The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Snow Has Arrived

My world is a pretty quiet one this week and that's a good thing. I've been laying low, doing "homely" things, reading (after shelving three books because I couldn't get into them!), and beginning to plot out the upcoming holiday season. This was a motivator!

Yes, we had our first snow -- only an inch or two at first. It didn't last much but we got another two or three inches over it. My snow guy didn't show up so I shoveled -- well, shoveled half and then thought I'd better be careful with the bad back/shoulder and hip! More is predicted for the weekend, probably far more than I'm ready for. But I have to admit, it was just lovely.

Friends and Folly?

I've been steering clear of crowds but did enjoy a lovely lunch with two friends I rarely see. No photos, but there is great, quiet joy in sitting around a table in a beautiful, sun-flooded dining room, with loads of colorful paintings bringing the walls to life. We sat there for several hours talking about everything under the sun, from family things, politics, theatre and the arts, mental health, love and loss, aging and coping and so much more. I left feeling full of joy and happiness.

From there it was on to Kroger for a few groceries before the next snow. And outside, I saw this.

Does anyone think these lovely trees will have any needles left by Christmas? Or is getting a live tree now pure folly?

Deet or Beet?

Some of you asked about the name my grands call me -- Deet (or "beet," as Carson drew it because when you're five, a b and a d are a tough distinction.

So, here's the story. When I was very little, learning to talk, I couldn't say my full name, which was Jeanie Ellen. So I called myself Deetle-Elle, which got shortened to Deetle and to Deet. I was only two or so at the time so it's clear that I claimed the name LONG before insecticides did! Only my cousins and one childhood friend call me that these days -- even Rick doesn't, except around the kids. But when seeking a "grand name," I wanted something easy to say for a little one. It works. And no one else has that name!


We are laying low right now. My Canadian friend Suzanne is coming after Thanksgiving for a few days and hopefully I'll be feeling much better by then. Besides, there's plenty of cozy at home. We're in the hygge zone.

(I have to say, I'm a little envious of how much Lizzie loves Rick. He walks in and she comes out. I come in and unless it's at dinner time, I hardly know I have a cat!) As you can tell, that's her favorite chair. Time for a visit to IKEA for a new slipcover!

The only time she does this for me is when she's hungry.

Winter and Thanks!

I leave you with another look at our winter white and thanks for your queries and support about my MRSA diagnosis. I'm on drugs for a couple of weeks and hope that will do the trick and can avoid the pic line.

And, a reminder of our upcoming holiday! I'm not world's greatest turkey fan so I can get behind this one!

Happy Thanksgiving Week!


  1. Those snowy pictures are wonderful!! I smiled reading about your fickle cat. Our Scooter comes to me for food ( even if he hasn’t looked at the bowl yet) and to be dried off if he came from a rainy or snowy situation. He goes to husband for sitting and relaxing. Ugh!

  2. LOL!😅
    That cartoon is funny. (took me a second though).
    Adorable you are 5 years! You can tell it is you. Some folks look different as kids.

    I think animals are programmed to think of care givers as low status under others are in the household. It is weird.

    Take care shoveling!
    Better yet. Don't!

  3. I'm so happy to hear you are able to have visits with us Canadians again!!
    In this house we have HIS cat and HER cat. They only like the "other" if they want food and the preferred owner isn't around. Haha
    Not much snow here, though my cousins in Buffalo and Niagara Falls are getting BURIED!

  4. Is this early for you to have snow? We've already started having our winter gales about a month earlier than normal. I certainly am not ready for them yet. I'm with you on those trees. I don't think they've got a snowball's chance of having needles left by mid-December. Meanwhile, stay safe and stay warm.

  5. The snowy photos are superb!
    I'm quite the turkey meat fan, but I also like to eat fish.
    You were very cute as a little girl! Please show us some more of your childhood pictures!

  6. I had the same thought as Sally about your five year old self, we know it's you. :) I guess Lizzie wants the best situation for her needs, after all when you think about it, you're just one of her slaves. :)
    Enjoy your weekend, Jeanie.

