The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, October 12, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: Turning Over a New Leaf

It's sad, thinking that this will be my last visit to the lake. But it has been so breathtakingly beautiful, I can't complain for a second.

The cottage has been my point of safety during this Covid-ridden summer, a place where I could isolate and not feel isolated, spend time with Rick and just enjoy the water, woods, painting, reading and so much more. Now the geese are flying south, and soon I shall be, too.

After our splendid first day "color tour," I decided to check out the other ski area and a few other places for some beauty.

The Otsego Ski Club couldn't match the beauty of yesterday's Treetops in its hills and color, but the sky was finally blue!

After checking out the color there and picking up a couple of mums to take home, I headed to Michawe golf course. It didn't have hills, but it didn't disappoint.

I was intrigued by the birch trees which had lost their leaves but still looked stunning in the sun.

I can't resist all the photos. It seems like I never really saw fall last year and this one is making up for it big time!

After Michawe, I took a quick stop at another golf course, The Loon. Nothing much to see here, except this golden glade -- and it was spectacular.

Rick got home from his walk about the time I returned -- and with him, some surprises -- flowers for me!


And a book, from the Little Free Library, "A Woman of No Importance," about WWII spy/resistance worker, Virginia Hill. I've been wanting to read this and while it was a lucky guess for him, it was spot on!

Our fungi collection in the yard is continually changing. These were huge.

I enjoyed another walk later in the afternoon, this time admiring the color in my own woods.

While out, I walked through the now-fading grounds of a nearby garden shop.

I was enthralled by these glorious hydrangeas. 

I finished my walk, following that well traveled road and noticing tiny changes, like the last of autumn's apples, clinging to a tree.

A curious squirrel is intent on climbing the pines that seem miles high.

And color. Everywhere you look. Color.

Home again, where I try (less successfully than usual) to capture some of the day's leaves.

And then Rick's wonderful onion pasta for dinner.

Life is quiet and good. Outside my space our country is in turmoil. We are missing the contact of family and friends we cannot see or touch. Doing things that once seemed easy -- a trip to a store, going to a movie or play or a hug from a toddler -- now seem to have an element of danger that didn't exist when the leaves drifted to the ground last fall.

I wish it could stay this peaceful forever. But I miss those hugs.


  1. I remember Michigan colors from growing up there. You have shared some beautiful photos. It is scary today to do anything! We moved from NC to Fla. Today we had to get drivers licenses and car plates.....scary times!

  2. *GASP*!!!! Oh my goodness all of the photos are so grand! Such a treat, thank you so much for these! Gobsmacked!! ALL OF THEM!

  3. I could never get tired of all that beautiful color, so many gorgeous photos. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. I miss hugs most of all too!

  4. Once again, your colors are just breathtaking!
    I have to tell you something so interesting. I have ancestors who migrated from Otsego, NY to Otsego, MI! I often wonder if someone of their party carried the name to their new place.
    We too have been so fortunate to be in such a rural area that is largely unscathed by the virus. The town near me, about 20 miles, to date, has only had 15 cases. The first person died at the very beginning of the outbreak back in the spring. Nine of the cases originated in the school and all have recovered. The others were community cases that originated by people travelling out of the town. We are doing well if people would just lay low and let it pass. Our Long Term Care homes have done very well through it all. Sadly, I can't say the same about that big city just to the east of us. It's in the hot zone.

  5. I miss hugs too but am so glad that the leaves are still so beautiful. Your time at the cottage and your annual posts of same always makes me yearn for a cottage of my own. A peaceful and cosy place by the lake where I could truly relax. Who knows, maybe one day. But in the meantime I will enjoy and be grateful for my many blessings. It is Thanksgiving Day in Canada today.

  6. Could never get tired of seeing your photos.

  7. It could never be a bad visit to your blog to see all those pretty colors and fall scenes. Its not a bad visit even if you don't show us those gorgeous colors. Although sad, it sounds like you did have a wonderful time at the lake this year, and a nice escape from from dealing with covid too. Not that it's really an escape, is it? Thanks for sharing the views from your great drive Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  8. I'm with you, Jeanie. Missing so many things these days...Your lovely photos sure brought a smile to my face---they are all spectacular! Our leaves are just beginning to turn and I'm looking forward to their beauty. Take care and stay safe, my friend.

  9. I miss hugs, too. I am fatigued by this virus and having to defend our choices around being careful. I need to stop ruminating on it and accept that i will never see eye to eye on things with some ppl in my life. That is easier said than done. Also we found out over the weekend that a girl in Paul’s class tested positive so now I am on pins and needles, stressed over whether we might have it. But hopefully we stay healthy. I don’t know the little girls who tested + so it’s not someone Paul plays with. He will be home with us for 9 biz days. We will all get tested on Wednesday.

