Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Have a Heart!

I haven't done a lot around the house for Valentine's Day this year. To be honest, my house looks like a mix of seasons -- the Christmas poinsettia (or what's left of it) and my two trees, the snowfolk of winter and now a bit few hearts here and there!

So, a short, quickie tour through a few of my vignettes as I welcome "heart day."

This year it has a new meaning to me. The past year has brought Rick and me even closer together, our mutual support system saving many a day.

And of course, when you start to deal with a heart issue, you think about that a bit more.

 If it's a nice day on February 14, Rick will go for a ski in the afternoon.

Then he'll come home and make me a lovely dinner. 

Between now and then I need to come up for a new idea for his annual poetry "yearbook." I recap key events of the year -- the places we've been, the things we've done -- in bad poetry, nicely displayed! 

I'm going to have to work hard this year -- that's what happens when you go nowhere, do not much! 

Wish me well!

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thepaintedapron.com said...

Your little skier is adorable Jeanie! What a fun traditon to make a poem of memories from the past year, I'm sure you'll come up with something delightful! I still have some of the special Christmas cards I received this year on display and your watercolor wreath is front and center!

Karen said...

Hooray for Valentine's ~ I love it all! I decorate for Easter, Valentine's day, tiny bit st patricks day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas :) The hearts keep the chill away I think! Enjoy the seasons and one another ~

Jenny Woolf said...

Wow, Valentine's is almost here! It really does surprise me how fast the events of the year whizz by! I was surprised to find Mardi Gras is celebrated in some places with wreaths and decorations, till I read it on someone's blog.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, Valentines Day is getting nearer!
The hearts and flowers are getting ready to take their places on display!

I think that is wonderful to make a poem of memories from the past year, and although this past year has certainly been a different one, I feel sure you will come up with something good.

Enjoy your week, and take care.

All the best Jan

Pamela said...

Such sweet traditions!

Red Rose Alley said...

It's a delight for me to see all your Valentine treasures in your home, Jeanie. I smiled when I saw the red plaid wreath, as I love red plaid. I've always liked the wicker hearts too. I've seen those around in shops and at craft stores. It sounds like you will have a nice and quiet Valentines Day, Jeanie. It's so nice that you decorate for each holiday. You inspire me to decorate a little more than I do. haha


Curtains in My Tree said...

How nice to have someone cook your dinner for you. That little ski person is really cute
I guess I need to get a heart out since it is February already

William Kendall said...

You do take it seriously.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Jeanie, I love the idea of writing poetry describing your year with Rick. I have faith that you will come through and do a great job! Love all of your Valentine decorations. Praying for good a good heart report, friend.

Anonymous said...

It's so much fun to visit your blog. Your enthusiasm for the holidays always puts a smile on my face.

Prims By The Water said...

Please share what Rick cooks you. Whenever I did not want to cook...pre covid, Bob used to say what chef would you like...meaning what restaurant do you want to go to. LOL Your Valentines decor is so sweet! Janice

Martha said...

Love you beautiful displays Jeanie. I'm sure whatever you come up with for the yearbook will be beautiful, you do have a way with words and conveying feelings. Will you be sharing with us?

My name is Erika. said...

You have more Valentines Day than me. I have a couple of glass hearts hanging on my light and a couple of cutesy little people. And like you, next to these I still have my winter tree up. I did get the boxes out of the attic to take it down, maybe tomorrow or Thursday I will do it. Love seeing your decorations. Good luck with the poetry too. That sounds fun. Hugs-Erika

Rustic Pumpkin said...

With Christmastide officially ending this week with Candlemas, it's lovely to see all your Valentine decorating happening. Your poetry should make for interesting reading this year!

Deb in Wales

Valerie-Jael said...

Your Valentine decorations are lovely! Have fun, long live love, Valerie

eileeninmd said...


Your Valentine's vignettes are pretty. I love all your hearts!
The poetry book sounds like a great project. MY DIL's due date is on Valentine's Day, I may be celebrating the birth of our grandson. Take care, have a great day!

shoreacres said...

Valentine's Day is a non-event around here, but Mardi Gras? Now you have my attention! I don't decorate for Mardi Gras, but I do love it, and I hear there are some new ways of celebrating being created since the parades are out this year. Everyone likes a little color, whether it's red, or green, gold, and purple.

Lynne said...

Love your Valentine touches and characters . . .
Festive in the midst of of snow people, decorated trees and such . . .
And the thought of your poetry year piece for Rick . . .
What a creative talent you are Jeanie . . .

Marie Rayner said...

What a sweet little skier Jeanie. I love her! I think the past 12 months have been incredibly different and difficult for many people. I am happy to read it has brought you and Rick closer together than ever. What a wonderful blessing. Love and hugs, xoxo

R's Rue said...


La Table De Nana said...

You have done 100% more than I have decor wise😊😊😊🌟🌟🌟

Pam said...

Great post...

Joanne Huffman said...

I'm not at all ready for Valentine's Day - still working on my valentines. Your home decorations look great.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

I hope he gets some mild weather! Our nice stretch is coming to a screeching halt. The high on Sunday is -6. Womp womp. This is the part of winter I hate the most. We usually go somewhere warm in feb or March to break things up and get some vitamin D but that will not happen this year. But it wouldn’t have even if not for Covid because traveling with an infant is not my thing!!

Good luck coming up with poems for the past year. What a year it’s been. I am glad you and Rick have each other. A support system was especially important this past year!

Linda dev said...

I used to decorate for every season when I little ones at home. Nowadays I barely decorate for Xmas. A lot of the joy has been removed when I don’t have the kids around to share it. I need to find my joy again. Love celebrating the season vicariously through you for the time being.

Divers and Sundry said...

