We're having crazy good weather these days.

The world feels upside down, as though we must be living in Australia!

St. Patrick's Day is always a day for merriment, but it was an odd sight indeed to see college revelers running about in Spartan Green T-shirts and leprechaun hats without the benefit of a jacket to warm them from the cold! Fraternities were having lawn parties, and the streets were full of lovely young things in spandex-tight neon green shiny pants (belly buttons showing, of course!) and cropped tops, making their way down the streets to the next party.

I was in art workshops all day (all weekend, actually). You'll hear more about that in another post -- it's going to take me a bit to synthesize it all! On St. Paddy's day, we got out and I headed to Rick's. I was amazed that even at 7 p.m., it was in the 70s -- it had been in the 80s earlier.

Rick, of course, did his ride, getting in plenty of early miles! When I got to his house after dinner with my art pals, I found him and his Detroit buddy on the patio where they had grilled out. I had a glass of wine with them, and it was impossible to believe we were sitting on the patio in mid-March in short sleeves and sandals!

It probably means bad things for the Earth, but I have to admit I'm loving our early spring and hope it lasts! You can see signs all over -- bulbs beginning to pop up...

...time for long walks at the Ditch!

The forsythia is coming into full bloom, making the walk there all the prettier!

(no Harry yet, but it's lovely!

I've been enjoying seeing the other walkers, their pets, and yes, my duck friends!

The geese are out in full splendor...

...and so are the daffodills!

...My neighbor's Easter tree is a sure sign of spring...

...and so is Rick, hard at work outside!

All this plus garlic scapes! Last fall, Anno gave me a bulb of her home grown garlic and instructions. I carefully planted the individual cloves in a large pot, mulched it (which blew away) and now am waiting for the best garlic in the world!
Gypsy Update Some of you have asked me how Gypsy is doing. Well, I think the Gyp is a miracle boy!

He's not only eating like a pig but playing like a crazy boy! I smile all the time when I think about his miraculous recovery! He's not much in the posing mood below, but I daresay if I brought out the treats, he would have smiled!

Happy Spring -- maybe not officially, but at least in my part of the world it is, and I'm happy!

Enjoy it while it lasts -- there was a huge blizzard in Flagstaff over the weekend!
I love that spring is finally here. I also worry about the unseasonably warm weather, but hey, enjoy it while you can. In Colorado, we usually get our worst snow storms in the end of March after having mild winters. So, who knows?
I hope Gypsy continues to improve.
I am so glad that Gypsy is doing well! What a miraculous recover, I was worried about him. :/
I, too, am loving this beautiful weather. It puts a spring in my step and has helped me kick this funk of a mood I've been in for the last couple of months!
Great images of our false spring. Great news about Gypsy. Hard to realize it's still winter today.
So glad to hear that Gypsy is doing well. We had a week of spring-like weather and now it has cooled down but it sure was nice while it lasted. Like Retired English Teacher said, March is usually our snowiest month in Colorado so who knows what is to come.
Wow...so many things to comment on...first off, I'm so glad the Gyp is feeling more like his cattish self. I'm not even going to talk about sandals and tshirts and forsythias and water instead of ice, that's just downright not fair!! All weekend in an art shop, that would be downright heavenly. And while I am not one for decorating every holiday that comes up, I do love your neighbour's Easter tree (are there treats in all those eggs?)
So good to hear the latest on Gypsy. I can't believe the weather you are having. We have been having such a mixture from snow, sleet, rain, to sunshine all in one day. It is crazy here too, but not in a warm sort of way. Look forward to hearing about your art weekend.
We are happy to read that Gypsy is doing well :))
Spring has start here also !!
Lovely shots ....
Beautiful pix of spring in your neck of the woods.
I am reveling in our beautiful spring weather, although it's still chilly first thing in the morning with some ground frost it soon warms up.
The daffodils are an amazing sight this year and my forsythia is about to "pop"
First of all, I'm glad to hear your Gypsy Boy is doing good.
And secondly, enjoy all the lovely spring weather. We've had some rain and hail over the weekend but now it's back to springtime again. Sunshine and almost 70º for today and even warmer over the next few days.
your butterflies
and tulips
had me all smiles;
thanks for sharing your
signs of springing!
and for always shining
so brightly,
So happy to know that your "boy" is doing SOOOO Well...! I'm happy for him and for you! Such a sweet face.
And Spring seems to be everywhere!!! Amazing and kind of scary, too....As you said, it's probably not good for the Environment...But it's lovely for you and many others...!
Happy spring to you. These are gorgeous illustrations, and photos from our amazing warm days. It is a bit frightening, but it does feel good. I did Pilates on the deck when I got home from work last evening.
HAPPY SPRING, Jeanie! Lovely seeing all the signs of spring there... I love all the butterflies. :o) And so glad Gypsy-boy is doing good now. He's sweet. All cats are miracles. ;o) ((HUGS))
Loved your descriptions and pictures of an early spring, Jeanie! It's amazing, isn't it? The temperatures were warmer last weekend in the upper Midwest than they were here in Arizona where it was cool and rainy. Some of our snowbird neighbors were thinking of heading home already. I'm so glad the Gypsy is better and feeling frisky!
crazy good is the best description !!
and that egg tree is the best easter thing i've seen this season !!
I love those floral graphics, Jeanie! They are so classy, albeit yes, I love the real ones too. This is a beautiful post, as always. It's interesting how so many people have their own take on our early spring. Like you, I'll probably walk to enjoy it. But I don't expect so beautiful lakeside views like yours. We're very dry, and everywhere is brown.
Jeanie - you will not find me in tight spandex (unless I'm biking) but even then, don't worry - my belly button is covered! (I'm no longer a cute young thing!) Loved your walk, and I'm so happy Gypsy is rambunctious again. Bob biked in Denver last week, and we're planning on going down April 2 for a month of biking before the snow melts here at altitude. When is Paris?
A well and happy cat and spring!
Life is good.
First of all, I am so happy to hear Gyp is still playing around. What a trooper. You've been lucky with your gorgeous weather this time of year! Enjoy it!!! Even my peonies are poking through the ground!!! xoxo
Hi, Jeanie! I'm back again... and just wanted to thank you so much for your visit to me & my husband's art blog! It's early days with that projects, so it's wonderful to have "visitors"! :o) ((HUGS))
Aren't those first warm days wonderful. We've had beautiful weather, too. Enjoy yours while you can.
Oh I love this warm unusual weather, but sort of scare for the summer to come!
Beautiful photos as always, Jeanie! The garlic part sounds interesting..
I really like your spring butterflies and botanicals!
Spring IS most welcome again...isn't it!
You all take care
It has been an unusually warm Winter/spring in NYC. Everything is blooming ahead of scehdule. I hope it lasts as I am enjoying it!
PS: So glad Gypsy is doing well!
Glad Gypsy is doing well. Love that furball.
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