The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Bits and Pieces from Here and There

I feel half-in, half-out these days. Home most of the time but still anticipating weekends or even a few extra days at the lake. I find it odd to be home, to be honest. When I turned on the local news, I realized how out of touch I've been for two months. Not that I've missed much, but more of a feeling like, "So, this is where I really live."

To top it off, I haven't had the energy to dig into "projects" and the fact that nothing much is getting done frustrates me. Now, whose fault is that?

That said, it has been good to see people again. Lunch with my former co-workers, dinner with friends who moved to California many years ago. Our schedules don't always match during their Michigan visits, so that was a plus.

This was a plus, too.

I had to head out to a neighboring town to pick up Lizzie's medication refill from my vet. It had been a hot, sun-shiny day but as I headed east, the sky was dark. It was almost like living in a world of half-and-half because in the rearview mirror, the setting sun was bright. Then I saw the rainbow. And, as I turned the corner, the view changed to the other side of the rainbow...

. . . and when I turned back, the full deal. The photos don't show it off quite so beautifully as it really was, but I can assure you, I was enchanted. 

I brought home my paints (I'll take a sketchbook and palette when I travel but not the whole big box), along with a few cards I did. I'm a little mad at myself for doing this one on a card! I wish it had been larger. It took a long while  but yes, that's my girl! (I'll share this with Nicole's Face Off!)

This little teapot was inspired by an illustration I had seen...

. . . and this from the leaf, goldenrod and knapweed I brought in to draw from life. I just couldn't quite get the goldenrod color right but it was a fun exercise.

Rick returned after 1250 miles of pedaling. He had a rough re-entry but is getting back in gear. His last day was on terrible roads with a good deal of rain at the time. Needless to say, he was exhausted!

But, a couple of days after, we had a lovely welcome-home dinner. Grilling, caprese salad, nice wine, perfection!

 My re-entry is more of a matter of missing this.

And this.

And this. My new little reading corner.

But, I did get to see this handsome fellow, perched high in the trees across the street from my house.

Here's another view. The focus is regrettably soft and blurry, due to the zoom strength (and no doubt shaky operator error!) Is this a goshawk?

And, I did have a lovely Harry the Heron sighting, so no complaints.


Fall is settling in. I returned home to find my forsythia wreath still on the front door. (Don't judge.) So, I've slowly started pulling out a few things that are fallish but more on that another time. Halloween can wait. Meanwhile, I leave you with another up-north sunset.

I'll miss these, too.They just aren't the same here.

Sharing with:    Encouraging Hearts and Home     /    Share Your Style    /    Rain's Art Date    /    Friday Face Off    /    Saturday's Critters    /    Love Your Creativity   


  1. This summer was not really productive in any big sense for me. Now that autumn is coming, or slowly creeping its way in, I do feel a sense of ambition coming back too. Hopefully you'll find that too now that Rick is back and that you are more or less home. You have some lovely paintings. And I don't personally know Lizzie, but from your photos I'd say you nailed her. :) I hope you have a lovely rest of your week. hugs-Erika

  2. How lucky you are to have a lake home to escape to when you need some time near the water. Your art is beautiful, as are your photographs.

  3. I used to call our local heron Harry, too. Maybe they're all called Harry. Welcome back to reentry.

  4. Hello,
    Welcome home! I love your Lizzie painting. Pretty views of the sunset, the birds and the lovely rainbow is always a treat. I am glad Rick made it home safely, that is a lot of miles to cycle. Your reading spot looks cozy. I wish I could help with the raptor id, I am not sure. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  5. Soon you’ll be missing the cottage, so enjoy the last few weeks while you may. Your hawk is a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, Jeanie.

