Saturday, April 13, 2024

Harry's Back and the Geese are Nesting

There has been a lot of gloomy weather here and truth be told, my walking legs haven't been up to par of late. But on a rare sunny day I knew I had to check out the Ditch and see what was happening. The first thing that hit me were the wispy splashes of green that screamed "Yes, spring really IS coming!"

That was followed by a burst of white blossoms. Not all the trees are in flower but this one was leading the pack.

The geese were out in full force and no matter where one looks, it is likely you'll see a nest or a goose or maybe both.

Sometimes they are very well camouflaged!

And sometimes, they are not. I came across this pair and one was busy at work.

Yes, this goose is building her nest in the mulched area in front of one of the viewing benches.

And, she is building it with mulch alone, one mouthful at a time. It was fascinating to watch her, though I also worried about repetitive stress injuries for repeating the exact same motion every few seconds!

She'll be close to the water and have a lovely view!

One thing is for sure -- her partner is not going to let anyone near that bench until after the goslings have hatched!

And then there was this.

Yes, Harry the Heron is back! 

It's good to see my old friend and I look forward to many more visits with him!

PS -- I accidentally deleted the comments to this post -- if you came by, commented and don't see it, it's because I deleted and can't figure out how to get them back!

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Prims By The Water said...

YAY Harry is Back! Plus he looks prouder than ever. Over here in the marsh the swans, geese and various ducks have all arrived and are nesting. No sign yet of herons or egrets, but the muskrats have also came out from their Winter dens. Janice

mireille said...

I love the heron! I am always weary of geese but they are fun to watch.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did wonder where the comments were!?
Thanks for putting in the PS message :)

So pleased that Harry is back.

All the best Jan

The Happy Whisk said...

Excellent shots. I've done that to with comments. Though lately, it's been fighting with Spam as in, good commenters ending up in spam.

Karen said...

I have one of the trail cameras on the pond across the road. So far we're only seeing a pair of mallard ducks. Looking forward to the herons stopping in soon.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I'm so happy to finally see Harry again. His appearance truly marks spring is here.

Christine said...

Welcome Spring!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

It's nice to see signs of Spring. Wonderful photos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's a welcome sign to see Harry back! And the geese are beautiful. Lovely signs of Spring there!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jeanie :=)
Yes, signs of Spring are evident in your lovely photos, and birds are pairing up, but Harry is still alone, I hope he too finds a partner soon. Those wood chippings will make a nice cosy nest bed for the goslings, and you're right, not a single person will be able to sit on that bench, the male Canada Goose will see to that!:=)

DVArtist said...

Such nice photos. Looks like spring is really taken hold in your area. Thank you for shairn with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Love the goose housewarming project! Hope Harry the Heron enjoys his return!

R's Rue said...


Carola Bartz said...

What a lovely little outing! It's so good to be out, isn't it? I have missed that after my surgery, but I hope to be out there real soon, maybe even tomorrow. I hope the geese will not be by stupid people who think they have to mingle or annoy the birds.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,

Yay for Harry the Heron, I am glad he has returned safely to the Ditch.
Great shots of the heron and the geese.
Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

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