanuts and Peanut destroyed the balcony, LOL. That fella shows when he/she is angry!
I´ll start with Cefasafra to get rid of SAD. And I look forward to Christmas lights brightening up the mood, too. Glad you have the Twosomes and feast to look forward to.
It's certainly a busy, hectic time of year, so I think we must look forward to January when Silly Season is over. Glad your sale went well, it's a lot of hard work to prepare. Love that dried wreath in your first picture, and well done on the win of the Susan Branch book.
~~~Waving~~~Deb in Wales
Hello Jeanie,
I am so happy your sale went well. We are only have a small gathering on Thanksgiving, we will end up will plenty of leftovers. Cute photo of Rick and Cameron. It is good you recovered quickly from the flu shot.
Pretty wreaths and cute squirrel. Wishing you a happy day!
I just texted a sister last evening and said it's getting TOO busy! I put 3 new things on my December calendar last night and I don't like the feeling of being overwhelmed. And yet, another sister asked me why I'm putting up my tree early?! (because I had some time, felt like it, and enjoy the lights before Christmas, that's why!). Your craft fair set up looked marvelous Jeanie! I don't suppose that little robin feltie is still up for adoption? Oh my, so cute! Your visit with Suzanne and commentary in that post was funny. It sounds like you're going to have one heck of a week leading into Thanksgiving with a colonoscopy (yuk!), but your logic is hilarious. Make time for yourself, it's so important. Rest and rejuvenate.
Sounds like you had a good sale and maybe a few future sales. I can understand the overwhelmed, just not when it comes to the bottom line, the almighty dollar.
Just another reason why I don't get a flu shot!
Loved the photos, enjoyed seeing the sale, and had fun seeing snippets of your own home, too. Take care, dear.
I'll see your chaos, and raise you a disorganized mess and a sense of impending doom! I think for once in my life I have you out-disorganized -- a move will do that to a girl! I do love that leaf-wreath, and the photo of Rick and Cameron is fabulous. The family resemblance really shines in that one.
I think this time of year with both Thanksgiving and Christmas looming can make us all feel overwhelmed at times. That’s why I don’t understand why so many rush Christmas to November. What a lovely art show!
What a beautiful home!
I'm glad you're feeling better.
"It's quite powerful how those we meet through our blogs can touch our hearts and how deeply we feel the loss. I am grateful that Diana and so many others here were part of my life, if for all too short a time."
It's funny how blogging is a world all its own, and we didn't even know about it years ago before the Internet. But here it is, a web of hands grasping other hands all over the planet. Amazing, isn't it?
Kudos on ALL your hard work and creativity!
I too am so fond of cyber friends♥
Love that pic of Les boys:)
Jeanie, I am so glad your sale was such a success, you are so talented. My hubby got the flu shot and ran a temp the next day and ached all over, short lived thankfully! It is a busy time of the year, enjoy those darling grands!
Love this post, Jeanie. Reading what all you are doing, you certainly have reason to feel overwhelmed. It is amazing, to say the least, of the friendships we make through blogging. I have certainly enjoyed meeting you and so enjoy your travels, your art, and your family. Especially those precious little ones. Enjoy these last days of November before the holiday rush begins.
I'm hoping you're starting to recover from the art sale, shot, and all the other things life throws at us. Love Bushy and I hope you feed him well. I do have a thing about squirrels. Wishing you health, happiness, and a beautiful Thanksgiving next week.
Lovely photos,'ve got this in spades..Have a glorious Thanksgiving!
You have to take care of yourself, especially now that it is cooler. Sometimes just putting your feet up for a little while with a cup of tea and some nice music works wonders.
I'm so sorry you have been sick my sweet friend. I pray you are feeling better. I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already. We barely had a Fall in Oklahoma. It's cold again already. Hugs.
That sure is a great picture of Rick and Cameron! Glad you are feeling better--dang flu shot!! LOL Loved seeing the sale....many pretty things, ESPECIALLY YOUR THINGS. Hope you sold alot! Its quite melancholy here as well, it's my first Christmas without my Mom. How lonely it sad. Miss her so much. Trying to keep my spirits up.
What you did is a tremendous amount of work and it does add to an already busy time of year! I hope you get things were you want them to go and have an enjoyable rest of the week! Love that beautiful Susan B. book! We both love those! Hugs!
I know the overwhelming feeling as well Jeanie, feeling it right now. So much should have done and so behind due to a stinking cold that turned into bronchitis. It's always hard to think of those we loved and are not here. Still we can be thankful we had them. I'm happy you had a good sale and I'm happy you only had a reaction to the flu shot, not sick. Thinking of you and hope you are feeling better and spirit lifted. Great smiles from two of your favorite boys............Take care sweet friend.
