The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Spring Is Breaking Through!

We are on the countdown to Easter and I'm looking forward to the invasion of the Munchkins! I even added a few more Easter things to the house!

The egg tree -- most (but not all) the eggs made by me or my mom -- is flanked by two watercolors by my friend Kate and a cute vintage chick!

And, I finally got my lantern together, along with a couple more Vintage by Crystal spring girls!

Leading up to the event I've enjoyed time with friends, including blogger Mae. Rick and I met Mae and her husband, Len, in nearby Chelsea for a wonderful lunch. Chelsea, which was absolutely beautiful!

I had the sushi at a new (to me) restaurant called "The Grateful Crow." The restaurant itself was gorgeous with (as mentioned!) loads of murals. ( I hope you'll visit Mae's post for Mural Monday because she has some astounding photos of this place!) The sushi was gorgeous too!

Chelsea is a charming own with lots of fun shops and it is home to the Jiffy Mix factory, which I've visited in the past and written about here. It's a great tour (and you get free Jiffy mix when you leave!)


Friend Jan and I hit our local market, Horrocks, for our first shop together in quite sometime. While we didn't hit the nursery yet, there were some beautiful flowers in the market.

These daffs were a landmark buy from the grocery store -- bundles were only seventy-five center! The ones outdoors are beginning to come out too.

And so are the wee dwarf irises, always my first bloom.

I had a couple of friends for lunch and it was good motivation to set a pretty table!

Spring also brings the Sketchbook Revival art sessions online and I have loads of things to share in a future post. Some of the sessions I loved, some -- not so much. But all were worth the time. I haven't painted so much since last summer!


Commenter Ana asked where I stored things for the holidays and since I couldn't answer directly, thought I'd share here. Easter (and Christmas, Halloween, china, out of season clothing and beyond) are stored in my basement, which is unfinished (and often leaks). It's not pretty but it works. I live in a small ranch house, 1960s era, and the basement runs under the house. So, there you have it!

Speaking of leaks, our whole neighborhood has been under water this week. The restoration companies must be loving us. (The problems that happen when your subdivision is built on a swamp!) 

Meanwhile, PT has started again for my Greater Trochanter, which doesn't seem so great. Body parts you never knew you had! But I am grateful to finally have a new area to work on -- and this might be the real deal!

And, next time you get a call from a cyclist saying "Could you pick me up?" (It had started to rain), say yes! You might end up enjoying a glass of wine and dinner at a new restaurant you might not otherwise try!

This spot had a fabulous wine list but the best deal was the flight of three -- equivalent to about a glass and a half -- and a great chance to check out three different things. 

It was definitely worth the gas!

No matter which holiday you are celebrating these days -- Easter, Passover or Ramadan -- I hope it is safe, happy and filled with people you love and happy surprises.


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  1. Now this was some very happy, enjoyable post, Jeanie!
    So many happy faces and I just bet more will follow - Happy Easter over to you!

  2. You've been having lots of lovely adventures this spring. I'm jealous that you were able to meet up with Mae. It's great to be able to talk in person with people we meet here in Blogland.

  3. Your decorations are beautiful Jeanie, particularly the eggs.I love going out for lunch, and I love sushi. Happy Easter :-)

  4. Eggs, wether as food or decoration, are always cherished. Flowers and wine, mark any holiday as special. Meeting friends warms the heart and uplifts the spirit.

  5. What a wonderful drawing at the end of your post, it made me smile. Have a happy Easter with all your family.

  6. Wonderful colorful post Jeanie..looking forward to a blessed Easter

  7. Great post, Jeanie! I loved our get-together in Chelsea, and your photos are neat. I hope we do in fact do it again sooner than last time (which was disrupted by the Great Disruption of the Whole World).

    best... mae at

  8. Hi Jeanie! You have so many lovely decorations, enjoy. Great that you were able to meet up with Mae, so lovely. If Rick rings me I would definitely pick him up, that would be fun. Have a wonderful Easter, enjoy the Munchkins, I know you are crazy about them! Big hugs, Valerie

  9. Cute additional decorations and artwork. Nice to be able to meet up with fellow bloggers and have such a good time and delicious food. And with the hubby that didn't want to get soaked, too--lol! Enjoy your weekend!! :)

  10. This is such a lovely post, and I do agree with Bill when he said, that the drawing at the end of your post, made him smile ... it made me smile too :)

    Have a wonderful Easter and a super, fun time with the Munchkins.

    All the best Jan

  11. Look at that chickie. Love that drawing. Thanks for sharing all the goodies and fun.
    Happy Easter.

  12. So festive with the beautiful decorations, good sushi and flowers!

  13. you are always so social! I love it and the name of the restaurant name is very fun!
    Happy Easter

  14. Easter preparations, friendship, and sushi - what more can you need.
    Just perfect!
    Happy Easter and enjoy the munchkins!

