The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Postcards From the Lake: So, It Got Cold. And Wet.

Given my options (and no one has) I'd rather it be rainy in the summer, when at least it is warm and not 40 degrees. Especially with day-after-day of rain and cold. The weather gods didn't ask me. They should have. It's not the greatest time to be outside, though we've tried. But it was definitely not the day for a walk like this one.

This sunset, the first day, might be the best we get.


Rick had an online meeting and since the bedrooms were too cold to hibernate in, I decided to head to town, do a few errands and kill some time. I took a brief jaunt to the ski area where we go to look at the color at least once a year. It was looking pretty good -- not peak, but on the way. (This is a sneak preview of a post to come!)

Then I stopped off at the elk park, just on the off chance the were up feeding. And they were.

This large area (I think it may have been land fill) is a preserve for area elk and a few similar creatures. At least once a day (and maybe more, who knows?) they put out food for them and the herd crowds around for feeding time.

I was lucky -- they were chowing down and happy, oblivious to those of us taking photos through the fence. Well, for the most part! There were a few who looked at us with curiosity!

This big fellow was most impressive. He was enormous and had a big, bellowing voice to match. He often kept to himself until...

.... he would decide to check out the ladies (who didn't appreciate it all that much.)

Some women don't mind being hustled during dinner. This group was oblivious.

There were a few young ones too. 

I'm not sure if this was an elk or one of the others who share the space but he was graceful and majestic.

I could have stayed all day -- but then it started to rain.

If it was rainy and gloomy that day, the next was worse. It's a good time to read, to blog, but not much for getting out. I think the only folks who emerged yesterday were the duck hunters and I hate waking to the sound of shooting, knowing that some of my beloved ducks may be the target. By the end of the day Rick said, "let's drive by the ski joint and check it out." We would have a drink at the bar, come home, make chili and catch up on "Only Murders in the Building."

So, off we went, because it wasn't raining hard. Yet. And look what we saw!

This rainbow followed us most of the way there, sometimes brighter than others, but pretty stable. 

I've seen a few rainbows in my time but this was the brightest and the "thickest" through.

We never got a look at the full arc, but at least half covered the road.

We were on our way, almost there. And it was a good ride.

But there is more to come!

Stay tuned!

Sharing with:    Saturday's Critters   


  1. That's an endless rainbow. Thanks for the elk pictures. I've never seen elk in person, so to speak.

  2. Jeanie, we are thrilled for a little rain this afternoon, our ground is parched. The elk photos are fabulous, they are majestic animals. I always love a rainbow photo, yours are beautiful. Stay warm and cozy and enjoy lake time, my friend!

  3. Beautiful thick rainbow!
    Loved seeing the critters chowing down, of course.
    It's been cold here, too. Frost and even freeze warnings.
    I always feel badly for the animals during hunting seasons, too.

  4. Jeanie, that Elk park is something else! What grand animals they are. The third photo with the Autumn foliage is beautiful. It shows all the colors of Fall. We get the golds first in the mountains, then slowly the oranges and reds. I like that photo of the curious little Elk, she's so cute. I love that bright Pink sweater you are wearing. It looks warm and soft. I must get some clothes for the colder days ahead. And that rainbow! What a blessing that was to see that, and for such a long time on your drive. Looking forward to seeing more of your Fall, Jeanie. : )


  5. Gorgeous rainbow -- it's unusual to be able to see one for so long! And I loved the pictures of the elk -- such majestic creatures. Sure hope there is some cozy comfort coming at the end of this story... you've left us on tenterhooks!

  6. Those elk are incredible! And to have the big bull bugle for you was a bonus! I think I could sit and watch them all day.

  7. The leaves, the horses, the Mooses are all fabulous here.

  8. What a beautiful rainbow! I haven’t seen one in quite awhile.

  9. Hello, Jeanie,

    The rainy days are perfect for reading and hot hot soup or chili.
    Love seeing all the elk, they are beautiful animals.
    The tree here are still mostly green, only a few colors here and there.
    The rainbow is a treat to see, love the photos. Take care, have a great day!

