The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Halls are Decked. Finally!

It seemed to take forever this year. Blame it on Thanksgiving. I do. But welcome to my holiday home! This is your guide, Lizzie! (Cue the Music!)

(I warn you -- this is a long post. But time is running out and I can't break it into pieces. I got such a late start this year! And that's life.

Let's start in the living room, shall we? It's actually one long room, living at one end, dining at the other. And of course that's where the big tree is.

I call this tree my autobiography. Every ornament (many of which you might have seen HERE) really has a personal connection -- a gift, a purchase while traveling, or just something I loved.

Did you know that the incredibly talented Laura from Decor to Adore creates an ornament for charity each year? I'm lucky to have one of her 2019 creations!

All this is anchored under the skirt with tubs of cat litter. Because we know cats can knock down trees (though Lizzie has been very good. I take no chances.)

A couple of living room vignettes -- I love the cotton, of course! And one of my favorite Nativities.

The silver deer are resting on a Southern Exposure garland done HERE with red berry stems added this year.

I also have my Woodland Tree in the living room.

It has favorites that are mostly snowflakes, birds, and woodland themed ornaments with the occasional snow person thrown in.

I gave you a peek of my Happy Tree HERE. When I was a kid my aunt had a flocked tree and I just thought it was weird. And then I grew up!

And I wanted one so much, that even though I have too many trees, I got one last year on sale after Christmas. It might be my favorite!

This little one is right in front of one of the cabinets. You might recognize it from a long-ago Southern Exposure post!

Moving toward the dining room, we have the White Tree. Everything here is largely silver, white, or pastel. With a hint of red here and there!

It stands beside the china cabinet, this year decked with greens and some treasures old and new.

I love this snowman by The Whimsical Whittler. Years ago I visited their beautiful home HERE and HERE. Oh, the Christmas joy!

And this little holiday girl is a new purchase from Vintage by Crystal. I love her holiday pieces!

The top of the cabinet is one of my favorite eye-resting spots!

Then turning the corner, check out the Solstice tree. Here comes the sun! Soon, I hope!

There's something about sun, moon and stars that just gives me a bit of awe!

I love my Hitchcock hutch I found at an antique store -- a great deal. It is pretty from the outside...

...and fun to decorate within!

The Christmas plates and Doulton Lady were my mom's and special to me (especially since two of the plates represent Christmas in England and the Netherlands!).

Moving on, we hit the family room. This room is one of my favorites because it reminds me of the cottage. (The curved garland is another Southern Exposure creation.)

I decided that the bottlebrush trees had to have center stage on the mantel this year!

I've collected a lot, dyed even more, so they show up in a lot of spots!

The tree on the hearth is my "Mom" tree -- these are ornaments she loved -- or ones she would have, had she lived long enough to choose!

Of course, Lizzie has her Cat tree.

It's right by her feeding and bird viewing station!

Across the room is my little chest and atop it a tree given to me by a friend who was moving. It's loaded down with icicles, along with some of the Santa collection! (I think that's too much stuff in the space, actually, but I don't have time to declutter it!)

And my fave flocked wreath!

That room moves into my VERY tiny kitchen (with the broken oven). So, just a couple spots of decorating here -- above the sink to make me happy while I tend to dishes...

...and this shelf that I picked up (literally) on the street a few years ago! And that's changed since I took the pictures, since I thought it was way too cluttered and took some of it down.

Tea anyone?

I did that in the family room in more than one place -- tore out a whole greens arrangement. I couldn't see anything because there was so much and it was making me nervous. At least in the other rooms it's spaced out! But it is too much for a very small house and even though I try to cut back, I just want my holiday friends out with me!

A hall wreath. There's supposed to be a wall tree in the hall too -- but not happening this year!

The bathroom just has a little pink tree and the Santa who looked like my graduate advisor!  Love that it picks up the mirrored lights!

