The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Help! Blogger Issue!

 Help! I follow many of you Blogger bloggers through the Follow button that shows up in my reading list on my dashboard.

For two days now, what I get is an empty page with words similar to "when someone posts something it will show up here.

And I suspect many of you have published. My brain looks like this right now.

Are any of you having this problem? And what to do about it? Thanks! (I have tried to figure this out on the blogger question mark icon at the top of the page and also reported feedback but no action or reply.)

Meanwhile, I'll follow those of you who have email follows that I get notifications for or those of you I follow on WP or bloglovin', but for a lot of blogger folk, I may not see your new posts so if I don't visit, it's not personal! I'll try to connect with you when you come by to comment till this gets fixed.



  1. Sorry Jeanie, my list is working. Hope you soon get help! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Sorry, I don't use this. My only thought would be to try a different browser. Good luck.

  3. How weird. I actually never look on my dashboard for new blogposts. When someone leaves a comment on my blog I go back to their blog and thus see whether they published something or not or I go to my sidebar where I have listed my favorite blogs and go from there. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix this dashboard thing that you have encountered.

  4. Hi Jeanie, I saw your comment over at Valerie's blog. The same thing happened to my reading list yesterday and I don't know what to do. I've also left feedback and asked for someone to contact me... and like you I have not heard a thing. Hopefully they fix this problem soon.
    Take care, Tammy

  5. Difficult to read small print, and photo doesn't enlarge. From what I can see, I saw similar on my blog, I think, last month. It went away on its own.

  6. I have no idea how to help you, Jeanie, but Blogger seems to be having more issues by the day.

  7. Sorry Jeanie, I can't help. Blogger can be very frustrating, it might right itself.

  8. I don’t know about this issue, but yesterday I didn’t get any email notifications about comment moderation. I was able to go to settings and add my email again, but this was very strange. Why are these changes happening?

  9. Hi there! Blogger is in the process of not using Feedburner any more so posts might not be shared with those who have subscribed to Blogger via Feedburner in the past.

    Here's what I did -

    Hopefully this helps!


  10. I've been having the same thing. What's worked for me is exiting the browser when it happens, and bringing up the reading list on a new page.

  11. Thanks for visiting me Jeanie! Blogger has gotten so glitchy, and not so easy and fun as the old days. I don't have the same process to visit blogs as you, but I did notice that my followers list was entirely gone when I checked in with a different server. I know different servers have different issues with leaving comments especially. Frustrating! It seems often there is little to do but wait, though I think it's always a good idea to report problems. Good luck!

  12. Blogger has been giving me so many issues. Half the comments that I post don’t show up or I have no idea if they do. It’s very frustrating. I hope you have a beautiful day.

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by again! I don't seem to be having this problem and I have no idea what could be causing it on your Blog!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!

  14. Look at blogger known issues and see if it is something they are working on, Also there used to be some blogger help sites where experts would answer questions. Most likely you won’t get any answers directly from Google.

  15. I'm sorry ~ I have no answers for you. I hope you get some from other bloggers soon!

  16. I found you today only by bouncing off your comment on my blog {thank you} It's as if Blogger doesn't want us any more.

  17. Scary. I cannot help. I just wonder why blogger changed to such a version...

  18. Hello Jeanie,
    Sorry you are having blogger issues. I do not have any problems with my reading list and I do keep a list of blogs I follow on my blog's sidebar.
    I do have problems leaving comments sometimes. I hope it all works somehow!
    Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  19. My blogspot blog seems to be OK, I still have the reading list, so don't know how to help you Jeanie. Blogger seems to be giving a lot of problems! Have a nice weekend 😊

  20. I obviously don't use my Dashboard to get updates. I only use my left sidebar. Without that, I would be in deep trouble. I am sorry, but I am not even sure what you are talking about since my Dashboard doesn't seem to have that feature. I hope you get this figured out soon, dear. I am quite certain it is extremely frustrating.

  21. Mine appears to be working. I think the whole Feedburner thing which made us all change our email providers had something to do with RSS feeds, too, so maybe that has something to do with it? I know they are shutting down the email service right around now. Maybe the problem will resolve itself, or maybe the bloggers who you can't access had to adjust something, and haven't done it. I'm just taking a wild guess.

