I'm probably not the only one who savors the Sunday book section of the New York Times! One of my favorite parts is the "By the Book" questionnaire where they question authors on some of their reading habits and preferences.
The quiz varies a little week to week, based on the author. I thought I'd take one or two and share my answers!
What books are on your nightstand?
I don't have books on my nightstand but I do have a big pile in the living room that has spread over to the shelves on the desk next to it. It's a huge mess! The pile just got taller when my favorite bookstore announced it was closing, followed by some book gifts for Christmas! Probably the next few on my list are "Lilac Girls,"The Blue Bistro" by Elin Hildenbrand (thanks, Katie, for the recommendation -- and actually, just finished that one!), Philip Starkey's "Six Wives of Henry VIII," Louise Penny's "Glass Houses" and another few of the "Maigret" books by Georges Simenon. I'm a new fan.
What are you reading right now?
I don't usually read more than one book at a time but this year I am rereading one of my favorites, Vivian Swift's "When Wanderers Cease to Roam," month by month as she goes through her year. So, that's a chapter at a time. In between chapters I just finished Freeman Wills Crofts "Inspector French and the Box Office Murders."He's an author from the 1930s and this is from a series of vintage British mysteries from that period.
What is the last great book you read?
"Broken for You" by Stephanie Kallos. It combined all my trigger points -- art, grief, family, death and the Holocaust.
What do you read for solace? For escape? For sheer pleasure?
Since I'm not working, pretty much everything is for solace, escape or pleasure! I'm very big on the mysteries -- especially if they take place in England (although that's far from a requirement). They're both pleasurable and escapism for me. I've gone back to Anne Lamott's "Help, Thanks, Wow" more than once when things have been dicey in my life. And I love reading books with or about art and travel. England and Paris are my two go-to places for both fiction and non-fiction or travel books.
What are your favorite books on a favorite subject?
Which favorite?! Paris? England? WWII? For fiction, I loved Edward Rutherfurd's "Paris" and "London" (and "Sarum.") Also Kristin Hannah's "The Nightingale" and Doer's "All the Light We Cannot See." My favorite book set in Paris last year was "The Red Notebook." (Thanks, Lynne!) I'm big on Brit biography and love anything about the Mitfords, the Royals or Hilary Mantel's "Wolf Hall" novels.
Cooking? I love cookbooks. This shelf shows a few -- my favorites (not in this photo) are Julia's, Ina Garten books, King Arthur Baking Book, Nigella Lawson's "Feast," and "America's Test Kitchen" books.
Mysteries? Anything by Jacqueline Winspear, Louise Penny, Susan Elia McNeal, Christopher Fowler, Cara Black or Deborah Crombie.
What are your favorite genres and which don't you particularly like?
You know I enjoy mystery (not the gory kind so much but a little more procedural than the cozy mysteries). I like biography and history -- especially of the Royals and European history and as I mentioned before books where art plays a role. I also love cooking memoirs and about anything Julia Child-related. I really appreciate good non-fiction on a variety of topics.
I'm not huge on contemporary thrillers ("Gone Girl"-type for example) although I've read some good ones. If someone gives them to me, I'll read them but I probably won't buy. Keep sci-fi and fantasy as far away from me as you can!
What book did you think was overrated or just didn't like?
I have two. Both popular. Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch." The writing was lovely but it became so redundant. That's a book I think I would have enjoyed if they knocked out about 250 pages. The other (don't hate me) was Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth." In fact, that might be the first book where I got 500 pages through it and said "Life is too short for books you really hate." Both of those went back to resale and I got a good price for "Goldfinch," so all was not lost.
How do you like to read? Paper or electronic? Morning or Night? Where do you like to read?
Definitely paper. I like the page, the smell, the size, the ink. Mostly I read at night except in the summer when I'm up north and then I might find myself on the porch with a good book day or night. When I'm home I read in the corner of my sofa or in a comfy chair in the family room. Rarely in bed except at the lake. Up north, I have a favorite chair and of course there's the porch and the beach!
What's the best book you ever received as a gift?
