The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Time Is Flying. I'm Not.

Well, we can't say we aren't well into September, only a few days from "official" fall. Time is flying and I'm -- not!

I did get a very few fall things in the house. Here's a peek. I'll start to bring up Halloween the first week of October unless we are able to go to the lake that week, in which case I'll probably bring a few things up before I go.

Earlier this week on my ditch walk I have a couple of nice spottings, including the return of Ellie Egret.

I haven't seen Ellie all year. These photos were taken from far away with my not-so-great-anymore zoom but you can see, she's quite a beauty!

Another good thing -- I was a lucky winner for this lovely print of one of Dixie's pastels and two of her beautiful cards. Dixie is at Arranged Words and recently celebrated her tenth anniversary blogging! Thank you, Dixie!

For all the good things, it has been a frustrating week or so here as I've been waiting for insurance authorization for testing and treatment and feeling a little more exhausted every day. We canceled our trip to Muncie and |I'm hoping to get enough mojo for Rick's reunion the 22nd/23rd. Until then, I'm semi-self-isolating as immunities are down with this infection. One day at a time.


In fact, I was so down and so tired on Sunday that Rick went off to see the grands by himself. They had a great time at a new park but also took time to make me a get well card, which I just love!

So, staying clear of crowds (that reunion will be a big test of that), being careful in stores and such is primary. That said, Rick and I did get to hear our friend Onur Alakavuklar do a lovely concert for a local organization last week. I was glad I went. Much of the music was what he played at our house concert in June at Rick's, which you can hear on this post, but there were a few new pieces as well. 

And we did have a nice "catch-up" birthday dinner with my next door neighbors. Rosie and I share the same August birthday but we hadn't had time to celebrate in the summer. 

Walks are a good way to self-isolate. On September 11 I spotted this as I walked by our neighborhood fire station. That, and much of the programming I saw reminded me of that day -- seeing the attack as I watched TV getting ready for work and the subsequent crashes on the little TV at my office, with colleagues crowded in doorways of anyone who had a television set (there were a few of us, since we worked at a TV station.) That night, Rick and I hosted guests from Japan who were speaking at MSU about the relationship of Japan and America following World War II. We sat under a clear-as-a-bell blue sky and were shocked by the silence above us. (We live under a flight path but didn't realize how often we heard planes above until there were none.) There was little traffic in the neighborhood that night either. I suspect everyone was as shell-shocked as we were,probably glued to the television (which we did after the guests left,)


The first of my three upcoming vaccines, RSV, is done. The Covid vaccine will probably be this week, assuming it comes into the pharmacy Monday as scheduled, then flu. Although some sources say you can get them all at once, my pharmacist recommended one at a time, so I am spreading them out a week apart.

And finally, the winners of the "On Tyranny" drawing (thank you, "random number generator!") are Bobbie of Cottleston Pie and Lisa of Lisa's Yarns. Please let me know your addresses and I'll get the book in the mail to you this week. (If either of you have already purchased a copy, let me know and I'll go to the next on the list!)

See you soon!'

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  1. I love your bird photos - enjoy Michigan's wonderful, colorful fall

  2. Jeanie ~ I've sent you a note with addy. Thank you again ~

    YAY for the RSV vacc; I hope the others go well too. Please take very gentle, good care of yourself.


  3. Sorry you are having such a struggle. I hope the shots go well and that you get well.

  4. I'm not much on decorations as it is just more work and more organizing for me. However, I do enjoy when friends decorate- Ellie is quite a beauty and I love the squirrel peeking out in his photo. You and your friend look vibrant celebrating your birthdays!

  5. You've snapped some great photos. That squirrel is looking like "you caught me", and wow, you got a fabulous photo of Ellie. Sorry to hear you're feeling so off. I hope you can get your insurance approval and your infection improves. And that's a fabulous photo of you and Rosie celebrating your big day. Things can only go up. I hope you find your mojo soon. hugs-Erika

  6. sorry to hear you are not feeling well Jeanie. Wishing you all the best!

  7. The pastel cards look magnificent! Sorry about your canceled trip. Speedy recovery!

  8. Hoping for action today, Jeanie. Loved the egret photos. And even though I know you're struggling health wise, you looked fabulous in the birthday photo. My grand contracted pink eye yesterday, then a fever out of nowhere. Covid test pending, as pink eye is apparently the newest symptom of this latest strand.

  9. Hello Jeanie
    It is good you are getting all your vaccines done, I hope you feel better soon and get the treatment you need. Wonderful photos of Ellie the Egret and that cute squirrel. Cute birthday photo of you and your friend. Stay safe and take care. Have a great day and week ahead.

