The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Home Again: Something Different at the Ditch!

I'm home for a few days and it will be time to check out the Ditch again. But I have a feeling I won't see the terrific sight I saw on one of my last visits before taking off! As you know, every now and then when I go to the Ditch I see something different. Sometimes it's an animal or bird I've not spotted. This time it was artists!

On a walk not long ago I was delighted to discover a plein air art group painting one of my favorite spots. And anytime I see fellow artists, I am always happy!

The first I encountered was Jim, who was happily seated by where the ducks often hang out. This was a good sign!

The start of Jim's painting

But it got even better the farther around the path I walked!

I was thrilled to see artists working in different media -- acrylic, watercolor and oil. 

Foreground: Juanita  Seated: Kirsten, Cindy

It's always fun to see how different artists paint or draw the same basic scene. Some work is all-encompassing, while others might drill into a specific detail or narrower focus.


Of course, I couldn't resist the temptation to ask if they allowed others to join this group and they were so welcoming! I learned they were a group called "En Plein Air" and Juanita Baldwin founded the group in 2012. They have been painting ever since during good weather seasons and exhibit annually. (This year their exhibit is in August at Framer's Edge Framing and Gallery in Okemos, MI.)


So, this fall, after my PT appointments are over and when I'm back from summer at the lake, another artist will join this happy clan! All of my art about the Ditch has been in photography, later turned to watercolor.

I have a feeling I will have a lot to learn!

Stay tuned! 

(If you are in the Lansing, MI area Aug. 1-28, you can see an exhibit of this group's work at Framer's Edge. Or, since most of you are spread around the world, check out the exhibit art online!

Sharing with:       Share Your Style    /     Pink Saturday    


  1. That is so cool!! It will be fun to join them. I am sure you will learn lots and make new friends!!

  2. How fun to see other artists at work! Did you run get your paints to join them?

  3. Pretty area and I enjoy coming across the occasional artist, and taking a look at what they are painting. You got some great photos. It will be great joining this friendly group. I love your own artwork Jeanie. You have a lot of talent in your fingertips :)

  4. How fun Jeanie, to see fellow artists painting. More friends and also some great tips. Enjoy.

  5. Sounds like a great idea to join the group, have fun! Hugs, Valerie
    Is your reading list back?

  6. Yay! It is wonderful to see artists outdoors, and a fantastic experience to be a part of such a group.

  7. What a great opportunity, Jeanie. It will be a whole new challenge for you.

  8. How exciting! This is an amazing way to spend a day and make new friends.

  9. Just to let you know Jeanie, my Reading list just came back.

  10. ן know a spot where artists gather, and when I'm there, I find myself more interested in the artists than in their work. Perhaps it''s strange, but these people are interesting individuals, and I can't help it observing them.

  11. Lovely post.
    I think you are going to have fun joining this group, and I always enjoy seeing your art.

    All the best Jan

  12. What a great find! You will enjoy that, I bet!

  13. That is quite the painting crew, and I bet they will make some beautiful art. And lucky you for being able to join once you are home. It is always good to stretch ourselves, right? I am loving your watercolors from photos. I hope you don't have to be home too long and get back to the lake. Hugs-Erika

  14. Love this post. Your first photograph gave me a feeling that I was in Giverny! Oh, if that was the case. Take care!

  15. I've never painted in public but it's one of my goals, something to overcome.

  16. That's certainly something to look forward to!

  17. How much fun! I can tell you will love that group. The Tallapoosa School of Art hosts en plein air workshops in the fall and spring. I have never done it because I don't have an easel and I don't paint landscapes but everyone has fun at them. :D

    Keep us posted about your activities with the group.

  18. How exciting! That had to make your day! :)

  19. Wow, what a happy "find" - and certainly a happy thought of coming back!

  20. What fabulous photos of the artists. And of course, a fantastic opportunity for you, too. I know you will have fun meeting new and like minded individuals.b I was amazed at the range of talent and also the range of prices on those paintings being shown at Framer's Edge.

  21. It's wonderful to see so many artists painting together. Also, it's really interesting to see how different their pieces are. Lovely post!

  22. Hello Jeanie,

    Your timing was perfect, meeting up with the group of painters.
    It will be fun to join the artist group, show off your wonderful talent.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  23. The last time I came across a Plein Air painter, it was in the Galveston cemeteries during wildflower season. They're everywhere! and now you'll be able to join them.

  24. What a terrific group for you to have found! I'm only surprised you didn't find them sooner!

  25. What delightful serendipity to run into these artists. And now you will join in on their fun.

  26. What a terrific find! We live on a delightful city park, Wooster Square ( ), and there are often artists working in the park (though I've never noticed an organized group). I often will sit on a bench, with a cup of coffee and taking a break from walking Brando, and watch a painting begin its life on the paper. Such a marvelous entertainment just by crossing the street! I look forward to seeing your work created with the En Plein Air artists ... it's hard to believe now now that the concept of painting in the open air was as scandalous as Impressionism was when first introduced! How stodgy we were, eh?! LOL

  27. That's exciting,and a wonderful thing to look forward to come fall! You were meant to be home that day to discover this group!