    But walks and taking in the local beauty helps. And therapy. I started that 2 weeks ago and her insight is already helping. We talked about rumination today so that’s on my mind right now as it’s something I am very prone to!

  10. True, its breath taking even in the photography

  11. A bitter-sweet good-bye for sure.
    The geese-pic is very strong. No, I´m not tired of the beautiful colors!
    Yay for the flowers and the book sounds interesting!
    The bike made me smile, thanks for that. And the apple - amazing! I´ve never seen anything like that!
    Oh, yes, gotta put a walnut outside, otherwise someone rages on the balcony...
    Great painting of the leaf.
    Yes, who knows how long the craziness will last. People here forget, come near and now the thought is on having masks everywhere, even where there is enough space. Thanks to those dumbheads. A crazy world, so, thank you for the colors,they brighten the dullness.

  12. Beautiful photos, I can understand you not wanting to leave it. But life is what it is....Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  13. Dear Jeanie, I will never tire of seeing your colourful tree photos, so keep them coming! As we bid a fond farewell to the lake and all it's magic for another year, looking at how all our lives have changed to a degree and in ways I don't think any of us could imagine, through your eyes the lake and all the glories of nature have brought us all a glimpse of how nature survives and thrives, bringing us hope of a return to goodness in the world once more.
    Stay safe and well!

    Deb in Wales

  14. I will never, never, never, EVER tire of seeing photos of your landscapes. We have no beautiful trees like that here. Mine go from green to brown. I think you are SO lucky to be surrounded by all this color and beauty.

    I also miss hugs. I miss companionship, too. I don't miss the turmoil that is going on in this country right now. I am constantly being inundated with shows that talk doom and gloom. I can't wait for January. Or maybe I can and wish I hadn't wished it.

  15. One of your most beautiful posts!!---love it! The pictures are so, y'all get STUNNING FALL COLORS AND SCENERY THERE! I enjoy seeing it so much--we don't have that here. We do have palm trees!! ha ha LOL. All the pictures were great, the colors are so blazingly bright and that lil pond was oh so cute and quiet and peaceful looking, loved those leaves floating on it. Hugs my friend!

  16. Amazing photos, so beautiful. I love the autumn colours. Here it is still rather green for the season, but we can see that it will change soon. I doubt we get such a variety in the colours.

    Looks like an interesting book. Imagine being so spot on!

  17. Hello Jeanie,

    WOW! The trees and colors are so beautiful, lovely collection of Autumn trees! The reds, yellows and oranges colors are just a treat for the eyes. Onion Pasta, I have to look that recipe up. Love your flowers from Rick! Take care, enjoy your day!

  18. The Birch tree caught my eye. I love this part of the world. Thanks for sharing it with us, Jeanie!

  19. You've captured the colours perfectly! Enjoy your future time at home, too. -Jenn

  20. We may not have those glorious colors, but we have something even better: a Covid positivity rate in my county of 0.0%. Even in Houston, it's down to 3.4%. This week, we haven't had a single new case recorded. There's live music again, and open restaurants and libraries, and no problem finding anything you want in the stores -- including toilet paper and Clorox wipes. Of course more cases will pop up, but as the hospitals empty and recoveries increase, you can almost feel people relaxing. Now: if only we could get a cold front, and some of that gorgeous color!

  21. Those are lovely pictures. Rick's hair is getting very long. Nice to see him cook.

  22. Jeanie, You sure found some beautiful spots. Those fungi look like strange creatures or works of art. Nice that you also got a book to read. Blessings, stay safe and warm, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. our weather has been up and then down. Crazy temps.

  23. It's so good that you have the lake cottage in your life - it's been delightful to share the respite with you through your blog. I should go out and take more photos to help warm up the oncoming bleak winter.

  24. Oh Jeanie, the colors are just stunning! How I wished I could be walking there with you. I am wondering if we are just noticing things more this year for having to stop and step back a bit. So many have commented online that their fall is more colorful and vibrant this year.

  25. Fabulous Autumn colours Jeanie. I don't get that sort of colours here in Perth, most of our trees seem to be evergreen and the deciduous trees don't seem to have your array of colours either.
    Wonderful to get flowers from Rick and you got a great book from the Little free library.
    I've never seen fungi like that, quite funny :)

  26. How could one tire of your beautiful fall foliage photos! I could never. Yes, a different time this year. I miss all the same things you do Jeanie, praying the coming year will be better......

  27. Your part of the world is on my 'bucket list', a result of reading your posts! So beautiful and colourful... your art too. That leaf is a gem. BTW, A Woman of No Importance is on my wait list (audiobook version) from my local library. A film adaptation is in development already!

  28. Such a beautiful “walk” with you . . .
    What other ski places are you near besides Otsego?
    (Hope I spelled that correctly.)
    Please ask Rick if he shares his onion pasta secret?
    What has happened to our world . . .
    Will things return . . .
    I am trusting a few masked hugs . . .
    I loved the leafless Birch . . .
    Let me know your thoughts on the book . . .

