Beware of shuttle drivers who see the digital sign that says "Freezing conditions. Be careful of ice on road" and speeds up.
That was how I was welcomed to Nashville, attending the NETA meeting -- education from the group that really does a fabulous job of training, distributing programs and really making me be better in my work.

For five days, Rick has been giving Mr. Gyps his pets and loves and food while I'm gone. This is the south. Why it has snow all over is beyond me, but the whole south is somewhat socked in. At least there were no flight delays and all is well.
Nashville is pretty nippy -- the pansies are struggling.

Even the lions at the hotel entrance are dressed for the occasion! Truly Nashville cats!

The first highlight was Roasted Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese lasagna at The Tin Angel. To die for.

Took a morning walk through part of the Vanderbilt campus, which is across from our hotel. It's beautiful -- like the pretty part of MSU's campus. (We go from the sublime to the ridiculous in our architecture!).
Loved the graceful, solid lines of this building.

And this view.

There's a good amount of snow here, and I loved the holly berries.

Some interesting campus sculpture -- some obviously designed by trained artists...

Others from would-be sculptors!

Gotta love the sunglass eyeballs and the fork in the head!

Our afternoon sessions were, for the most part, large but interesting. An evening reception provided opportunities for reconnecting with old friends (and wonderful shrimp with roasted corn and butternnut squash served over grits. The secret to the grits, the server told me, is to make them with milk or cream; not diet food, but oh, so creamy!)

More to come!
Those pansies will survive - a true cold weather flower! Your photos are wonderful - not everyone gets snow shots in Nashville!
I am going to be different and comment on your last post.....I love love love love all those old postcards, calendars, and everything else!! I just love that style but wouldn't know what to do with them all,,,,I'm sure you'll do great things though!
What a great sense of humor to bring to the Cats event. The lion is truly one cool cat. I love the fall leaf/pansy/snow picture. It's like have Fall, Spring, and Winter all rolled into one and summer was forgotten.
As I've come to expect, great photos! The food sounds delicious. Glad the snow didn't interfere with travel plans.
What fun! Even in the snow, Nashville looks like a great time. Love the blanket-covered lion. And, if you ever work out the recipe for that roasted butternut squash lasagna, would love to hear it...
Wonderful photos!!!! xo
Fun, fun and more fun.
Great photos!
I bet Gypsy was glad to have you home.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for the update. Vanderbilt looks elegant. The snow man looks like an alien. What a winter they're all having down there!
Oh, my goodness! I love grits and butternut squash and I'm eating shrimp cocktail as I write this. Everything sounds delicious in this post, but...
Lest you think I'm only focusing on food, the holly reminded me of my sister. We decorated with freshly cut holly every Christmas when we were kids. When she grew up and moved to New Hampshire, she missed it so much. They don't have holly.
Loved the lion with his robe.
Snow everywhere! What's going on?
I'm sure all of us who listen to WKAR will benefit from your trip.
Also love the pansy pictures and the lion with a jacket. I have never been to Nashville, but sounds like it would be a fun place to visit.
My sister lives here and if we move again it will proably be here for almost 20 years it has been my second home and I love it.They are getting a lot more snow this year than usual. It was good to hear from you.
hi jeannie:) looks like you are having a grand time with lots of different interests coming together in one trip.
p.s. i think that thing sticking out of the snowman's head is an antenna. he looks to me like he might be related to ET or from somewhere around 'area 51'.
everything has been good here, no worries. i'll be posting some photos of our sweet babies soon:) it's good to be back and visiting you again jeannie XO
This looks like a great trip! And you're certainly used to the snow, so it must have felt just like home (lol)
Sometimes it's good to get away from the daily grind, even if it's work related.
Vanderbilt University looks lovely - I'd like to visit Nashville again someday (in the summer time!)
I did not know Vanderbilt had such a lovely campus. My daughter is working there with a fellowship. She sent me the foreign film schedule that Vanderbilt will show this year to entice me to come. I think I’ll ask her to give me a tour of the campus – but she won’t have time as she is there usually 10 hours a day. But I’ll do it alone now that I see how nice it is. There is still snow in the backyard – amazing, after a week!
Fab photos and I hoped you enjoyed yourself. I love the building shots their lovely.
Great pictures. Love the dressed lions! ha!
i love the boobs on that SNOW WOMAN !!!!
Love the lookk at Nashville you're sharing with us Jeanie ... very cool ... the lion with the "coat" really makes me smile!
Weather has gone kind of whacky all around the globe it seems?
Those two photos of the brick building are splendiferous - I love the stairs especially, but I'm a sucker for curved stairs.
Believe it or not, they've just been putting pansies in around here - maybe the last couple of weeks. It's been entirely too warm for them. They'll be finished by March or April, and we'll go back to our tropicals.
Pansies are one of my favorite flowers - love seeing them in snow!
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