The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 14, 2022

The World Keeps Spinning

We have "fallen back" time-wise here -- and I have to admit, I have a very hard time with that. I hate it being dark so early and meanwhile Lizzie, who tells time with her stomach, starts nagging me an hour earlier for her daily bread. The day of the time change we had a huge windstorm. It was so windy that even though it was a sunny Sunday, Rick didn't ride his bike. And THAT is almost unbelievable! Later the sky looked like this.

And as pretty as this is, I saw a lot of photos on my FB feed taken a bit earlier or later that were drop dead amazing. I had no complaints.

I love looking at Facebook and seeing a surprise -- and I was delighted to see that Friends of Theatre posted an announcement about naming me as Friend of the Year! I knew I'd received the award, but the announcement made me smile! The post included a lot of things I'd forgotten I'd done over the course of the past ten years -- but then it rarely felt like work! So, I thank them for that!

The art sale is over and went well. 

I always look forward to it and I'm always relieved when we're done!

We had a good turnout and I was pleased with my results! And finally, I'm getting things tucked away at home -- back where they belong!

One of the highlights was a visit from one of the college friends we called as one of our unofficial sixth roommates! We had a great catch-up visit and he's even going to help me find a good printer for my book after the first of the year! 

I'm hoping to put some things that are available here on the blog or by request but recent events may be slowing that process down. But, if you're in the market for notecards or felties, watch this space! The notecards make good little "thoughtful" gifts and the felties are ornaments, though most can "free stand" if one prefers.

While I was at the sale, Rick took the weekend off and went to Detroit for some riding and to see the kids. He came home with a lovely piece of art, now firmly attached to my refrigerator. (The boys call me Deet, which is a family name! Eventually the letters will get turned around -- he's only five!) 

The garden (if you can call it that) is pretty much put to bed for the season. That's another thing that's a relief when done. I feel like we were granted an extra reprieve with beautiful weather, unusual for November. So, no excuses.

I bought a Christmas tree -- 7.5 feet tall, used only once or twice and $65. It's currently in three plastic bags in the garage but I'll probably set it up right around Thanksgiving (the day after) just to make sure it's all they said! If not, there will still be time to get another but I couldn't resist.

My last year's tree (above) was bent beyond use when I sort of threw it down the basement steps after last year. I won't do that this time. I just hope everything fits on the new one. I suppose there's still time to buy a different one if I don't like it.

I've added a few late fall accents to the house. Not much. To be honest, after all this fall, I'm a little tired. My Halloween was scaled back and late fall is too. But hopefully I can do Christmas proud. (Although I suspect Rick would be happy if I scaled that back, too!)

Meanwhile, slogging through physical therapy and wondering why it doesn't seem to work faster when I'm doing all the right stuff. I suppose things didn't develop overnight and I can't expect them to heal overnight but it's frustrating. I'm still on the fence as to how well the cardioversion worked. I think it was pretty successful but I do feel like I'm going into afib still, just not as much. So when I have my follow-up, we'll see. Meanwhile, anytime Rick says he wants to make dinner and it's his delicious pizza, I won't say no!

Our gloriously warm, unseasonable weather seems to have said farewell with a huge temperature drop over the weekend. I'm glad most of the outside is cleaned up neatly but I didn't get to the garage as I'd hoped. There's still much to do out there but it looks like it will be more in short spurts than a marathon! I can work with that!

That said, I'll be slowing down a bit. The bad news is that my MRSA in the lungs is back and I'll be starting treatment again soon. It's always something. 

I leave you with a photo of the Ditch a couple of weeks ago. How I hate to see fall leave!

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  1. Jeanie,
    Looking forward to seeing your new Tree...
    Our temps have dropped down into the 20's and we are supposed o get some snow tomorrow!! I am so excited!! I hope you will get more answers about the cardioversion when you see your Dr. Hope you are having a good week!!

  2. Your cardson the display rack looks beautiful! I am glad you had a good time. Prayers continue for your health.
    The first photo looks like cotton candy taking over the world.


