The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Postcards From the Lake: Home Alone

"It's a quiet week in Lake Wobegon," as Garrison Keillor would say. It that way here at the Otsego Lake in many ways, too. Once one gets past Fourth of July week, there are fewer people on the lake till the weekend. They didn't know what they were missing this week -- Gorgeous weather, cool nights, warm days, steady sunshine -- all rather ideal. We did have one rainy day and a bit of a cool off, but all in all, ideal.

I've fallen into my "home alone" rhythm -- mornings checking the computer and, on occasion, going into town to the market or a few errands. In the afternoon, walks, reading and painting.

I've done a few new things -- a revision and different take on one I did of Rick with one of our baby grands and showed in THIS post (if you recall, Rick's legs were a tad short in that one!). This time he has full length legs and a fanciful background from my imagination!

This one took awhile -- it's Michigan State's iconic Beaumont Tower. It's larger than much of my work and not one I wanted to mess up, as I hope it will find a new home by Christmas to some yet-to-be-discovered Spartan fan.

This is a re-do of an earlier painting, too. I'm better now.

And this is it with a mat. It sets it off better (a mat always does!)

I've spent some time with my nemesis -- the beach weeds -- and every afternoon around three or so, weather permitting, I swim. So far, I'm up to about a third of a mile, figuring that 40 strokes (and actually, probably less) is one length of a 25-yard pool and I'm up to 24 of those now. (Yes, I count strokes). Years ago, I swam across the lake, which is about a half-mile, we think. I'd love to do it again this summer (with Rick in a kayak next to me as a spotter). It will depend on weather and conditions but even if I don't do it, as long as I can swim that distance, the direction doesn't really matter! (That little white speck in the background here is our cottage! I wish I looked like that in a swimsuit now.)

I've had time to work on my jigsaw puzzle, now moved to the table in the living room. It's delightful -- loads of classic movie posters.

Of course, when part of it slid off the table onto the floor (I have very good reflexes catching puzzles, I discovered!), I was not a happy camper. 


There was much more of the puzzle on the floor than this, but fortunately, most stayed relatively hooked together and I could piece it together. I'm nearly done!

One of the highlights of this time was a visit by my cousin's oldest son, Mark, his wife Katie and their enchanting two-and-a-half year-old, who talks a blue streak and was so friendly and open, it was like he'd know us forever. He'd just put out his hand to Rick or me and take us for a walk on the beach, around the yard or the house. We were smitten.

A few days later I went down to their cottage to spend a little time before they headed back to Ohio. It was beach time and this little guy was loving it! Is there anything more fun than digging deep in the sand?

Oh, yes! Being swung by Dad over the water, feet dropping down into the water and back up again, is more fun. So is kicking up the water!

And throwing stones into the lake. 

Lizzie, meanwhile, makes for jolly good company when she isn't sleeping! Though I haven't seen him lately, I suspect Stuart Little is still at large, but she seems to have lost interest in the chase, so perhaps he found an easy exit when no one was looking.

Just give this cat a chair and a sun puddle and she's a happy camper.

I leave you with two sunsets this time. This is from my my cousin's beach, about a half-mile down the road.

And this?

It's my favorite. 

Finally, if I don't visit you for a bit, it's because my reading list is still not operational and I am not otherwise following you by mail or bloglovin'. I'll try to add you to my bloglovin' feed but they seem to be having issues these days, too! Bear with me, please comment and I'll add your url to a separate list I can use till I get things fixed. Thanks!

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  1. Sounds idyllic! Enjoy your days ~

  2. It looks like the lake provides you with plenty of artistic inspiration and some lovely time with visitors when you're not there by yourself.

    I've been watching the Olympics, wishing for shoulders like theirs, and wondering if I could finish a single lap of the pool lol Your swimming sounds like a wonderful way to stay fit.

    The movie poster puzzle looks like great fun.

  3. I so love summers at the lake- you have made my holiday I must say! Gorgeous paintings too! The orange /golden water looks like something you might paint as well.

    Ooo la la you in a an hour glass suit on the other side of the lake!

  4. Jeanie, that is a gorgeous painting of Rick and the grand! I missed the earlier version, so I'm glad you included a link. What with one thing and another, I just haven't been able to keep up with all my favorite bloggers. Wonderful photos as well. I feel like I've had a little mini vacation this morning!

  5. Sorry your blog list is still AWOL. Lovely photos, it's a beautiful place to be on that lovely lake. Love the sunset pics. Your watercolours are beautiful, and you did the back view of Rick really well. And well done on the swimming, that keeps you fit. Nice swimsuit photo, too. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. Good photos, the last one is favorite. Your pictures of Lizzie are calendar beautiful. Your paintings are lovely!