  10. Egrets are indeed graceful, beautiful birds, that were once nearly driven to extinction to satisfy the perverse craving for egret plumes to adorn women’s hats, until enlightened people like Rosalie Edge came along. There are so many trivial events that people remember where they were when it happened, but the tragedy of 11 September, 2001 is not one of them. I do remember where I was and exactly what I did. It remains one of the great tragedies (and there are many) that have occurred during my lifetime.

  11. Ellie is indeed a beauty! I plan to get my vaccines a week apart as well. I hope you can get this insurance thing figured out, it is really bad not to be able to get treatment!

  12. Hope you feel better soon!

  13. How can you look so great feeling under the weather?:) You do!! Take care Jeanies.

  14. Awww, that's a sweet get well card! I do hope you are feeling better soon. I love that egret picture, too! -Jenn

  15. I've already had my flu vaccine, but that's the only one I'll be getting -- apart from my second shingles dose, which is due now. The first one affected me rather more than I expected, so I think I'll wait until there's a rainy weekend on tap to get the second. If I'm going to spend a couple of days feeling down, better to do it in bad weather!

    I love that last shot of the squirrel! They're so funny and cute. I realized yesterday that one of my little females is either pregnant or has babies: I put out an extra handful of peanuts and shelled sunflower, and she was more than willing to chow down!

  16. So sorry you're not feeling well Jeanie, low energy is just the worst! Just hang in there and take one day at a time...You are smart to avoid crowds, so much Covid back all of a sudden. Take care and feel better soon I hope~

  17. Sorry your trip was cancelled. You do need to rest up. Hopefully the insurance kicks in and you can get the treatments you need. Love the egret photos.

  18. Sorry you are nor feeling good. Take care of yourself and rest a lot! Hugs, Valerie

  19. That's a very nice card. Excellent bird photo, Jeanie. I hope your health returns soon, it stinks when we don't feel good. Take care, my friend!

  20. Get well soon Jeanie
    Enjoyed your post

  21. Sorry you are not feeling well, Jeanie.
    I hope you are able to get your treatments soon.
    What a beautiful egret.
    And what a sweet card from your grandchildren.
    Glad you like your winnings.
    Thank you for the links.

  22. Got the down..two to go..
    Sorry you had to cancel your trip..Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Wishing you brighter days.

  23. I have to start scheduling my vaccines.

  24. Oh, the egret!
    Brava for such a beautiful capture of her(?) pose!

    I've got my flu shot on board. Will get the 2023-2024 COVID vax tomorrow and the RSV as well.

    Stay strong, dear one.


  25. Jeanie, I am so sorry you are struggling with health issues. I hope they can soon be resolved and you will feel better. Ellie is a beauty and the photo is excellent. Take care of yourself, my friend! I am trying to play catch up, been out of the country for 11 days.

  26. I am so sorry you aren't well. How tricky with insurance and all.
    Let's hope we have some nice days before winter!

  27. Any shots seem to make me sick as a dog the past couple years. I could never get more than one at a time. I dread them. I wonder if that has made you feel tired and off?

    Love the pictures of you and Rosie--the sweet get well card--and the elegant Ellie!! Congrats on winning the artwork. I hope you are feeling better soon. *hugs*

  28. Lovely photograph of Ellie the Egret.
    That's a super get well card from the Grands :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  29. Prayers you feel better
    The get well card is precious.

    Your squirrel photo is adorable. You can almost hear him say, See you soon!

    I remember the sound of jets overhead on 9/11 made the fear real.

  30. A super selection of photos Jeanie. Loved Ellie, especially the one with her outstretched wing. Stunning bird! I hope you feel better soon and sorry you had to cancel your trip. Take good care of yourself. We sometimes get so busy we try to do too much even when under the weather.

  31. Jets were not from commercial airlines.

  32. Hope you feel better now. Cute card. Lovely Ellie too. Our egrets have left. Janice

  33. Lisa again! I am catching up on blogs while waiting for Phil to call after the boys are in bed. It’s a struggle to stay awake after an early flight and long day of meetings!

    That get well card is so sweet. I am sorry you had to miss out on the fun. I hope you get the insurance stuff sorted out soon. It is such a headache to deal with that kind of thing. I’m glad you got the RSV vaccine. I think had RSV last fall when Will got it. It was a nasty virus!

    I am excited that I won the giveaway. It seems like a good book to own and slowly read!

  34. So many wonderful photos. Look at that Ellie!

  35. Great photos of the egret. Isn't that get-well card from the grandies, so sweet :)
    I would also agree with the vaccines done separately, at least if you have a reaction you will know from which one. Get well soon Jeanie.

  36. That Get Well picture is so cute. Budding artist. Glad you celebrated your birthday with your neighbor, always a pleasure. Take care and God bless, Jeanie.

