The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

So, We Got a Little Snow

We've been gliding through winter here in Michigan pretty easily, with very little snow and cold but not excruciating temperatures. 

That was then. This is now. 


I have to admit -- I'm not a winter fan but I can't think of another climate I would prefer. After all, we do get four very distinct seasons (at least, so far... don't bet the farm on that lasting given climate change). The change is always nice and for the most part (save for the occasional ice storm or summer squall) they are pleasant. 

Even winter is lovely. Well, till the ice. Or the half-melt. But when it's fresh, you can't beat it.

The birds have been chowing down at the feeder. Sparrows mostly, a chickadee now and then and juncos on the ground. 

But Bobby Cardinal came by and was quite a stunner.

I love cardinals on any old day. But show me one on a snowy day, when their bright red feathers pop out against the shockingly white, clean snow and I'm in love. 

We ended up with about thirteen inches of snow, give or take, with a bit more predicted. 

Rick was in seventh heaven. He's been itching to cross country ski on decent snow all winter and we just haven't had more than a few inches. Now he has at least a couple of days before he goes to Dallas to spend some time with his mom. And, I suspect it will be here when he returns.

Me? I'm hunkered down. Advised in no uncertain terms by my new doc to lay low as Omicron is still rearing its head here, and not being winter's biggest fan, I'm happy to stay within, sorting photos, enjoying a Louise Penny book, a new jigsaw puzzle and baking. 

Me, a cat, a book, and maybe Bobby Cardinal.

It could be so much worse! 

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  1. Stunning pix, especially of the cardinal! Stay warm & safe ~

  2. Oh, love the photos of the cardinal and other birdies ! Yes, I love the changes of each season too and while I don't love ice, the snow is so pretty when first fallen. I can do without below 0 temps too! I am a 'yankee' girl living in SW GA so I don't have to deal with snow but we did have that pesky hurricane in 2018 (Hurricane Michael, Oct 2018). Stay safe and toasty warm!!

  3. Nice photos, the cardinal is a delight to see.
    I agree with your doctor, staying indoors is good. Stay Safe!

  4. The red cardinal really stands out in the winter white. You bird feeder has lots of customer's waiting for a bite to eat. Stay warm and cosy and have a wonderful day.

  5. Our snow is way done from other winters. We've had two good dumps and that's it. May be a drought year :(

  6. WOW these photos made my day! Beautiful world! The snow here was a brief event and very pretty but I think brevity is a good thing when it comes to snow. Now everything is grey brown and lacking luster. Thanks for the great shots!! Needed!

  7. Those cardinal shots are just glorious.
    Where we previously lived, it wasn't unusual to see a couple of dozen cardinals outlined against the snow.
    YOU take special care.

  8. Bobby cardinal is fabulous. Somehow he makes even the loveliest of fashion seem tacky and disappointing.

    I just finished another puzzle. A good one of San Francisco. I prefer the puzzles with traditional pieces rather than the ones with strange shapes. This one was tough.

    Happy Wednesday 💗

  9. Cardinals in the snow is almost holy. The snow on trees, birds, and outdoor furniture is amazing.

  10. Hello,

    Love your snow images. The cardinals are beautiful with a snow background.
    The virus numbers here seem to be going down, things are calmer now. I am not a fan of winter, I am looking forward to spring. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Like Rick, I was glad to see some snow -- sure hope it lasts long enough for him to get some skiing in. You are probably wise, though, to stay indoors, hunkered down with a good book and a sweet kitty. Your cardinals are beautiful -- glad to see you making the most of what you have around you. Take care, stay healthy!

  12. Fresh snow is always so pretty! What a great photo of the cardinal!

  13. Beautiful winter wonderland you have there! Your photos are all fantastic Jeanie, of course the shots of the cardinal are my favorites!

  14. Jeanie, with the four wonders of the world you can enjoy the winter in coziness and comfort. Bobby is a beauty. I would love to see a cardinal. Thanks for your recommendation of the watercolor book. I just ordered it and with some of my points I am getting if for free. Can't beat that, now hope it can teach me something..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  15. Bobby is a beaut. Is his Mrs around? But they’re probably not in pairs now. The females are more understated but so pretty,

    I don’t mind winter, in theory at least. This January was very cold, though. Mostly, I think winter just lasts too long and fall is far too short.

  16. Cardinals are amazing to see, especially this time of year when they are beginning to dress up for breeding season. The ones in the photo must really be a heart throb for the ladies (cardinal ladies, of course). I love that they are most vivid during the snowy season.

    best... mae at

  17. Oh Jeanie, your photos made my heart sing today. White snow and the red cardinal that came to visit you. It doesn't get better than that. And you know how much I like that bench, and even more so all covered in snow. You have a lot of birds coming around when it's snowing. We don't get that many here during the cold Winter, but I don't put the feeders out either. These really are wonderful photos of the red cardinal. They made my day.


  18. That's a good dump of snow!
    I love winter. I should snowshoe tomorrow!
    Our temperatures are not bad for February, and the sun is warming it all up!