  15. Love your Easter Egg tree and lantern, Jeanie. Have lots of fun with the kiddos, and have a beautiful Easter Weekend!

  16. other than the wet basement, life sounds good for you Jeanie. And even with a wet basement, thank goodness for having them to store things. Your house is looking so festive for Easter and for spring. I bet you are excited to see the little ones. They are at such a fun age. I think you always need to get Rick when he calls, especially if he brings you out to eat. That wine looks great, and I could go for a glass right now. Smile. Have a wonderful rest of the week and Easter too Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  17. Jeanie, you have enjoyed a fun week with friends and Rick took you out to eat when you didn’t expect it. Aren’t those fun times when they aren’t expected! Wishing you a wonderful Easter with the munchkins!

  18. Jeanie, your house sure looks picture perfect and ready for Easter. Those daffodils are gorgeous! And I love the handpainted eggs that you and your mother made -- some lovely memories there, I think. So sorry about the wet basement... but glad to see more pictures from your visit with Mae in Chelsea, and glad to see you enjoying a new restaurant as well. Good luck with the PT -- hope you are feeling much more at ease very soon. Have a great visit with the extended family this weekend -- Happy Easter!

  19. Love that final cute chick painting. How marvellous to meet Mae! She is a stalwart of my In My Kitchen monthly posts. Happy Easter to you.

  20. Lots of fun things happening in your world, Jeanie! The handpainted eggs are so pretty. I hope the PT goes well and has good results. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  21. Not sure my comment went thru ... anyways Happy Easter to you.

  22. I always love how you decorate for Easter. I didn't even bring out my Easter basket. I just couldn't get motivated. I like your yellow and cobalt blue color combination on your table and all the bunnies and eggs, too. Nicely done.

    I joined Sketchbook Revival and have not even looked at a single video yet. I'm sure I won't be drawing or coloring anything anyway, because I'm more a collage person. I look forward to seeing what you created. Gotta LOVE the chick coming out of the egg. Of course, I love your egg tree, too.

    Nice you got to try three different wines. I'm sure Rick was happy to see you and your car, too!

    If you don't post again before or on Easter, have a blessed one, dear.

  23. You drew a cute Easter chicken... I love it - I wish you a happy Easter.
    And yes, a bit of fitness can't hurt :-)) a happy time you had... it makes a good mood to watch. Thanks.
    Wishing you all the best.
    An Easter hug from Viola

  24. Hello Jeanie,

    Happy Easter! Your eggs and the lantern look beautiful, I like your pretty decorated party table. It is nice to see a photo of you and Mae, it is fun meeting up with blogging friends. Dinner out with Rick is a nice treat too. Have a happy Easter weekend.

  25. I am sure that Mae was a fascinating and agreeable person with whom to spend time. One of the great results of blogging is that from time to time you get to meet other bloggers and in my experience it has been very enjoyable. Some have become lifelong friends and one will be coming all the way from Australia to spend time with us and then go to Cuba on my November outing. There are bloggers I know I would love to meet, with whom the "real" experience would fit the impression gained online. There are others who would, as in life, become only passing acquaintances. Blogging really does resemble life in so many ways.

  26. You are really and truly springing, so good for you. I like your top and scarf (wrong word?) in the penultimate photo. Enjoy the weekend. We have nothing special planned, and I am not sure about the weather. Today will be nippy for sure.

  27. I'm sure you've mentioned that trochanter before, but I didn't remember it, and went a-looking. Who knew there was such a thing as "Greater trochanteric pain syndrome"? I read all about it, and then thought, "Well, I hope the Easter bunny doesn't suffer from it -- it could make hopping more than difficult!" Here's to a "hoppy" Easter for you and the family; I know you'll enjoy it.

  28. I love your table setting and your neighborhood. Very little concrete, which is a blessing. Love those beautiful eggs, hanging from the tree and in that bowl. Precious items.

  29. Have a wonderful Easter Jeanie! The children are going to love all your Easter decorations, and your watercolor chick in the egg is the cutest!

  30. How lovely that you and Mae got together for lunch and you had such a good time. I met a few bloggers in person and so far it has always been a very pleasant experience. The sushi looks delicious - I love sushi and we are very lucky to have a great "sushi guy" in our local market.
    Your accidental wine excursion sounds lovely as well. Sometimes when we feel like it we just go out to one of the many wineries in our area for some tasting. Now that all the restrictions have been lifted, we don't need reservations anymore. I like the more spontaneous "stuff".
    Have a lovely Easter with the munchkins - I'm confident that you all will have a wonderful time together.