In the hall you'll see my Caroll Spinney (Big Bird) wall. To be honest, it's a badly designed wall. The nails work better with what's usually hanging there (which, as you might guess, are photos and art related to Paris!) The Spinney cards are from the late puppeteer and his wife over many Christmases. There would be more but I couldn't find the same frame this year. More on Caroll Spinney in an upcoming post.

And a short stop in the bedroom where your tour guide is pausing on my Mary Engelbreit "Believe" spread.

This Nativity, under the Dad Tree, came from a friend who moved. I love their sweet faces. But we'll visit Nativities more later.

I won't show you much of the office because that would scare you. It scares me.

I leave you with your holiday home guide -- taking a break now!

That's it, folks! Probably more than enough! If you missed posts on five cookie recipes I love, Southern Exposure, grieving during the holidays or others, you can click on the tab at the menu on the top of this post! Thanks for hanging in so long!

Sharing with:        Let's Keep in Touch    /     Share Your Style    /     Best of the Weekend    /     Pink Saturday    


  1. Absolutely amazing! It must take you forever to set up and take down. I love the autobiography tree but my favorite is the white flocked tree. I've never seen one decorated with the round balls on sticks and that tree is so bright and happy you can't help smile looking at it.

    That's clever using the kitty litter containers to help hold the tree up. I can't imagine what Lizzie thinks of all the color and lights. You should have been a designer.

  2. Wow Jeanie! You really go all out with the decorations for Christmas. I can barely put up one small tree with lights and baubles let alone several, lol. They all look lovely but I think my favourite is the first one. I also like Lizzie priceless expression. She looks very Christmasey perched on the wonderful seasonal bed linens. Merry Christmas.

  3. Your home is a Christmas wonderland. It must make you happy to see and remember! Merry Christmas!

  4. Oh my gosh, Jeanie. I can't imagine the amount of time it took to get everything up. Thanks for sharing. The trees and decos are absolutely beautiful.

  5. Oh it's all so pretty! Thank you for sharing.

  6. WOW!! SOOO gorgeous!
    Love all your trees, Jeanie, autobiography tree is so magnificent and happy tree and woodland are so spectacular!
    and all decorations are very impressive.

  7. Looks very Christmassy, well done on getting it all in place. I don't need quite so long to put out my three ornaments! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Wow, that is really some big tree! How does Lizzie cope, must be a playground-temptation for her?
    The deer are cute, see, I forgot to take a pic of mine! Fluffy one, that is.
    Wow, more than one tree, I´m impressed!
    Your cat must be the best to not go into all this deco!
    The Mom tree is a wonderful idea. As Lizzie´s!
    A bathroom tree!! :-)
    Please give my thanks to the sweet tour guide!

  9. I thought I had a lot of trees, Jeanie, but yours are BIG. I love that you also decorate your bath with trees. I love the white one, and I never thought to have a Lizzie type tree. I may have to rectify that situation one of these days.

    Great post, dear. I agree that this has been a very late time to decorate this year because of Thanksgiving. I was thrilled to see your Christmas fare, because it is SO inspiring.

  10. Thank you, Lizzie, for being such a wonderful guide. It all looks utterly festive and charming! You have indeed been busy. I wonder how long you leave it up for? Here, we put up late but take down on Epiphany.

    Festive Greetings!
    Deb in Wales

  11. Oh my! In my most humble and entirely respectful opinion the word overkill is writ large here, Jeanie. It is over the top!

  12. Your house looks gorgeous. I love all your trees. I would have more trees if my house was bigger. And I am with you about a big tree full of memory ornaments. That is what we have. I also have a narrow winter woodland tree which I have in my dining room and which I keep up later because it isn't really Christmas but more winter, and the lights are so nice on these dark days. I think you do that also. Anyhow, you have some gorgeous ornaments and decorations. Nice new little present lady. She is a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing so much holiday spirit. One week and counting. Hugs-Erika

  13. The fact that you managed to unpack and put up all of those decorations since your Thanksgiving is astounding! Someday, just for fun, you should show us just how many boxes and bins that is! Put your feet up now, Jeanie! I hope you have lots of gatherings and visitors to see all of your wonderful things! -Jenn

  14. Oh, dear. It seems even more overwhelming this year. I did smile at the kitty litter anchors. When Dixie Rose was here, I began using a thirty-foot length of 3-8" galvanized chain around the tree's bottom to keep it anchored. It worked, believe you me!

