The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Postcards From the Lake -- Early October

Those October visits to the lake are often bittersweet, often beautiful, and on occasion, filled with surprises. I arrived in early October, Lizzie in hand (or carry box), with Rick cycling up. As I turned into our area, this was the site -- not full fall, but certainly well on the way!

A look out the front of the cottage revealed a brilliant blue lake, the trees on the opposite shore beginning to burst into color. Just beginning.

Fishing boats were getting in a few days of fabulous weather before the predicted mega-temperature drops expected (along with the predicted rain!).


There are signs that full color will soon arrived. I loved this bright leaf and picked it off the ground to bring home.

Rick arrived soon after, exhausted, but thrilled with three days on the bike. 

Meanwhile, Lizzie settled in immediately!

 The next morning, Rick was hard at work on his computer, which faces the window looking out on the beach. He called me over -- look what's here!

I had only once -- briefly -- seen the bald eagle (I call him Eddie, after the ski jumper) one time this summer -- in flight and without my camera at hand. Not wanting to get close and spook him, these photos were taken through the picture window, the screened porch beyond, and a lot of feet of weedy beach. 

They're a little soft (my zoom isn't what it used to be) but still.... what a creature! Check out those legs!

I certainly wouldn't want to tangle with him!


 What a treat!

 And should you think other wildlife has disappeared, I had a Harry North sighting, a cormorant and these three. They seem to come to our beach often!

Five days after arriving, our weather has definitely gone to the cold side -- nights in the 30s and 40s and lots of rain. I'm hoping to get to the market today for apples. Hopefully we'll have a color tour soon!


  1. Those colours are amazing - lovely photos.

    And the eagle is quite a sight.

    Always good to see things I will never see here

  2. Hello Jeanie,
    Pretty views of the lake and colorful trees. Awesome sighting of the eagle right outside your window. I know you were to happy to have Rick arrive safely from three day bike ride. Lizzie looks so cute and comfy. Great series on the Eagle. This is my favorite time of the year to buy apples! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I marvel at this, but we are sighting bald eagles in our area more and more frequently! Those are great shots of Eddie (ha, Eddie the Eagle, I remember him!). Three days on a bike, those are words I'll never say about myself, but Rick sure must enjoy it! -Jenn

  4. That water in the first photo is SO blue it looks like a painting. Cottage life this time of year truly is bittersweet. Enjoy it as long as you can.

  5. You have fabulous color at the lake Jeanie. Our leaves are turning, but not that much yet. And wow, what a great visitor. Where he was is practically a close up. It is always exciting to see an eagle for certain. Will you be closing up the cottage on this trip? It's always a little bittersweet to start the fall chores, but yet fall is so beautiful too. Hope you get a leaf peeping trip. hugs-Erika

  6. Wow! What a treat for sure. The eagle photos are good.
    Beautiful colors against the gorgeous blue lake.
    The nice weather last week brought out more on their bikes. I think I've seen more last week than all summer, decked out in serious bike attire.
    Enjoy the lake!

  7. When you get close to a bald eagle, they really stun you with their size and power. Such a wingspan. Our local population was down to very few breeding pairs a few years ago and has joyfully recovered to where they're not an unusual sight now.

    It's thanks to the work of naturalists working actively on habitat restoration, pesticide bans, and to ordinary birders like me who kept their mouths shut when they caught sight of eagles, to leave them in peace to breed.

  8. I wouldn't want to tangle with him, either! Majestic!
    Glad your honey made it back before it got too cold. We had freeze warnings last night up here. My petunias have survived, though. I am happy.
    Have a wonderful weekend, you two. :)

  9. The trees colours are amazing to see and the Bald Eagle is truly a beautiful sight indeed. Glad you got those photos even if they were through the window, they are great!

  10. How fabulous to have an eagle strutting around outside view of your window. You got some great shots despite having to take them from the window. Birds do scare off so easily. I love the photo with all the trees in gorgeous colors. Brrrrr to the 30's and 40's. Our low is about 50!! Hope you get the apples!!

  11. I had no idea eagles have such stocky legs! (Even if a lot of it's feathers.)

    I love the pic of the boat with the colorful trees in the background. You really do have a lot of color there already.

  12. Hello Jeanie :=)
    The beautiful trees along the embankment of the lake are so colourful. How wonderful to see an eagle outside your home.Your shots of the Bald Eagle taken through the window are fabulous.
    I'll bet you are glad that Rick is now home safe and sound.
    Take care.
    All the best

  13. What a majestic Eagle you had visiting, Jeanie! Rick looks great after his 3 day ride. Our son is visiting this weekend and (of course) brought his bike. I bet your leaves are spectacular by now. Ours are past peak but still beautiful. We had snow last week, but it's all melted except on the high peaks. More coming this week if the forecast is right. Thinking of you and hope you feel well.

  14. You already have lots of color in the distance trees, Jeanie. Your Autumns are beautiful. That was a pleasant surprise to see the Eagle. They don't stay on the ground for too long to take a picture. They are usually up in the highest trees being the grand birds they are. I love that leaf picture. I would have taken it home as well. So glad to have you back at the lake with all the wonderful pictures that you share with us. So, how long do you plan on staying there? I thought you were back home for Fall and Winter, but I can't keep up. ; )


  15. Always something nice to see on your blog. Just love it.

  16. What a sighting of the eagle. Magnificent. Nice nature photos too.

  17. Wow! The trees colours are beautiful to see, I do like this time of year.
    I like your photographs of the Bald Eagle, and yes I remember Eddie the Eagle.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  18. Wonderful pictures if the eagle she sure is proud and healthy.
    Your color looks sharper than ours. We have had a lovely warm Sept but all is changing. The rain today and tomorrow the cold.