  22. Jeanie, have not had this happen to me, but I'm so sorry you're having issues with Blogger. It seems that we just can't keep up with all the changes. I hope you have figured it all out. I Just put up a new Header, and it was pretty simple with the site I was on, but sometimes it's really hard to figure things out with another site, so I guess it depends on the sites we use too.


  23. I hope the problem gets resolved Jeanie! Sometime Googling the issue can help find the answer if you can't find it here.

  24. Not seeming to have a problem right now. Hope it rectifies itself for you. Blogger can be so frustrating at times.

  25. I hope you have figured out the problem by now. I stopped using Blogger and went to my own website where I post my blog through Squarespace because I just could not deal with blogger issues anymore. By doing that, I also lost my “following” list and also lost readers. I miss reading all the blogs like I did in the past, but I have not figured out a way to get those notices of new posts that works for me.

    Newsletters are the way many keep the correspondence and updates going. The newsletter allow the writer to “own” the email list which means those important people we want to read and keep up with to know what is going on in our lives.

    Blogging has evolved so much. I find it hard to keep up with it all. I hope you have figured out the glitch by now because you are such a devoted reader of so many blogs, and such a devoted writer to delight so many blog readers.

  26. My problem is Jane Blogger will post something say 10am on Monday morning. It will show up on my feed I assume immediately but the the next day Blogger will post it again saying it was posted like a hour ago and that's not accurate. Or sometimes a post doesn't show up at all until two days later!

  27. Argh. Is there anything more frustrating than blogger issues?! Well, yes, I suppose (trying to contact the IRS is definitely worse), but blogger is bad.

    I don't use the dashboard for updates (I just use the email follow for my updates). But, just out of curiosity: have you replaced your Feedburner since it went out of use this month? If not, that might be the issue. If not, I have no other suggestions.

    Hope you can solve it - and get some tech help. Best of luck!

  28. Hello Jeanie, as you know sometime Blogger has problems. They usually they clear up. Leaving Feedback is always a good idea so the team is aware of problems. I checked mine and some others who I manage. Some are blank and some do have their Reading list. You can also click Manage once you are on the Reading list. It is also a good idea to go through your Reading list once it comes back and remove any dead blogs that are inactive. I left Feedback with a screenshot this morning.

  29. Hope your problems with Blogger improve. I've had no issues, but sometimes I look at the list of people I follow instead of the reading list, as it is much easier to see them all.

  30. I'm sorry you are having this issue. I am getting your posts. I have not posted since June 15th. I am taking a much-needed blogging break.
    Hope you get this resolved soon, Jeanie

  31. I follow blogs through so don't know how to help with your issue :(

  32. Blooger seems to not be allowing me to post comments on some blogs...and it's acting a bit inconsistent. Do visit my Sketchbook Wandering. After about a month of more I finally made a post. And i did leave you a comment, I hope you recieved it...

  33. sorry you are having so much trouble - have my fingers crossed you work it out

  34. I've the same problem. It's so frustrating. They want progress, and then change things up. I've reported it, as well.

  35. It seems this has affected other bloggers too.
    I hope it all gets sorted for you.

    All the best Jan

  36. unless the bloggers on blogspot have updated their email subscriptions service to a new one, no more emails will go out! a lot of us have gone with now, as feedburner no longer sends out emails. So we had to transfer our mailing lists to but if people didn't do it before july 31, that was it!...

  37. Yep I ha the same problem. Just started working now and am playing catch up. Janice

  38. It appears those who have had issues have had it clear up.

  39. The easiest way for me to follow my favs is to add them to my sidebar, then I can know immediately when they posted something new or went off the grid entirely and mebbe quit Blogging? I saw Blogger made some enhancements and then did away with them almost immediately, so some things came and then disappeared, I'm glad most of it is now as it was. For a while, on my Fav Blog List Sidebar, some of the Thumbnails that accompany the Blog Post went away for a long time for some people, including my Blog, now they're back... as if by Magic. *LOL*


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