The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

Postcards From the Lake -- Autumn Walk

Signs of fall -- and no one can deny we aren't into fall -- are emerging and showing themselves on my lake walks. Early red leaves circle tree trunks.


Our weather is abysmal. But on my first day here, a week ago, the season was clearly on display. The cat tails are tall.

The goldenrod is no longer golden.

But these bright flowers were blowing in the wind. 

And they looked charming against the backdrop of a blue shed.

Bright red berries drip from branches like shiny baubles.

And there is plenty of fungi.

These three photos were taken about five feet apart..

And there were plenty of other varieties, too.

 Yes, it's fall in Michigan's north. 

And the leaves have started to fall.


  1. The fungi and the autumn leaves are just so exquisite.

  2. You know how much I love to see the Autumns in your Michigan. I like the first photo of the red leaves swirling around that tree. I don't think I've seen the goldenrod that shade before; it's always golden when I see it at the creek. That IS a charming picture of the blue shed. And the red berries photo is lovely. You always seem to find interesting things on your walks at the lake, Jeanie. I enjoy these posts very much.


  3. To my surprise, the red berries just might be American Cranberrybush
    (Large native shrub which may grow 8’ to 12’. Prefers moist well-drained soils. Fall foliage is reddish purple with red berries that hang on into winter. Great wildlife food/cover.)
    The photo looks identical to yours!

    The beautiful mushroom is almost surely Amanita Muscaria, a/k/a the Eastern yellow fly agaric mushroom.

    What an amazing place.


  4. Just lovely photos of Autumn coming to your area; here, we are just beginning to get a few yellow leaves and some coming down...Along the shoreline here, Fall comes later than in the rest of Connecticut...
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. Our leaves have pretty much dropped. It is cold and WET. Algonquin Park saw SNOW!!!
    This is our Thanksgiving weekend, We enjoyed dinner with some family then delivered meals and good cheer to shut ins.

  6. Even though the last week was hot, it's definitelt autumn here as well. A lot of the wine harvest still has to happen though, since everything is about two weeks late this year, but the leaves are turning and evenings and nights are getting quite chilly. Typical Northern California weather. Your photos speak of fall - it is such a wonderful season. I hope you have many more days of autumn glory.

  7. Those mushrooms are amazing!!! I love fall and our leaves are starting to fall...and a lot fell today because of the wind. I walked in 35˚ weather this morning with Scruffy...and wished I had put some light gloves on.
    You got some absolutely amazing pictures! xo Diana

  8. Funny, with all the rain we had I suspected they'd be more mushrooms. But it's so pretty to see the autumn colors. You're cold temps have moved our way; we might even have frost tonight. I hope our leaves get a bit more color; it seems so many are turning brown and just falling off. I don't get why. Enjoy, and stay warm. hugs-Erika

  9. Gorgeous pictures!! Yes, fall is here for sure. :)

  10. Beautiful Fall!
    Love the fungi! and the colors of the trees!
    The yellow flowers indeed are pretty against the blue shed.

  11. When the big, grand scenes don't present themselves, there are the little ones. Our weather is not exactly glorious now, so I don't know what else we'll manage to see this autumn. You never know though.

  12. Wow! Those are some beautiful photos. Have a nice evening.

  13. Beautiful, I'm ready for some of that gorgeous color to head down here. We're just seeing the start. Thanks for sharing all of it with the rest of us, Jeanie!

  14. Still, plenty of colour as autumn gives one more fling. I do like the Reed Mace. I also like the colourful carpets of leaves. very pretty.

  15. Lovely Photos.
    Autumn in your part of the world is much more colourful than over here, although in the southern half of \England Autumn hasn't really got going yet and in Scotland they have so much rain.

  16. such beautiful leaves and plants. we are heading into a hot dry summer with bushfires! Eek!

