The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 21, 2022

Greens, Goofs and a Great Vet!

I had my official start to the holiday season over the weekend. My friend Jan and I took our annual visit to the Northville, Michigan greens market. This year they moved it back to the center of this charming little Hallmark Town. The market was in the street and it worked rather well -- but I still miss the town square with its Santa cottage. 

But it's much better than the lot where it was held last year! This year I opted for a swag instead of a wreath. We'll see how it works out!

While we were in Northville, we went to our favorite shop, "Gardenviews." It's always a Christmas delight with its pretty trees and decor.

I'll post a few more holiday views soon -- but it's awfully festive. Santa is definitely coming to town! 

And, this time I was relatively restrained. Mostly. I couldn't resist this cardinal for my woodland tree.

And in the "Duh!" Category!

So, I go to wash dishes from the night (OK, the week) before. It's early, the dishwasher is full. I add the soap and I hit the button and go off to blog and wait for Rick to get up. The new dishwasher tells me 2:43 so I figure in about three hours I'll have a load of clean dishes. And it's such a quiet dishwasher!

Except... it's not working. So I hit the cycle again. Same deal -- the power is on, but no water. And again. Rick tells me to hit cancel and I do. And start again. Nothing. He said he'd go home, check things out on the manual, which ended up at his place, and we'd take care of it later. 

So, I head to the kitchen to tidy up and notice something on the dishwasher I hadn't seen in the semi-dark when I started it before. The "start" button. Voila.

Sometimes I wonder how I made it this far in life. And it's not even that close to the holidays.

Lizzie Gets a Vet-a-Visit!

We had Doctoring Day today, starting out with Lizzie's vet-a-visit from Dr. Anne. She's a miracle with that cat. Not enough of a miracle that I can do away with the puppy pads. But just an incredible vet and human being.

Here she is, cutting Lizzie's talons toenails. What a relief!

Then it was on to physical therapy and the back doc. I have such a great team, but learned today that my back doc is moving to Austin. I hope his replacement is as good.

The rest of the week is quiet. I'm sticking pretty close to home these days. We dodged a bullet with the storm that hit West Michigan and I'm hoping it stays that way. I have some sage and thyme to harvest if it makes it after our first snow. We shall see!

Meanwhile, it's almost time to deck the halls!

(Some of you have asked about purchasing art or cards. Visit the Gypsy Caravan 2022 link on the menu bar above for details and available inventory! And thank you!)


  1. Sometimes quiet weeks at home are the best weeks, aren't they? The greens market looks great, as does the holiday shop at the garden center. I'm thinking I might do some decorating Wednesday. I'm going to my SIL's for Thanksgiving so that way some more things might be up besides my winter tree. I'm having a fairly quiet week too. I hope the swag works out. Hugs-Erika

  2. my dishwasher you have to hit a second button that is start and I can not tell you how many times me or my husband have forgotten to hit start and headed out for the day only to come home and think the dishwasher was broken.
    glad you found a good vet they are hard to come by.
    looks like Christmas in your neck of the woods

  3. Jeanie, the greens market looks wonderful. I have had many of those “duh” moments. Wishing you a wonderful and quiet week! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. You've been busy - I'm glad you're getting therapy and I hope it helps. Stay warm up in the frozen lands of the north.

  5. I don't love when a doctor I am happy with leaves or closes his office. I hope that the replacement will be a good one.
    Wow, all those wreaths and swags and it's not even Thanksgiving. However, realizing that Sunday is the first of Advent, I bought a small wreath today at Trader Joe's. I always buy the small one and just put a big candle in the middle of it. When our daughter was little, I did the traditional German wreath with decoration and four candles that are lit one by one on the four Sundays of Advent until all four are alight. But I'm not much of an Advent/Christmas person anymore, it is way too commercialized for me.
    I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!

  6. The start button eluding you is hilarious. It happens even to the sharpest of us- my husband for instance...
    Christmas is here already! and then it will be Valentines day and then spring and then LAKE time!!! Before we know it!

  7. The Start Button. Too funny, but I would probably miss it too.

  8. Ya gotta luv a start button. It's right up there with clicking on Save. :)

  9. The greens market is luxurious. So beautiful.
    Hope Lizzie gets all fixed up.

  10. These decorations are gorgeous! You are reminding me to make it festive at home

  11. Oh, so funny about the 'start' button and glad to hear that was the problem and not something worse. It's right up there with putting the milk in the cupboard, which I've done :) The market looks like a fun place to spend the afternoon and I like your little birdie. It does look like a dangerous place for the bank acct.! I can't even believe it's already almost Christmas. Vet and Dr. visits are always stressful - sorry your Dr. is leaving. Hope you get a nice replacement. Hope you have a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving with lots of pie :) x K

  12. I had a duh moment a little while ago with my dishwasher--lol! I hit start and shut the door--nothing. Waited--nothing. Tried again--nothing. So left it be and figured I'd have to call maintenance. Then it started filling up. I just had never paid attention to how long it takes to start up after I close the door--duh!! Nothing wrong with it at all--lol! So I can totally relate.