  6. That sunset photo is beautiful, and so are the rainbows pics. I love seeing rainbows, they make me happy.
    Your reading nook at the lake is very cozy and has a wonderful view too.
    Love your painting of Lizzie :)

  7. I'm sure it's an adjustment when you've been away for so long. Everting seems strange at first. Before I forget, I LOVE the painting you made of your Kitty, it's gorgeous! I'm very glad Rick is back home and safe, that's great. And I love the pics of the rainbow and the view of the lake, just beautiful! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Google says your bird is a red-tailed hawk.
    You captured Ms. Lizzie so well, especially the eyes!
    Goldenrod has finally come into bloom here in the Blue Ridge.
    I'm going to cut a few stems to make a Jeanie bouquet for my house.
    Take care, dear one!

  9. Well done on the art, you've captured Lizzie's attitude look really well. I hope you both get your rest.

  10. We have horrible summers here in the OR coast and this year was no different but different. Colder, no rain, and just strange. I think we all feel a bit half in and half out. I do love you art and your photos.

  11. I marvel at how you never seem to stop with a great mix of seeing friends, reading, doing artwork and paying attention to the wonders of the natural world around you.

  12. Thanks for sharing so much beauty. Love your critter shots and that final sunset. Take care and enjoy fall.

  13. I'm glad you returned home safely. I can see why you sometimes wonder which home you are closest to, as there is so much beauty at the lake house, and I can see why you miss it when it's time to leave. The rainbow was a blessed welcome home. Jeanie, I love the tea pot painting! It really is lovely, and you did a fantastic job on Lizzie. The yellow bushes at the creek nearby are everywhere, and I believe they are goldenrod, but not sure. Sounds like you had a very nice welcome home dinner. I hope you settle in back home, and maybe putting Fall goodies around the house may help some. And this is a great photo of your friend, Harry the Heron. I loved this post, Jeanie, as it has a little of this and that, and they are always my favorite.


  14. You have a pretty good life, all things considered. That Caprese salad looks amazing. I love the colors.

  15. The painting of Lizzie is beautiful, I would frame and hang it. Harry the heron surely likes his spot. Nice capture of the hawk. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend and take care, Jeanie.

  16. This is a half in and half out time of year.
    Love the rainbows! And the panting of Lizzie is marvelous! It may be small, but you could frame it no matter what size it is. It is definitely frameable art!! :)
    Glad Rick is home and getting rested up.
    *love and hugs from Fargo*

  17. Cycling 1250 miles is mind blowing to me. So glad he's home in one piece and settling in. Your Harry photos are always amazing! And Lizzie; what a cutie. You can see her personality coming thru!

  18. There are so many wonderful birds captures on camera. Your paintings are super beautiful. The hot weather demotivates us. I am not looking forward to our summer here.

  19. You can't beat the sunsets over water, Jeanie-- Love yours! Your watercolors are lovely. I especially like the teapot one, but Lizzie is adorable. I can't imagine pedaling as far as your Rick! Well done. I've been easing into fall decor as well. Today is feeling more like it here--yay! I love seeing the full rainbow--so pretty. Have a happy weekend!

  20. So many wonders in this post. Loved the paintings, especially the teapot:)
    Biking over a thousand miles? I can't imagine.

  21. Hi Lovely photos, have you thought of moving full time to your lake home? here it is so wonderful after labor day week-quiet peaceful, lots of water fowl too.
    Love the painting of your kitty-hugs Kathy

  22. Maybe as we get older we don't take transitions in stride the way we used to...? I still have lots of ideas but not the wherewithal for most of them; sometimes the wherewithal is all needed for just getting adjusted to the new old place again.

  23. Both the painting and the pictures are quite lovely.

    That Rick of yours is inspirational.

  24. I think you both need a quiet time to relax and get used to being home although it sounds as if there's plenty going on as you socialise with good friends or just spend an evening with Rick over a delicious meal. Enjoy those leisurely moments Jeanie.

  25. I love your cat portrait! Glad Rick is home safe and sound, and probably several pounds lighter. Is that black and white picture the Loch Ness Monster? :)

  26. It would be so hard to return back from such a wonderful spot on the lake. :) Your new reading spot is so cozy!

    Whew that is quite a bike ride!!!! Way to go Rick!

  27. Your art is wonderful. Sorry for both of you on your reentry. Out summer was rain and more rain and if not raining humid so I am ready for falling weather.