  7. I love your photos....and using the different angles to catch the unexpected. Life is so beautiful if we just take time to see! Hugs, Sandi

  8. Hello Jeanie

    Your time at the lake sounds so nice, painting, walking and swimming. Your paintings are amazing, I love them all. A visit with the cousins is nice, the little one is a cutie. I wish I was a good swimmer, swimming across the lake is a great goal. Good luck, I am glad Rick will be nearby with kayak.
    Lizzie is adorable and the sunset images are beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  9. Love, love, love your paintings! The pink bike is my favorite. I hope you get a chance to swim across the lake!

  10. Your paintings are beautiful, Jeanie. You're getting better each time you share them. The little one is having so much fun throwing stones in the lake and digging in the sand. The jigsaw puzzle of classic movies is delightful. There's nothing like them, and I see White Christmas in there! That's definitely a classic and my all-time favorite Christmas show. What a cute picture of you in your swimsuit.

    I hope the August days bring you much goodness, Jeanie.


  11. What a multi-talented lady you are, Jeanie! Didn't know you're such a capable swimmer on top of being an artist, gardener, cook and baker... :) Re. the glitch you have on your blog dashboard, not sure if you get Ripple Effects new posts via there or in your email. Anyway, I know you have a long list to visit, just FYI, I've an updated book to film and TV series (including PBS Masterpiece) just posted for whenever you have time. Enjoy your alone time!

  12. You're living the perfect cottage life. I love your Beaumont Tower picture. The angle and illusion of looking up from under the lantern gives it lots of movement. And if you don't paint the little boy looking out at the water with the little red pail in front of him, I may have to try my hand at doing it. That is just classic!

    By the way, do you have a roll-mat for puzzles that allows you of roll the up to move or store a puzzle while still half done. After reading about your puzzle on the floor I decided to keep mine. I was waffling because it seems like I'm moving too much.

  13. Painting and observing the little ones, do you good. Lake and sunsets are always there, in the background, giving you inspiration.

  14. This sounds idyllic. Keeping my fingers crossed for you to have a few more weeks of similar! And your little guest sounds like the perfect visitor. I loved your watercolours, so bright and cheerful, the one of the tower particularly.

    I can't believe I could swim 1/4 mile, but you've made me feel interested in trying. I haven't been to the pool here for a few years but I SHOULD be able to find out how long it is and multiply that by my maximum number of lengths. And maybe... even go again and see if I can still do it!

  15. I love all of your images!! What a wonderful, happy summer setting! I can just see you, quietly enjoying the camp life pastimes, painting, reading, puzzles...spending time with family, swimming...While reading I had the strongest desire to be there with you!!

  16. Lizzie has it made.

    Others are reporting the same issue with Blogger reading lists. Hopefully it gets sorted soon.

  17. Your summer routine looks quite nice. Your paintings are so pretty and Lizzie seems very content.

  18. I believe you are in the perfect place to enjoy the summer, slow days, beautiful sunsets, time for a walk or swim, time to be creative. Enjoy every second.

  19. Jeanie, your week sounds so lovely! Swimming, painting, taking walks, a little market shopping…the perfect lake life. I love the painting of Rick and grandson! I hope your blogger issues get worked out. Blogging isn’t for the faint of heart!

  20. Your swimming feats are impressive, Jeanie. Reminds me of my daughter when I owned a cottage and she would swim back and forth across the lake with me rowing alongside her. Generally it was left to me to call it a day. I think my arms got more tired than hers! Oh, and by the way, that foxy lady in the swim suit.....she could slide her slippers under my bed any time she wants!!

  21. OMG. Lake Otsego?! So you're in the are of Cooperstown?! I don't think I ever made cognizance of that before. I spent 25 years near there, when I was a prof at Colgate in Hamilton! We were almost neighbors?! I'm gobsmacked. And we spent many days in Cooperstown, with season tickets to Glimmerglass!

    Okay, I'm calm now. Lovely paintings - love the tower and the flower-decked bike is delightful.

    I obviously spend way too much time watching movies - I've only missed two of your puzzle images (Corsair and Somewhere in Sonora). Though, when I've watched The Prince and the Showgirl, it's always been in English!

    It looks like you are having a splendid, rewarding, solitary time. I love those days, as well. I'm glad when the other half comes home - but the quiet and respite is nice on occasion!

    Thanks for sharing your week and photos. (Lake Otsego. I'm still amazed.)

