The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I Would Like to Thank the Academy...

How many speeches do you hear at awards time that begin with "I would like to thank the Academy...," followed by a long list of people and usually ending with "and of course, my dear family..."

Well, at this season of giving thanks I thought it was time for a little list of my own. And it does NOT begin with the Academy! (But guess who it will end with!)

So this year I would like to thank....

My docs and dentist who have had their work cut out for themselves with me this year.

My up-north neighbor Jim, who does more than a person should for his neighbors (and not just me) and accepts nothing for it.

The wonderful people, online and off, who have bought art from The Marmelade Gypsy this year. (Some of you have asked about purchasing art or cards. Visit the Gypsy Caravan 2022 link on the menu bar above for details and available inventory! And thank you!)

My physical therapists. They can't do miracles -- but they sure try!

My late friend Dick Hill for sharing his love of life to the very end and changing the lives of so many during his final months.

Photo: Jeff Boerger from a self-portrait by Dick Hill

My neighbor Rosie who is always bringing me fresh veggies from her garden. 

My friends who share their streaming passwords with me. And all my other local friends who share so much fun and support!

The politicians who bravely support truth and democracy -- sometimes against all odds.

The people of Ukraine for showing us what real bravery and fighting for democracy is all about.

My wonderful visiting vet who a) comes to the house and b) can actually cut Lizzie's talons. 

The Queen. Because she just was wonderful and the end of an era.

All the people who are working hard to help all of us around the world understand that high prices, anticipated cold winters, escalating heating prices and so much more are part of what happens and that they will, in time, end. And thanks to those vaccine makers and docs and nurses we never meet but who help keep us safe.

The person(s) responsible for getting out my Social Security and retirement fund checks on schedule (and for that matter, those who have paid into social security past and present so we can have that to help us in these times.)

The peacemakers and diplomats who have to negotiate wars, climate issues and challenges on the home front. But mostly, the peacemakers. We need more of them -- or to listen to those we have. 

My blog friends who visit, comment, boost me up, give support and whose blogs inspire me and make me smile. 

My local, distant and non-blog friends who have not only listened at the tough times but have provided joy, good times, creative ideas, road trips, laughter, and fun. You are so amazing.

Carson and Cam, who make me laugh.

Kevin, Molly, Greg and all the cousins who are my family. And to the friends who are the family I choose for myself.

And Rick. He's had a tough year himself and I haven't exactly been easy. He has never wavered. 

Thank you.

I am grateful. More than you know.

Happy Thanksgiving to you.


  1. I am so thankful that you and I are friends dear Jeanie. I've had an unusual year too in terms of doctor/dentists. I'm praying we both have a better year in 2023. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. What a wonderful list, Jeanie! How lucky we are to have such a long list of things to be grateful for!! I meant to do a Thanksgiving post and then the holiday stuck up on me!! But I also am lucky to have a very long list of things to be thankful for!

    I know this year has not been easy for you with all of the health challenges. I hope that the tide changes very soon! But I'm so glad you have a big community of people in your life that lift you up!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! It has been a trying year here as well and I am just thankful that it is about over.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving jeanie! We all have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for being you! Hugs, Valerie

  5. A love list of thanks! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Grateful for you and your blog

  7. You are wonderful at capturing the important things in life for us all.

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

    best… mae at

  8. What a terrific list. You DO have a lot to be thankful for -- as do most of us when we stop and think about it.

  9. Amen to all of those!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  10. A very nice list indeed. Have a wonderful day.

  11. Thoughtful post...Thank you Jeanie

  12. What a wonderful list, the things and people who share bits of their lives with us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jeanie.

  13. Thank you for stopping by this poor man’s blog one day to say meowwwwwwww. 😺
    My granddaughter has programmed my ipad to substitute meowwwwwwww for hello every time I type it, but I can overcome this if i try. 😎

  14. All very good reasons to be grateful. Happy Thanksgiving from us in Hawaii!

  15. great post we all need to remember to be more thankful

  16. We, down here, are so thankful too, and too many for a " Short List", yours with photos are wonderful.Friends, family, a warm home, a dry roof in torrential rain, food on the table, and health care all belong there.And not in that order maybe.

  17. Thank you for your blog friendship Jeanie because of the internet connection. May your Thanksgiving festivities be very special for you and your family.

  18. More than we know? I think you just told us, Jeanie, and I am sure we all send the love appreciation right back to you.

  19. This is a wonderful post to give thanks to the people who make a difference in your world. I smiled at many of them, and give thanks to them too. I love that photo of the lady with the "Make America KIND Again" sign. And the man's sign, "War is not healthy." Such brave people to stand in the crowds and express what they believe. Your neighbor, Rosie, is a dear to bring you veggies from her garden often. I have good neighbors on both sides too, and one stops by and brings me goodies sometimes. Your felties are so cute. To have a tree filled with them is darling. And that Jim sure looks like a hard worker. What a great neighbor to have.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie. So thankful for your friendship.


