The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Halloween in the House!

I hate turning the calendar away from summer and into fall. On the other hand, with my friend Kate's calendar, turning the page is a joy.

 This year, I just felt lucky to get autumn decor changed up at all! But there it is, so welcome!

We'll stop in the hall where one of my favorite wreaths is hanging out. I got this basic form at a Southern Exposure workshop a year or two ago.

I'm very big on wreaths. This bittersweet one "houses" my three mice that I find inspiring when I felt!

I salvaged acorns from the cottage which I'll use inside during the fall and when the snow falls, I'll share them with Bushy Squirrel!

The painting of Lizzie on the left is by author/artist/blogger Vivian Swift. I think she nailed my girl! The one on the right is by me.

I tend to use more of the brighter colors -- oranges and golds. But I also like the neutrals and was happy to have a spot to use them atop the china cabinet.

And, in the hutch,  Halloween references vintage girls, Mom's crystal and a few other pieces.


The mantel gets the full orange treatment with a Japanese Lantern garland. I've had it a few years but this is its first "mantel" appearance. 

I love using copper and brass in the fall -- the colors match so beautifully and feel so right with the knotty pine walls. 

I suspect I'll end up with a few more baby boos on candlesticks before the season is over!


 And, I must admit, I'm fond of these pumpkin head people!

Finally, over at the dry sink, another copper pot with leaves, dried hydrangeas and leaves and sticks. The photo is from the Cotswolds.

I love fall!


  1. Your posts are color riots !

  2. I love all your Autumnal trimmings! We don't have bittersweet in the UK, but the National Trust is selling those cute mice, so I may just have to get me some. I usually put my Autumn transitional decorations out beginning of October, Hallowe'en goes up a week before the 31st, and then it's full on for Thanksgiving. With Christmas following on, it's no wonder January always seems so gloomy!

    Deb in Wales

  3. So many wonderful things to look at in every corner of your home Jeanie. I have not one item of Fall decor as I only decorate, and minimally at that, at Christmas. However, I do like to look at what other people have done and I love your Fall decor. Enjoy it as soon it will be time for you to decorate for Christmas :-)

  4. Nice Work. No Internet Here. Have a great day

  5. Wow,all of these decorations look so pretty!

  6. Hi Jeanie:)) I LOVE your decor! The front door wreath is so inviting and beautiful and those pumpkin head people are so neat! I really like them! Your friend Kate's calendar is so pretty! I won't be doing much decorating this year, we are still living in boxes from moving in May! Your mantle oozes with warmth, very nice!!

  7. In the picture where you pose the rhetorical question about whether you love leaves, it could equally well have been about books, and bravo to that of course. As I have mentioned before we don't do any of this seasonal decorating and our house looks the same from one season to the next. Personally, I am thankful for that, and it must mean we hoard a whole lot less stuff! I couldn't even imagine hauling out all the items for fall and then packing them all up again, then for Thanksgiving (I assume), and right on to Christmas! It must be a semi-permanent occupation. It looks good though, Jeanie.

  8. I admit to not decorating at all, yet. You have such a nice collection, Jeanie! And you're right about using brass with those colours. -Jenn

  9. Beautiful caledar-page!And cute mice wreath. All the decoration is warm and "cool"! 🍁

  10. Beautiful Autumn decor Jeanie, makes your house look so interesting. I never bother to change the decor with the seasons except for Christmas.

  11. Jeanie, I like your fall decorations. The sweet pictures too. Hope you are having nice weather. Yesterday was 80 here and that is after having the heat on a few days last week. Crazy. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. Love seeing your beautiful decorations Jeanie. I put up a few Halloween things in with my fall too. I should take some photos. I love the idea of china pumpkins. Nice combo of nature with arty Halloween fun too. Your house looks great Jeanie, and it was definitely worth the wait to do. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  13. Jeanie, you fall decor is perfect. Each vignette speaks of the warmth and beauty of the season. The mantel is so festive and I do love the copper with the walls. The Cotswold photo is so lovely and hopefully, we will travel again. Wishing you a beautiful autumn day!

  14. You could go on a tour of Homes of Autumn. Beautiful!

  15. Great touches of fall in your home Jeanie. I usually wait until October to decorate for fall as well. This year I won't be decorating for fall because we are trying to get our new home in shape.

  16. I can tell you love your your art from fave artists♥
    I re started doing fall when my Littles arrived..then as they grew older..I put less..I have one potimarron this yr.Period;)I'll enjoy yours.

  17. You are ahead of the game! I'll get there soon.

  18. You have an awesome flair for decorating with such lovely art. Whether it's paintings or pieces you made or purchased everyting always looks so put together. Such a lovey calendar from your friend and I love those paintings of Lizzie. I don't do a lot of fall decorating, just a few pumpkins and leaves. I do love those too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.......

  19. I love your wreaths :) and those Autumn leaves!

  20. I'm having trouble getting disconnected from the internet. I hope this comment only shows up once...

    I love your wreaths. And those Autumn leaves!

  21. I love the autumn elements on your front door - especially the corn

  22. Everything looks so warm and festive.
    That calendar is awesome.

  23. It was a delight to see all your Fall lovelies this morning, Jeanie. Those copper tea pots on your mantel are something else. I just love them. The Cotswolds photo is so pretty. You have a little orange, which I love, and also some white items too, which are nice. Love that white lamp, and I've never seen that in your house before. The black and white checkered pumpkin is delightful, and the acorns are a charming touch. Acorns remind me of Autumn, and we can even decorate with them. Such a fun post, and I'll want to come back and see it again sometime. : )


  24. Jeanie, your home looks so festive and ready for the glorious season. I love leaves as well and all your decorations. But my favorite thing I spied is your beautiful clock. It is a true beauty.