I go back to it again and again -- "When Wanderers Cease to Roam" by Vivian Swift. She inspired my whole second passion for learning watercolor and I love her painting lessons on her blog. But the other favorite is Stephen Sondheim's "Finishing the Hat" -- the first in his two compendiums of lyrics and commentary from every show he's done.
What kind of reader were you as a child? Which childhood books and authors stick with you most?
I read anything and everything. "Little Women," of course -- I was nine. And the "Trixie Belden" mysteries ("Nancy Drew," too) got me started on a lifelong love of mystery reading. I also loved Marguerite Henry's "Misty of Chincoteague" series because of their beautiful illustrations and "Stuart Little" and "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White, partly because of Garth Williams' illustrations. When I was in junior high I read Anne Frank's "Diary" (and have re-read it more than once), "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Gone with the Wind" and they all have stayed with me.
You're organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite?
Agatha Christie, Bill Moyers and Doris Kearns Goodwin. Can I have four? I'd invite Louise Penny, too. And if Julia wanted to help out in the kitchen, I wouldn't mind!
Who would you like to write your life story?
Nora Ephron.
If you feel like playing along, join me!
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Oh Jeanie, I enjoyed that so much! I was a little girl reading through the Trixie Beldon series faster than we could buy them! I preferred her to Nancy Drew, but read all of those as well. I am a big fan of Louise Penney. I laughed about your Pillars of the Earth comment! Yes, a long book indeed! -Jenn
I enjoyed reading all about reading, lol. I know you love books as do I. I was surprised though to see how few books or favourite books and genres we have in common. It isn't that I wouldn't enjoy your books. I just haven't gotten around to them yet! LOL. I did really like Pillars of the Earth though. I liked it so much I read several more in that series. I also really enjoyed Edward Rutherfurd's books entitled New York, London and Paris. All great reads.
Great post. I agree about the Goldfinch, I liked the basic story, but it was definitely redundant. I like cookbooks that also tell a story, think Like Water For Chocolate.
Julia can come over and cook any time.
I'd have dinner with Agatha Christie, Ellie Griffiths and C.J. Box.
"What are you reading right now?"
This blog!
"What do you read for?"
I read to see. :)
...I like to read history too, but I never know if it is true. It's someone else's memories, maybe many someone else's, but I was not there.
Is that a mandolin on your top shelf?
How interesting that scifi/fantasy aren't high on your list. I never read science fiction; it bores me to death. For that matter, I've never seen any of the Star Wars films. There may be something wrong with me.
I'm not much of a fiction reader, either, although there is one novel in the pile next to my chair. In the spirit of things, I just grabbed the pile, and here they are: "Hemingway Didn't Say That" by Garson O'Toole (the Quote Investigator I depend on so much); "The Epistles of Horace" translated by David Ferry; "Absolutely On Music: Conversations with Seiji Ozawa" by Haruki Murakami; "The Curmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead" by Charles Murray (he of "Bell Curve" fame/infamy); "Draft No.4" by John McPhee; "The Mathematician's Shiva" (novel!) by Stuart Rojstaczer; and "One Man's Meat" by E.B.White.
I need to get reading~! This was a fun post, and great questions.
I certainly enjoyed reading about your reading!
And, I am definitely going to do my next blog post next week (things have gotten so crazy/busy already this year, I'm back to one post a week) using the same NY Times questions.
I won't have nearly as many lovely photos of books as you though - I shamefully admit I've succumbed to the 21st century and have a Color Nook with almost 600 books on it. LOL And it takes up the space of one small paperback on my nightstand. I can't help it. It's so easy!
Thanks again, as always, for sharing!
Hello, I loved reading as a child, I also read my mother's Perry Mason books. One author and story that stuck with me was Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. I loved horses and always wanted a horse of my own. I need to bookmark this post so I can go back and check out some of your books.
My latest read were The Red Notebook, Christmas Letter, Me Before You and lots of Cozy Mysteries. Great post! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!