The art sale would have been all kinds of fun to attend. I certainly would have if I lived closer.
Sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, Jeanie. I think the sale you had with all the cards might have contributed to it, but I'm glad things went well. Your stuffed dumpling squash sounds really good. That little squirrel seems to like the squash seeds. So nice of you to do that. I love the Susan Branch holiday book. The "pear" photo made me smile, as pears used to be my favorite fruit growing up. The picture of Rick and Cameron at his Christening is so special, Jeanie. I hope this month of November starts to bring smiles and joy to you.
November is an intense month, isn't it. My heart feels the strain too.
But I do love the browns and crisp blues of this month - it woos me in spite
of the early dark.
Your life is a treasure and your world beautiful and I always love coming to see you here. Thanks for keeping the doors open:)
Glad to hear your sale went well. Every one of your pics in this post is beautiful. I can see you must be so hectic... with Thanksgiving coming up and then Christmas! Well, enjoy every moment and keep on with these wonderful posts!
Looks like the art sale was great. I know what you mean about November being a hard month. We lost our dad on Thanksgiving night back in ‘91. It was hard to embrace the thanksgiving spirit for years afterward. Dan had that enhanced flue shot and last year he felt a little off for a week but this year he didn’t have a reaction. Hopefully in the future you won’t react to it so strongly. Since we experience winter rather heavily up north I king of look at it with glazed over eyes. I just check off the days and look at it as a countdown to next spring! Love the picture of Cameron and Rick- they have the same nose shape and smile!
Glad the sale went well.
Sorry you got sick, but glad it was just a flu shot reaction, and only lasted one day. I know what you mean about how you could have done without losing that day though.
November can be a difficult month, with so much to do and then worry about, it is important to just stop, sit down and take a few moments to catch (y)our breath!
I hope the rest of the month goes well for you and you have a lovely Thanksgiving.
That is a beautiful photograph of Rick and the little one.
All the best Jan
I'm glad your sale went well Jeanie, and I can relate, I used to do home shows with my painted glassware and it was a marathon, getting ready, packing up, setting up, selling, then doing everything in reverse!! I am so sorry you got sick from your shot, probably because you were so worn down. Try to take it easy so you can enjoy the holidays!! Happy Thanksgiving, oh and Rick's grandson looks just like him! Hope your procedure goes well💕
Such a precious photo, full of love!
I am so sorry that you are struggling this month. The holidays really are such a rough time for people, especially as we grow older and miss those we loved that are no longer there. I hope that you are caring for yourself as well; I know you told me to do that, so I hope that you are taking your own advice. :) Be gentle with yourself. Find some stillness in this hectic crazy time of year. Go for a walk. Find a quiet spot to watch the birds and animals and drink a cup of tea -or wine! For me, sometimes just going to the library and looking through the books for a while calms me down. It is so quiet and I don't have my phone chirping at me. Find a place of quiet. This new moon is actually the Quiet Moon, starting tonight, actually.
I am glad that your art sale went so well! It looks like it would be fun to attend!
Hi, Jeanie! Sooo GLAD your art sale went so well--HOORAY!! I really like how the venue was at a friend's home--very inviting and cozy! WOW colonoscopies before the holidays--that is BRAVE! Hope you both are in the clean! ;) Susan Branches work is so sweet--what a lovely gift! So much FUN with that rock that is traveling around--what a great idea! Cyber-friends are the BEST! November can be a rough month, it feels a naturally reflective time, taking a backward glance, as the year soon ends... It is a BUSY time.. I don't like using the over-used word busy, but it's true. I think we're all in the same boat. The weather here had been dismal for the past two months--grey, rainy, foggy. No vitamin D here... haha! Your plans for Thanksgiving sound sooo good--have a sweet time with your family! How WONDERFUL the pic of Rick And Cameron--what a happy day! :) Happy Days to you all ((LOVE & HUGS))
Awww, the squirrel is so cute. It was very thoughtful of you to let her have the seeds from the pumpkin. Good for you to get the flu shot, even thought it made you feel bad on the day. x
Hope the colonoscopy went well for both you and Rick. Ugh! I do not like the prep. You must be full into Thanksgiving preparations. Have a wonderful time. I love your rock travels too. I think you gave the rock quite a lot of adventures. Your sale displays were quite lovely. Good job! Love your first picture with the wreath. Very nice!!!
Oh, this wreth is amazing! I've recently made something similar with colorful leaves and some other Autumnal treasures!
I was thinking about making more of them, because it was such a fun!
I'm so glad, that your sale went well.
November was a tough month for me too, I hope we'll both feel better in December.
Rick and Cameron look so happy together. This boy is so big!
It's amazing how fast our kids grow up. I remember little Maja, it was just a while ago. And now she's 4 years old resolute girl.
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