The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, February 12, 2022

All Kinds of Valentines

Hearts. Chocolate. Love notes and pretty cards. Valentine's day is one holiday that can be divinely fun or deeply depressing. Or, a day everyone, it seems, but you, seem to be celebrating.

This is a story of friendship. Back in the 1980s, there was a group of seven of us in various stages of life disrepair. Broken relationships or no relationships, unfulfilling jobs, losses. We seven were good friends -- three women, four men --  about half of whom worked together, the other half made up of people who had volunteered for our television station's fundraising events. 

We called ourselves the SPIES. Single People in Emotional Stress. Or, if you prefer, Single People in the Emotional Sewer.

We kept each other sane during times in our lives when other circumstances weren't helping. There was always someone with whom one could go to lunch or dinner. It wasn't a date as such. It was friends at dinner. Friends who knew and cared for and liked each other.

We once had a progressive dinner-and-movie-marathon-sleepover, where we started out with appetizers at one spot, dinner at another, late night at a third, where we slept over and had breakfast the next morning, and a pizza late afternoon lunch. Our companions included Cary Grant (North by Northwest), Gene Kelly (Singin' in the Rain), Errol Flynn (The Adventures of Robin Hood) and Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate). 

There was the Oscar Party, where we dressed to the nines and posed for photos as one might at the senior prom. 

Of course we voted for who would win! "Producers" and "Moguls" were present!

And then there was the Blue Valentine party (think Tom Waits and you get the idea). We ate, drank, swapped valentines and reveled in the fact that we were there for each other. 

I have a wonderful valentine now. He's been my valentine since 1996 and every year I feel more fortunate than the one before. 

We've shared tears and laughter, travels and treasured times. Thanks to him, I've seen two little boys grow to manhood and get to share in the lives of two more recently hatched little guys. 

We don't just love each other. We like each other. We trust each other. We care for each other.

I'm one of the lucky ones. And I know it.

I have other Valentines, too -- my wonderful friends who are always so supportive. Several in this group have moved out of town and yet we're still in touch.

My Cork Popper buddies, who always make me laugh. When Omicron passes and the weather gets better, we may see each other again!

There are so many other valentines who make my life a more joyful and happy place. Count yourself in that group. You deserve flowers.

But hopefully these words will do. Thank you for joining me here at Marmelade Gypsy -- you are loved.


  1. Lovely post. It must be great to be loved and have family and friends around you. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a very special post! You have been surrounded by such great and supportive friends. And that my friend is worth all the money in the world.
    So glad you have Rick … everlasting love and friendship!
    Thanks for including us here in BlogLand… Happy Valentine’s Day my friend!

  3. I was moving around in blog land and found you. What a wonderful post full of smiling happy people. It looks like you surround yourself with lots of really wonderful people. So glad I happened on your blog.

  4. Happy, happy Valentine's Day!
    What a lovely post. Smiled the whole time. :)

  5. I just began following you because I follow Paris Breakfasts.
    This was such a sweet post.

  6. How fun that you had your group of friends during good and bad. Glad you and your guy found each other all those years ago.

  7. What a tender and endearing post. What a way to look back at previous Valentine's days. Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear friend.

  8. A lovely and loving post. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.

  9. You have a lot of friends. As an introvert, my circle is small, but good. Happy impending Valentines Day.

  10. A rich life in friends and family!I cant believe all the pics you have!

  11. This is a great post. You reminded my of my group of friends in the 80's and 90's. Some of us still occasionally see each other, others only a like on Facebook. It was fun to see your parties. We used to have "Big Chill" weekends (remember that movie?). And New Years parties. And go to Red Sox games. It was fun, wasn't it? Life is still wonderful though, just different, especially with Omicron now. Thanks for sharing this post Jeanie and this story. Let's hope we can get back to our social lives in a bigger and better way soon. Hugs-Erika

  12. Sounds like fun! No valentines for me, but I don't mind.

  13. I love this post so much. What dear people you have and have had in your life. You are indeed lucky. And Rick is a keeper. What a treasure to find someone to love and be loved by that you can trust. Thanks for the love you share here on your blog too. You have a beautiful spirit to come through the waves.

  14. Life in the beauty of friendship as it is meant to be 🥰

  15. Beautiful post Jeanie! I'm so glad you've been surrounded by so many wonderful people in your life. Of course we all know how close you and your favorite valentine are. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you - hugs!

  16. What a great, feel-good post. Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. What a great reflection on friendships and relationships past and present! Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Hello Jeanie,
    What a fun post, happy memories of you and your friends. Cute photos of you and Rick. I love the pretty tulips and cards. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  19. Wonderful post! I wish you the happiest of Valentine's Days!

  20. A wonderful post! You are definitely blessed to have some wonderful friends. Happy Valentine's Day!

  21. This is so sweet, Jeanie. True friendship. And the love of your life. And real friends through our virtual ties. Happy Valentine's Day.

  22. What a lovely post! It's wonderful to have friends to enjoy, especially in rough times. And how happy I am for you that you have Rick who you both love and like.

  23. This is a delightful post.
    I love your SPIES. I've had some gruesome Valentine's Days. You do have to laugh.

  24. What a lovely story, Jeanie. You are one of the lucky ones and I hope you can see your friends again soon.

  25. What a nice tribute to such love in your life! Happy Valentine's Day!

  26. Very well said.

    It is a day that doesn't have any meaning to me, but doesn't bother me in the way Christmas does.