  7. I love the story of your nickname! Too cute! And it's a nice easy word for the boys to say, too! My nickname when I was a child was Fritz. I don't know where it came from but that is what they called me. I love nickname stories! The stories are as unique as the nicknames themselves. I mean, we have Taco in our house! I had long been looking for a matching stocking for Will but Target hasn't had them for the last 2 years so I gave up and bought him a T stocking! It's hard to imagine calling him anything besides Taco really. I do call him William but everyone else calls him Taco!

    We have had snow most days this week. The heaviest was on Monday. It is very pretty! But now it is stupid cold - highs of 19 today/tomorrow. So it feels like January! It will warm back up to the 30s next week.

    The meal out with your friends sounds wonderful. You needed a uplifting experience like that on top of everything else you are dealing with right now!!!

  8. I do like your snowy pictures ...
    Love the picture of you in the snow.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. $80 for a Christmas tree right now! It's going to be brown in over a month. I don't know if I'd do it!

    My cat is similar in that my husband is obviously her human. She tolerates me if he's not around, but she'll definitely hang out with him over me if she can. I think this is fair because I am obviously the dog's human. But I'd like to be both. LOL.

  10. Oh my goodness - what a beautiful tree covered in snow and berries. It looks so festive. You need to stop shoveling, Jeanie - call your guy and make sure he shows for the next round. I started a new book recommended by a friend - The Salt Path (memoir). I'll let you know.... Lizzie is a traitor.

  11. I don't get much snow here. Your images in the snow season are simple astouding

  12. Beautiful snowy scenes. Lizzie and Rick look very content by the fire. I'm gladvuour Canadian friend will visit you soon. Enjoy.

  13. Jeanie, your first snow is beautiful, and I love the pictures with the red berries and the white snow, how pretty those are. Good for you for shoveling yourself, that's a lot of work, isn't it? We got our first snow, but it was only a dusting, and the real snow comes in December and January. You are such a doll in this photo as a child. I love seeing old black and whites of you when you were little. It's nice you got to visit with your friends over lunch and talk about so many things. I was just talking to my sister today about trees. They are quite expensive, but I will forever love them. I do think people tend to get the artificial trees as they age, cause it's less work to put up, less work to clean after, and less expensive. But you just can't beat the scent of a real tree. Lizzy looks so cozy sitting there next to Rick. Enjoy your cozy home life right now. I am doing the same at the moment. : )


  14. What sort of tree is that? It could not be more perfect for the season! Looks like your winter is going to be a colder than unusual one due to Tonga blowing its lid.
    Your little girl self is so adorable!! A gem of a girl!
    be very careful , snow and ice - not a friend to we who areover the age of five!!

  15. The snow photos on those bright red berries are magical. You described your joy beautifully when having the get-together with your friends. Seeing similar scenes here with trees and lets hope they have their needles at Christmas. Cute story about how your name originated. I have a similar one with Denise. My family on the other side of the pond still call me Neesie. That’s a real sweet photo of you. I hope you will be fully recovered by the time your friend arrives at Thanksgiving. Cozy and smile-bringing photos of Rick and Lizzie too. And your ‘eat more fish’ turkey made me smile. If I don’t get back before next week, Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  16. Your nickname story is so cute, Jeanie! Your childhood photos are amazing, I hardly have any as a child. The snow photos are so pretty, I hope we will see some white stuff this year! Take care of yourself and Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. WOW....on the snow. We are dealing with CoLd but no snow. Cute name for the kids to call you. I am just Nana, only to the great grands, I am Nana Pam. YOu have not changed, I see you in that little girls face.

  18. It’s always so gratifying when the big snowstorms bypass MIchigan and go to Buffalo! We got lucky again this weekend, I hope.

    best…mae at

  19. Aren’t cats interesting creatures? Not afraid to show their love, dislike or complete disdain for their roommates. But once you get a good one……you always hope to get another that comes close.

  20. no one knows how to humble me like a cat. I used to call them the "Ignorers" because they wouldn't bother unless it was something they wanted. But I really miss those stinkers. Your tree with the red berries is beautiful. That should get you in the mood for decorating! Stay warm and let someone else do the shoveling! xo

  21. Your snowy pictures are lovely. It's good to know that you are cosy and warm indoors.

  22. Oh, my. So much snow!
    Ingo came stomping into the living to my work-place, exclaiming: SNOW!
    I couldn´t believe, hits usually come February, and is all gone again thankfully.