  15. Thank you for the tour Lizzie! Jeanie, I can't believe how many trees you have! Holy wow, it's like a Christmas tree lot! Hallmark should film a movie at your house! I used to think flocked trees were tacky but I love them now, I just might have to get one when they go on sale :) But biggest problem with holiday decorating is even though I LOVE to do it, once it's done, I tire of it quickly, and can't stand clutter...but then you take it down and the house feels so bare...ha ha. Enjoy all your beautiful trees!

  16. I would be tempted to leave it all year:) Quelle joie de vivre you have.
    So much work..

    but ..look at all the memories♥
    Must feel so good.

  17. You are decked out, my friend, in the loveliest of ways. Enjoy your holidays, stay healthy and safe, and eat and drink like you mean can always get back to healthy lifestyles in January. Well, that's what I plan to do anyways.

  18. Your home is so festive and fun! I can see why it takes awhile to deck the halls since you have so much decorating to do! I am gradually adding to my decoration collection. This year I focused on outdoor stuff - planters, window boxes and 2 wreaths. I also bought some things for our fireplace mantel but that space needs some work. I'm hoping to get some bottle brush trees on clearance after Christmas! I bought a pretty red berry wreath to hang above the fireplace, though, and I love it. I think I will keep it up through the winter season since the red work for Christmas or Valentine's day!

  19. Jeanie, your home is adorned beautifully. My favorites are your autobiography and mom trees. Those fortunate enough to visit your home will be welcomed with a feast for their eyes. Each space exudes love and warmth and a life filled with wonderful experiences. Wishing you a most wonderful Christmas my friend!

  20. Lovely decorations, Jeanie! They really are a sight to behold.

  21. Oh my . . .
    A M A Z I N G
    I love trees that “tell a story!”

  22. All I can say Jeanie is WOWSA!! That must have taken you forever to get everything up and decorated. I love that each tree and area have special meaning to you. That is what I love most about Christmas, the way it encourages us to share these special "love" spaces of our hearts and minds. I think my favourite of them all is the shelf wit hall of the little houses and wooden figures. I am a sucker for anything miniature! I wish you both a very Merry Christmas Jeanie! All the best in 2020! xoxo

  23. I would enjoy sitting there and taking it all in. This reminds me of my mom’s Christmas decorating so I get fuzzy inside from it! You’ve done a great job! There’s no time required to put up Christmas deco. I prefer it not to be up for too long, I think it takes away from the excitement of the season! Cheers to you!!

  24. Oh, my goodness Jeanie, Lizzie is exhausted and you must be too. You are one amazing soul. Everything is so Christmas, cheerful and beautiful. I know you enjoyed every ornament and decoration you placed on your trees and scattered about your home. Truly, Jeanie, your home is lovely. Now what does Lizzie think? That is what is important.

    Merry days to you, relax and enjoy all that your marvelous talent has created.

  25. Oh my Jeanie...I lost count on all this wonderful it all!

  26. Oh my goodness, you are truly a Christmas woman! How many trees was that? I lost count, but love how you have all your themed trees. So many wonderful memories. That's what I call true comfort and joy! Merry, Merry Christmas Jeanie, Rick and family! XO

  27. Everything looks so pretty, Jeanie!! You did a lot. I especially love the's so big and welcoming with the decor around it.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  28. Jeanie, you have an amazing assortment of ornaments and I think you can never have too many trees. It all looks so festive and pretty and our tour guide did a fantastic job. Cracks me up, her tree, food and bird watching station! Too cute..I am now going over to the cookie post..Have a wonderful Christmas with Rick and the family..xxoJudy

  29. Wow! My great aunt would have been in seventh heaven in your home, Jeanie. She used to love Christmas decorations so much that when she was old she used to keep them up all year. She used to say, why not, it was her favourite time so why shouldn't she be happy? I'm awed that you have done such a great job on so many trees!