  28. Great !!!! New adventures for you. Wonderful you ran across this group at "the ditch". nothing happens by accident and you will love being part of like minded artists. I have made many life long friends by joining art groups and events. keep us all posted on your "journey". I always love your art Jeanie. Sharon Gaskill

  29. Exciting Jeanie! And how much fun, I can't wait to hear more once you get started! 👏

  30. what a fun group. I wish we had one in our area. I quite like painting en plein aire

  31. How exciting for you Jeanie, you've found your tribe :)

  32. What a beautiful place to paint Jeanie, so happy you get to join the group, it looks like a lot of fun!! I love your paintings, absolutely gorgeous, the squirrel is amazing! On another note- my reading list just appeared this morning :) so who knows what happened. Hopefully yours has returned too :)
    Take care, Tammy

  33. This will be so much fun for you to join this group of artist. Now as you enjoy all the fun at the lake you have the anticipation of enjoying and joining this group in the fall.....

  34. Oh, what fun AND great water colors:)

  35. Oh, this is a wonderful discovery! I hope you do join this group and get to enjoy painting with them. Most of my art collection is comprised of plein air paintings, usually oils, which I prefer, as they don't involve glass coverings.

  36. Jeanie, what a great place to learn from. You are so good now but I suppose there is always room to learn. I just love seeing the artists working their magic. It reminds me of a show we were just watching last night of Midsomer Murders, painting on the green of the little English village. Of course, when you perform there will be no murders!..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  37. I am so excited for you. What a fun group to join. I have a cousin that is an en plein artist and does gorgeous paintings. I have always been intrigued when I come across a group or individual out painting. What a lovely art form and a lovely way to enjoy nature.

  38. How fun, fresh air, paint and friends...certainly a perfect day! Sandi

  39. How exciting Jeanie, I'm sure you will have lots of fun.

  40. Looks like you will be joining a group of like-minded folks, who enjoy creating and that's great Jeanie. And also nice to make new friends too! As far as having a lot to learn, we can always learn no matter what stage we are at in our creations.

  41. Isn't that something to see artists at the ditch! It's wonderful that you will join them this Fall, Jeanie. You may get inspiration from them too. I like your squirrel painting, but I do not like these guys. They are always in my front yard up in the tree, and the other day I heard scratching coming from the tree. They made a few branches fall straight down onto the ground. No fun to pick up. I like all kinds of painting, watercolors, acrylic, but when I see an oil painting, it's beautiful to me.

    Have a good rest of the week, Jeanie.


  42. Oh, what fun! They will be so happy to have you in the group.

  43. Jeanie, that will be so much fun. I love that other artists have discovered your wonderful ditch!

  44. That looks fun - and what nice people to let you picture their work - not everyone wants to share :)

  45. I'm surprised you haven't seen them at the ditch before. You've always had such beautiful captures there. Sounds like winter will be fun for you with the new art inspiration of being part of a group. Yeah!

  46. How exciting! The group support will be wonderful :)

  47. Jeanie,
    Now how darn cool is that to be able to join a group that shares your passion for painting!! Wonderful!! Such a great place to use as inspiration too!! Happy for you!!
    Thanks so much for visiting!! I truly do appreciate you taking the time to do so!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  48. I don't get on well working en plein air, I fry very quickly and sun lotion is a sticky and unpleasant distraction. I believe I am pea green with envy over Andrea's easel. We have a programme here, Landscape Artist of the Year. A bit like Bake Off with paint, and outdoors under the most useful see through studios.

  49. I have only seen artists here doing that at tulip time.

  50. How cool that all of the artists were there! Am sure you really felt at home amongst them. Janice

  51. I'm very Visual and that 4th Image down, of the Artist in the Background and Nature in the Foreground, is EVERYTHING!

  52. This comment may duplicate because I'm not sure what happened to my first one? Anyway, I'm very Visual so that 4th Image down with the Artist in the Background and the Natural Setting in the Foreground was EVERYTHING! That would actually make the Ideal subject matter for an outstanding Painting!

  53. This is so cool!!What a great group to find and join!

  54. That's really cool, and fantastic you can join them. What fun!

  55. What a great walk around the ditch! I love how you captured each artist and then their work... The squirrel is a cheery fellow!! He is happily featured at Share Your Style #313 this week. <3

    Have a great rest of your week and happy making new friends,
    Barb :)

  56. Jeanie, I love your watercolors and am so happy you'll be joining the en plein air group. Can't wait to read about your adventures!

  57. The Ditch would be a favorite spot for me too. I love to watch wildlife too.


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