  28. That Rick and his cycling..OMGEE 1250 miles..KUDOS.My worst experience lol in Cape Cod we had brought our bicycles..pedaling uphill the seat stayed between my legs.LOL.. not then..but now yes.Quite frankly I have zero desire to get on my bike except for the mail up the road and I didn't once this summer lol.J still bicycles..he likes it..not like Rick.A different summer....

  29. PS Yes on Lizzie painting..:) I was too busy talking about me.;);)

  30. Your sky sightings of a beautiful rainbow, hawk, Harry and sunset are all most wonderful. I would miss your little cabin by the lake too. Sweet picture of Lizzie. Glad Rick has returned safely home and your shared salad looked most delicious. Of course I loved your teapot and the leaves paintings. You always inspire me to pull out the paints, which are out now and thinking of (ahem) Christmas cards.

  31. I understand the re-entry quandary. I will be heading back to Michigan the first week of October and I've started the mental reorganizing process. Love your painting of Lizzie!

  32. Jeanie, I would have been enchanted by the rainbow also. I haven't seen one in so long, and I love them. Next time it rains I am going to get in the car and get out in the open so I can see a rainbow.
    We are in need of rain. Hoping we get some soon.
    You get more done than I do. That caprese salad looked great.
    Have a good weekend.

  33. So, you will be going back up off and on for a few more weeks? Nice paintings btw.

  34. So glad Rick made it home safely.I am only imagine how exhausted he was. Bitter sweet moments leaving your lake house. Your painting of Lizzie is so sweet and the teapot. Happy moments Jeanie in your reading nook.

  35. Glad the biker is back!
    I sure miss my lake. Thank you for sharing yours.

  36. Your paintings look great, and I love your little reading corner.

    Don't feel about your wreaths. I still have the summer wreaths up, and I don't even have the excuse of having been out of town. I think we'll be putting up some Halloween decorations this weekend, though.

  37. I love your art, thank you for joining FFO and have a lovel day.

  38. I'm enjoying these bird photos, and your sky photo is well done, too. Nice!

    I'll get out Halloween things on 10/1, and I'll have a few fall things out in the meantime.

  39. What a beautiful painting of your cat! I love the teapot and autumn foliage ones as well. It's always a joy to see a rainbow!

  40. Have a super weekend Jeanie. hugs-Erika

  41. Have a great weekend Jeanie. hugs-erika

  42. Those 2 months went really fast..
    Great painting of your cat..I don't/can't do fur!! You can do it bigger!! That was practice??
    Always nice to see a rainbow..
    I think that is a Coopers Hawk..
    You still have 6 weeks til Halloween..Don't let them rush you..
    Enjoy your weekend.

  43. I can see how you'd feel a little discombobulated after a summer at the Lake. I am typing this from Montana where I am seeing gorgeous lakes and I love seeing all the Halloween things on offer everywhere Happy days readjusting!
    Wren x

  44. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I always marvel at your art work....I am so impressed with your talents...All I can draw is stick figures....My hands have never been steady enough to paint....We have been having some wonderful Fall weather and I am so enjoying it!! I hope the weather is good there for you!!

  45. Fall is a beautiful time to be back home, from your home away from it all. Probably my age, but this year seems to be passing by way too fast. I love your paintings, especially your Lizzie. A full view rainbow is very special to see, and I hope the rest of your year will be full of beautiful surprises.

  46. Your paintings are lovely, and so are your photos.
    Thank you for sharing so much beauty.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  47. I LOVE the caprese salad, the rainbow, and Lizzie captured in watercolor.

  48. We are snowbirds- 6 months in Florida and 6 months and a day in Pennsylvania! It always takes me a few days or more to transition. It always feels odd. Anyway your paintings are fabulous and the rainbow is always a treat to see. Sorry, I can't help with identifying the bird!

  49. Hello Jeanie,
    This a great critter post. I love your Lizzie painting.
    The Chickadee is so cute and I always love seeing Harry the Heron.
    Great sighting of the Hawk, it is a beauty.
    Great photos and pretty paintings.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  50. Your artistry shines through in the paintings you've shared, and I particularly love the teapot and the nature-inspired piece.