  10. A good rainbow there.
    The colors are beautiful.
    The baby elks looks like he needs an cozy blankie over his shoulders.

  11. Any day when you can enjoy the glorious colours of fall, and a rainbow too, seems like a near perfect day to me.

  12. That's too bad about all the rain and cold. But that's a very pretty rainbow, and the elk are cool too. This might be mating season, and the males have their harems, which is probably why there was a male herding all the females. Have you headed home yet,or have you been toughing out the weather. Our nights have been chilly, down into the high 30's, and leaves are really starting to turn. hugs-Erika

  13. Ever since I got back from Florida it's been rainy or damp and cold (complain, complain, complain); The leaves are just beginning to turn here; so it's also borderline drab (more complaining). I am warm and dry at my house; so I really should stop mwallowing.

  14. Thankfully, it is raining here today. We haven't had any rain in a month or more.
    Your rainbow is beautiful!
    The elks were interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed your outing.
    Have a good week.

  15. Looks like you had a nice day in spite of the weather!

  16. Loved this post!! a day in the life at the lake with Jeanie & Rick. of course all the pics are wonderful!! such a gathering of Elk; my goodness!! your selfie pic shows how lovely and happy you are. The vibrant rainbows are beautiful! Take care know how much we who follow you appreciate your presence in our life.

  17. Feeding time at the elk park is a joy as is the magnificent rainbow following you around. I feel the earth is sending you a sign :) At least at this time of the year the trees look cheery even if the weather is not so bright. Have a happy weekend! Wren x

  18. Weatger has been so poor here with cool rainy days on end..I need the gardens to dry a bit to put them all to bed:) Take care!

  19. Good idea to drive around if the weather is bad (but not dangerous)! Beautiful rainbow pics.
    best, mae at

  20. Beautiful fall colors. We also had some rain. The weather is changing, colder at night. How fun to see the elk. I always enjoy seeing a rainbow. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  21. Now, that sounds like a truly wonderful time! All the animals and oh, that rainbow!
    You really did the best - much better than reading or blogger (thankfully you did this later!).

  22. I think cold rain is partially what motivates us to go to Florida for the Fall and winter. You got some amazing shots at your visit to the elk park. But of course nothing is more happy and uplifting than seeing a beautiful rainbow and that one was a real beauty!

  23. I have never seen an elk in Hawaii. Look at those antlers. Pretty scary! I love rainbows, too, especially bright ones like this one. Cheers!

  24. Bellisssime foto, adoro l'arcobaleno.

  25. I really enjoyed this post and your fall season. Sorry about the cold wet days - and I bet gray skies too. The deer park looks amazing. I'd love to visit there. I'm looking forward to your future post on the fall colors.

  26. The weather didn't deter you..Love the Elk park..Great pictures..
    Beautiful rainbow!!

  27. Seeing the elks and that beautiful rainbow made it a wonderful day.

  28. One thing I totally missed living in FL and in Hawaii? the changes of the seasons, as my #1 favorite is... AUTUMN !!! Always has been. Your foliage is getting mighty pretty - gonna be stunning !!! And then... winter will be upon us, though I do love the 'holiday season', including Thanksgiving, which is my favorite BIG HOLIDAY meal to prepare every year. I do the 'big holidays. Used to also do big meal on New Year Day but stopped doing that several years ago and now do BIG blow out buffet on New Year's Eve and then we eat all the leftovers from that buffet on NY Day - so enjoying that new routine !!! Anyways, enjoy these pretty fall days, because the cold winter won't be far behind...

    Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA

  29. We should probably watch Only Murders in the Building while we still have Disney, for we don't plant to renew. We have seen the first wo seasons, and I think there are now three.

  30. We should probably watch Only Murders in the Building while we still have Disney, for we don't plant to renew. We have seen the first wo seasons, and I think there are now three.

  31. I'm so glad your area has an elk preserve. And that rainbow...wondrous.

  32. What beautiful elk and rainbow. How lovely to tuck in from the rain and read awhile and have a bowl of chili too. I can only imagine how beautiful the colors must be getting each and every day now. I do enjoy the changing of the seasons.