  3. Time-change is obselete these days with LED etc, light-saving is a thing of the past and it just confuses everyone, man and animal...
    Yay for your award!!!!
    Ohhh,the lion! And your roommate.
    Cute art. Yes, my Niece turned letters upside down at that age, too. Boy we had discussions, LOL. So interesting how their minds work!
    I once found a real tree and Ingo got him home for Christmas... would be so nice if that happened again.

    Go slow on your health, it takes the time it needs anyways...

    Beautiful fall pics! To a great day.

  4. Lots of beautiful photos there.
    It's been exceptionally mild in most of UK too but cooler forecast for this week.

  5. These photos are gorgeous! Love them all

  6. That first picture is stunning!
    DST always throws me off--for weeks sometimes. I hope they put a stop to it.
    Congrats on the deserved acknowledgement from Friends of Theater!!
    Glad your sale went well.
    A refrigerator always loves being adorned by kid art!
    Hope you love your new tree.
    Scaling back isn't a bad thing. Can be a good thing.
    Hope your cardio appointment has good news.
    So very sorry to hear about the lung issue coming back.
    Yes, it is always something, it seems. My very, very best to you!!

  7. Ciao, le tue foto sono sempre stupende e colorate!

  8. So sorry for your health issues and pray you feel better soon.
    Congrats on being honored how wonderful for your.
    Glad your sale was a good one. It is almost tree time. I have cut back over the past few years I would like to dig some of the decorations out that haven't been out in several years.

  9. Hello, Jeanie
    Love the beautiful skies photos! It is nice you received the award for all your work at MSU. Your cards and felt art look wonderful, I am glad the market went well. Sorry to hear the MRSA is back, take care. Sending prayers!
    Take care, have a great week ahead.

  10. Well, Jeanie, Deet is an insect repellent and beet is a round red vegetable, so I am not sure which is better!

  11. Good luck with all the different recoveries from your ailments. So great that you have accomplished so much in the garden, the holiday prep, the art sale, and various therapies.

    best… mae at

  12. Jeanie, I'm so glad your art sale went well. I enjoy my felties year round, different ones at different times. I spy one or two I may send a note on. πŸ˜‰ I'm sorry to hear of your MRSA returning, as well as the question of afib. I'll keep you in my prayers.
    I had to laugh at your badly bent tree and how that happened. My sister did the same with her fall faux pumpkins, only she tossed them down from the attic. She found some new ones at HL last week for 75% off. Love the grand's art. Too cute.
    Scaling back should be our mantra, but it's hard to do when there's a lifetime collection. Maybe refraining is our better mantra - refrain from buying more. That's hard to do too, when there's a bounty of beauty in blogland. Happy Tuesday!

  13. Congratulations on your award, Jeannie! Well deserved, I'm sure! Hope your new tree is perfect for you. Sorry to hear about your current health struggles. Yes, unfortunately, I does always seem to be "something". I'm on my way to physio soon this morning! Haha. I'm curious how "deet" came about? -Jenn

  14. Wow! To those first two photos, especially the first.

    Sue has Christmas stuff up a bit early because of some company expected this weekend. She would normally wait for another week when the town will hold its Sant parade.

  15. Damn! about the MRSA. Well deserved congratulations on your award. Glad the sale went well. Love the refrigerator art (grandchild art is the absolute best). Cold weather is definitely here (currently sitting at home as new furnace is being installed - good timing).

  16. I admire your let’s get through this and on with itπŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»I admire the fact that you bought a new tree.Some of us at our age..don’t and stop a lot of Christmas cheer.I hope I keep it up for yrs also God willing.Bravo on the art sale!!!And now you have a new artist to collect his works☺️

  17. Wonderful post J with so much to see and read

  18. Oh, no, MRSA!! How awful, I hope that you can have the right meds to fight that. And that your Afib is settling down.

    I usually put up Christmas the day after Thanksgiving too. I put Miracle on 34th St (the 1947 version) on the DVD player and decorate to my heart's content.

  19. Congrats on your reward the art sale. so sorry your ailments have returned. Prayers for your Jeanie. The autumn colors are glorious.