  51. When I read your blog, the unreligious one here, couldn't help but thing of ...a time for...all things. So apropos, your photos are lovely. At this time in our lives we are content with 4 hour days of work of what ever, and more time for---all things. Hugs, Sandi

  52. It really is a different world at the lake. I love the views from your reading corner. And congrats to Rick on his trip. I can't imagine! Take care and enjoy your weekend.

  53. Such a lovely post Jeanie. What a great experience for Rick. Loved your artwork, especially of Lizzie. The caprese looks marvelous. Thoroughly enjoyed your critter photos, and all the others. Have a great weekend!

  54. Summer seemed to pass so quickly! I'm glad Rick is back home safe and sound. Pedaling that distance is quite an accomplishment. Your watercolor of Lizzie is amazing! You really captured her personality.

  55. I'm so glad Rick is back, I can't imagine doing something like that! Sorry you've been feeling out of sorts lately...It's always wonderful to see a rainbow, and I love your Lizzie painting!

  56. Dear Jeanie -- what gorgeous pictures! And as ever, lots of thoughtful, interesting material to consider. First of all, the picture of Lizzie is wonderful! You managed to get the perspective and the expression in the eyes just right -- perfectly captures her essential Lizzie-ness! And the still life with the tea pot is adorable.

    I'm so glad to hear that Rick is safely returned. Maybe to stay put for a little while? And maybe the rainbow you saw is a promise of a calmer, more peaceful time ahead -- here's hoping, anyway.

    Sending much love to you as you settle into re-entry, hoping you find pleasure in reconnecting with the comforts of home, old friends, and the opportunities in your lively community.

  57. Your portrait of Lizzie is wonderful. You've not only captured her features, I can sense some of that little fur-ball's personality shining through. I still keep the portrait you did of Dixie Rose on my desk where I can see it every time I sit down. You can bet it will go with me if an evacuation's called for!

  58. Your paintings are just lovely! I love seeing rainbows like that but do get frustrated that they never photograph as bright or as colorful.

  59. Beautiful rainbow. And love all your art. Not looking forward to Fall, though.

  60. Beautiful rainbow. It’s amazing how the little joys are the big ones. Happy Monday friend. Can you send me your address? I’d like to send you something.

  61. There is nothing wrong with not getting everything done at once, life is too short to stress about the small things. It will all get done in due time. 😊

  62. We have been brainwashed into believe we must be productive at all times.. but sometimes not getting things done is also fine.

  63. Jeanie, I know you've enjoyed your lake time and I'm sure being back has you off just a bit. I'm sure you'll slowly but certainly fine yourself in the home schedule. It's nice you have a few more lake days to look forward to as we ease into fall. Your sweet girl certainly looks fabulous in her painting! I love rainbows and I'm guessing this was awe inspiring and those sunsets pics are beautiful. Glad Rick is home safe and sound. Hope you are doing well and enjoy pulling out all the fall things. Welcome back!

  64. Pleased that Rick is back okay.
    Lovely photographs.
    Always nice to see a Harry the Heron sighting and the colours of the sky in your last photograph is just wonderful.

    Enjoy your September days.

    All the best Jan

  65. This is Lisa! The rainbow pics are beautiful! What a treat to see a double rainbow! Re-entries are hard. You will find your rhythm. There are plenty of months ahead to be productive. Give yourself permission to take it easy for now. I love the paintings, especially the goldenrod one!

  66. Glad to welcome you home, Jeanie. I LOVE the painting of Lizzie and your rainbow is mesmerizing. Nice to see Rick is back, too. Yes, I am in catch up mode.

  67. All of these photos are terrific, the rainbows are glorious, but I especially like seeing your artwork!! I think the one of Lizzie is my favorite. :)
    Have a good weekend, Jeanie.

  68. I feel like I've gotten behind on my blogging friends while I was away in Europe. I'm glad to see that you are settling in. Beautiful paintings!


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