The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: Bad Cat, Good Color

I was pretty sure I had her fooled and lulled into a sense of oblivion. But when I went to snatch and grab Lizzie for her carrier for our last trip north, she bolted. Under the bed and into the mattress springs.

She looks so innocent, doesn't she. Don't believe it for a minute. She may only have a vocabulary of three words but she's smart as a whip. This is what the bedroom looked like after I tore my bed apart -- mattress, box and all. Of course, by then she had bolted into one of her hidey holes in the bathroom. 


After trying to decide if I should find a cat care person and just leave or go get her, I managed to get her into the dreaded box and off we went. She gave me the evil eye all the way.

I have to say the color all the way north was fabulous and when I arrived, it was no less so. This is one of my walking roads. 

And this, the morning view.

A friend of Rick's, George the Cyclist, camped out in our yard on his cycling journey to Carnegie Libraries in Michigan. George is an interesting fellow and writes a great blog on his bicycle travels around the world. We had a lovely distanced dinner on the porch in our jackets. The next morning, Rick and George went on a long bike ride. 

They had a perfect day for it. 

While they were gone, I went to my teeny-tiny post office (one window) and mailed some packages and then took a ride to the other side of the lake. That's the cottage -- from afar!

When they got back, George took off. I settled in with a book. After the stress of the ride the day before (plus, on that day learning of the terrorist plot to kidnap our governor and overthrow the capitol, just another day in these weird and wacky and wretched times) it was pure heaven to sit on the couch with my book, occasionally glancing out to see this.

When Rick finished work we went on a color ride. Oh, it was spectacular. He knows all the back roads from his rides and we saw some pretty stuff.  But nothing topped the view at the ski lodge.

Everywhere I looked, it was like a painting. All the fall colors -- reds, oranges, yellows, even some browns and of course, green. If the sky had been a little more blue, it would have been the most glorious spectrum! 

But to be honest, I don't think it could be much more so than it was.

It was a windy day but of course we had to record the moment for posterity! Because that's what I do.

Then we had a beer on the patio, overlooking the loveliest view. It was relatively warm -- high 60s -- and so quiet and peaceful, even though others were about.

After getting home, a quiet and delicious dinner -- Rick's homemade pizza. A new episode of "Great British Baking Show," and just enjoying the peace of the lake (that finally descended after next door's lawn and leaf-blower guys left!)

And still enchanted by the magic of fall's beauty!


  1. Beautiful fall colors! Always a pleasure to read your blog.

  2. Jeanie, It is a beautiful autumn where you are. This week the trees ,in the tiny woods in back, have finally given us some color. No wonder Rick stays so trim, tiding his bike so far and so much. You both look happy while out enjoying a beverage. Blessings, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

  3. ~sigh~
    I will live vicariously through you until the day I get to visit that neck of the woods and see it for myself. Stunning!

  4. WOW....I love your colors. Amazing, my camera and I would have a great time with that. HAHA....right now, my whole house looks like your bedroom. I need to be cleaning and doing laundry but instead I am meeting sis in law for lunch!! haha

  5. Wow, Jeanie, that morning view is amazing. I'd love to see that in the morning.

  6. Beautiful, Jeanie! These pictures from the lake always help me breathe more deeply; they calm my mind and my heart. Are you sure you don't want to stay here all winter? Glad to see you (and Rick) enjoying life so fully!

  7. Michigan autumn colors are really peaking now and in the next few weeks. We are lagging a little -- not quite as much red -- but it's coming fast. As you say, so much is going on these days in the wide world, but our little lives are so constricted.

    be well... mae at

  8. You really do have outstanding color this Fall! WOW! I'm loving seeing a glimpse of it through your camera! Enjoy your afternoon!

  9. Stunning Fall colors, two great cyclists, one clever cat, a lovely selfie of you and Rick - all's well with the universe!

  10. OH MY GOODNESS! The color is eye popping gorgeous! I want you to NEVER leave the cottage on the lake! It seems safe and so so so lovely. Your cat is equivalent to five two year old boys all at once! What a pip! You and I have similar bedroom furniture, the headboard is nearly identical. Delicious post, Ms. Jeanie, thank you for the breath of fresh air!

  11. Poor Lizzie! I had a cat years ago who I could not get into a carrier. I brought him home from the vet in an extremely sturdy, heavy-duty cardboard carrier that was supposed to be indestructible. Well, he screamed and clawed at it for a few miles, then I saw his arm reach out, and before I knew it he was squeezing out the very large hole he had made. Would love to be going "up north" to "see the colors."