    You meetup sounds lovely.

    LOL, yes those Christmas trees. Standing naked on THE day.
    I wonder if anyone is really that dumb to buy one now? (I bet some are).

    insecticides - LOL!
    A bit sad with Lizzie.
    Fun last pic. I never ever had stuffed turkey.
    I´ll make green kale today, a traditional Northern German dish.
    To a great weekend.

  23. Good morning, Jeanie: We too have had snow, with more in the forecast, although nothing like what Buffalo has experienced, a mere hour and a half from here. Whenever I have been to Buffalo it seems like a sad, dejected place that lives on distant memories with hope a rare commodity, so the huge snow dump must just add to the misery. Rick obviously has a surfeit of cat pheromones - who knew? Just another weapon in his arsenal!

  24. Hello,
    Love the snow covered berries, what a lovely image. We had a little snow shower last night, it melted quickly. I like your cute nickname.
    It seems way too early to buy a tree for Christmas. Cute photos of Lizzie and Rick! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Have a great weekend.

  25. That crab apple tree (or at least that's what I think it is) looks amazing with the snow on it. Boy that red pops. And now I know why they call you Deet. My grandfather was Barka to me because that's all I could manage to get out from the word grandfather, and I still call him that when I refer to him. I'm not sure anyone else knows who I'm referring too, but it is really special to me he has his own name. And good question about the tree. I know they all get cut early, but I'm not sure if the heat in the house brings the needles off more. I'd be tempted too, but I haven't seen any trees yet. We will get ours next weekend though. And your dinner sounds great. I had plans with some friends a couple of days after Mom died and I told my brother that i couldn't do any planning that day as I had dinner. It was definitely worth going. We talked about the same type of things, and those friends are the ones worth being with. Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you don't get the snow like Buffalo is. Boy that is one whole lot of snow. hugs-Erika

  26. I'm enjoying currently being snowed in - getting a kick start on my Christmas cards and watching holiday cooking shows.

  27. We saw the amount os snow Buffalo got..Seems so early.
    C’est la vie and I love Hygge and that cute pic of you!

  28. Happy 🦃 week to you and your family, Jeanie, and while I am a bit envious of the snow, it’s OK if we do not get any until after the holiday. We’re traveling and staying within NH and will be in the White Mountains. You were an adorable snow toddler and with your usual smile, thanks fir sharing the photo and the story about your nickname. It made me think of the jazz performer Diane Schurr who uses the nickname “Deedles.” Rick and Lizzie do look comfortable together. And, agreed that those trees will be dried out way before 🎄.

  29. Such a cute photo of you. The snow is beautiful. I get to admire it from other people too. Cats are so temperamental. We love dogs because their affection is endless. Happy weekend.

  30. So wintry looking! Hygge is a good thing -- funny how none of us knew that word 10 or 15 years ago (I don't think?) and now it's everywhere. We get a natural tree in the library but it doesn't come this early -- it's arriving in about ten more days.

    Love the pic of Deet on her sled!

  31. beautiful snowy photos-I always have loved the first snow-so much nicer once I retired though-we lived in northern Illinois and I had a long hour or more drive to work-so I didn't care for it much back then. Now I can sit back and enjoy it more. are those apple trees?
    I am starting to read more too enjoyed your post hugs

  32. I'm sorry to hear you have MRSA, Jeanie, and I hope it clears up with antibiotics. I've been so busy lately as I took over a volunteer job organizing archive records for our community historical society, but I'm taking a break for the holidays. We have to digitalize many records--a big job!
    I also saw Christmas trees for sale at our frocery store and thought the same thing! I think many people want a tree up for Thanksgiving, but not me, as I keep fall going as long as possible, even though we keep getting snow! Your snow looks beautiful! I love your special name--andquite a sweet story how you became known by it.
    This weekend I am beginning to bake for Thanksgiving favorite part of the meal!