  20. I'll start with the positive - congrats on your award! It is wonderful to be recognized like that and how wonderful that your contributions didn't feel like work! And I love that card from Carson. The backwards letters are so cute. Paul does the same thing with several letters and numbers.

    I'm sorry to hear the MRSA is back and the PT is taking awhile to make a difference. Both are super frustrating. It does seem like one thing after another for you so I hope you get a break soon. And I don't like the end of DST either. It don't like how early it gets dark. I dread the short days of daylight but am trying to focus on the fact that winter solstice isn't too far off and then the day will start to get longer again.

    Winter is certainly here. We got snow last night and it's snowing again today. And then it will get very cold this weekend - like highs in the teens. Bleh. I do not like that! I don't mind the snow but hate the bitter cold!

  21. You live such a full life...I admire you for that and for your artistic talent and giving nature. Looking forward to your posts through the holidays...always so colorful and inspirational.

  22. Congrats on being Friend of the Year! "Beet" is a good nickname, too. :)

    Hope the MRSA is vanquished ASAP!

  23. We've had the same temperature drop off and are predicted to get a little bit of snow tonight. I need to go out and put away some things; can't say I'm really excited to get out in the cold, but it will do me good I think. Maybe I'll even take a walk, but I'm not pushing too hard today. Glad to hear your art sale went well. And I do love the pear and the squash. Are they gourds? Either way, they look great. Hope you week has started off well. hugs-Erika

  24. Keep active, Jeanie - I'm glad you're doing PT. I know it sometimes feels like two steps forward and 1 step back, but in time you'll heal and feel more yourself again (or maybe even better). I smile to see Carson's fridge art. Congratulations on your award. It's wonderful when work feels like play! Feel better soon!

  25. I am so sorry about your health issues.

    What a marvellous sale, though!
    Those clouds are beautiful!
    We've slowly scaled back over the years. Some years, well, last year, we had Christmas in February!

  26. I don't care for the time changes either-but this one is nice for awhile with more light in the mornings here that I like-til another month when it will seem more dark then light.
    congrats on your art sale Perfect time of year too I would think. My husband is very ill so I feel for your health issues-hope they can ease things up a bit.
    congrats on your accomplishment recognition too.
    Hugs from the lake

  27. First, I'm sorry you have to start treatment again for your lungs, Jeanie. I hope all goes well with that. I really enjoyed your post today, because you have shown a little of this and that, and those are my favorite posts. I'm looking at the Ditch and how pretty it is. I don't remember seeing a lot of the Ditch pictures this Fall. Rick's pizza sounds delicious, and I crave it sometimes, and have to visit this place in town that is really good. Oh, your Christmas trees always make my heart sing. They are so decorated with special ornaments. And the drawing from the little one is a treasure. I'm glad your art sale did well this year, and those sunsets are wonderful. I hope you feel better, and Yes, the world keeps spinning. I sometimes can't keep up haha.


  28. Those top photos with the pink sky are glorious, Jeanie. The rest of your pictures are very nice, too. I hope your heart will behave; take it easy during the Holidays and don’t overdo it. Friend of the Year is certainly perfect for you, I could add “all years.”
    I believe the fall season is my favorite, mostly because of the colors. But like in your area, fall is leaving the Deep South, and trees are starting to show brown only – at least we have the Georgia pines keeping their color. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  29. Sorry to hear about the health issues, I hope they pass and become just a memory. Congrats on being the Friend of the Year. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas tree. We stopped having a tree when my daughter moved. It's nice and easy now, we decorate our apartment with snowmen collected thru the years and ornaments my wife made. We enjoy it alot and it's less work but still festive.
    Enjoy your day.

  30. The time change this year bothered me more than usual, Jeanie as well. Congratulations on your award! How supportive you are, my friend. Here's hoping the new tree will hold all of your pretty ornaments. And I really hope all of your health challenges lessen soon. I always admire your can do attitude! Have a happy week.

  31. I'm so sorry you are having health issues.
    Your sky photos are beautiful and I'm glad the art fair went well.
    YOU take special care.