  22. Paul has that same swim suit set. So cute! What a sweet little boy! Glad you had a good time with visitors! The goal of swimming across the lake is a good one! Phil does it every summer at my parents lake. It’s over a mile - maybe even 1.5 miles! I did it once and said never again!!! Hopefully we get good weather for that when we are at the lake in august. I kayak along side of him and then we paddle back together. I’m looking forward to our time at the lake in 1.5 weeks!

  23. Enjoy your time at the lake. Sounds perfect.

  24. Lovely paintings Jeanie and real summer vibes.
    Everyone’s talking fall are you kidding me.We still have weeks of growing left.
    I found pics of me in bathing suits and wish too.
    Everything moves about now.
    Beauty is wasted on youth lol.

  25. Beautiful post Jeanie. I loved all that you have shared. You are so talented with the brush. Such a wonderful artist. Love the photos of the cottage and your time at the lake. I have always loved being in cottages at the lake. There is a special feeling about them. Oh, my bathing suits. I think it has been 30+ years since I was in one. I would not want to see me in one now. Not at all. :-( I am sure you would look a lot better in one than I do! Love and hugs. Happy August! xoxo

  26. Life does look good on the lake. I am envious you get a daily swim in. I would go up and swim at my MIL's but (I shouldn't even say this), I am enjoying when I get me time and she is rather needy, more than I can deal with on a daily basis. I've been doing laps to the swim raft and back too when I am there and I'm up to 16 singles (8 back and forth). My next goal is 10 back and forths.

    Your paintings are beautiful. I love the bike with the tire. I think you have a nice routine going and though it may be quiet, you are very productive. Have a wonderful August. Hug-Erika

  27. It just sounds like the perfect time alone at the cottage on the lake. What beautiful sunsets and time with one little guy. Plus even Lizzie seems to be enjoying the time at the cottage too.
    I love all the paintings, but my favorite is the bicycle. So happy feeling! When I see your puzzle it makes me want to start working on a puzzle here too.
    Good luck swimming in the lake. That would be quite an achievement to swim across it.

  28. My reading list is doing the same thing also. Not opening. So frustrating!!!!

  29. sounds like you're in heaven and I love all your art! right now I'm more in hell with all the crazy heat and humidity - looking forward to feeling cooler in Michigan - take care

  30. This week at the lake for you sounds idyllic! I'm always so happy when on vacation and have pretty much perfect weather. Swimming, reading and taking walks are some of my favorites too. Your art is lovely and you have the perfect place to relax and paint. Enjoy the remainder of summer, it will be short now that August has arrived. Happy Sunday.......

  31. Your art is wonderful to see. I lack motivation these days...
    You are right, Americans can come in August, but the US isn't allowing us in. It's truly sad, for many have family members across the border. I don't know why the government is afraid of Canadians. We're up to 80% vaccinated!

  32. I don't remember you using the expression "sun puddle" before, but it's perfect. I've never been a good swimmer; avoiding drowning is about the extent of my skill. I sure do admire your persistence. They say that swimming is one of the best ways of exercising there is.

  33. Good morning, Jeanie. I love this post - every word and photo. But then, I am so partial to your lake photos. Miss Lizzie does indeed look happy, unlike what you must have looked like when your puzzle fell from the table. How dreadful. Your last two photos are true summer perfection. I adore them both.

    Wishing you wonderful lake days - summer is moving right along.

  34. What lovely memories you are making this year. It must have been wonderful to spend time with the extended family. Lizzie is so cute, I love the pictures with her. I shared some pictures with Festus recently, if you fancy seeing him. :)

  35. Your swimming stats are commendable! Your paintings always impress, and that sweet little boy is adorable.

  36. The bike and Rick walking with the grand are my favorites. Your days are well spent.

  37. Kudos on the former swim. We all wished we could look good in our swimming I guess the Reading list is still not working. suits now. Old age is something we earned...LO Great photo of Rick and the Grandson.

  38. What a lovely painting of Rick and the grandee. It must have made both you and him happy. The Uni painting is superb, and that bike is stunning.

    As always, I love your beach shots, photos of Lizzie, and your sunsets. Great photos and wonderful art. You have such a lovely place to spend your summers. I'm impressed you used to swim across the lake. That is great.

    I hope you get your blogger update situation under control soon, dear. I hope Blogger's glitch will be fixed soon.

  39. Lovely paintings and great photographs.
    Swimming is so good and enjoyable ... mind you walking is good too!

    Happy August Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  40. I wonder if Bloglovin' is going away soon. I can't download it anymore from the App Store. I am in the BIGGEST reading rut of my life. If you have any suggestions for me, please share.
    I am trying to build my reading list on my blog's sidebar, and it seems like I'm adding one or two blogs per week.

    BTW....Go Wolverines! (Sorry....I just couldn't help myself, LOL!)