I like reading books about books/reading and enjoyed this post as well. I've been a reader all my life and have enjoyed many of the books you mentioned. I didn't finish The Goldfinch! Louise Penny is my favorite author at the moment and glad to see she will have another book out this year, just later in the year than usual. I quit buying books (well, most books) and am a weekly visitor to our public library and take advantage of inter-library loan when they don't have what I want. Sometimes I will check a book out from the library to see if I want to buy it. My bookshelves are overflowing though I donate to the Friends of the Library sale every year.
I love this quiz!! I agree on The Goldfinch - I couldn't get through it. What a yawn!! I wrote down Broken for You. Looks good. I may take your cue and play along. Great questions. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear Jeanie!
I love these things. It was fun to read your answers and learn more about your reading habits, favourite books, etc. I did know some of it, like the fact you prefer a paper book, and the fact you enjoy mysteries, for example. As I said though, it was fun learning more.
I've read some of the books you mentioned, plan to read some others, and haven't heard of others.
I think I'll do this myself, since they're fun to do. Watch for the post appearing on my blog at some point in the not-too-distant future...
Hi Jeanie, I think the Nancy Drew books were not available in German when I was a kid but I read and loved all the Trixie Belden stories. I still like mysteries (NO cozy mysteries though) and love thrillers. I usually read in bed in the evening for 30 - 60 minutes.
Oh, Jeanie. I really must get some of these Louise Penney books you all talk about. I do enjoy a mystery. I would also like a copy of 'Hemmingway Didn't Say That'. Lately, I have been so busy with trying to purge my house and helping with the grandchildren that I haven't kept up with reading. I fall into bed at night too tired to open the cover of a book. I am still plugging away at 'Paris 1919'. It is very interesting and I a enjoying it.
What a fun post! A little bit about you and books! I love books and reading and now I've added some of your favorites to my list. I'm almost exclusively a fiction reader. I love mysteries, intrigue but also go for some modern fiction (Picoult, Hildenbrand). So many books that I will never run out of things to read!
Hi Jeanie -- Taffy thanks you for saying such nice things about a book that he isn't even in. It warms his heart to know that the lady who feeds him made something that is meaningful to you. XXOO
What a fun post! I have my Kindle Fire by my bed, and always have plenty to read there. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
You certainly are well read!
Wow, you have so many interesting books, Jeanie. I liked your answer to "How do you like to read?" I also like to hold a book in my hand, smell the pages, see the oldness of it, and enjoy the words! The picture of Anne Frank got to me, as the girls visited the Anne Frank house, and said it is something that all should see.
This is great post Jeanie, you’re a super bookworm. I love a good story. The Wind In The Willows was my favourite childhood book. I read one book a month from my book club and I’m slowly getting through my own that have mostly been gifted. A cousin of mine has floor to ceiling bookcases in every room in her house except the kitchen and bathroom!
What a fun exercise. A great way to get to kow more about each other. We have a lot of the same interests and early reading habits.
I plan on making this 'interview' a post, but I have cabinets that need painting. As the paint dries, I'll do some self-examination, then re-visit your post.
Thanks for sharing.
I have a mega book collection too. I LOVE books. I have obscene amount of cookbooks-especially baking books, and tons of art, travel and mysteries too. It's nice to read someone who book wise isa kindred soul. And has as many as me. :) Books are great, and I loved reading your post. Hugs-Erika
Delightful answers - you've added to my list of books to read.
Pillars of the Earth and the Goldfinch are two i haven’t read . . .
I would have, but seriously those I knew who read them didn’t really talk about “how wonderful”. . .
so it seemed a daunting task and I asked myself, why would I want to “get through them.”
The motivation for me was out the window . . ,
The Last Child, John Hart was an excellent although a difficult read. Excellent author.
I like Daniel Silva, Gabrielle series . . . the art theme is intriguing.
Brutal in parts . . . never could watch on TV or in a movie . . . I find it curious for me to enjoy a read of espionage and brutality.
(Enjoy doesn’t seem like the right word.)
I have an extensive library of books on grief and loss . . .