  17. You certainly captured fall in your area.

  18. All of your pictures could have been taken right here in Ontario, Jeanie. Great time of the year. I am so happy to be rid of summer’s oppressive heat.,

  19. So similar to here.. I haven't spotted any mushrooms yet but that last week or less has not seen me walking about..I'm not a rain walker for some reason..(hair lol)..Tanks for the walk;)

  20. Wonderful photos, the colors of the leaves on the pavement are beautiful. Hopefully there are some still on the trees. We are just starting to see a change here, and the full color is still a few weeks away. Interesting mushrooms too.

  21. As always, great pics. You remind me it's time to take a walk and some photos.

  22. This is a fine salute to the changing season. I welcome it, except our rain was pretty damp. Lovely photos! Have fun!

  23. Lovely views, Jeanie. Here it's still warm with very little autumn on show. Hugs, Valerie

  24. Beautiful fall photos. I love the coloured leaves and soon they will be crunchy when you walk on them.

  25. Thanks for sharing the autumn. Our leaves haven't begun to turn. I'm in Connecticut in two weeks and hope I'm not too late for the joys of autumn.

  26. Lot's of Fungii and fallen multicolored leaves here as well...Fall has definitely arrived..

  27. A delightful look at Autumn in your area Jeanie.

  28. Your last photo is so pretty.

  29. Given how cold and rainy it has been lately, I am amazed by the amount of gorgeous color you've found on your walks. Fabulous fungi! And I love the picture of the yellow flowers... you found just the right exposure to capture the feeling of windblown motion -- perfect! I hope you have a wood burning stove -- even a space heater! -- to snuggle up to after your walks in the wild. A kitty in the lap is probably not enough to take off the chill in the bones.

  30. I loved all your photos. You've captured Fall season very well. I think the last few years here we have golden and orange leaves all year long falling around the trees due to extra hot weather in the summer. We also still have the usual turning of colours which I enjoy. Have a great week ahead Jeanie!

  31. So glad you could get to the lake and enjoy a walk. I bet it smelled delicious. Those berries are so bright, they look artificial, like maraschino cherries!

  32. I wish someone would tell Kansas it is autumn. Our temps are still bordering 90 F and there is no rain in sight. It actually looks like autumn in your world, dear Jeanie.

  33. Very beautiful, thank you for showing it all! The berries look wonderful and the mushrooms are fascinating. A time to enjoy.

  34. Your autumn colors are gorgeous! It will be another month until I see them where I live.

  35. Can you believe I saw the first blooming goldenrod last weekend? It's going to be a good while before it turns fluffy like yours! On the other hand, there are signs. The hummingbirds are gone now, thanks to a real front and north winds, but day before yesterday I heard the first osprey calling in the marina. Their calls are a good sign of the season changing. Now, it's time for the coots to arrive from their summer homes in the north!

  36. Beautiful Autumn images from your area Jeanie. The days are getting colder here in the UK and the leaves are slowly beginning to turn, but they are not as lovely as those where you live.

  37. You always take pictures from an artist's point of view. Without fail. Good for all of us!

  38. OMGosh. Look at those multi-colored leaves in the last picture! Awesome.

  39. Tis the season for mushrooms isn't it? Funny that you have a picture of a cattail in your post, I have one in my next post as well. I think I am going to post it tomorrow. Looks like the wind was really blowing there!

  40. Nice fall color. I never see cattails here. Great crop of fungi. I haven't seen as many this year. We are beginning to see leaves falling but not nearly as much as you.

  41. We have so many of the same fall images here!

  42. Beautiful fall touches . . .
    and then the rains came.
    Puddles galore!
    Hopefully the weather will turn back
    for us to enjoy more color of ‘23.

  43. I have noticed more and more red berries and our Blue Jays have been squawking more lately. Looking across the river though the trees are not quite at their peak. Am hoping we do have a color show here soon. Janice

  44. This is Lisa! Our leaves are starting to slowly change here. I am trying to pay attention since the season is so fleeting! It’s been chilly here too but I see low 60s in the forecast thank goodness! Hope it’s coming your way as well.

  45. Lovely photographs.
    I do so love this time of year and the wonderful Autumn colours.
    I think its been a good year for red berries we have quite a few on the bushes.

    All the best Jan

  46. Thank you for all the lovely autumn posts.


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