  19. I love the cardinals and the Bluejays this time of year. Their colors seem so much brighter this time of year. I did see a robin now too, but my grandfather said they are not the sign of Spring. He always said the Redwing Blackbird is the bird to know Spring is here. Janice

  20. The cardinal against the snow is striking. People here love to say Japan has four seasons, like no other place does. I guess they don’t know about Michigan!

  21. You have lots of good company outside.

  22. So beautiful! We don't have cardinals here in WA state, so seeing your pics are wonderful. It's nice to have the 4 seasons, and winter is just as pretty as the rest when there is fresh snow. Glad you are staying inside, cozy and warm with a good book and sweet company. I'm with you - not in any hurry to mingle anytime soon. Enjoy your quiet time. x K

  23. I like distinct seasons, but wouldn't like lots of snow. I get really tired of it after a day or two. I like a city winter, with lots of lights and people to soften the sense of cold and isolation. One of the things that made last winter rather hard was everything being so deserted, and it reminds me that I should really start revisiting stores now I've had Covid - I do feel reasonably immune at last.... at least for now.

  24. That´s what I would call quite some snow!
    The cardinals are so beautiful in the white!

  25. It's the oldest cliché in the world, I know, but each season has its charms (and its moments to make you hiss and spit too), but given my druthers I would continue to live here. Spring will be extra sweet because we have met winter on its own terms and emerged unscathed. Any day now I expect hormone-fuelled male Northern Cardinals to start to sing, Jeanie, and there is little that's better than that. Better than a motet by Palustrina even - and that's high praise indeed!

  26. Our cardinals must make do here, showing off their beauty against the bark of our live oak trees. Still, they are amazing.

  27. I do miss four discrete seasons. We have four, but they're less dramatic than yours. I especially smiled at your little sun half-buried in snow. When even the sun looks cold, you have real winter.

  28. These are beautiful Jeanie. Boy that reed cardinal really pops on the white. I only occasionally get cardinals, so those photos are fun to see. Your bird photos came out great overall also. Hope it wasn't too much snow, but it does look light and fluffy. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  29. That cardinal and snow is indeed a stunner. So beautiful! You are wise to stay inside. I hope Rick has a safe trip to his mom's, but in the meantime I am picturing him out there skiing around town. Your snow is very pretty. Due to global warming I am not sure we will have any snow this year, but I can hope. Right now I am seeing the beginnings of spring.

  30. Beautiful birds, specially the red cardinal against the white snow :)
    I love photos of the snow, but not a fan of the cold weather.
    But here we've had a few far too hot days, well above the normal temperatures.
    Keep safe and take care Jeanie.

  31. Lovely photos. Time for a hot chocolate.

  32. love your winter post, so colorful and cardinals are a favorite of mine for sure. We are warm in the mid 60's (Las Cruces NM) so feels like a heat wave here and I am grateful for THAT.
    I am keeping busy with newer card designs; grateful for creativity.
    BE safe, and keep enjoying your fun at home.

  33. Such great bird photos!

    I grew up in western Michigan and I always think of winter as really dark days. It was a time before I'd heard of SAD and the grey, overcast winter days really did get me down, but I couldn't explain why. Now I live in Wisconsin and there are slightly more sunny days, but a SAD lamp and daily walks have made the winter blues much more bearable. Keep on keeping on with your books and cats!

  34. Bobby cardinal is gorgeous! Wow - he does look so striking against the snow. I'm with you hunkering down. No snow in Florida but cold weather for a week. Many days and nights in the low 50's with strong winds. We had about 3 days straight with rain and gray skies. I felt like I was up north. Enjoy your book, baking, and what ever else entertains you. If Bobby hangs around take more photos please!

  35. Lovely photos Jeanie. I love seeing the snow. That's a lot. The cardinals are so bright and vivid We are in the 70's this week.

  36. Beautiful snow pics and love the cardinal. :)

  37. Gorgeous,honey. Stay safe and warm. Love Cath in Aus.

  38. I also like having 4 seasons, but I do wish our utility company wasn't perpetually unprepared.

    Your bird photos are a treat!

  39. Gorgeous photos, here in Illinois it's similar---but we sometimes catch the 'melt' quicker than you do! Thanks for reminding me to fill the birdfeeders!!!

  40. Love the cardinals! Seems every year more of them stay further north in winter--they don't mind the weather and stay where they find food.

  41. I love cardinals. Your pictures are lovely.
    The birds are nice company to enjoy especially with a backdrop of pretty snow.

  42. Hunkering down is good advice and so is your doctor's. I LOVE cardinals. I haven't seen any this year, though. Not only have seasons changed due to global warming, it appears bird migration has changed, too. Please take more of those cardinal photos, so I can remember what they look like!

  43. I can't imagine not having four seasons Jeanie. We do have our long hot summers but I love the long days. Winter is my least favorite with mostly rain here and the occasional snow. I enjoyed your lovely photos and cardinals are very beautiful in the snow. Looks like a good time to be happy to be inside where all is cozy.......Take care!