I have hesitated to let them go, ready now to donate.
The Red Notebook still a favorite, Broken For You, i really liked for it’s diversity.
Jojo Moyes, Me Before You, After You . . . I think Still Me, is her newest, I haven read.
Reading has been a life thread since I was young, Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Little Women.
As I reflect back I immediately see me curled up with a book.
I go through drought times when I don’t read and then there are times when I do nothing but read.
I need something that grabs me right now . . .
Sometimes I need mindless, like, reading a Stephanie Plum, Janet Evanovich . . . to check in on granny.
One thing for sure Jeanie . . . you are an eccletic reader . . .
Wealth of info in your post . . .
What a fabulous post. Like you, I have the Joy of Cooking, but that is only one of many I own. I loved reading all your responses and would also invite Agatha Christie and Doris Kearns Goodwin. But I would want Julia there to help me prepare the meal. And I love that there are no electronic devices, only real paper books.
Jeanie, we have much in common....books and travel for sure! I loved reading what interest you! You mentioned cookbooks, which I dearly love, especially if the author weaves in a story! Currently, I have ten books to read and I always read at night! Thank you for sharing your love for books and bu the way, I must hold a real book!
I love looking at your books..bookshelves..mine are by height lol are you surprised..
In my next life I was bookshelves that happen..not arranged:)
Paris is def. a theme chez vous..love it!
I liked the Goldfinch..not the end.. Gone girl I enjoyed and then as it went on not..
I have to go to Goodreads to remember what I have read.
I just read the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Frye with was readable..but also just read Ruth Reichl's For You Mom Finally.. 99 pages that could have been left unwritten I think as I knew almost everything since I have read her other books.And I am one that thinks unless your life was hell on earth because of one of your parents..why dissect their lives and open them to public scrutiny..? That's me though.
It just seems like the me me me syndrome..it's my turn to be happy..me me me..whinealots.
I almost prefer winealots.
I am with you and Vivian's books..they are treasures on my bookshelf..(all together:))Charm and talent.
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats was a fave of mine.
Sarah's Key.
Many books on the Holocaust.They rip my heart out.
Motherless Daughters.
Amazin Grace
They Left Us Everything
A Little Life
I Let You Go
Lilac Girls
The Fairy Tale Girl
The Bugess Boys
My Name is Lizzie Barton
Eleanor and Park
The House We Grew Up In
We Were Liars..
etc and etc and etc:)
Great Post!
Have a bon weekend:)
I went through my books several years ago and did away with most of them. I normally just borrow a book now and return when done. I only read a book once anyway so there is no reason for me to hold on to it and less for me to dust!
A lovely post, Jeannie! Thanks for sharing your reading experience and some memorable photos. "When Wanderers Cease to Roam" by Vivian Swift looks like a beautiful, inspiring book. There are many books by my night table. Just finished Henry James's "The Portrait of A Lady" (reading with Bellezza) and continued with its 'sequel', John Banville's new book "Mrs. Osmond". So now I'm free to attack the other ones that have been sitting there, in particular, Min Jin Lee's Pachinko.
I am not much of a reader....Mr. Sweet was and he had so many good books he enjoyed.
Hi Jeannie
I am also a bibliophile, and I enjoyed peeking at your bookshelves. One of the hardest things I had to do when we moved cross country was to cull quite a bit of my books, as I had more than 50 cartons of them packed for moving and it was getting too expensive to take them all. Now I am slowly rebuilding a new collection, but they are mainly donation books I buy at the library and then re-donate when I finish them. I am in a neighborhood book club, so I enjoy the challenge of reading books recommended by others and have found a few that have become among my favorites. My favorite genre to read is historical fiction or historical biography. I also have a large collection of cookbooks, although I do admit to searching online for recipes more often these days. I still like to look through my cookbooks for inspiration. I also collect "pop up" books. I have an assortment of children's classics in pop up book style, as well as holiday and civic and other themes. I admire the skill that goes into to making them. I also have collected works, such as Edgar Allen Poe, O Henry, Ibsen, Emerson, etc, and poetry books which I've loved since my teenage years. I recently purchased Mary Oliver's new bbook of selected poems called Devotions. I still have all my Little Golden Books that I read as a child and which my grandchildren have enjoyed, and Nancy Drew and Nurse Ames books. Aren't we fortunate to ahve such a wonderful hobby!
