So, I thought I'd post a few totally unrelated (mostly) bits that I've been loading in, including some vintage postcards you are welcome to copy for your own use.
There was no shortage of subject matter. The photos ran from the very old (Grandma's wedding day)...
Through childhood. Ah, the kid's table, telly watching with Cousin David. I'm sure we were not watching "Psycho," but you wouldn't know from that photo!

And the first indication that roller coasters and most rides weren't my thing up at the lake!
And then there were the grade school moments with friends -- a party (I think our French class, but it might have been someone's birthday) and with my friend Michele, now a remarkable artist!

Then there were the college theatre days, on stage, backstage...

...And off.

Of course there were photos of mom and dad (this was from their honeymoon. Don't you love his sweater?)...
...and friends and family. Below is my Creative Women's Party, where a group of diversely talented women all brought something to show that demonstrated their talents -- from voice to quilting and all in-between. That was about 18 years ago! I should host another of those!
There were favorite moments with Rick and the kids. The photo on the left finds them freezing cold at the bus stop when we "forced" them (well, we sort of did force them) to take the bus to the movies with us. The one on the right is my favorite of Rick and the boys, taken about 12 years ago in North Carolina.

And then there were photos of those whom I can never photograph again. There was Rick's Uncle Bob, just the best guy ever and his cousin Andrea, another talented artist gone far too soon.

The photo below is simply a reminder of a favorite day. We went to Andrea's graduate art show at Cranbrook and had brunch before. Lots of happy faces in this one. Missing is Kevin who, in a bit of a pique, decided he didn't want to be there and stayed in the car the entire day -- miraculous, considering food was involved!
And then there was my high school friend, Gail. Lovely, kind, full of spirit and soul. And gone far too soon. And of course, my sweet Marmelade Gypsy.

I promised you some postcards -- here they are, just in time for spring. St. Patrick's Day, anyone?
Or lovely tulips?
How about LOTS of tulips!
For you Jack Russell Terrier fans, a "Jack Dog." (Long before there was a Gypsy, there was a Jack!)
And a chroma -- a French advertising card from Bon Marche.
I leave you with my favorite photo of Rick and me, taken Christmas 1999, very near to the start of a new millennium.
Have a good few days! I'll be a little behind visiting or replying to comments but looking forward to catching up!
What wonderful memories. <3
I love the little kid pics best!! For better or for worse, the "cousins' table" setup is familiar to most of us big kids. :)
Scanners are really a fantastic invention, though sometimes I don't have the energy to rev up the scanner, and I just use a camera instead. Your trip through photos with happy memories is really enjoyable. The creative women's party sounds very good.
such a wonderful collection of photos! It must have been grand to go through and remember.
Hi Jeannie! It is wonderful hearing from all my fav. bloggers. Yes I have been away way too long! What a nice walk down memory lane for you with all these cool photos!Oh yes I remember our parents dressing so snazzy in their especiallY.
I love the idea of Creative womans
get together! Talk later! love and light.
Great photos! I like the first one and the last one the best. I simply love old photos (the first one) and photos showing joy and love (the last one.)
How fun to get these all together! You remind me that I don't do enough with my photos.
Wonderful, Jeanie! Now you have me thinking that I need to get down into my basement to find all those photos from WAY BACK and scan them, from my grandmother's times to when I got married! You are SO CUTE in all of these photos of your childhood!
How nice that you shared all of these with us. I love, love that photo of your Grandmother and her dress is fabulous, and the one of you parents on their honeymoon, and of course, that last one of you and Rick. And you were an adorable little girl. Such fun pix, Jeanie.
The photo of your gran could have been taken yesterday. Fabulous dress too.
Heather :)
What a treasure trove of memories. You've had a wonderful life, Jeanie. Friends, loved ones, and the joy of growing up together are what make life beautiful. Thanks for sharing this inspiring album with us. ;)
I love seeing all of these photos! So fun! I especially love the one of your parents on their honeymoon! The shirt your dad is wearing is awesome!!
Wow, how fun it is to watch old photographs. It is very interesting as you can compare clothes styles, hairstyles and more. Your grandma was very pretty, and the dress wow, very different from nowadays yet as beautiful.
I bet you were watching some horror there :)
Those post cards are also fun.
Thank you for sharing these precious memories of yours.
It's a great day for memories, and you do them so well. Thanks for sharing - and I love that last picture too.
Wow, Jeanie! I'm so glad you re-discovered your scanner. I love seeing pictures from various life stages -- from the kid's table to college and beyond! I especially love the last one of you and Rick! And, of course, another glimpse of the fabulous Gypsy brought tears to my eyes. Thanks so much for sharing the treasure that is your past and present!
A life in pictures!
You must be very glad that you have saved all these photos from the depths of a box somewhere.
Hi there...isn't it fun to go back and look at the old pics of...( who are those sweet kids)? My Grands just love an afternoon of reminiscing . Great photos,
Hugs Marg.
Great pics! I love the childhood ones!!!!
What a delightful collection. It always amazes me when I see your photos. You're so lucky to have so many from every stage of your life. Of course, I have many from the happiest seasons of my life. A kind of natural selection has sent many from the less happy times to a place far, far away. :)
what priceless little bites of art, these soon to be heirlooms.
I love the way you use them in your art (like the gorgeous whimsy on the birthday card you sent's right in front of me:))
The one of you and the hubster is simply much love and sweetness:)
Thanks for sharing the beauty,
Your scanner got a workout! Lucky us. I love see old family photos.
Your grandmother on her wedding day-- So beautiful.
Your childhood kitchen and table reminded me of mine and all your lovely friends and family. Sigh. Very nice.
Thanks for taking the time to share them. It made me smile.
xo jj
Jeanie, I enjoyed so much seeing the photos of you as a young girl and of you and Rick. Just fabulous! I really love the photo of your mom and dad, they were so good-looking. Scanners are a wonderful way to share treasured photos with family and friends.
Thanks for sharing your memories...........
I forgot to thank you for sharing the postcards. One of my favorite collectibles.
Thank you for sharing such a fine array of photos.
That first one of your beautiful grandmother is a classic and the Dutch girl in the tulips reminds me of visiting Holland when I was a girl...sweet memories!
Great you remembered you had a scanner! Your photos from the past are fabulous! I also love the vintage postcards :)
Thanks for sharing!
Love your album and pictures. That is a sweet one at the end and I can see why it is a favorite.
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