  41. Sounds like a wonderful, relaxing time - swimming, painting, puzzles and sweet visits. Your paintings are so pretty - love all the bright flowers and the charming one of Rick and the little one. I haven't been swimming in ages, but once upon a time I was a fish :) The sunset photos are wonderful. Hope you get the blog issues figured out. Blogger can be so frustrating. Cute photo of you x K

  42. I hope your blogger issue resolves, if you can't see your reading list you could try clicking on the bloggers in your comments and you might get access that way :) Lovely pictures on this post, I should think the last one is very special to you and worth framing :)

  43. i love your paintings! we are having a quiet time here too since we are in lockdown again. who knows how long for??

  44. You´re a great artist, wow, and swimmer! I don´t think I could do this. Oh, but I´d so would like to swim again.
    Sorry - your slipping puzzle made me laugh and think of the egg I caught intact when it was already out of the shell.
    Cute kiddo. And sweet Lizzie.
    And beautiful lake pics, too!
    I think I should safe my links as long as they´re still there! You are the second one I know to whom this happened!

  45. Loving your painting and paintings!
    Longer legs for Rick was a good move and I LOVED
    seeing the SNICKERS flash back!
    Happy August days . . .
    Proud of you and your daily “swims.”
    Hope your goals become reality . . .
    Give Lizzie a cuddle from me . . .

  46. Sounds like your'e having fun at the lake Jeanie. Your paintings are lovely. My art club will be starting again next month, I'm looking forward to it, I haven't done any painting for over a year now! Well done with the swimming, I like swimming but only in a pool as I get nervous when I'm out of my depth.

  47. Had to laugh at the bathing suit remark....I used to rock a two piece but even at 18 I still had a little pouch that never went away. Years of weight gain and now the loss i have a bigger pouch that can't be removed without surgery..haha..Love the pics

  48. What a fun place for a little one to play! That's a perfect spot for any age though! Enjoy your week!

  49. .
    Jeanie, your week sounds so perfect, what with painting, swimming, walking and puzzling! I love your painting of Rick and the little grandson! I hope your blogging issues will clear up, tech problems are so vexing. Enjoy your beautiful days, friend. Xoxo Lidy

  50. You are such a talented artist. I like the one of Rick you adjusted, as it looks much better with longer legs. It must be nice to have a cottage next to the lake. Enjoy the rest of your stay there.

  51. It sounds like you've settled into a very nice rhythm. I'm impressed with your lake swimming. I've done a mile in the pool before, but I've never been swimming in a lake. I can't believe you count strokes! I have a hard enough time keeping up with laps! I don't know if you stick with one stroke, but I seem to last a little longer if I change up my stroke sometimes.

    I love the Lizzie pictures and all of the painting you're doing.

  52. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time at the lake. Your routine sounds very pleasant.

    Sorry about the issues you're having with Blogger.

  53. I love that painting with the bicycle wheel - such an interesting perspective and so flowery and summery. Makes me think back to my college days in Santa Barbara where I rode my bike everywhere!

    Here's hoping your blogging issues clear up soon. I hate it when those things take time that would be so much more happily spent in truly creative endeavors, or just sitting on the beach without a care...

  54. Your days at the lake sound lovely, relaxing and simply wonderful. I do like your watercolors - I wish I could paint like you. It's such a nice way to create little pieces of art. Good luck with your swimming! That's a great goal you are swimming towards.

  55. More beautiful paintings! I love the pink bicycle. Hopefully you get a chance to swim across the lake and succeed. That is such amazing exercise! To be a kid again! It is so fun to play in the sand and water. Lizzie looks like she is enjoying the summer.

  56. I would not be able to swim across that lake even in my younger days. Am not a strong swimmer. I just love love love your watercolor of the flowers and the bike. What an awesome job you do. We sell White Mountain puzzles in our gift shop. Our customers love them because of the difficulty and because they are made in the USA. Janice

  57. I'm impressed you can swim that far, I stay in the shallow end of my Pool! *LOL* Don't we all wish we still looked like we used to, in not only our Swimming Suits, but in every ensemble!? *Le Sigh* I'm finally getting caught up on my Blog visits and Reading Posts. Summer is zipping by so fast, glad you got some pleasant company to enjoy. I'm glad we have a Cat again... there, I said it! *Smiles* I resisted so strenuously after Miss Priss passed away last November and resolved to have no more! I was so reluctant to bring Eli in, now I couldn't Imagine our Family without him already! Your Fur Babies are so Photogenic! Our little Guy hardly holds still to get great candid shots like that of him!

  58. Your redos and terrific, especially the one of Rick!


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