The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Little Bit of Art

I haven't shared much in the line of art lately, but I have been doing a bit, especially when I've been north. And I've been taking advantage of the season!

I love painting leaves. Just trying to match the paint color is a good exercise.

There's no shortage of natural subjects. I'm very fond of the acorns!

And, my favorite subject. (Her eyes need more work -- they look a little alarmed!)

I've been doing a few online watercolor classes, including a flower painting class.

I loved it so much, I made a bunch of bookmarks in the style! They just need to be cut.

I'm thinking ahead to the holidays with this small painting.

But I'll leave you with the next holiday on our schedule -- a vintage style piece, based on an old postcard from my collection.

'Tis the season!

Sharing with Rain's Art Date


  1. OH!! I love all of these but I especially like the boat above the water ! I may try to do one like it but not like it , you know what I mean, I love the boat in the air. THAT is the sort of art that makes me ponder! LOVE IT. A happy accident - When that happens it is a gift from the creativity gods!

  2. I love your artwork! How fabulous!

  3. Beautiful art, they are all great, but my fave is the leaves, so glowing. Have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  4. You know I love all your art, but your leaves are something else indeed. I can scarcely tell the painted ones from the real ones, simply awesomely done.
    Hope your weather's holding, ours isn't at all good now.
    Waving from wildly wet and windy west Wales!

  5. Your ' a little bit of art' is giving us 'a great deal of pleasure
    The leaves are stunning! The flower cards - very delicate!

  6. Hello Jeanie,

    These are all wonderful paintings. I love the leaves, they are so bright and beautiful. The Sandpiper is awesome. Love your sweet Lizzie, her eye are pretty. The flower paintings are lovely, cute one for Halloween. They are all beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  7. Your art gets better and better, Jeanie, and the acorn is just terrific. I am amazed that Rick has not become acquainted with the new float-on-the-surface fishing boats as revealed in your image, and now you have an illustration to prove their existence. Walking on water, boating ON water - it's all in a day's work. And by the way, when I saw those red maple leaves you painted, I went and got my hockey stick, put on my toque, stood to attention and sang the national anthem. Now that's art having an impact on life!

  8. Most delightful birthday card ever! Oh yeah, the other paintings are wonderful, too.

  9. I agree with Rick about the boat seeming to float above the water, but I noticed something else that made me grin. The reflection of the boat and motor seems to be headed the opposite direction of the boat -- I've had days like that, when I just can't get things in synch!

  10. I always enjoy seeing your paintings. As soon as we get settled in our new place I am taking up painting again.

  11. Well done madame!
    Love the kittie!And Love that you enjoy CP:)
    Bravo on all Jeanie.

  12. Terrific art! I would love to purchase your sandpiper ~ Would you consider selling?? Love, Karen

  13. Your favorite topic's eyes are fine. It looks like she's saying, "Why are you disturbing me? Can't you see I want to be alone?"

  14. Great are really getting a lot of painting done. Love it.

  15. So cute! Do you mind if I try to copy that last one in doll form? Not sure I can but would love to try! xo Diana

  16. Love your art displays, which would not be complete without some sort of cat. I adore the Sandpiper and the Acorn.

    I can't remember if I told you I took your recommendation and got The President's Hat by Antoine Laurain. Very enjoyable.

  17. Oh Jeanie, I think all of your art work at fabulous. I happen to think the boat looks like it has a little wave action against the bottom. All how you interpret it so no right or wrong. The sandpiper is very striking and so is Miss Lizzie! You have a great start with Christmas and cards. You are off to a great week..........

  18. Jeanie, I love your art. Your leaves, acorn, sandpiper, and pumpkin girl are my favorites. I enjoy acorns also, love their quilted tops.
    Honestly, Jeanie, you have such talent. It makes me happy when I see your work. Lizzie's eyes do look a little alarmed like she is wondering why you woke her from her lovely nap.
    Have a great week and keep after those paint brushes.

  19. LOVE your leaves, perfect color match and detail.
    I respect your trial and energy . . . I tend to get discouraged!
    What is the date for your Holiday sale?

  20. Pretty painting, Jeanie!
    I bet fall at the lake is absolutely lovely!

  21. I'm very impressed with your artwork. I always found watercolors to be difficult, they seem to easily muddied.

  22. I love your work!

    The leaf colors are AMAZING. So vivid!