Oh my, not sure I am going to remember all the thoughts as I read this post. On my bedside right now is: Darjeeling (tea history in India), Kristin Hannah's book Winter Garden,Pema Chodron's book When Things Fall Apart, Simple Abundance, and When Wanderers Cease to Roam (I was reading through it last year, so how did it happen to be February and I am still in October in the book?)
Love Cara Black mysteries and have read Rutherford's books. I love historic fiction the most. Last books I really enjoyed are by Santa Montefiore, Daughters of Castle Deverill and The Last Secret of the Deverills. I would definitely invite Ann Frank and Doris Kearns Goodwin for a small intimate dinner party. I read mostly in bed at night and paper books. I must agree The Goldfinch was over-rated and is one of few book I have stopped reading somewhere in the middle. Tell me how Lilac Girls is, I keep being tempted to pick it up.
PS - I never read as a child. It was not encouraged in my home. So coming to reading later in life I can't miss a day without reading.
I always love your book posts! We have such similar reading interests that I enjoy seeing what you read. Many of the books you have read, I have read, but you read more than I do. I thought I read a lot, but you have a great range of authors and genres than I.
I so agree with you on the books that you found to be a big disappointment. I did not like either book, but I stuck it out and read both to the end. Maybe I will try selling “The Goldfinch.” Good idea. :) I think I gave “Pillars of the Earth” away, or maybe it is on my Kindle.
I’m making notes on what you read just as I always do.
This is so much fun. I never tried The Goldfinch-Loved Pillars of the Earth. I agree with you on Julia.
I think I will borrow this from you and give it a go.
I often read cozy mysteries for relaxation. Occasionally I read something more serious - just bought the ebook on understanding suffering in the world. Very heavy.
I believe it was Plato who said "A room without books is like a body without a soul".
Think I'll go read for a while on this cold, snowy afternoon.
I love reading. It is my go-to place for relaxation. I can't believe there are other people who have read the Trixie Belden books! I thought I was the only one. I just came upon several in my basement while cleaning.
I am currently reading The Olive Farm by Carol Drinkwater. It is her memoir about buying an olive farm in the south of France and then making it habitable.
I have never read that column.
This winter I have been reading novels on the shelves so that I can pass them on. Trying to make more room in the wee cabin.
This was fun Jeanie, I enjoyed reading about your reading! We have a lot of books. My mister loves history, I love novels, travel and mysteries. I still have my Laura Ingalls books, and Ann of Green Gables. I wish I had kept all of my books but we moved a lot so I shared with friends. I just finished for the umteenth time Bridges of Madison County. A book I always enjoy. I am one of the odd girls, I enjoyed the Goldfinch. Agreeded, it was redundant and could have been shorter. Like you I love my books, not digital. I read more when I read during the day but love to fall asleep with a book. Fun post!
I enjoyed your post Jeanie, and also love to read, real books too.
I haven't read many that you mention, so I will write down a few titles for future reference.
I enjoy love stories, historical novels, biographies and cookbooks too.
Ooooh, I might need to answer these questions in a post sometime soon! It's right up my alley since I, too, am a book-lover! Right now I am reading the 2nd book in the Inspector Gamache series. It's the perfect winter read since it takes place during Christmas-time so it's cold and snowy in the book, and cold and snowy here. I'm glad you suggested that I read them close to each other as there were already details from book one that I forgot so I am going to try to read as many of them this year as I can so I can get to know the characters better!
Your bookshelves are beautiful displays, works of art!! And the variety of your reading choices so very very rich!! I am always reading inspirational art books it seems, but the last novel I read and was immersed in was Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. Also, a book for young readers called Wishtree. An interesting non fiction book called Dollars and Sense.
I will come back to refer to your book choices, thank you!!