  31. Such a lovely post Jeanie...your eggs are doesn't see them like that very often..
    The Sushi is also beautifully done.
    Pretty flowers...always cheerful.
    Lovely paintings..I have been a slacker for a few weeks..
    We need rain..It's been very dry..We are going in to Spring/summer with a 2 inch rain in sight..not good.
    Hope your Greater Trochanter responds positively.
    Cute Chick in the egg..Happy Easter

  32. Beautiful EGGS! I love them. Loving the colors in all the flowers also. I love spring, which was my moms favorite season, but still fall is my favorite. Great lantern, I have the exact same one. Mine is outside on a shepherds hook. I put the top of a solar light inside it. I do need to move it though cause I noticed the other day it don't light up at night, cause it is in the line of the porch light. and learn. Hoppy Easter.

  33. Lovely post Jeanie. The eggs and tree are adorable. How sweet you had unexpected dinner with Rick. Wishing you a happy Easter.

  34. This is a beautiful post. What a wonderful day meeting up with Mae and her husband. Glad you have the kids invading for Easter. Continue to have a lovely day.

  35. Great post Jeanie! Love the gorgeous daffodils!
    Have a beautiful and Happy Easter! 🌷🐇🌷

  36. I love your holiday decors...all of them! Easter is especially joyful at your house. How could it not be with one of my favorite color palettes.

  37. One of the beauties of having blogging friends around the country is being able to extend my own seasons by following those of others. In this case, spring has definitely sprung here about a month ago, and now I get to enjoy yours! Jeanie, I love your hair in its natural, and wish you & Rick a Happy Easter.

  38. We had so much rain that one of my neighbors driveway was full of water. I felt do bad for them. At least we are on tap doe dome Summer weather next week and the flowers will begin to sprout up now. A little slow over here. Happy Easter! Janice

  39. Nice you were able to meet up with bloggy friends to enjoy some delicious food while enjoying each other's company.

  40. Oh dear Jeanie I thank you so much for sharing us these beautiful eggs! I don't have the talent to paint especially such small detailed things like those are so beautiful! Happy Easter!

  41. Beautiful Easter decorations Jeanie.
    How wonderful that you met up with Mae, she's one of my Monday Mural participants as you know.
    Hope your basement doesn't get flooded again! How nice to be invited out to an unexpected dinner by Rick :)

  42. Oh, golly, so much to comment on today! Your egg tree is divine, the watercolors lovely next to it. Love the lantern. That sushi looks heavenly! I use Jiffy mixes, the cornbread one the most. Flowers are stunning. Looks like you and Rick had a great meal. Have a happy Easter, and a great day with your family.

  43. I like your eggs and the way you've displayed them. Charming, along with your other spring decorations. It can be hard to find a way to store seasonal decorations in a way that's both safe and accessible. Sounds like you've found a solution.

    All this rain! I'm looking forward to sunshine!

    The wine flight would be a great way to try several kinds. Nice idea.

  44. Hello Jeanie :=)
    Happy Easter to you and your family. I enjoyed this cheerful post, The cute painting made me smile, and I love your egg tree, and Lantern. I saw the photo you had taken with Mae on Mae's blog and a lovely photo it is too. I'm glad you were able to meet up.
    All the best.

  45. Very uplifiting and enjoyable post. Was happy to see you and Mae out to lunch! The handprinted eggs are beautiful and the flowers so pretty. Happy Easter!

  46. It is so lovely to see all of these springy photos! Looks like you are off to a good start and enjoying spring. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  47. Love all of your photographs, but that bright blue and yellow table really sang to me. Hope you had a bright and blessed Easter and are enjoying the spring.
    On a different note, I still may make it to Michigan -- details still fuzzy -- in June and would love to meet up. Happy spring!

  48. Spring is here but its still cold but I am trying to enjoy every moment nevertheless

  49. Love seeing all the pretties around your house, Jeanie. I really like your decorated lantern all lit up. Your lemon table cloth is delightful. I'm glad you put your fun bunnies out on the table too. And I noticed your latest post also. The kids had a blast looking for Easter eggs. Wow, they have a lot of plastic eggs in their baskets.

    Have a wonderful week, Jeanie. We are having some sunny days, and Spring looks like it is arriving.


  50. This is Lisa. I meant to respond to your recent comment about having water in your basement and then got busy and didn’t respond! I am so sorry you are dealing with water again. Sigh. That is such a mess to deal with and then to have it happen over and over is rough. We are on a hill so don’t have to deal with flooding but I know a lot of the houses in our neighborhood deal with it due to how close to the creek we all are. It’s such a mess! But I am glad you’ve had some fun times lately to offset that headache!

  51. Spring has sprung indeed! We have been fortunate enough today to be able to go out and enjoy some walking in the forest and some nature parks. Still early times, but an absolutely awesome morning.
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