  27. Such a sweet post Jeanie. A special tribute to friends and the love of your life. Happy Valentine's Day.

  28. Happy Valentines Day ❤

  29. Oh, Jeanie, I am smiling so hard -- this was a lovely post, and it made me happy to find it today. Happy Valentine's Day!

  30. What a beautiful post. Love the "Single People in Emotional Stress" group. There is nothing like a group of close friends who understand your own feelings. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Rick! I love that you like each other. Jim and I are the same way and feel so lucky to have each other.

  31. Jeanie,
    What a wonderful post!! Love how you and your friends kept each other company and sane during those early days...looks like such fun!! and then you found the love of your life...You are one of the lucky ones....And you are one of my valentine's as your sweet comments always brighten my days!!
    Enjoy your weekend!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  32. What wonderful memories! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  33. What a fun trip down memory lane.

  34. Jeanie, this is a sweet post of wonderful friendships through the years. I enjoyed the photos and Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Rick!

  35. My sweet friend always know you are loved by so many of us. I hope you are spending tomorrow with your special one. Semding you warm hugs and thoughts.

  36. What a delightful post, full of great memories. You are so right, our long time friends are wonderful Valentines to celebrate. Have a great day with your husband. I too am blessed to have a wonderful man that has shared my life.

  37. Fun memories Jeanie, I love Spies, that's really clever!

  38. What a lovely tribute to good relationships past and present! Happy Valentine's Day!

  39. Yep, I am one of the ones without the special one. Oh well.....I don't let that get to me. Friends are awesome, aren't they?

  40. What a sweet post sharing your special Valentines with us. I've always loved this day of love. Who wouldn't love chocolate, flowers, hearts, and love? And now I have my grandgirls to share the day with. I still send out the fun Valentines that we used to get when we were in grade school. I think that will always be a tradition of mine.

    Happy Valentine's Day to one of my favorite Valentine bloggers. : )


  41. A splendid tribute. This really is a good day to remember all the love that has been poured out.

  42. Great post Jeanie. I really like the idea of these progressive dinner-and-movie-marathon-sleepovers. Such fun to see all those photos! Happy Valentine's Day :)

  43. This is just wonderful, Jeanie. I love the pictures and stories about the SPIES friends. You can see from the photos how much fun you had together, and more importantly, were there for each other. And now, you and Rick are there for each are a lucky lady!

  44. What a delightful post…made my heart warm right up. To have a good friend, you need to BE a good friend….I have a feeling you just might be the BEST friend …and Valentine to everyone. Great photos and gentle words …and…I love and appreciate the flowers. Thank you and Happy St. Valentine’s Day! xo, V.

  45. I'm happy for you because you have wonderful memories of your Valentine socials. A zest for life is a gift which comes across in your blogs. I wish you a happy day today as you share it with your special Valentine partner.

  46. You and Rick have been together for 26 years! Awesome! I love seeing photos of good friends enjoying the camaraderie. Makes me happy to see so many smiling faces! Cheers!

  47. It's the combo of both loving and liking each other that is key. A long lasting relationship is something to treasure! My parents have been married for over 51 years and also still love and like each other. They ran a business together so spent LOTS of time together and I marvel at how they did that. Phil and I benefit from time apart at work. It would be very hard if we worked together! But my parents made it work. And raised 5 kids, too, which also can put a strain on a relationship.

    I was the single gal for many many years. I never hated Valentine's Day, though. In college I remember liking the holiday more than many of my friends who were dating. I just loved a day that celebrated love in all its forms.

    I waited a long time for my Valentine, Phil, to come around but he was worth the wait. We make a really good team and both love and like each other! This will be a quiet and kind of unrecognized Valentine's Day as we are getting ready for our trip to AZ, but he definitely knows that I appreciate him!

  48. Love all of your pictures.. how lucky you were to have such a great group of friends. And yay for you finding your forever valentine.

  49. What a wonderful, heartwarming post. And weren't you (still are) the cutest thing.

  50. Beautiful post Jeanie . . .
    I too have been looking back at my
    friend and family treasures with amazement joy love . . .

    I liked your . . .
    We don't just love each other.
    We like each other.
    We trust each other.
    We care for each other.

    Exactly how I feel about “Mister Irish” . ..
    I couldn’t ask for anything more . . . easy and true.
    Love Like Trust Care

    Happy ❤️ Days my friend . . .

  51. Jeanie, this is a wonderful post.
    Happy Valentines Day.

    All the best Jan

  52. What a heart warming and heartfelt post, Jeanie! My husband became my Valentine in 1996, too! Your group of friends - the SPIES - sounds wonderful. Good friends are so important and so hard to find. Yes, you are one of the lucky ones, and so am I. I am grateful every day.

  53. What a wonderful post Jeanie. You are so lucky to have such supportive and long time friends in your life. I miss that, but I think having moved so much in my life sadly some friendships just waned along the way...
    My husband has been my valentine since 1979, and I'm so grateful to have such a great man in my life.

  54. What a lovely post, so many wonderful memories remembered in such a heart-warming way. I hope you've had a lovely Valentine's Day this year too. xx

  55. You and your Valentine are such a beautiful couple, you've got a so bright light in your eyes, and I'm always so glad to see people so in love with each other, it's truly a joy to me!
    Enjoy the remainder of your week, Dearie
    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  56. Aw I love this post. It looks like you all had great times!! Groups of friends like that are the best. :)

  57. Oh, this was such a nice post! I have always so enjoyed reading your posts and love when you & Rick get to see the little folks! Such fun!! Happy Belated Valentine's Day.

  58. Enduring friendships - I'm smiling at your smiling faces.


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