I'm a big Edward Rutherford fan too.
You might want to Check out an author named Maureen Lee. She has a long list of titles about a neighbourhood and it's residents in England. Her time frame is roughly 1920 to the 1960s, but she more or less ends with the Beatles. I love her stuff. I'm looking forward to two new books coming out this year.
wow, really great post! I also love to read. At the moment I don't have a lot of time for myself and I'm also dividing it for few things - books, DIY, helping cats and playing with Maja. But I've recently read 2 books written by Jo Nesbo (the Harry Hole series) and I'm going to read another one in the nearest future. One of my friend collected every single book written by Jo Nesbo, so I can borrow them from her :)
I also would love to read the newest books written by Tess Gerritsen, Camilla Lackberg and Dan Brown. They're waitng haha! :)
When I was a small kid I liked reading too, I stopped when I went to primary school. Teachers forced me to read book which I didn't like and it discouraged me for long years. I returned to reading books when I was in high school!
I'm so tempted to 'play along'! This is such a fun post to read. I'm so glad we became friends....we really DO love the same books. I check most of mine out from the library and read them on my IPAD. It has made ALL the difference for me! I've never been one to buy books and this gives me a change to put books on hold and check them out at home! But it's wonderful to have real books and I'm surrounded by them. You would be right at home here visiting me! Sweet hugs, Diane
This was sooo much fun, Jeanie!! Oooo...the NY Times book section...*sigh*...I miss that, I miss getting to read the NY Times in real, paper format. It's expensive to get, and even digital too. Your fave books on fave subjects could be my own. ;) Must ask...what is that lovely stringed instrument on the top of your bookshelf--above your Paris section--with the GORGEOUS butterfly (is that painted on, or is it mother of pearl?!) Is it a kind of ukulele?! The mystery genre has never been a fave for me, but I've read Jacqueline Winspear's Maisie Dobbs series and did really like that. They would make a great PBS series! I used to read a lot of fiction when I was younger, and especially all the classics. I find fiction more difficult these days, as I often find it hard to relate to characters and situations presented, etc... a lot of new fiction hype I don't get. I prefer more real stories now, I guess! The Vivian Swift Where Wanderers Cease to Roam looks sooo lovely...must see about that! Very much enjoyed your book memories. Book are such good companions! :) ((HUGS))
I love to read reviews of what others are reading Jeanie, and I will be checking out several of the books and authors you mentioned, thank you! I like to read chick-lit especially murder mysteries, and basically light fun stuff these days, life is stressful enough! My son gave me Vengeance by Newt Gingrich for Christmas and I can only read a few chapters at a time because it is so terrifying...its about terrorists, and I've learned a lot I just hope it has an upbeat ending...
Wow, it'll take you a week just to read these comments. I've copied the questions and will post responses one day...
Can you imagine what it would be like to have Julia Child in your kitchen? I would LOVE that!!! :-)
I think I've just added about 10 books to my to read list after reading this post. Some of your choices sounded really good to me.
I'm currently reading The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon; it's the fifth book in the Outlander series, which I'm loving.
The books I return to over and over again are Little Women (I'm on my second copy because the first one fell apart after being read so many times), Coming Home and The Shell Seekers, both by Rosamunde Pilcher (you may want to try those two since you love British books and WW2 books), and The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen. Oh, and Winter Solstice, also by Rosamunde Pilcher. Can you tell I love her?
I tend to read anywhere I can. At the table while eating if I'm home for lunch by myself, lots of reading in bed, on the beach when we're on vacation, any time I'm in a waiting room, and in warmer weather my favorite reading spot is the hammock in the backyard.
Great post!
I certainly don't find the time to read like I use to. However, I just started one about the bombing at the Boston marathon. I love Box car Children and Nancy Drew growing up. I love a good mystery much more than a mush romance book. :) I love having décor and gardening books around the house. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
I don't read much anymore which is shocking because I used to love to read. I used to love Kristin Hannah. Great post. I'll have to check out that watercolor book. I like to watercolor.
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