Rick wanted to find the cobblestone street he rode up on his bicycle when looking for our B&B. But first we encountered this lovely church.
We didn't venture in but learned that the woman honored in the statue on the lawn was Catherine de Longpre, who was born in Normandy, France and entered an Augustinian monastery at the age of 12. Two years later she volunteered to help settle New France.
This was in 1648 and she continued the work started nine years earlier. As Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin, she dedicated her life to helping the poor and is considered one of the foundresses of the Church of Canada.
Then we found Rick's road. Let's just say walking down this was not a picnic and I can't imagine riding up it with 30 pounds of tent, sleeping bag and stove on your bike!
I have to add that it is even more steep that the photo because it winds! Good job, Rick!
We ended up in the Basse Ville or lower town of Quebec City. There are pluses and minuses to this area. It is charming, the buildings are old and it is filled with history. There are wonderful art galleries and antique shops. Some were closed when we passed by and we window shopped.
Good thing. I would have bought these plates in a heartbeat.
We did venture into one, which included some folk art as well.
The downside? Tourists!
I know, I'm a tourist too. But I come one or two at a time. When the cruise ship dumps off a whole ship of tourists, it gets a little more crowded.
Never mind! It was a rainy day, there were loads of art galleries and we sought shelter in all of them, I think! And they were remarkable.
Some allowed us to take photos of things we liked or the overall area. We were very fond of the work in one gallery with beautiful sailboat paintings and wonderful countryside views.
Rick and I both loved these paintings.
And these, too. This guy knew how to work the palette knife, and in fact, that was the tool he used. No brushes.
But the first gallery we visited, the gallery of Pierre Boudard, was one to which I knew we would return. (I'll show you my birthday present from Rick later!)
You are always reminded that you are in a city that was centuries old. One gallery made fine use of their cellar as a beautiful display area.
Many of the artists were from Quebec or Canada but there was also a large contingent of artists from other countries as well. Most of the prices exceeded $1,000 (Canadian) and most of those were well into the $2,000 to $6,000 range. Many will include shipping or offer a very good rate on it, along with generous interest-free payments for the first ten months. It's very tempting!
Of course we had to walk and shop and the first spot we saw was a bicycle shop!
But no matter who you are and how high or low your shopping level is, you have to admit, it's easy duty when there is so much eye candy! Beautiful buildings...
...plenty of spots for an ice cream or glass of wine or lemonade!
And if the going gets tough, one may be able to find a spot to rest while the other half is still shopping!
Our rain stopped not long after we started and while it was still rather drizzly with occasional showers, it was still a pleasant time. People were all very polite and all were enjoying their time in Quebec. And why not? It's gorgeous!
Rick made a new friend, too!
Here's a good photo tip -- always look behind you and look up! In Quebec City, you are likely to find new views of Chateau Frontenac everywhere you look!
And if you have easy-peasy camera settings, try some of those too. They may or may not work but sometimes you end up with something really pretty!
We had a little more time in Basse Ville, before lunch, but that's for another post! About this time we were hungry. It was mid-afternoon and Guitta's breakfast held us well, but we could use a little lunch and didn't want to fight the tourists. There's an afternoon to come! So Rick took the high road and I took the funiculaire!
More to come!
Miss anything -- here are links to Day One (Arrival) / Our terrific B&B
Oooh, how lovely! I had no idea that Quebec was so hilly, or so beautiful. I would love to wander those streets. But I can't imagine cycling up those steep lanes with so much luggage! What a memorable trip you had! Hugs, Valerie
Like walking through a dream!
I'm getting caught up with your posts! Oh how I would love to visit this area....ever since I read the books by Louise Penny. Wonderful art...amazing old buildings! Oh and a good looking man to take you all around! Hugs!
Beautiful! I love the charm of Quebec City with all the cobblestones, lovely old buildings and flower pots galore. I also share your love of those paintings. If I were to buy a painting, I'd want one like the ones you are showing.
Thank you for taking us along on this magical tour. WOW, I love all the old building, flowers and everything. I would have been in 7th heaven seeing all the wonderful sites.
So glad that you had a wonderful time and my hats off to Rick for riding that far. My son loves to cycle also and does quite a few rides, but never that far.
Are you still at the Lake or home now? Take care.
It is gorgeous. How I would have loved strolling through those amazing streets and galleries. The palette knife paintings were indeed wonderful. Now I can't wait to see your new painting.
I forgot how pretty the lower city is. When we went in 2002 there weren't any cruise ships. Wow. I am not against cruises but other than a quick feel for the city I can't image they had all that much time to explore. Especially with so many people. Cool views though. Did you ride the tram (can't remember what it was called) back up to the upper city? Hugs-Erika
Hello, what a lovely city and tour. The shops are lovely and inviting. The art work is beautiful. I would hope the cruise ship tourist help their economy even thought the crowds of people are not fun. I am glad you had a fun day. Great photos, thanks for sharing your trip! Have a happy day!
Jeanie, you have really piqued my interest in Quebec! I felt as if I was enjoying the trip,with you! Beautiful photos...can't wait for the next installment!
You are making me happy.
I took the funiculaire too:) And I love all your pics..FAB.
So many people have not visited QC..and or Canada..you have and your delight shows..