  33. PS I'm Mille Fiori Favoriti....I did notcrealize I wasn't signed into Google! Sorry! XO Pat

  34. That's a cute picture of Rick and Lizzie. You should show it to him. So, now we know how your nickname originated. My sister, Sylvia, called herself Fifi, because Sylvia was too hard for her to pronounce. The name stuck until she put her foot down and told all of us her name was Sylvia, not Fifi. (As if we didn't know).

  35. The snow looks so pretty. We've been watching the winter weather on the weather channel...amazing images! Take care and stay warm and snug!

  36. It's something when one of the infections decides to park it's butt in you...hopefully you will feel better right away. And, get your immune system back up---and I know how hard that is. Gorgeous photos of your tree...spectacular in fact. Hugs, hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Sandi

  37. Beautiful snow pictures…I do not like turkey and love fish more…..happy weekend …I thought you mean I wish I was the cat…instead of going to ikea …hahahaha….happy Sunday love from me and Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

  38. We have not had snow here yet.
    Keep warm and be healthy. Enjoy white views from the window if it's too cold.

  39. What a beautiful snow scene.
    Hope you get to feeling better and enjoy your time with your friend. Glad you had a nice outing.

  40. Definitely I could get behind the fish idea too. But the two guys in the family love the turkey and all the trimmings, especially for leftovers.
    Sometimes I think Joey loves me for the food too.
    Love, love your snowy and red berry pictures. So pretty.
    What fun to have a special name for the little ones to call you. My sister could not say my name and called me Mar Mar. Glad that didn't stick. But love being called Mimi by a select few.
    Thinking Christmas decorations, but not until this coming Saturday.

  41. We just had an inch or so..never laid on the streets..It sure got cold over night..70 one day and below 40 ever since...
    Animals are funny..My dog gets up and leaves when I walk in to a room where she is...And I'm all she's got...Hope you are having a good weekend..

  42. Such pretty photos of the berries in the snow, Jeanie. It sounds like you have lovely plans for Thanksgiving. Friends around the table are always a reason to be thankful. Your last photo and quote is adorable and made me laugh! And what a darling photo of you, Deet--love the name, too!

  43. Your snow photos are glorious. I always like trees/flowers/shrubs/whatever covered with 'just enough' snow. But be careful about that shoveling. A little's fine, but don't overdo it. We finally got COLD today, with rain, temperatures in the 40s, and a strong north wind. The good news is that there's water standing in the ditches for the first time in months. There's more rain on tap for Monday, so even if the drought isn't quite broken, it's at least eased. I'm anxious to get down to the refuges and see if the fresh water ponds have a few puddles!

  44. Gosh I’m sorry yo hear your MRSA kicked in again. Glad to know you’re on the mend. Your nick name is cute and how it came about cuter! My cat only comes to me and clears the room if my hubby comes in. Who knows what goes on in their heads! Take care and best wishes for a nice Thanksgiving!

  45. Sad you aren’t feeling well.
    Liking your snowy pics.
    Hope the meds chase that MERSA away.
    Keeping you in my caring Jeanie . . .

  46. Love the snowy photos and your cute nickname story.

    That tree is so perfect for Christmas.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie 💐

  47. Lovely snow! It is fun to have a long relaxed lunch with friends. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that the medications do their job.

  48. Beautiful snow Jeanie! It has been unusually cold here, in the 30s which is freezing for us Southerners and when I'm home you'll most likely find me snuggled in an electric blanket! That's a cute story about your grandma name, so sweet. Funny about Lizzie, cats are crazy creatures! I don't like turkey either, so just bring on the yummy sides! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Jeanie!

  49. Dearest Jeanie,
    How lovely to see the snow when we here are still in Summer! We had such a hot and long Summer, I hope that Winter hasn't forgotten us :)! We also should have snow in November...
    Sending the biggest hug ever and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beloved Lizzie too!
    Dany at ~ My little old world ~

  50. Hello, dear Jeanie. Love your snow photos. We have been enjoying its magic here also. Hope you will be feeling better soon. Not feeling well is no fun. Do take care of yourself and be careful in the white stuff. You don't need to fall. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all those you love!

  51. Wonderful story about your nickname.
    My, I love the striking contrast between the snow and the red berries.
    What a beautiful kitty.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie!