  23. I love seeing your art, especially that of your Lizzie. When I saw the boat, I just thought of a hover boat. They have hover boards. Why not hover boats? You might have just invented it before it becomes an actual thing!

  24. Hi Jeanie! :) I LOVE your paintings! Oh you are using Arches...I can't afford them lol...Your leaves are so beautiful! I mean, all of your paintings are beautiful! Your flowers are beautiful and I really love your pumpkin gal! :)

  25. Your nature art looks absolutely true to life. You have such a good eye!

  26. These are all great, Jeanie. I think the sandpiper may be my favorite.

  27. All so pretty, Jeanie. You are really good and the colors are perfect..Stay well and Happy Fall..xxoJudy

  28. It’s great to see another art blog out there! I saw your post on Life and Linda’s blog party.

  29. The fall leaves are so beautiful, Jeanie, and I do love the sandpiper. I wish I had your talent. The little pumpkin girl is adorable!

  30. Love your paintings

  31. Oh I love your paintings. I had to smile at Rick's comment on the boat. The vintage pumpkin is delightful. The sandpiper is wonderful. And I absolutely love your leaves. Now you are inspiring me to try some leaves. I will be on the search for the right ones to try painting. I think I may need more colors in my palette or just start mixing more.This week I am still enamored by mushrooms. Happy Autumn to you and Rick.

  32. Lovely collection of

  33. I feel like such a horrible person. You have stopped by every day, even when I was offline for 10 days due to my incompetent internet and phone service. I'm trying to catch up, but I just keep getting farther behind, For that I greatly apologize.

    I love your leaves, your acorn, all your watercolors. They are fabulous. That sandpiper is wonderful and the Christmas ornaments are beautiful.

    And it truly IS the season for Halloween and pumpkins. I bet you've already decorated your home for Halloween (grin).

    Again, I'm truly sorry I am so far behind visiting, dear friend.

  34. I love seeing all your projects and your painting! How old were you when you knew you had this talent? I can't even draw plain old stick people, LOL. Love the previous post too, wow, all the PRETTY LEAVES AND COLORS THERE!---so fun to see. Y'all sure have a huge variety of mushrooms there, my goodness! Love the mushroom pictures. Some really cool looking ones.

  35. These are beautiful! Especially the sandpiper. Rick is right abouit the boat, but it makes it special! Ohhh, and Lizzie 🧡 Beautiful cards and the pupkin is too cute.

  36. Jeanie, Your art is wonderful. I loved the leaves. The pretty vases of flowers too. You seem to have been busy. We were so cold , the heat is on...blast. But it is to warm up again for a few more days. Sop that is good. Hope you are warm. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  37. WOW I thought those leaves were real at first. Awesome job on your art! Janice

  38. What a darling little pumpkin girl :-)

    But my favorite is the sandpiper. It is heartening to see your creativity!

  39. Sooo HAPPY to get here and see all your artwork, Jeanie! Your art almost makes me SMILE sooo much! Watercolor really is your medium, and you tell great stories with it, just as you do here with your writing! :) ((LOVE & HUGS))

  40. Oh Jeanie, you are getting so good with your painting. The cat and the bird and the leaves are wonderful. The last one is my favorite, so cute. And Fall looking! You are talented for sure, my friend.


  41. I Loved the Leaf and Acorn Art... well, the Sandpiper too... it's all so good it's difficult to pick favs. I agree about the Boat, perhaps the bottom of it shouldn't be visible and beneath the water? The Alarmed Cat made me Smile, isn't it hilarious how Cats can look like there could be a Serial Killer behind you and Spook the crap out of you? *LOL*

  42. There are two things I would have liked to be able to do!
    One is to play the piano, and the other to be able to draw!
    Although grand-daughter is a big fan of mine when I do some colouring and drawing with her :)

    I love ALL of you art here, it's so lovely and a great mix.

    Enjoy these October days
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  43. JEANIE!!!!!!!

    OK, first of all, I have not been on blogging for a long time. I just happened to be in my Blogger account and saw I had 13 comments which is rare these days! As I scrolled down to see very unfamiliar faces, I saw YOU!!!!! How lovely it is to come an see your work! Isn't it nice to have time now to explore your interests???? Well done, Jeanie.

    You asked what I'm up to these days. Well, due to the uncertainties of Covid, I had to take an early retirement. The district's offer was way too good to pass up so at 62, I'm fully retired. Yes, I am exploring my photography and with goals to write, publish, improve my photography, get back to my harp and now to make videos (wish me luck) and if I live long enough, I'll be busy!