    Happy autumn days, hubby is on the hunt for pumpkins today. It is always interesting to see what he brings home.

  25. Did you close the cottage for the season?

  26. Jeanie,
    I was just thinking of you and Southern Exposure and how delightful that experience was for you and for me! I always looked forward to your creative sessions there, hopefully 2021 will be the year to reunite with that marvelous spot.
    I too like the pumpkin head people, they are rather intriguing and whimsical! Fall has arrived beautifully in your cozy, warm and welcoming home.
    Happy October!

  27. It all looks so lovely and festive Jeanie.

  28. Fantastic Fall decorations, Jeanie!
    Pumpkin head people looks cool!

  29. I love hearing about all your seasonal decorations.

  30. You have inspired me to find the pumpkin that I bought last year ( not a real one you'll be pleased to know!) I feel completely out of sorts of the changing of seasons this year, being stuck in our hot, hot and hotter life here in Thailand and not having seen any seasons this year! I am planning on getting the box of Christmas decorations out which have never been used in Thailand! Happy Halloween in case I forget Jeanie!

  31. "..turning the page is a joy". I know the feeling. Every year, I get a calendar from a certain organization. It features paintings and photos donated by outstanding, local artists.

  32. You are the queen of holiday home decorations. I love seeing all your decorations. Thank you for the tour.

  33. Apart from the pumpkins and such in the stores, there aren't many signs of fall here, yet. In fact, I'm homebound today thanks to the arrival of yet another hurricane: Delta. We'll be essentially unaffected, except for some gusty winds and a rainy day, and high tides, per usual. The air conditioning's still on, and the thought of turning the oven on to bake autumn goodies just isn't appealing -- so enjoy the blessings of your season. One of these days we'll catch up with you!

  34. I always love seeing your holiday decor!!! I used to do it all for every holiday but not anymore....thanks for sharing.

  35. Nice to get into the spirit of Halloween. You have many fine things to show.

  36. Jeanie, all your decor is lovely! I think you're exactly on point with your comment of having been away. Certainly that would push decorating to low on my list if I had been at a lake house like you've so enjoyed! We all prioritize. Being in the same place begs for a bit of change. For me, it's most readily achieved with my tablescaping. I love your little wreath from Southern Exposure.

  37. Here I am late again. I wondered how soon you would decorate your home for autumn and Halloween. I love all the wreaths, the pumpkins and the garlands. I love how you are able to find places for each of these beauties that you tuck into unexpected places. I love how your home is always so warm and inviting. These are amazing photos of your autumn home.

  38. Your home is looking very autumnal, jeanie, and also very cozy. The nice thing about the wreaths and leaves is that they can remain for at least until December. My scarecrows outside the apt door are my only fall decos and by early December they will go into hibernation until next year. I have never made a fall wreath, but perhaps my next visit to the local dollar store will bring some inspiration.

  39. Hello Jeanie,

    Everything looks so festive and pretty. Your decorations look so pretty. I love the wreaths and the Lizzie painting. The fall leaves are lovely. The pumpkin head people are cute. Pretty October calendar.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  40. Hi Jeanie. Fall is showing up at your house. I really love that swag from Southern Exposure, and your pumpkin head dolls. Since the Cottage Witch isn't coming to the Cottage this year, I am not doing any Halloween and it seems a bit weird. You are so lucky that you can collect all those pretty leaves. I think fall will be over before ours show up..Stay well..xxoJudy

  41. It looks beautiful, Jeanie! We don't seasonally decorate, don't have a basement or anywhere to keep the stuff -but it creates such a cosy and welcoming atmosphere -and must be fun to do!

  42. Great Autumn decor. Not much ot at my house as I went all out at the store. Yes we just opened our gift shop just before covid hit. You have a good memory. Janice

  43. You got acoms earlier than I. Your decoration is great. You know very well how to enjoy Autumn. Thanks for your heart warming comment on my post.

  44. Lovely! I love the acorns best, as you gathered them and that makes them a bit more special. I also love Autumnal wreaths and enjoyed seeing the ones you have.

  45. I do like your Autumn décor, it all looks lovely.
    I keep meaning to get our Autumnal decorations and pieces out but haven't yet. Note to self, must do it!

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  46. The finished painting of Lizzie by Vivian is wonderful.
    Love, love your decorations, including the three blind mice.

  47. That calendar is just gorgeous! I would be excited to turn the page too! That’s how I feel with our photo calendar. I can never remember what pictures I included each month so it’s fun to flip the page each month and see how much Paul has changed since that time last year!

    We have not done any other decorating besides a pumpkin and some mums on our front steps. But we have been enjoying the outdoor decorations. Paul does not like the scary stuff but loves seeing pumpkins and other kid-friendly stuff. I need to start to up my holiday decoration game. Right now I really only decorate for Christmas!

  48. Lot's of beautiful decorations ~ Very warm and inviting! Enjoy

  49. Wonderful post Jeanie . . .
    I like that you “do up fall” and
    save Halloween for another day.
    I like to do that too!
    What a glorious fall it has been, I needed “uplifting!”


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