  13. Oh dear. I did giggle! Sometimes it is as simple as that!
    I enjoyed your Christmas sights and sounds!
    I bought some boughs yesterday, with my grocery order. I realized that the plants were frozen and I cannot get them in! Plan B!

  14. Hello,
    Love the cute Cardinal ornament! I am sure the swag will look beautiful.
    Missing the start button sounds like something I would do. I hope all goes well with your therapy! Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving week. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  15. LOL! There was a radio-comedy. A man from East Germany (very strong accent) and a video player.
    He got real mad, it was hilarious - it went around for months. Solution was the "รถn-รถff"-button he has not seen!

    Yay for great docs and I look forward to all your Christmas deco.
    I just bought two silly jumpers and a PJ.

  16. ‘Morning, How very gorgeous the Market was. Good to see the pix. Will try to go next year.
    Thx. Enjoy the day. Lois

  17. Your decorations are always remarkable — you have so many collections of little things to work with greens and other new stuff. I’m looking forward to your photos of every corner of your house!

    best… mae at

  18. That holiday market looks like fun! Funny about the start button on the dishwasher!

  19. Oh, how funny, laughing myself into tears this morning over your start button, as I read that paragraph out loud to my husband. He's laughing too. Love the mask your vet has for Lizzie, what a smart idea. Have a wonderful week!!

  20. Lol we have all had those appliance moments!

  21. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with rest, hope, and celebration, friend. I'm grateful that we get to do this blogging life together ...

  22. Fun post. I think I need an on/off button to get me started each day!. Enjoy your Christmas prep! Hugs, Valerie

  23. We have so many dishwasher woes here in this apartment building, half the residents don't even try to use it. You have to be an engineer. I ended up putting the directions on an index card and putting that card on the refrigerator for easy access.

    Love your holiday spirit. It feels especially good this year, doesn't it.

  24. What a life filled post with this one Jeanie. You touched just about every "button" I feel about the coming holidays and life. Seeing that "Greens Market" is a treat for the eyes; the desert does not have anything like this!!! Dishwasher experience just was so like many of us. Keep your cool and these great posts coming. I look forward to it all.

  25. That's funny about the dishwasher. At least it's not broken! Whew!

  26. I almost never use my dishwasher; I just wash the dishes by hand. But oddly enough, sometimes it's hard to find my 'start' button, too! The photo of your vet with Lizzie raised a question in my mind. I had Dixie for eighteen years, and I don't remember her claws ever being trimmed. Maybe the vet did it when she went in for her shots or dental check, and I just don't remember.

    We're going to have cold and rain until Saturday. Since I can't work, I think this will be the time to do a little culling of the Christmas stuff and a bit of housecleaning. Advent's almost here! It's early this year -- begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

  27. Veterinary practice has become very sought after, given the great number of pet owners in need of this kind of services.

  28. I have those "Duh!" days also, and it is so frustrating. Love the cardinal for your woodland tree. It looks better than any I've seen before.

  29. It looks like you're in festive mood with your green market visit and your sweet bird ornament. Lizzie is in good hands. I hope your physio therapy sessions continue to do you good and you find a helpful replacement physiotherapist for further workouts.

  30. Oh, I think I would love browsing through that shop. Sounds like my kind of place. Be sure to show us where you display your swag this Christmas season, Jeanie. New appliances are so hard to get used to and figure out. I'm glad you got to know your dishwasher a little better. Oh, that red cardinal - I can see why you wanted him for your woodland tree. And he's wearing a Santa hat! Looking forward to seeing your house after decking the halls, Jeanie. It's always magical what you do with all the Christmas decorations.


  31. Hello :=)
    Anything new takes a while to get used to. I would probably have not noticed the button either. I love the red Cardinal decoration; the colour will really pop on a Christmas tree. I have had two cats and don't remember ever having their nails cut. I hope you find a good vet to replace the one in your photo. Home visits are rare. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving
    All the best..

  32. Festive time at the market sounds like fun. I like looking at all the items they have on display and for sale. Finding the start button was a funny story. I hope Rick is not still looking for the directions :)

  33. The Northville Greens market looks like a wonderful place and I only wish we were allowed to have a live tree in the apt, but that policy changed a couple of years ago. We were surprised it didn't happen sooner, then the year we decided to get a "real" tree it was put in effect (drat).

    The "Duh" moment was funny and I am sure many of us could relate similar tales. Now that Rick went to his place to get the manual, you can have it for future reference๐Ÿ˜‰

    Nice that Dr Anne is a vet who makes house calls and that she is the one to trim Lizzie's nails. On the human side, having a favorite doctor leave and getting used to a replacement is always a challenge and hope all works out OK.

    Enjoying a quiet week is always good. We are still looking forward to a bit of snow. Patrick and I send our best wishes to you and Rick and family for an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

  34. Quiet weeks at home are some of the best. I love that the cat is doing well at the vet.

  35. I've done that many times with the dishwasher. Someone is moving to Austin? Just kidding. Texas has many new residence. Austin and Fort Worth for sure. At one point I heard that a 1000 a day. I'm not sure if that is true or not. You cannot beat our weather for most of the year except July and August and our housing prices were pretty good too. Seriously though, I'm sorry your doctor is moving. Finding a new doctor isn't fun. Happy Thanksgiving.