I see Rick's cyclist tan lines:)
One of our daughter's and son-in-laws took a Mediterranean cruise..and ..lol yes the crusie ships! And the people..Greece..Croatia..etc..packed..
but they were cruisers also;)
I see paintings in your future:)
It is really lovely to see QC through your appreciative,artful eyes.
This looks amazing! The window boxes filled with flowers, the colorful shutters, the art galleries...it all looks like so much fun. :)
A beautiful city. The Louise Penny books have definitely made me want to go to Quebec and your photos certainly add to this goal.
I loved Quebec, Jeanie, and can see you did too. We were there in the month of September, and I don't recall cruise tourists for whatever reason. You're right about the Frontenac and taking a chance on shots. I got a really cool (it's on my post from few years ago). Ahh, those plates! I would've probably gone back! The window boxes, winding streets, shops and galleries - all so very pretty! Thanks for sharing.
Sold...Quebec City is on the travel radar...I'd forgotten how lovely it is and closer to home...well, a little closer. Lovely how you captured the magic.
How wonderful! I love your vacation. I think we need to go to Quebec. I've never been to Eastern Canada.
I enjoyed the tour very much, Jeanie! Thank you for taking us with you. I've seen so many travel documentaries over the years on TV but never one about Quebec. What a shame! It's so beautiful and it looks like you had a wonderful time.
xo Julia
Thanks for sharing your adventures in such a lovely, spellbinding series of images and thoughts. It was so lovely to see you and Rick and share a bit of Strathroy's modest offerings, especially following the heels of your Quebec City tour! Take care of yourselves and we will talk again soon, I hope.
~ Anne
What a lovely place. Bet Rick loved that bicyclist sculptor:)
Now this is a magical city!!!!!!!
Wow...great shots. Thanks for sharing. Such a cool place.
Oh, Jeanie, thanks for the tour! I've always wanted to go there, but never have. Though his father was from Quebec, my husband has never had any interest in going there at all. I might just have to go there without him!
I was smiling while looking at all your great pictures. I have some photos with the very same views. Quebec City is a real tourist draw. It is beautiful and I love the old French Canadiana architecture. Thank you for sharing.
I was feeling the travel buzz through all your photos! I love exploring new places. Loved the plates in the shop. Don't you just hate it when you stumble onto a cute shop and it's closed!!! Lovely place to visit Jeanie. I am sure you and Rick had a wonderful time.
Wonderful trip, Jeanie. So colorful and filled with beauty. I love those charming roads and buildings and flowery window boxes. How fun it would be to shop there. And the folk art is something else. : )
How beautiful is Quebec! I shouldn't be surprised by it's "old world" flavor, etc... but it's just amazing to see! What crowds though! Maybe that shouldn't surprise either--everyone wants to go there. ;) Lovely little church and wonderful history. It looks like a place rich in so much to see and do...A real feast for the senses. This was great fun, Jeanie! And am I right to guess Rick's gift to you was a work of art?! Love all the paintings! (And I'm thinking maybe you've got some great photos to use for your watercolor painting?!) Very fun art work for that bike shop too... is it make of cloth?! That is such a vacation photo of Rick--waiting while the lady shops. ;) LOL... Can't wait to see your Day 3's adventures! ((HUGS))
Thanks for showing us good places. You walked long time in the city. I really enjoyed your post.
Wonderful pictures and recap . . .
I am convinced . . ..
Quebec . . . on my list!
I simply adore your first day around Quebec City. It's a real beauty and I fell in love with the flower boxes, as well as those plates where the shop was closed. All in all, you took some glorious shots, but I felt Rick looked rather tired, at least until the final photo.
I can't get over how charming Quebec is! I can easily see why you loved your time there so much. I would have been turned away by hoards of tourists getting off a ship, too. Yes, we are tourists, but I don't like being around HUGE groups of tourists! I'm glad it wasn't an all day, constant kind of rain so you could still enjoy yourselves and not come back to the B&B a soggy mess! That art gallery with the cellar is beautiful!!
I enjoyed your posts about Old Quebec City....I feel like I've been on a guided tour! Your photos are fantastic, and I appreciate your commentary. I really need a trip....somewhere....anywhere at this point! ;P This has been the summer of moving children for us!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comments. You have made my day! I am your newest follower via Bloglovin'. I wasn't a fan of Bloglovin' at first, but now I love it! It's my favorite way to follow blogs now, and I like how responsive the app is on my iPad.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ricki Jill
Dear Jeanie,
What a simply magical trip! I just love the buildings. Everything is so charming. You always take such beautiful photos, I feel as though I was there. The artwork is gorgeous!! Thank you so much for sharing.
It was so nice to see you had come to visit. Thank you for your name suggestion, Jeanie!
Jeannie, I love traveling with you. You are a great tour guide and have piqued my interest in this area. I know you enjoyed all the art.
Meant to tell you I liked the picture of you in your last post.
Chateau Frontenac is quite impressive. Great photos of your trip.
I would have been absolutely gaga over those views. Those window boxes and stone buildings and flowers and narrow streets and art galleries. Everything is so intriguing. Thank you for being a faithful blogger and sharing all of this!
I laughed when Rick sat out the shopping. He could conquer that cobblestone path, but shopping did him in.
What a memorable trip you had! Hugs, Valerie
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