  37. Hi Jeanie... So sorry that you are not feeling well. The photos are beautiful. Hope you are back to your beautiful self soon. xx

  38. Oh Jeanie, I do hope you start to feel better soon. You managed to put a wonderful post together despite how you're feeling. I love your little Fall table, especially with the lights. I must get some lights soon. It really adds something. Ellie Egret is beautiful. Your photos turned out lovely too. I love that picture of the bench in the woods. Sorry you couldn't see the grandboys, but what a wonderful picture they drew for you. A child's drawing is such a treasure. That's a fantastic picture of you and your neighbor, Rosie. It's good that you are staying away from crowds right now, as you're feeling poorly. And that's a great picture of the squirrel up in the tree. I saw two this morning chasing one another in the neighborhood. Feel better, Jeanie.


  39. Ellie is amazing, you always have gorgeous photos. Hope you're feeling better soon, you look great in your photo. Happy belated birthday wishes!

  40. Ellie the Egret is stunning, those white feathers against the green leaves. Just beautiful! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Hopefully the vaccines will help and you'll be better in no time!

  41. Dear Jeanie,
    I wish I lived close enough to spoil you with homemade chicken soup and a stack of magazines. The uncertainty around the treatment you need would make me feel oppressed (and I would certainly be obsessing over the outcome)... and then to have three vaccines to look forward to? Yikes! Good to get them, for sure, but they sure can knock a person out.

    Your photos, though, are wonderful... and your shots of the egret are astonishing. Against the dark green foliage, her wings look like they are made of fine porcelain!

    That Get Well Soon card from the grandkids... absolutely priceless.
    xo anno

  42. Love your get well card and hope that your day has been filled with good health.

  43. Hope you are well soon again and ca resume your trip.
    Cute card, sad you could not join, though.
    I had my employee interview on 9/11 and it still is an odd date. One remembers where we are for sure.
    Even though back then I knew no one in America my colleagues had friends/family in New York and tried to find out... we had no TV and CNN only showed the starting page, Ingo worked in a place where they sold TVs and had the news on. Customers thought it´s an action movie.
    This day sure has changed a lot, also for us here in Germany.
    Getting on a plane is much different than before.
    Well... wishing you all the best, Jeanie, happy pic of you and your neighbor!

  44. Jeanie, sorry to read that you have not feel feeling well and have had to postpone some travel and family get togethers. I hope that you get the insurance authorization soon. Even though our Medicare Supplement plan is costly, we do not have to get referrals and thankfully have not really needed any in recent years

    I also got 2 out of the 3 recommended vaccines this week (RSV and Covid) and both at the same timne in different arms. The flu shot will follow next week.

    It was nice that you and Rosie could co-celebrate your birthdays, even if a bit later.

    I too recall where I as and exactly what I was doing when 9/11. It's not a day easily forgotten.

  45. What a gorgeous get well card! one to treasure even after you have got well!!

  46. I hope you feel better soon. That egret is beautiful

  47. I marvel at how white those big birds can keep their feathers. Egrets are so beautiful.

  48. Time does seem to be going faster than I am too! I’m sorry you have to wait for insurance authorization. I wish the US had the insurance system Japan has. Your photos are great! The squirrel is so cute!

  49. Waiting for all those authorizations is so frustrating! Hopefully you get what you need soon so your tests can happen.

    Your photos are beautiful, as is the artwork.

    Wyatt and I just got our flu shots - next up our Covid boosters!

  50. Sorry to read you are not well. Everyone makes fun of me, but I still wear a mask everywhere I go. Not sre what insurance authorization is, but I hope you get it soon,

    Lovely egret. A real beauty.

    I also remember where I was on 9/11. I was getting my house refinanced. Just as I found the right option, the computers shut down and I was unable to make a decision. By the time I got home (there were police and Natl Guard everywhere on the street), the towers had both fallen. I was in shock. Glad you shared the photo and info on this.

  51. I don't usually decorate for fall or Halloween but was thrilled to be gifted a beautiful floral piece recently that I hung on our inside porch door. It has a big sunflower on it.
    Ellie sure is beautiful.
    That get well card was so sweet and thoughtful!

  52. I hope you get all of the insurance stuff straightened out soon so you can get what you need to start feeling better.

    I'm not a fan of the idea of getting the flu and covid vaccines together. Everyone I know who has done it that way ended up feeling really awful for a few days. We're planning to space ours apart a week.

    That get-well card is so cute and sweet.

  53. Hello dear Jeanie... I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I love all of your pretty pictures as always. I also saw that you read Martin Short's book. I am a big fan of his and listened to the book and loved it. Hope you feel better soon!

  54. Gorgeous egret! I'm hoping you're feeling better. That bench looks like the perfect spot for quiet contemplation. I know I'd love it. I'll get flu and covid vaccines in October. RSV once insurance will pay for it.

    Those flowers are lovely.

  55. I see you are still struggling. Although you seem to always keep up your good sprit anyway. Hope the problems will be solved soon.


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