  19. Jeanie, you've had some breathtaking encounters with wildlife lately -- and I love the pictures you've been capturing: such beautiful light and gorgeous color! It's good to see Rick safely returned and Lizzie snuggled into her chair, good to see the trio of ducks on the choppy water. Definitely a good time to enjoy some apples... maybe even a doughnut or two!

  20. Beautiful colors! I lied. We saw two egrets this week. Thought they left. Even saw a swan family in the river yesterday and their babies still had gray feathers. Janice

  21. What a thrill to see something like the eagle!. I hope you get to see the full fall colour. Must be so nice to go to those country farmers markets too. Here it still feels more or less like summer, hotter than a usual autumn but still some rain.

  22. Those Mallards had better be very vigilant. The Bald Eagle may have planned duck on his (her?) Thanksgiving menu!

  23. Changing seasons and wonderful wildlife photos. How special to see an eagle! Rick looks tired but happy, and Lizzie is adorable.

  24. How thrilling to have Eddie visit nearby. He is just beautiful!
    The colors too are beautiful! Autumn does have it's enchantments with flaming leaves and the movement of creatures. How lovely Rick got in another long bike ride before winter comes along.
    Happy Autumn to you, dear Jeanie!

  25. It must be nice over there. It's our TG, and we often would be at the cottage at this time of year. Congrats on the eagle. What a thrill!

  26. Love the eagle shots!!
    Fall is here as well. This weekend I went to a pumpkin festival with daughter and J, and was surprised at the color I saw, just a few miles west. I guess living along the river where it's warmer, we're not quite seeing the color differences each day as we walk.

  27. Beautiful color at the lake, Jeanie. Oh the bald eagle is magnificent and so majestic. We had one flying over our pasture yesterday! Wishing you a beautiful day!

  28. As always Jeanie stunning pics of the lake and wildlife. I enjoy seeing these pictures; never tire of them. Yes, FAll color in your area coming soon. can't wait to see the photos.

  29. What a gorgeous spot you have there:) I love it.You must relive your youth and often feel like a kid..memories..nostalgia and all the recent memories.

  30. Beautiful pictures. You can’t beat fall for beautiful scenery. Wonderful that you got to see it google

  31. Don’t publish what I just sent you. I didn’t mean to send it yet. Lovely fall photographs.. love the eagle. Great pictures. Glad Rick got back safe and sound. I hope you have a good week.

  32. Lake days are the best days.

  33. Beautiful fall color Jeanie! The eagle is beautiful!!

  34. WOW what a treat indeed Jeanie, such a magnificent bird. Your cottage is in a beautiful location. I'm glad Rick arrived safely, he looks tired but well. Lizzie looks content :-)

  35. Oh seeing those fall colors makes my heart happy.

  36. Yes, it is such a treat. Thanks for sharing.

  37. What amazing photos of the Eagle! Every time I’ve wanted to take photos of one at our lake, he’s either too far away, flying away from me or I didn’t have my camera.

  38. What an exciting eagle sighting!

    Your views are lovely, and your scenic photos give me a touch of fall. We're not there yet, and it's a joy to see yours :)

  39. Aren't the colors of Fall magical? You have captured them beautifully in your photos. Glad Rick enjoyed his ride. Great photos of the eagle.

  40. For once, I don't have weather envy! We've had a real front, and tonight's low is predicted to be in the 50s. Everyone is smiling, talking about the great weather, and wondering, "Now, where did I stash those jackets?"

    I can't imagine the thrill of seeing that eagle! As far as I know, I've never seen one, although they are here and there around our state. I laughed at David's comment about the mallards needing to be cautious. If my hawk can pluck off a white-wing dove with ease, that eagle certainly could 'pluck' a duck in a minute!

  41. Checking in on one of my favorite people in blogland. Hugs.

  42. The eagle shots are priceless. Such a beautiful spot. glad Rick got home safely. Fall is here. The leaves are falling. It's time to put away the pool cushions. Happy week ahead.

  43. The photos of the bald eagle are amazing - what a special moment for you.

  44. how exciting to see an Eagle as a regular visitor. I've only seen one, in Eldorado Canyon,CO. And the screech was so distinctive...these are fabulous photos!!!

  45. Fall again!
    I love Rick´s T-Shirt :-)
    And Lizzie, awww.
    The eagle is impressive.
    Have a great fall!

  46. I love the bald eagle photos especially! What a treat to see one! I saw a peregrine falcon one day when I had a meeting in one of our conference rooms at work. It was so cool to see it up close!

    It's quite chilly here, too. I wish there was more of an 'in between' stage. It went from 92 and humid to highs in the mid-50s. This week looks decent with highs in the upper 50s. But I'd like some 60-70 degree temps!

  47. Eddie the Eagle. I love that movie!
    Lizzie looks sooo sweet.
    Your lake cottage is such a wonderful place for a getaway.
    Take care.

  48. How wonderful that you were able to get photos of the eagle. I wouldn't want to tangle with him either, he looks fierce.

  49. Such a wonderful sighting of the Bald Eagle. It is such a majestic bird.

  50. Wow! That Eagle! I am so happy you got photos of him. What a powerful creature.’
    Lizzy looks all cozy! And your Autumn colors are looking fabulous!
    Happy October at the Lake!


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