  36. I love seeing the festive decor! We have a new door this year so I needed to figure out how to hang our wreath. I bought an over-the-door hook but Phil said it's rubbing against the trim so is as no go... I need to figure out what plan b will be... Our planters will arrive tomorrow - we buy them from a friend's daughter's skating fundraiser! I love seeing others' greenery and some Christmas lights. Yes it's early but I love Christmas lights so this isn't too early for me. Especially now that it gets dark so early. I need some extra light/glow!

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  37. All the decorations look very nice Jeanie, very Christmas-y. Our local shopping center has started theirs also. Your dishwasher story made me smile, only that I have been in similar situations with other appliances :) How wonderful that you get a vet who visits your home. I haven’t come across that before around here. Good luck on your replacement back doctor. Happy that the storm missed you. I will be decking the halls nearer December and after Thanksgiving. Which only leaves me to say, Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. No snow here thank goodness. LOL on the dishwasher. My new one takes an hour. Festive here in our abode and love having fires in the fireplace once again. So warm and cozy at night. Janice

  39. My dishwasher is not working anymore..for three years now …I like doing it with my hands…and I think it is better for the world….beautiful Christmas decorations…love to go to a garden center this time the year….I will go to bed now ….it is late…good night sleep well love from me and Leaf ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ€

  40. Hi Jeanie! That's funny about the dishwasher!
    I'm in the Christmas mood, too! xo

  41. Signed in! Love that cardinal ornament. We sadly don't see them this far west. Our dishwasher sometimes gives us headaches by causing our circuit breaker to shut off when we try to start it and we have to go outside to flip it-- not fun to do when it's cold and snowing.
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! I'm busy baking and cooking everything ahead of time.

  42. It's such fun getting into festive mood :)
    I do like that cardinal; it will look nice on your woodland tree.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  43. Oh don’t worry! Every appliance is a new learning curve! That looks like a lovely market you went to! There’s a vet around here that makes house calls ( expensive though!). I changed vets when we got Murphy ( the Covid kitten) because I needed to find a less expensive vet for the spaying/ neutering. I just started a tiny bit of “decking the halls”. - Jenn

  44. I love your festive start to the holiday season.
    Oh a vet-a-visit! Joey vet says it is time, but they charge almost $1000 to come to my house. Too much!
    Love the red cardinal. I always get a bird ornament for my D and realized I didn't have one yet. So Sunday I went shopping and found a cute owl, but ended up also coming home with a hedgehog too. Now how did he hop in my bag? Ha! Too cute to resist.

  45. sorry I almost this post. Nice to have christmas greenery near you to buy-years and years ago when we lived in northern Illinois-before retirement-I loved to buy fresh greenery for a very long wooden fence we had in front-so pretty and smells good too.
    I love that red cardinal you picked up, hard to find a really good vet sometimes. I don't use dishwashers but I can see that happening to me too haha
    hugs Kathy

  46. It's beginning to look like Christmas! I enjoyed a quiet, at home weekend during the snow, too.

  47. I'm looking forward to seeing your swag, Jeanie. That sounds like such a nice event to get one in the Christmas spirit. The darling cardinal is perfect for your woodland tree. It's so good you have a great vet for Lizzie. I'm glad your dishwasher works. These new appliances are really difficult to figure out!

  48. Ahhh... Christmas! Looks like you are getting a lovely start to the season. Nice to see you getting out again, and the cardinal you bought is darling. Am a little envious of the vet who makes housecalls (even to trim nails -- I could have used someone like that back when we still had animals in our life).

    As for those "duh" moments in life, well, they're one reason to hold onto a good sense of humor. Glad you were able to start your dishwasher before Rick stopped by..

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  49. Christmas already and Thanksgiving hasn't even occurred yet? I am so happy to pass on all of this hoopla! It's no fun having to find a new doctor. Our old doctor retired, then her replacement went on a year's sabbatical and we are stuck with a third one I have yet to meet. That's a good thing, I suppose. I am ridiculously healthy!

  50. Looks like a good start to the Holiday season..I wish I could cut my cats "talons" but she has such big, furry mits I can't even find them..
    Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  51. What a great blessing to have a visiting vet! It is so hard even to get a vet appt down here these days, at the office. :) Vets are so hardworking, necessary, and there just aren't enough of them!

    I just bought an evergreen swag for our front door yesterday. I love it!

  52. Yup, I've had some of those start button moments! It's always hard when doctors we trust move on. So many of mine seem to be retiring now. Sounds like a lovely day at the greens market!

  53. I've had moments like that with the start button. Don't worry, it's not just you..

    Glad you got to enjoy the Christmas market, and that Lizzie has such a great vet. Oh, and don't feel bad. We're not able to do away with puppy pads either. Nothing works to convince these dogs that they don't need them. But I figure as long as anything that doesn't get outside is on the puppy pads, that's better than them going where they please, right?


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