  33. This is so sad, and then happy. Rain and a rainbow. How fitting.
    Our Novembers are always so wet and cold. Then it is snow tire time!
    A lovely post.

  34. Hello Jeanie:=)
    It's been ages since I have seen a beautiful rainbow such as this one, so nicely captured. The shot of the autumn coloured trees is stunning, and I also would have wanted to stay longer at the Elk Park.Shame about the rain, but I'm glad you didn't stay at home, or we would not have been able to enjoy all your photos.
    All the best

  35. Jeanie,
    Beautiful pics as always...Our temps. are finally more seasonal and we had a few days without rain but rain will be back for the next few days..Our trees are still quite green...I do not know if it is the rain or the hot temps. we have been having but our Fall Foliage season is way behind schedule here...I chuckled at your comment about where do I keep the food in my Kitchen...I have a pantry closet in the den where everything is kept.And if I ever kept any food out on my countertops or anywhere else in the Kitchen, my mother would be rolling in her grave!! LOL!! Thanks so much for all your visits!!

  36. Wow, what a blessed day...rainbows and critters, or should I say CRITTERS...they are magestic creatures. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! Sandi

  37. I relate in having to sludge through an unneeded surplus of rainy days, but at least you got to get up close to the elks and see the rainbow! What a great opportunity for photos!

  38. The Elk park surprised me. Are they native there? I suppose they could be. I know a woman in Kansas who hunts, and every year she harvests one elk to provide food for the rest of the year. But she isn't selfish -- on her dog's birthday, he gets an 'elk birthday cake' that's frosted with mashed potatoes!

  39. Like that gathering at the elk park.

  40. Hello Jeanie,

    I enjoyed this post, all the Elk photos are wonderful. What a cool place to see the wildlife. Cute selfie of you and the elk in the background. We are having a rainy weekend, we do need more rain. Beautiful sunset at the lake and a lovely rainbow capture. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  41. Oh, my goodness! The elk! Exciting! The rainbow is nice :)

  42. All those elk! And that rainbow! Beautiful pictures.

  43. If I can possibly help it, I don’t walk in the rain. It’s been raining all day today so no walkies for me :) Good walking boots would help but the pavement would still be too slick for me. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all your photos. I bet the chicken(?) Rick was barbecuing tasted great, and those elk, what a wonderful series. Super photo of you and you look very pretty in pink. How very nice to finish off with rainbows. Have a great week Jeanie.

  44. The elk are majestic animals--how nice to be up close and personal to them! And that rainbow makes all the rain worth the wait for that one. Have a happy weekend, my friend.

  45. Great post! The Elk photos are amazing, and the sunset and rainbow are beautiful.

  46. The elk are beautiful, how fun to be able to see them up close~ I always get excited when I see a rainbow, nature's way of spreading hope!

  47. Seeing the elk really is special and the Fall colors. Love the rainbow too that you saw on your drive. I've gotten a little wet this past week but it was warm here. Enjoy your Sunday!

  48. Lovely photographs of the elk, and what an amazing rainbow.

    All the best Jan

  49. That rainbow is so gorgeous! Taco and his classmates got to see a beautiful, vibrant one from their window at school last week. I didn't even realize it had rained since I don't face a window and had my head down for most of the day.

    It's been cold and wet here, too. We do need the rain, I just wish it was spaced out a bit! Our creek is the fullest we have seen it in year and at one point, part of the creek path that I run on was flooded! It was quite the change from the creek bed being nearly dry during the summer!

  50. How exciting to actually be able to see elk in the wild. Sounds like you're making the most of a cold autumn. I do love the carpet of colorful leaves in your last post.

  51. When I saw elk in real life they were so much bigger than I'd expected! what a magnificent sight to see them all together!

  52. When I saw elk in real life they were so much bigger than I'd expected! what a magnificent sight to see them all together!

  53. There are wild elk just south of Maynooth. Rick wouldn't want to meet them while he was cycling! I was through the village on the weekend. Memories was not in existance the last time I was down that way, preCovid. I think I did hear it was sold and going to open a B&B back then. The colors were AMAZING in that area!


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