  30. What a festive home you created! Love that Santa too! I have heard that kitties do not like the smell of oranges and if you place them around your tree they will leave it alone. My kitties have never tried to knock my trees over...knock on wood. LOL Janice

  31. Yes, a long post but the. You had a lot of holiday decorations to share, Jeanie. I liked seeing your many trees and where they are placed. Also how wonderful to have those plates from your mom.

  32. Lizzie is so sweet, that was a perfect picture to start your post. I love how inventive you've been with the Christmas trees, they look lovely. Also, I'm particularly impressed by the anchoring with the tubs of cat litter! Wow, that's a fab idea.

  33. The pictures of Lizzie are especially cute:)

  34. WOW Jeanie, you sure do Christmas decor in a big way!

  35. Jeanie, your home looks beautiful! I love all of your trees and could never choose a favorite. Enjoy your holidays!!

  36. Oh Wow Jeanie! You've certainly gone all out this year. Everything is just gorgeous! So much to shout out about, I love your mom's ornaments and the tree on the hearth. Love Lizzie's tree and your flocked wreath, love that. All the shelves all decked out. Your home looks amazing. After all that work of putting everything up please take time so just enjoy it............Have a very Merry Christmas.....

  37. I always love hearing about your festive decorations. It sounds like a Winter Wonderland in your home...

    Also, you're lucky with Lizzie. None of the cats I've ever had would have left the stuff alone like she does.

  38. Don't faint, but I did a little decorating this year (we're not going to Denver). I thought of you as I was putting some of my Santas out. I have a huge collection, but only display a few of them each year. All the work of all your trees is worthwhile when those lights are shining and the ornaments are glittering. Lizzy is an excellent guide.

  39. Your decorations are just amazing! The first tree was so stunning I couldn't believe each was just stunning in it's own way. You must have boxes and boxes to store all of it. So beautiful!

  40. That's a LOT of Christmas cheer! How wonderful to be surrounded by it all! I especially love the "Mom" tree, and that Lizzie has her own tree, too. Merry Christmas, Jeanie!

  41. Oh, Jeanie, what a magical Christmas wonderland you've created for the holidays! Your trees are just knock-outs! Each and every one special and unique (even a bathroom tree! You have me SO beat! LOL) - but, without question, that Solstice tree has stolen my heart. So intriguing - I want to see each ornament closely LOL. Your nativities are beautiful, as well. I only have two - one quite old 1910-1920 painted plaster set that has faded to a gentle patina and only has 10 figures. Sadly, it lost its stable before it came into my hands. I also have an Italian Fontanini set which is painted resin (bah LOL) - but it's more lavish with 24 7.5" figures and a really lovely stable. I finally got all my trees completed (not as many as yours! You are definitely the Christmas Tree Queen!) and photos posted on my blog. I feel like it's been a marathon this year!

    Hope you have a terrific Christmas holiday and dazzling New Year! (and I'm so glad we've re-connected!)

  42. It all looks F A B U L O U S

    All the best Jan

  43. Wow, deck the halls it is, Jeanie! Everything looks so festive and merry for Christmas. I always like to see your decorated trees, and wonder how you manage to put them all up for Christmas. Are they already decorated and stored each year, or do you decorate them when the season comes? I think I'm partial to your "Happy Tree." And the porcelain lady in red is so charming. Your fireplace looks warm and cozy. It reminds me of my mom's brick fireplace growing up.

    Well, enjoy your Christmas decorations as long as you can, my friend. I imagine it was a lot of work putting everything out, and it all looks great.

    Merry Christmas, Jeanie. Thank you for your friendship these years.


  44. Such BEAUTIFUL Christmas blog. Perhaps someday I will try to mimic some of what you do but not right now, so I thoroughly enjoy seeing what you have done. Keep up the great work! And I am glad the broken ovenhasn't gotten you down! Love to all.

  45. Oh, wow! These decorations are amazing! <3 So many details, which make your home warm and cozy place!


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