  20. Your gratitude post is so heartfelt, it brought tears, dear Jeanie. I'm thankful to know you, my friend!

  21. So much to be thankful for!

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve :)

  22. Your neighbors Jim and Rosie are my favorite kind of people!

  23. Such a happy day! Looks an eventful celebration

  24. Happy Thanksgiving to you Jeanie. I hope it is a wonderful day. And also, great post too. hugs-Erika

  25. Hi Jeanie. What a wonderful post. There are so many thanks that we have in common this year. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all you family and friends and looking forward to a better next year..xxoJudy

  26. What a beautiful. beautiful post!
    I am thankful we have connected out in this blogosphere filled with such wonderful people. Have a great day!! :)

  27. We have much to be thankful for but sometimes get stuck on the negative things and need to stop and focus on what is good in our lives. I’m so glad we have met through our blogs. Thank you, Jeanie.

  28. This is a beautiful list, Jeanie -- a cornucopia of gratitude.

    As a member of your reading community, I've been grateful for every post. Thank you! (And enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!)

  29. What a fabulous tribute and a very caring post. You say everything I wish I had said and with great photos, too. Happy Thanksgiving from a fan!

  30. Happy Thanksgiving Beautiful Jeanie .. .

  31. Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie. You are quite inspirational, and I always leave a blog post, of FB post with renewed spirit. I miss blogging, and am working up to getting back at it. Each of your posts brings me closer.��

    Thank you for being you…

  32. What a wonderful post. I wish you and yours the best of thanksgivings. Have a wonderful day. missy For some reason they want me to comment as anonymous?

  33. A lovely grateful post!Happy Grateful day to you and yours!

  34. Happy Thanksgiving Day Jeanie and Rick. as the year comes closer to ending I am grateful for all those in my life and that includes YOU! If I would leave a word for everyone wanting to make a difference in life it would be this: BE KIND, BE KIND, BE KIND. many hugs Jeanie -- appreciate you so much.

  35. So much to be thankful for every day…turning your problems into grateful…is the most beautiful thing you can do…love from me and Leaf πŸ€πŸΎπŸ’—πŸ€πŸ™

  36. A lovely and relatable list of blessings.

  37. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving Jeanie❤️❤️ A beautiful blog….

  38. I am so thankful for politicians who, despite causing themselves personal harm, stood up for what is right.

    I'm thankful for the Ukrainian people (and those people who have supported them outside Ukraine) who continue to push back against those who would take them over.

    I'm thankful for you. You always find ways to share of yourself and delight us and make us think. Happy Thanksgiving!

  39. Jeanie, we thank and appreciate you being in our lives. You always know how to brighten up the space and bring some joy and funny in our lives. Take care, God bless you and have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings, Jeanie, and a coming year filled with even more reasons for gratitude: good health, particularly! I'm grateful for you -- one of the real treasures in my life.

  41. Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for you!

  42. A wonderful post.
    Many Happy Thanksgiving wishes coming your way.

    All the best Jan

  43. And I would like to thank you Jeanie for being a stalwart of the blogging community and always being so generous with your time and comments on line. Happy Thanksgiving. Wren x

  44. Hello Jeanie, what a great thankful list! We all have lots to be thankful for, especially kind people who give more than they take. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  45. oh isn't it fun to create a gratitude list that goes on and on?!

    i appreciate you including The Queen, too, friend.

  46. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Jeanie. And for reminding us that gratitude is a gift we ALL have reason to give.

  47. Jeanie,
    Great post! Loved it! I am grateful for your friendship even though it is only online...I thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog to see everything that you are doing!!! I love seeing photos of your past travels and of your paintings....And you advise on the storage of all my old photos was so valuable to me!! Thank so much for always stopping by and taking the time to comment!! I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you too!

  48. I have much to be thankful for. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Janice

  49. Oh. I need to see my dentist soon - just check-up, but I´m afraid already.
    Yay to good neighbors. Streaming passwords are shared, LOL, that is so cool.
    Oh, I lost trust in German politicians...
    You should see all the Russians who fled here because they don´t want to fight.
    Yes, to washing your hands. In winter another virus lurks..
    Peaceful peacemakers are needed - we have jerks.
    Blog-friends helped me out big, too, you included.
    And to family!

  50. A wonderful list of things over which to be grateful.xx

  51. Jeanie, I am so grateful for your blogging friendship. I remember you reached out to me in 2016 when you saw a post of our trip to Martha’s Vineyard. Six years later, you and I are still following each other. I always enjoy reading your blog, you are an excellent writer and photographer, my friend!

  52. What a wonderful list, and so meaningful. Thank you for sharing your gratitude. A lot of things I'm grateful for, and I mean a lot, are on that list, too.

  53. A fabulous post Jeanie! You have put into words everyone and everything I am grateful for. Nothing should ever be taken for granted, even every day little things. Thank you for the reminder :) So grateful that I met you in blogland!

  54. Great post. It's not easy to remember gratitude and give expression.

  55. What a wonderful post and way of counting blessings.

  56. A beautiful post!
    I love that tiny tree :)
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  57. Thank you Jeanie, for all of your wonderful posts and stories!

  58. What a thoughtful, kind, and loving list.
    Now I will be thinking about all those I want to thank also.
    Thank you for being you.

  59. What a beautiful, heartfelt post, Jeanie. I am grateful for you and your wonderful blog.

  60. This is so beautiful, Jeanie! I am grateful to have made your acquaintance through the blogging world!


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