    Dearest Jeanie, how are you faring in the midst of this odd year of 2020?

  44. Your artwork always makes me happy, Jeanie. I love your choice of colors. Have a wonderful week.

  45. I enjoyed seeing each piece. Lovely each one. The last piece surprised me and made me smile.

  46. They are all so charming! And instantly engaging! (Much like their creator... {SMILE})

    So glad you're taking classes, so glad to see you painting again.

  47. These are all wonderful Jeanie, I'm glad you've been doing so much painting! I especially love the leaves and the acorn, nice work!!

  48. Gee whiz, I love 'em all. I kept trying to pick a favorite. I love it when you share your art.

  49. Jeanie,
    Love all your art work!! You are so talented!! I can draw stick figures and that is about it especially with my arthritis and my carpal tunnel of both hands...Thanks for all your visits!!

  50. You nailed the leaf color. Very pretty.

  51. I too LOVE your little paintings. And love that you love your what you are painting. The love shows. OK, so my favorites: The birthday candies. The pumpkin lady (like Betty Boop?) The acorn, so adorable! The splatters are so joyful! The leaves are so realistic, a great exercise I would like to try. There's a lot of love in this post and all the comments! It's wht the world needs!
    I will write soon, thx for your encouragement re. Blogger...

  52. It's always a pleasure to see your artwork Jeanie.
    Love the leaves, the sandpiper and Lizzie of course :)

  53. This didn't show up in my follow list again so I unfollowed and then followed you again. I also did email follow. Hopefully that will fix it so I can keep up with your posts better. Love seeing your paintings. There is no shortage of beautiful leaves and scenes, especially on your paper. I enjoyed all the art today. Hope your week has turned out well. Hugs-Erika

  54. Jeanie, I always enjoy seeing your art work. I do love the leaves and the acorn. Of course, Lizzie is always a great subject!

  55. Beautiful, beautiful. I think I love the acorn, the leaves, and the sandpiper best. Your colors are especially wonderful. I tend to like the zoomed-in feeling of drawing, and you do that well.

  56. The leaves and acorn were wonderful, jeanie, and I also liked that lone sandpiper along the shore. I Agree with Rick's comment that the boat doesn't quite look "right" in the water, but know you will be able to solve that "problem." Yiles, Christmas is coming up fast and the ornament do indeed look festive.

  57. That last painting is so fun!! Love it! And the leaves are another favorite of mine. The colors are so vibrant and they look very real! You are so talented!!

  58. Jeanie, I love your watercolor paintings, especially the little sandpiper... great job! Glad you shared at Tuesday Turn About, as I'll be featuring you tomorrow! Pinned!

  59. It's been too long since I've seen your charming watercolors, Jeanie! The way you make the 'hard' parts of nature seem delicate and fragile is so intriguing! However, I must admit, I'm most partial to the pumpkin cutie pie!

    Congrats on getting through this horrible year with art and grace!

  60. your leaves are full of colour, I did a tutorial on You Tube for mine years ago, it was so much fun. Your cat is delightful too.

  61. Beautiful watercolour work Jeanie I love painting leaves too. I especially love your vase and flower work. Thank you for sharing again Happy TAD Tracey.

  62. Some nice ones. Ms pumpkin looks surprised, i wonder why.


  63. Really beautiful art. Have a lovely day.

  64. It's great to see this post again Jeanie. You have a super selection of leaves and branches. Hope your weather wasn't as cold as ours was today. The wind was blowing all day, and not just a breeze. It wouldn't have been quite so cold otherwise. Have a great end of April. hugs-Erika

  65. Jeanie, your art is beautiful. I especially love the portrait of the cat. Happy weekend to you!

  66. You have quite a talent and I admire your continuing to learn more techniques and styles ... a true artist is always growing. Not sure I am ready to think of Christmas and Halloween, as I am just starting to enjoy the warming of the air and the blooming of new life. But, I will admit your pictures are lovely and I can enjoy them for just that, especially your little Kitty who does look like she is weighing her option of flight if necessary :P. Beautiful post, Jeanie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  67. An oldie but a leafy!!!! ☺☺☺ Your Maple leaves are just gorgeous Jeanie!!!! I am in love with your pumpkin art too! ☺

  68. Sorry this is so late. I love the leaves, the flowers, and Lizzie. You paint SO well, Jeanie and I love it.


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