What sweet traditions y'all have for Valentine's Day!

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, how sweet is a poem of memories. I love that idea, but I am not very good at poetry. I love your sweet decor and how very wonderful to have your own personal chef!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

when you talk about matters of the heart, then you are talking about what is really imporatant in life - like your litle heart scenes

The French Hutch said...

Such a lovely post and it's all about Love! I adore how you express it through the valentines. And, they are so darling, I love your little ski valentine. So many valentine vignettes, love how you decorated. Good luck with your project, it's hard to come up with what we need when we haven't been out of the house! Happy February........

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Such a delight, especially this year, to have a bright little holiday like Valentine's Day to enliven our days! I love all your decorative touches, here at FrenchGardenHouse, I will be honest, I have done even less. :)

I ordered a catered dinner for Valentine's Day , our first ever, since I usually cook a special dinner. But since we haven't gone out at all for anything for practically a year, it felt like a really special treat. I always love visiting you and reading about your life and loves. xo Lidy

Barb said...

Even your minimal decorating puts me to shame, Jeanie! Yes, heart day has many meanings above and beyond love. Actually, I think your poetry yearbook is going to be extra-meaningful this year.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jeanie, this is rather a trial run to see if I can hook up with you again or not. I keep trying. Your little skier is just adorable and I think the poem book for Rick is wonderful. I'm sure he does too. Ok, here I go trying to get that code again..Stay well..xxoJudy

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jeanie, me again. I just sent you a comment and there was a little box in front of my name that I have never noticed before. I clicked on it and my comment seemed to go through..Let me know..xxoJudy

Victoria Zigler said...

I love the idea of the Valentine's stuff going up with snowfolk still around. Given the time of year, and fact there's a chance of it being Wintery weather for Valentine's Day, it's appropriate.

It's going to be more challenging to do the book this year. However, I would think the positive moments you can find will be even more special this year, since that underlying theme of having been there for each other through such tough times will be clear in all of it. You'll make it come together, and he'll love it. :)

Polly said...

What a lovely idea Jeanie. Not much good has come from the last year so it was heartwarming to hear how much closer you and Rick are x

Sandi Magle said...

Your photos are adorable, and love the gritty snow on the ski's or feet whatever they are. Take care, very sweet post!

gigi-hawaii said...

I do wish you well, Jeanie. You have a nice project to do and a nice dinner to look forward to. Blessings!

Karen said...

This lock down sure has been make or break for a lot of relationships. We are happy and healthy here. Unfortunately one of my daughters relationship went pfft.
Take care and be happy. Spring will be here soon too.

anno said...

We made it through January! Hooray! For that reason alone, congratulations are in order...

I love your basket of hearts and all the other decorations, and it sounds like you have lovely plans for Valentine's Day. The books you make always sound like such a treasure.

Around here, well, if something's going to happen, I'd better get started on making it happen. Maybe a chocolate cake would be a good place to begin...

Iris Flavia said...

A lovely dinner sounds very good!
I wish you two all the best - cute lille skier you have :-)

Joyful said...

I love your vintage cards Jeanie. Enjoy your VD dinner and I'm sure Rick will love his poetry yearbook whatever you manage to come up with. I know what you mean about having little or less to talk or write about in these days. As for me I too have little but I have a lot to do...still plugging away here at my years of 'stuff' and a project which is almost finished phase 1 (a personal one, not for unveiling really). Happy Valentine's Day!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Sweet hearts on display! Sometimes having restrictions yields the most creativity. I'm pretty certain your annual poetry will be quite special.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I haven't a single heart on display! I made an effort when I was a school librarian, but at home it seems often like it's too much. But you have inspired me!

Sandra Cox said...

Your house is always so festive and fun:)

nancy said...

Your Vignettes are so darn cute! Happy Heart Day!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Your little skier is so charming and I just love that adorable heart box! What a nice tradition to create the poetry :) It's the little things that matter the most xx Karen

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I love all of your darling Valentine decor! Hope you and Rick have a fabulous weekend!

Marilyn Miller said...

I was wondering if you were going to do the book this year. Thinking on that just today. Good luck~

roughterrain crane said...

Every ornament in your house is heartwarming.

BeachGypsy said...

howdy there Jeannie, so glad you stopped by. I do love all your pretty winter/valentines decorations!--very bright and festive. Lord knows we can all use some of that for sure right now! That bread you made looks good, I bet it SMELLED GREAT baking! Hope your weekend goes great!

Sandra Cox said...

I especially like the wooden hearts in the first picture.
Hope you're having a warm, wonderful weekend.
Stay safe. Be well.

NanaDiana said...

I didn't do much this year either, Jeanie. Just a few bits and pieces here and there and dressed my winter centerpiece up with a few hearts. Hope you are doing well. We got our first round of Covid this week. No issues but I guess the follow up shot is a whiz-banger. oh well-better than Covid. xo Diana

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Jeanie! I wish you WELL my dear! Yeah, what a winter....our January was mild and now February is wicked COLD. I took out the trash and had to ice skate (almost) to the trash can! SHEESH!

Thank you dear friend for coming to visit my post and your kind words. Yep, "Keep Going On..."

Meredith said...

Your house looks much more festive than mine. Good luck with your writing.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Love your hearts....A poetry yearbook...Wow!! I am impressed!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Regina said...

I love Valentine's Day decor and yours are so pretty!

Naush said...

Oh how cute !! Your Valentines day decor is adorable.
Thank you for sharing with us at Meraki Link Party.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You certainly have a lot of great hearts, all different and beautiful. I can tell your heart is filled with this day.

Your little girl skiing is fabulous and fits in so perfectly with how the day will be with Rick. It's a lovely visit to your heart filled home.

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