  32. Shhh...dont tell anyone ut I have my skinny tree up and decorated. With it sowing out today it feels like Christmas now. Hope all goes well with your lung issue and so glad the sale went well. A nice name for it too! Janice

  33. Congrats on being named 'Friend of the Year'!
    I'm glad your art sale went well. I can't say it surprises me, though. The things you create are such a delight to the senses!

  34. Not MRSA! Do be careful and I pray you get the right meds and care to get rid of it. The same with your Afib, Jeanie! I hope you see your doctor soon, or call him. I’m glad you had a nice show for your art items. I haven’t been to any shows for a few years. I just don’t need much, if anything, I need to get rid of stuff. Thinking of you and your health.

  35. Sorry to hear your MRSA is back. Do take care.
    Hoping your new tree is all you would love.
    Book? What book are you working on?
    I always love your visit to the ditch.
    Love the picture on your refrigerator.What a lovely gift.
    All your cards displayed at the sale look so happy. They make me smile.

  36. Congratulations on your accolade. I do hope your procedure helps you. Well done on your market success too!

  37. I'm not ready for Christmas..may never be...The older I get, the less excited I get.
    Love your tree..It has that "old fashioned" feel..
    Sorry about your MRSA...Hope it is soon gone..
    Our warm weather is gone til Spring I'm sure...It is snowing as I write this.The weather changed over night..
    Congratulations on your award..

  38. Ohhh so much wonder in this post. I am sorry about the MRSA. And yes PT seems to take longer than expected. Being recognzed, especially for being a good freind is quite an honor. I think most people have a hard time with the clocks changing. I really dislike it. Happy to hear your show went well. I don't celebrate Christmas but I do like seeing how prople decorate. Be well.

  39. Big congratulations on your award, I’m sure you more than deserve it. Love the little guys artwork and yours also! So sorry to hear of your health concerns, please know you will be in my and many others prayers and thoughts. Take good care. xo, V.

  40. Very November. I like the rack of card pictures. Sorry to hear about the MRSA.

  41. The sky in your photos is stunning.
    It becomes colder. Please take care. You will recover soon.

  42. Such beautiful photos, amazing. It seems you had a good time, which is what we need these days. One has to look for the small things in life. They are mostly what makes us happy.

  43. That comment by David Gascoigne made me laugh. So true. Deet or Beet, take your pick. Hope your health improves. We don't decorate a Christmas tree anymore. Instead, we have a tall orchid display that we prefer to look at. Cheers!

  44. The world sure does keep on spinning... and these days, it feels like it's speeding more quickly and more erratically than ever. Most days, it makes me feel just the slightest bit queasy.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the MRSA, and I hope you get useful information about your afib/cardioversion at your next appointment.

    The scenes from daily life you've captured recently, though, sure look beautiful. I love the artwork from the 5yo -- something to keep for a LONG time. And your picture from the Ditch looks like a painting... gorgeous!

    Hope the week is going well for you.

  45. Hi, Jeanie. I don't think there is anything wrong or bad about scaling back. I remember the days where everything had to be perfect---work 60 hours + a week and everything was handmade, baked and decorated to the ultimate----YIKES. Those years are a blur, now we work more to experiences, sharing and family---touches here and there that are meaningful are much more important. HUGS, and do what you enjoy and can---and go have that hot cocoa someplace fun or with old friends, instead of worry about blog fodder! Just my thoughts, lol. Sandi

  46. That's a lovely drawing from your grandson. We changed our clocks a few weeks ago, it took ages to adjust Rufus' stomach time!!

  47. So pleased the art sale went well.

    We changed some of our ornaments and decor recently and now have a green and red colour theme, just in time for Christmas! I do like this time of year.
    Look forward to seeing your Christmas tree.

    So sorry to read about your health issues, I hope they can be sorted soon for you. Do take care of yourself.
    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  48. Mistletoe Market. What a purrfect name. How are you feeling today?