  12. Darn that cat, huh? She obviously doesn't appreciate those fall colours nearly as much as she should. I think the hues here are at about the same level, Jeanie. Rick is looking more Bohemian by the day, quite Beethovian now, I must say. What a rakish new fellow you have!

  13. I smiled all the way through this one. What beautiful color you have. It's gorgeous. I love Rick's hair. You guys are so cute with the windblown look. We have to live life as wide open as we can. You certainly have found a way to do that during this awful time.

  14. I've had my fair share of fur family member travel woes, but never ended up turning a room upside down. Probably because a Spaniel is not as easy to fit into the smallest of hidey holes! Fabulous fall colours, I am so envious.

    Deb in Wales

  15. Oh. My. God! That fifth photo from the bottom is spectacular! We don't have the bright reds around here yet.

    I couldn't believe what Lizzy put your through to get her in her cage. As much as she travels, you'd think she'd be used to it by now. Have you seen the new cat-in-a-bag "cages?" If not, google them.

  16. Oh isn't this just the best season.
    Fabulous Autumn colour in your photographs, just lovely.

    Have a good new week, I really don't know where the days go!

    All the best Jan

  17. Stunning foliage. That is one thing I love about the eastern part of the continent. The colours are more vibrant and varied. I'm so glad the plot against your Governor was foiled. That was a scare. Lizzie is quite the character and I'm glad she made it to the lake with you even though you now have to redo your bedroom at home.

  18. I’m sorry to laugh at the bedroom photo, but when I lived in the US I had similar experiences with my Monica. Your autumn colors are really fabulous. I am horrified at the craziness in the United States. I love that you have a beautiful place to stay safe.

  19. Your view colors are amazing. Our are good this year but rather dull compared to usual. It must be the drought. I did enjoy seeing yours. And oh my, you did have an issue getting Lizzie. They know how to get you, don't they? But, the trip north seemed worthwhile once you saw that color, I am sure. And the British Baking show, be still my heart. I wait for Friday for the new episode. Are you closing your cottage this weekend? hugs-Erika

  20. what a grand weekend this has been! Your colors are just spectacular! It was extremely mild and windy yesterday. By dinner time the temperature was dropping like a stone. It's barely above freezing today.

  21. Your fall is "enchanted" for sure! Just gorgeous!
    Oh the Lizzie. I thought Joey was bad about going in the carrier, but my oh my! Wow!

  22. Lizzie has wonderful spirit. I love a mischievous cat.

  23. Gorgeous autumn colours. Poor Lizzie, she wanted to stay where she was! My Kitty had a seventh sense for things like that and always hid when I started to think about transporting her anywhere! Glad you had a yard visitor, sounds like fun! Have a good and safe week, Valerie

  24. Lizzie indeed looks a bit... "annoyed"...😉
    The lake view is truly beautiful.

    Yes, those terrorists were on our news as well. Crazy, scary, mad people. Can it get worse?

    Great pic of the two of you!
    Cheers! Hmmm... pizza,, you have me mouth-watering here (and it´s only 08:30 am!).

  25. Beautiful autumn colors...unfortunately we don't have fall in my country... So enjoying it through your posts!

  26. Hello

    I would think by now Lizzie should just walk into her traveling carrier. She just wanted to play a game of hide and seek. I am glad they caught the crazies who wanted to kidnap your governor. I hope she stays safe. The fall colors are gorgeous there, the trees are just beautiful. Our fall colors are just starting here. Lovely series of photos. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  27. Holy cow, that bedroom took a beating. Love the headboard, which is about all I can see. My friend Sally has two cats and she always struggles to get them into their carriers when she takes them to the vet. I don't have that problem. Both my boys wear collars and both have leashes. Sometime before they need to go to the vet, the leash goes on. When it's time to get in the carrier, I just grab their leash and lead them to the carrier. Sometimes there's a bit of resistance, but there's NO searching for them. I feel for you, just as I feel for Sally when she has to hunt down her cats.

    Autumn colors are truly beautiful in your world right now. The views are stunning and it appears the colors are at their peak right now. Such beauty in your world, while your state is in turmoil. I'm delighted your governor is safe. I can't believe it's because some people want to kill us by not wearing a mask. This is on the same level as jihadists. Stay well, stay safe, dear.

  28. Jeanie, Lizzie has a mind of her own. How long did she stay angry with you? The autumn colors are spectacular and your did an awesome job capturing the beauty at the lake. Enjoy your days...

  29. Count your blessings, girl! There's no fall color here -- or at least, there's only bits and snatches, and none involves trees -- and I'm off to work. I'm glad with all that beauty around you, you have the chance to enjoy it.