  44. I love your bird pictures. It's convenient that you like to read, even if it were only wintry weather keeping you indoors. Mrs Queen does look fun.

  45. There is nothing better then a Cardinal in a snowy winter wonderland. And you my dear captured a lovely picture of Bobby the Cardinal enjoying the white fluffy stuff.
    Continue to enjoy your time at home and all your projects!
    Happy February!
    ~Nancy from Two Trails One Road 🙂

  46. Jeanie, we have so many cardinals this winter, they are a constant in the rose arbor. I love seeing their bright red color against the white snow. Enjoy staying indoors!

  47. Wonderful snow pics! Stay warm and cozy, hugs, Valerie

  48. I hope the birds can enjoy the gentle spring sunshine soon.

  49. Jeanie, your snow pictures are gorgeous. The cardinal in snow is spectacular. I have to say, though, I am happy to see milder than normal February temps so far in my region. We also get all four seasons, but they run very close to the calendar dates. I'm happy Rick gets to enjoy his snow activities. Have a great weekend!

  50. Your photos of the cardinal are just stunning! That much snow would keep us housebound for days! Good time to bake and read. I hope you are well stocked on books!

  51. New snow is so pretty! I don't mind snowfall, it's the cold temps that do me in. We have had a really cold winter here. It's been way colder than last winter. I went for a walk outside with Will pretty much every day of my maternity leave except one cold stretch in Feb. If was on leave this winter, we would have had lots of breaks from walks. :( We got a little snow last night, then the temps warmed up and it rained and then turned back to snow. So everything is SUPER ICY right now. I am so ready to get out of here and go down to Tucson, although the weather cools off there right when we arrive - but is still way better than here!

    I like having 4 seasons, but I really do not like Minnesota in the winter. The bitterly cold temps are just so awful and make it hard to get outside, especially with little kids. But I love Minnesota in the summer and fall! But when we retire, I can't see us staying here for the winters. But I don't know where we would go. We have lots of time to decide, though, and we'll see where our boys end up, of course!

  52. Yes, red cardinals show up here in Hawaii, too. How did they fly across the Pacific Ocean with their little wings? LOL. But eagles don't fly to Hawaii! Go figure!

  53. SNOW seems to be making its rounds this yr. We had three that amounted to some and then we had two others that were just snow, no amount.

  54. Jeanie, your photos are wonderful. Oh, the cardinal in the snow makes my heart leap. So pretty. We are staying in pretty much as well. Our snow is gone except for a patch here and there. We are to have temperatures in the 60's today and then in the 20's next week.

    Have a great weekend doing what you love. Hugs for Lizzie.

  55. I love the cardinals, they are such a great pop of color. I wish we had them here. Fresh snow is lovely and looks wonderful, but I'm not a big fan of winter. I do have to say that I love the weather in Northern California and it has spoiled me completely.

  56. I absolutely love the snow captures, Jeanie.

    The red cardinal really pops out against the snowy white!

    Have a great weekend!

  57. Hello Jeanie,
    The birds tend to go into a feeding frenzy after a big snow storm. Your snowy images are lovely and the Cardinals are beautiful. I am happy to stay inside reading on a cold snowy day. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  58. It looks very beautiful but I like living in the South now and don't miss the snow. Love seeing what pretty birds come to the feeders in the winter months though. We feed them here too. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  59. Nice to see the cardinal flashing its red colour in the snow.

  60. So glad you can stay safe and cozy at home! Bobby Cardinal is beautiful!

  61. Hello, :=) Beautiful snow images, and it's great that you get to see the beautiful Cardinal In the snow.

  62. Bobby Cardinal is quite an attractive fellow. Nice that he posed so willingly to allow you to get those great shots! As much as I enjoy Florida in the winter, I do miss the hunkering down inside, on cold days. Your snow pics are actually making me miss the stuff I flew south to avoid!

  63. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by again!!
    Lovely pictures as usual...
    Hope you had a great weekend!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  64. You certainly have had some snow!
    Fluffy beauty all around.
    Nothing better for pictures than the
    snow, Cardinal Reds, and skinny sticks and twigs . . .
    Beautiful pictures Jeanie ! ❤️

  65. Lovely snow photographs.
    Stay warm, stay safe, stay well.

    All the best Jan

  66. You sound very cozily tucked up, one of the best ways to enjoy winter snow. :) And hopefully Omicron is on the way out here in Michigan! We can't wait either. We are laying low and I miss my people!

  67. That's a cosy picture, you snuggled up with your book, Lizzie, and birds to watch at the feeder, while the snow carpets the world outside your window.

  68. Wow - we've yet to get a big snowstorm of over a foot! Ours are coming in 3-4" mostly. We did take the touring skis out yesterday into the forest clearcut. It wasn't easy, but it was fun to get out on the skis which I prefer to the snowshoes. Stay well, Jeanie!


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