The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Postcards From the Lake: Entering the Autumn Zone

After a few days of having a fire going in the fireplace from dawn till dusk, the cottage warmed up a bit. This was a good thing as the weather continued reminding us that in some things we have no control! Even when it wasn't raining, it looked as though it might. Word on the street was that we might get our temps up to 50 during the day here in our second week and there might even be sun (well, partly cloudy) on one of those days. Talk about crossing your fingers for luck!

As I mentioned in the last post, Rick and I decided to head to Treetops, one of the many golf/ski meccas in our area, to check out the color. This is an annual tradition for us over the past few years. The views are fabulous. 

Usually we'll go, wander about the hilly area checking out the color headed down the various ski runs. I find the image of the empty chair lift, waiting for its winter visitors, is always interesting.

We might sit in the Adirondack chairs, feel the sun on our faces, talk a bit, all while enjoying nature's splendor.

Then we go into the sports bar where we might have a beer or get a bite to eat before heading home, the ride back through what Rick calls "The Otsego Alps" for their hills being nearly as pretty as the view from Treetops.

Not this day! It was so cold and so windy on that hill that we took a cursory look around, snapped a few photos, and then headed straight to the bar for that overpriced beer and even more overpieced appetizers! The view was just as good and a lot warmer! 

This isn't peak color for our area in the fall, though it certainly is beautiful. 

By the time it gets peak, I'll be back home. And that's not a bad thing! 

Bittersweet, perhaps. 


But not bad.

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  1. Wow, the trees and looking so colorful and your photos are beautiful .
    The treetops resort looks like a great spot for leaf peeping, beautiful Autumn colors. Our trees are looking blah compared to your photos. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Those colors are amazing Jeanie. We went out leaf peeping yesterday ourselves, and the colors were beautiful, but maybe it's because of all the rain or something, but our colors are popping spectacular this year. But as you said, there are some things we cannot control, so you just roll with what there is. I hope it warms up a bit for you. hugs-Erika

  3. Wow, that color is fantastic! And it isn't at peak?!! We are just starting to see a bit here.

  4. A wonderful way to get out and enjoy beautiful Fall color!

  5. What lovely colors; especially that photo with the yellow swathe near the top--gorgeous!! Sounds like you had a nice, if chilly, outing!! No colors here except for a few muted yellows--trees still holding their greenery...
    thanks for taking us along on your trip...hugs, Julierose

  6. Wonderful colors even before peak. Thanks for showing us.

  7. Love the colourful trees, so beautiful. We haven't got much colour here yet. Three days back it was warm and sunny, today it's freezing. And the heating isn't on yet! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. We are almost on an identical latitude, but it may have been a bit colder there recently as most of our days have gone up to about 57. OTOH our trees may be further along, but it's hard to tell. Keep warm over there.

  9. That color looks quite amazing to me! (Britain doesn't get fall color the way North America does, mostly because we don't have the sugar maples here.)

  10. Beautiful colours, a lot prettier than ours right now.

  11. Gorgeous! Too bad it was so cold. The photos look glorious, though. :)

  12. Gorgeous! Too bad it was so cold. The photos look glorious, though. :)

  13. Beautiful images! Nature always gives us landscapes to admire. Greetings from

  14. So beautiful. I'd love to visit your Michigan in Autumn, Jeanie. You get more reds where you live than we do in the mountains. I will post northern California's Fall tomorrow. I am seeing lots of golds right now. A beer and an appetizer sounds pretty good to me. I love that pumpkin photo at the treetops resort. Thanks for all the pics Jeanie! I love seeing the Autumns on all my friend's blogs.


  15. That was a good decision. What a great spot for colour.

  16. Beautiful colors!

    The cold drenches the senses in fall when you're outdoors.

  17. You do live in a wonderful area. Love it. Wish we had autumn in Hawaii. LOL.

  18. Oh My!~ The colors of those trees are spectacular- so bright and vibrant. What a great way to spend an afternoon. Hope your place warms up a little more.. It sounds chilly inside.

  19. The trees look amazing, such wonderful colours.

    All the best Jan

  20. The autumn leaves are just fabulous!

  21. The colours are far more vibrant than ours. Everything seems a little muted here. I certainly do appreciate the cool temperatures of autumn, however, after the brutal heat and humidity of summer. Today I led a bird walk for about twenty enthusiastic participants, the temperature was about eight degrees and with everyone suitably dressed, it was perfect! And we didn’t even buy overpriced beer and grossly overpriced appetizers. We went home and had gnocchi for lunch!

  22. Gorgeous for sure
    we just started to see some colors the last couple of days, but all weekend it has windy, rain, and cold low 50's I sure miss not having a working woodstove-would take the chill off for sure. the house pretty cool for just me to save money I keep it at 72 but feels colder in here than that.
    thanks for the photos

  23. Gorgeous colors on your side! Not a lot of color here yet and am afraid we wont get a show this year. Cold and rainy all weekend too. Janice

  24. Your autumn colors are stunning, so much more gorgeous than here. I wonder what peak color actually looks like - it must be amazing. Our autumn colors are beautiful, much later, but they certainly lack the brilliance of the colors in your photos.