    As for Lizzie? She doesn't look one bit innocent. I know that look!

  30. Our glorious Octobers♥So so pretty.. so fleeting..nice to get out and enjoy while we can:)

  31. I think this is a particularly colorful fall. Lovely photos.

  32. Oh Jeanie, Lizzie does make you pay a price to travel to your lake cottage. Gotta laugh when you see that bedroom, my sister has cats so I get it! Your fall foliage is glorious, the color is magnificent! We are finally getting a little, and the emphasis is little. We'll see a lot more later in the month and November. You and Rick look so happy and enjoying yourselves there. I hope you squeeze out everyday there possible. Have a wonderful week.......

  33. Beautiful post Jeanie ...
    (Well, not the Lizzie part . . . She was being a real stinker!)

    Oh my the color, looks like you agree with me.
    Absolutely “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“
    Not sure of the spelling but the reds, oranges, yellows,
    blue skies have been the best in my 45 years living in Michigan.
    A 2020 peak of perfection!

    I so agree with you . . . learning of the attack on our governor almost did me in.
    Sick about it really . . . I have been saying the Serenity Prayer non stop, all week.
    Horrific to think things have reached this level . . . and very sad.

  34. Lol, Lizzie! WHat a stink eye she has! That color is not just good, it's fantastic! I hope to get out this week for some color in our hills........

  35. Cats do have their own way or we suffer for it. You captured the variety of fall color beautifully!

  36. "Into the Mattress Springs" LOL LOL LOL...I would have been furious though ha ha...look at that mess. Sneaky indeed. Your fall colour photos are fabulous and I love the photo of you both Jeanie! So cute! :)

  37. Hi Jeanie. Your color is spectacular. Mike and I took a ride yesterday and it is really pretty here in WV too. But, not as vivid as your area. Dear, sweet Lizzie. She doesn't want to take a trip, I had one who was the same way. Pulled him out from under the bed many times.
    Jeanie, I was so upset about your governor. I really like her and think she has solid good sense. Even, if I didn't like her the event was scary and dreadful. Just one more issue in our crazy world.
    Enjoy your beautiful world and stay well.

  38. I take it Lizzie knows when you are getting ready to leave and the dreaded travel case comes out! Too bad cats can't be bribed like dogs. I think MI colors are the best. I once got to visit Eagle Harbor with my friends at the start of fall colors. Rick is sporting a great 60's look - he'll soon have enough for a pony tail! I cut Bob's hair with a #4 clippers on the deck on Saturday - no crying if I nick the ears once or twice...

  39. Thanks for sharing the up north beauty with us. :-)

  40. Our state is such a beautiful one. Oh that Lizzie. So glad you finally got her in the crate. When I have to get one of my cats in theirs, I usually put it out the night before. They are so inquisitive that I have no problem getting the one in that I need to. Janice

  41. Those fall color pics are amazing! This is such a beautiful time of year. Sounds like you had the perfect leaf guide for your drive. So fun! I’ve been really appreciating the beauty in our neighborhood. I have definitely been more mindful and aware of the beauty around us since we can’t go anywhere. Plus working from home and having a toddler that loves walks means I have walked more in our neighborhood than any previous year - plus the weather has been pretty great!

    Oh, Lizzie! She really made that departure difficult. Yikes. Oscar hates her carrier, too, but usually Phil can trap her in a bathroom and get her in the carrier. But they sure can hide and deceive us!!

  42. Oh the poor little kitty! Our cat for some reason really likes her carrier. Anyway, I love those fall colors!

  43. Had to chuckle at Lizzie's attempts to avoid another trip. Been there with my cats, though not for trips to anywhere as lovely as your cottage.

  44. What a mess she created for you ~ Crazy cats! I bought my cat a leash and had my daughter sit with him in the back seat the last time he went to the vet because of the hard time he gives me getting into the cat carrier. I don't think I have ever seen the leaves so beautiful! How blessed are you to be surrounded by so much color. Enjoy!

  45. I had to laugh at Lizzie's antics. Cats seem to guess when we want to put them into a carrier.
    If I have to take one of my cats to the vet, I have to wait until he/she is quietly relaxing or sleeping in bed and tiptoe into the room with the carrier and then just grab the cat and shove them into the carrier. Of course they howl all the way to the vet and then back again.

  46. I love your days:)
    Thanks for sharing them, Jeanie.
    I feel so grateful to get to drop in unannounced.
    As if no time has passed since I've been away.
    Such a gentle and kind fireside - thank you.
    - Jennifer

  47. I thought we Texans were crazy with our politics, but I was astonished to hear about the plot involving your governor.


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