  49. Wishing you only the very best with your health issue Jeanie. On a positive note, congratulations on being Friend of the Year, well deserved I am 100 percent positive :) I love those cards of yours, glad everything was successful. I enjoyed each and every photo and enjoyed your post very much!

  50. sorry to hear you are not well. i know the feeling. i am feeling awful today and am in PJs and a scarf - and it's 24C today! so quite warm. sending you best wishes.

  51. Hello! Great entry.
    Great photos, I like them a lot. A wonderful Christmas tree, I love a few holidays and I'm slowly starting to decorate everything myself :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  52. Congratulations Jeanie on being selected Friend of the Year, what a lovely honor for you. I am so sorry to read of ongoing health issues and hope they are resolved soon. Happy the sale went well and look forward to postings of items you have for sale. Take care of yourself, dear one!

  53. The sunset photos are stunning Jeanie.
    Hope your health issues get sorted out soon.
    Congratulations on being nominated "Friend of the year" I'm positive you deserve it.
    Because I will be away for Christmas and will be doing a Christmas lunch on the 10th of December I'm thinking of setting up my tree and other stuff around the house this weekend so I can get to enjoy it for a month at least :)

  54. You captured an amazing sunset. Congratulations on your award - you are a special friend to many. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  55. Beautiful pictures wowww nature is so beautiful …what is your fb name ? Congrats with your being friend of the year award
    So sad to hear your MRSA is back…..
    Love happy weekend from Leaf and me πŸ€πŸΎπŸ’—πŸ€πŸ™

  56. I hate to hear of those health issues coming back. The fact that there's so much good to balance things out -- your award, a new Christmas tree, that wonderful sky -- probably helps, but a little more health would be even better! We've had a significant temperature drop, too, although our 'cold' is still warmer than yours. Today it got up to about 52 or so, and our lows will be in the 40s for a while. I'd forgotten how much I dislike cold weather, but I'd also forgotten how cozy long underwear can be!

  57. Oh Jeanie, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well right now.

    I am glad to hear that your art sale went well! Your creations are always so cute!

    We are making pizza this weekend with Rick's dough suggestion! Keep your fingers crossed for us. We make the dough tonight!

  58. Congrats on your being awarded Friend of the Year! I can see why. :)
    Also those two pics at the top of the post are so beautiful; I'd like to ask though were they taken at dusk or dawn? Cause I remember the saying: Red sky at night, sailor's delight; read sky at morning, sailors take warning. I recite that every time I see red sky. And... so sorry to hear of your health issue. Do take care!

  59. I hear you with the show-I used to do them and was thrilled to set up and even more thrilled to tear down. I am glad you had a nice turnout. Good to see your old friend and glad he can help you find a publisher.
    Colder than cold here and snowing a bit. UGH.
    Love your beautiful pictures, Deet Beet. lol. xo Diana

  60. For some reason I thought I had commented. Better late than never. Those skies are glorious and the picture drawn for you must bring you cheer every time you look at it. So sorry to hear about your health issues. On a positive note I'm glad the art sale went well. Take care dear blog friend.

  61. What a gorgeous sky! And I loved seeing your card display~ I'm sure you're exhausted after the sale, lots of hard work...I will be praying for your health Jeanie, please take care and don't over do, just enjoy!

  62. Jeanie, that first picture is stunning! Sorry to hear about your health issues. Take good care and feel better!

  63. Friend of the Year - that's a marvellous honour - you must be so very pleased! And you've set out some lovely pictures too - the beautiful sky, the great display of cards, the pretty tree from last year (but I am confident you can do something equally lovely with the new tree). I'm writing an email to you right now I think so will talk about the health issues there, but all I can say is, recovery can be so slow, and then ... somehow ... it's okay again. (I was thinking my hamstring would never be better but then ... well, suddenly it was not constant agony anymore, and in fact, I had stopped noticing it much. I always wonder how that change happens without me quite noticing, so I hope that you will shortly be feeling the same!

  64. I hate the time change, and hate it even more because I need to pay attention to both UK and US times and our clocks change on different weeks. *sigh*

    Anyway, glad the sale went well.


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