  25. Brrrreathtaking color!!! Thanks for braving the cold to share these beautiful pictures!

    We've got a bit of color change here, but mostly it's been the kind of cold and wet that has already put me into hibernation mode. Sure doesn't inspire me to take a long walk. Even our local woodchuck seems to have made himself scarce. The crows, though... they're enjoying themselves, cracking acorns and walnuts on our roof!

  26. It may not be peak for your area, but it is stunning for someone whose trees go from green to brown. Loved each photo!!

  27. I love autumn. Amazing photos

  28. So beautiful!!! I have to say it again... this is my FAVORITE SEASON!
    Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA

  29. At last I have a visceral understanding of your temperatures! Our low tonight is going to be 50 -- for the first time since March 20. Seven months have passed since we've been so cold! When I got up this morning, my first chore was remembering where I'd stashed my long pants -- and where are those jackets? With a north wind blowing, it's going to be a chilly morning at work -- but so, so enjoyable. It's too bad we don't get the color to go with it: at least most of the time. Some years are good, but the drought already has dropped a lot of our leaves. Enjoy yours!

  30. Superb colors! Ours are not peak yet!

  31. You have much more color up by your cottage than we have around us. We’re still waiting and then we’ll take our backroad drive to Lake Michigan. Happy Autumn Jeanie!

  32. Wow, Jeanie. That is absolutely stunning color, and you say not yet peak?! I even love the cloud cover and fog, but I can certainly appreciate your dashing in and out for photos with the wind!

  33. Not bad at all. In fact, quite beautiful. Sorry it was too cold to sit in the Adirondack chair though. Glad you still enjoyed the beauty awhile and an overpriced beer.

  34. That´s a cute idea with the window!
    No 10 horses would get me into such a chair! Huhhh....
    Wow on the colors. Here still green slowly turning to yellow.

  35. Jeanie,tank you for stopping by to say hello. Reading your posts I see that you like to cook so I invite you, if you wish, to visit my other blog about food. It's

  36. Love the preview of Falls color..We're not there yet..Beautiful indeed..Enjoy your week..

  37. I love the colours of fall, lovely photos Jeanie!

  38. The sky in the first photo doesn't look like most autumn days in Michigan that I remember. The second photo with the overcast clouds and a little gray is more like it. Love all the fall color - I do miss that but not the sky.

  39. Wonderful autumnal photos. I love the colours :)

  40. Jeanie, the fall colors are stunning. We are no where close to that yet. We are having lots of cloud cover and wind. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos!

  41. I don't like overpriced drinks and snacks but sometimes you gotta do it.....

  42. I don't like overpriced drinks and snacks but sometimes you gotta do it.....

  43. Finally, we're getting some color!

  44. Oh my, how breathtakingly gorgeous!!

  45. The chocolate I bought on holiday in the Jungfrau observatory was WAY overpriced, but it was my birthday, and as you said Jeanie, sometimes you've just gotta do it :-)

  46. Jeanie, even if those colors were what you called not quite peak, they were still gorgeous. The colors here have been rather dull in some areas because there was too much rain this spring and summer, but there are some colorful areas in several New England states and that does attract the leaf peppers, always.

    Thanks for the comment and well wishes for our upcoming UK trip. I know you will be traveling vicariously there in spirit.

  47. Your autumn is so colourful, reminds me of my New England road trip a few years back. How cold is it? We have a warm October so far but not much colours except yellow and brown.

  48. That photo "window" is spectacular with the pumpkins surrounding it.
    The Autumn colours are splendid, we don't get much of that here in Perth.
    Beautiful photos Jeanie.

  49. Wow, those photos are so gorgeous! We don't have views like this around us. We'd have to drive south or north to see those kind of vistas. The leaves are slowly changing here. I think the change has been a bit delayed by the deluge of rain that we've had lately!

  50. Just a wonderful post. The photos are fabulous.

  51. Wow, just look at those colors, amazing! We don’t get the colors you do. We are having a hot spell this week. Strange how the weather fluctuates. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  52. Mind_blowing colors! Nature at its best performance.

  53. Your Autumn colors are _gorgeous_! We are beginning to see some color change here, but nothing at all as stunning as yours.

  54. Oh, golly we are just starting to turn a few trees here and late this year, so your post and photos are such a treat. Fall is my favorite time of year, and it has been dreary and wet here, today is a mixed bag, but thanks for all the lovely Fall photos!!!Sandi

  55. Such beautiful photos! Hard to believe that isn't peak color for the area. Everything is so colorful.

  56. Beautiful!!! I love your yearly comparisons, and how this year you enjoyed it a bit differently. Lol. Sounds like it was a great day!

  57. Fabulous photos, Jeani! I love Michigan in September and October!

  58. Jeanie... And this ISN'T peak??! Wow, the trees and shrubs are spectacularly colorful!!! Thank you for taking us to this ski resort. Just lovely!!! I was really excited to share your post at this week's Share Your Style #408 for you. <3

    Enjoy fall! Ours is just beginning here in North Texas (it has been too hot until the past week, literally). Going down to 31 coming this next week. Time to move plants into the shed. :)

    Happy fall hugs,
    Barb :)


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