  52. Happy Thanksgiving week, Jeanie. I love the original story of how you acquired the name Deet, and that's brilliant of you to resurrect it for the littles to call you. The first snow is always pretty (and/or on Christmas Day), not so much thereafter.

  53. We seem to be having the exact same weather, and it is darn cold and windy too. The plows did come by for us, though. But I didn’t get any notices photos like you. They are very appealing btw.

  54. Deet!

    My step-daughters called their grandmother "Daffy" (their version of Dorothy,I guess.)

    Fingers crossed for efficacious antibiotics, dear one.


  55. Hello Jeanie :=)

    Beautiful snow picture of the tree with red berries. I love snow scenes because we never get snow where I live. Cute picture of you in the snow, and cute story about how you got your name
    I have had a plastic Christmas tree now. You can not tell it is plastic especially when its decorated. I just miss the smell. I am so sorry you had or still have MRSA. I had to look it up to find out what it is.
    All the best, and Happy Thanksgiving.

  56. The snow is very lovely! I'm going into Hygge mode too! ♥

  57. I have to admit that as much as I do not like snow, it does look lovely, especially in that tree. Your cat is beautiful and they do have minds of their own. Our cat only liked my oldest son and ignored the rest of us. The photo of you on the sled is precious and I do remember that kind of sled. Happy thanksgiving- enjoy

  58. Sorry to be late visiting. I've been very sick and have mostly stayed in bed with my two boys.

    You got more snow than I got. It rained first, then when the temps dropped, it snowed. The ground was warm, enough it melted by the next day, unlike the beautiful snow you got. Your photos of the snow with the red berries showing through are fabulous. And of course, I love the photo of you in the snow as a child. Speaking of snow, PLEASE don't shovel. Find someone reliable who will do it.

    I'm a dufus. I had to look up the meaning of hygge. I could sure use that about now.

    I thought of you last night while watching Magpie Murders. I felt by week 4 I knew who murdered Alan Conway. By week 5, I was convinced I knew. When the reveal came, I was right that Charles had killed Alan. The clues were definitely there. I even suspected by the end of week 3, but felt I needed more clues to be sure. However, I never paid much attention to the story written by Alan, so missed a lot of the clues about who killed Sam, Mary, and Pye. That surprised and impressed me. I loved Magpie Murders and Horowitz said the book was different from the show. Apparently there were many fewer characters in the film than in the book.

  59. Oh look at that snow. While I am not ready for it yet, it is quite breathtaking isn't it.
    That's lovely to have a grandma name like no other. What a beautiful picture of you as a little one.

  60. Glad you were able to get out. Hmmm xmas tree. Not my thing at all, especially for the prices that are asked. Cats are strange and wonderful creatures. LOL Your snow photo is really beautiful. Hope you are feeling better. Have a grat day.

  61. I am so sorry that you have MSRA… prayers that you are on the mend.
    I’m so happy your Canadian friends are coming for a visit! And they hopefully will get to see some snow. Your snow pics are quite lovely.
    We are feeling the hygge moments as well!
    Enjoy your days to come.

  62. Cats can be such stinkers!!!
    Your snow photos look lovely, Jeanie, especially with the red of the - apples, I think? Just lovely and certainly the beautiful side of snow. The shovelling is not so much fun. I still rememer that from Germany and I never liked it, even though it's a pretty good workout - when you're younger. Those Christmas trees are way too expenive - why would I spend 80 bucks to have it in my home for a couple weeks and then throw it out? Such a waste, even though I'd still prefer a live tree to an artificial one because they just smell so good.

  63. I'm so sorry to hear about the MRSA -- may the medicine be blessed to clear your system of those bugs!!

    Those are crabapples, I am guessing, in the snow? It's such a beautiful sight. <3

  64. Gorgeous snow pictures! Lizzie is such a character.

  65. Love the story behind "Deet" - it's great to have a name no one else does for the grands! Coziness is oozing out of the pictures of Rick and Lizzie. I can feel the warmth! We've had just a few snowflakes here. I'm never ready for it, but always in awe of its beauty. Hope you continue to feel well, Jeanie!

  66. We've had a dusting of snow, but that's it so far.

    Cute story about your nickname.

    Hope you're enjoying some better health by now.


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