  29. Jeanie, it is so beautiful at your lake house and I know you will miss it as a wonderful retreat from virus madness. Our area had a covid surge and our Board of Health told us it was traced to backyard gatherings and parties. It made me sad as we might not have a family Thanksgiving gathering this year. Our grandkids are all going to school, and so far so good, but my husband and I worry about exposure.
    Anyway, I loved all your beautiful photos -- I can never get enough of autumn!

  30. Oh my gosh. Those leaves and trees are so vibrant.
    And that hydrangea is gorgeous.
    Beautiful pictures, Jeanie.

  31. The tree climbing of the cute squirrel, and Rick's activity in the kitchen,are the only actions in your post that made me forget for a short while, the endless beauty of the overall Fall colors.

  32. Jeanie, there truly are not enough or proper words to describe such a magnificent color. It is beautiful here as well. We didn't have color last fall either. Our summer had been so dry, the leaves just fell from the trees. Do be sure to phone me the next time Rick makes his pasta, after Covid that is, and I will be right over. Jeanie, I worry that we are still in for a long haul with this dreadful mess. I know it will end - but I hope soon.

    Enjoy your glorious color and I never tire of seeing your photos.

  33. I will never tire of your fall color photographs, and I miss those hugs too. Your fellow Gypsy blog readers are never far away in spirit.

    Maryanne in SC

  34. Jeanie, Autumn is absolutely beautiful around your neck of the woods. You get the golds, oranges, and reds like we do in California. I really like that photo with the apple, and that mischievous squirrel. What a cute bicycle display. The bridge photo is so charming, and there's just something about the golf course photo that is spoke to me. Wonderful photos, Jeanie, really.


  35. So beautiful, your Autumn colors! Farther along than we are.
    That photo of the one apple - so enchanting.
    I appreciate your lake time - thanks for sharing it with us.
    I've missed a slower pace lately but look forward to gentling down
    soon now that we're through the busiest of our busy season.
    Big warm hot chocolate-y hug to you,

  36. Jeanie,
    Stunning pictures!! I went out to take a few pics but it was a cloudy day...I was afraid the wind and the rain we got the next day would knock all the leaves down...Thanks so much for stopping by as always!! I really appreciate it!!

  37. Oh Jeanie, what incredible trees and eye candy in your photos today! The colors are stunning! It is always sad to have to leave a place you love so much, and now you have the challenges of winter ahead, but what lovely memories you can take with you of these walks in the woods, and painting the colorful leaves. Rick's onion pasta sounds divine, ask him if you can share his recipe!

  38. That's some astonishing color--and gorgeous views. Not the same, though, as hugs, right? Sure hope you get some of those soon!

  39. your package arrived with perfect timing as I'm having a sad day. Thank you for your note and all the sweet extras as well. I'll post a picture when I get it framed and hung. I mailed your check yesterday so you should have it in a few days. The hydrangeas picture might be my favorite this time. I can't get over all the beautiful colors! Your new book sounds like a winner ~ Enjoy!

  40. I'll keep a lookout for those geese heading South:)
    Take special care.

  41. So beautiful, Jeanie. I bet you are sad to leave but carry those wonderful memories with you all winter until next summer..Stay well..xxoJudy

  42. you certainly are experiencing a beautiful autumn this year

  43. Oh Jeanie, what wonderful pictures (I seem to be always saying that!) But this post gives me such a vivid impression of your lakeside surroundings. I started to feel almost overwhelmed with the beauty and the colours too. I have to say that if I had somewhere like your lakeside cottage I'd be looking into finding the cash to well & truly insulate it somehow, and then I'd hole up there with 1000 books and a great big freezer of food for weeks at a time. Yes, yes, I know it probably doesn't really work that way- I'm prepared to believe your winters in real life are too cold to be comfortable outside the realm of dreams. (And... I suppose... what would Lizzie think?) :)

  44. What a glorious fall post! May these scenes stay in your memory through the long winter. I miss the hugs, too.

  45. I will never, ever be tired of those amazing photos of autumn. I think I like the first photo best. Great colors. Your painting is wonderful, too.

  46. I can understand your reluctance to pack up the cottage for the Winter. Also, well done to Rick for knowing you so well he could pick out that book for you.

  47. Not tired of seeing your Fall photos at ALL. I lOVE them! Perfect tune to read by.

  48. Gorgeous leaf color! Your Autumn is much more vivid than ours here. Your leaf art is lovely -frameable :)

  49. I would never tire of the beautiful autumn color and the trees that wear them so well. Autumn is just beginning here as far as color.

  50. Nature provides us with such beauty.
    Wonderful colours and photographs.

    All the best Jan


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