The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: Fabulous Fungi and a Walk in the Woods

If I could eat all the mushrooms sprouting up on the lawn at the lake and in the woods, I'd never have to buy mushrooms again!

Unfortunately, as I told Rick, there are three options with the mushrooms in the yard -- they either will taste great and be fabulous in soups, stews and sauces; they'll send us on a magical mushroom trip, the kind not seen since the 60s, or we'll be dead as a doornail by dessert.

Needless to say, they are my eye candy, not my snack!

They pop up every day -- more than the day before and they change, too.

Look at these, with the interesting texture. They're quite beautiful.

 This is that same patch, the next morning. You wouldn't recognize them.

I was on my walk and it started to rain -- nothing much, just a sprinkle, but it looked threatening.

So, I decided to cut through the woods where at least the tree cover would keep me dry.

I haven't been in the woods in years for a walk. There are paths, most cut, I suspect, by ORVs or cross country skiers, though I've not  seen any to be sure. There is a swamp attached to the woods, so you have to be careful where you walk.

I did pretty well, and I enjoyed the cover of the woods.

Until I ran out of path options. I found myself in a mossy area, which was pretty squishy!

The moss is interesting. Most is bright green, even now.

But this was a rather vibrant red.

 It is a bit of a "magic land" out there these days, with changes from morning to evening. I imagine little fairies or forest people who find shelter in these mushroom houses!

I did get "out of the woods" and back home. 

 Dry, and delighted for taking the route!

Sharing with:  Pink Saturday     /     Let's Keep in Touch    


  1. That is a lot of most interesting fungi.

  2. One of our naturalist groups did a presentation on mushrooms and interviewed a mushroom expert. I was surprised to learn that mushrooms haven't been studied as much as other forms of life.

    These are just beautiful.

  3. Better safe than sorry! Not everything in Nature is human friendly, so one should be cautious even when merely touching a plant, a fruit,a tree.

  4. As old as I am I often surprised that I can find mushrooms in my yard I've never seen before. It's a beautiful time of the year to explore the woods.

    I got terribly sick off mushrooms once in my 20s and haven't had them since. About 12 of us all ate them out of the same iron frying pan so I know they weren't the poison variety.

  5. all such fantastic photos, I love all the mushrooms! I've always thought about learning to identify them to be able to eat the wild ones but I wouldn't trust myself to be certain.

  6. Mushrooms and moss are so interesting!

  7. I've never seen red moss before! I've been so busy I forgot to take a walk, and now it's too smoky. But I might drive to the coast for some fresh air and the nature walk you're inspiring me to!

  8. Gorgeous fungi, and how fun that they change! I love walking through the woods with you!

  9. We have hardly any mushrooms this year so these are great to see. I love the variety of them. I always find that fascinating. And I never appreciated moss until we went to a moss museum while in Japan. It is amazing growth. our pictures really captured it. Glad you had a nice walk in the woods, and I'm also glad this post showed up with your earlier one. Hugs-Erika

  10. Now you need to get yourself a mushroom field guide and identify some of these fungi, Jeanie. You can do it!

  11. You made me so laugh! I once was offered hash-cookies and said no!!! Now I kinda regret that, or... do I?
    But guess what I have in the fridge! Mushrooms.
    I just bought them.
    Not at all as fancy as yours!
    And... being German... I wonder how that word came to life? "Mush rooms"? We call them Pilze or, what I have in the fridge... Champignons.

  12. Oh! All these fungi! I love Autumn so much! I've probably mentioned it before :D
    Fungi are typical sign of Autumn to me! They're everywhere in my country! I love to photograph them during taking a walk to the woods <3
    Well, I'm not eating fungi a lot, but I can't say that I don't like how they taste :D
    Happy Autumn!

  13. Fungi are fabulous! I have fond memories of very early mornings spent foraging in the nearby fields with my Grandmother who knew exactly what to eat! I only wish now I had paid more attention, for few things are tastier than a mountain of fresh field mushrooms, pan fried and heaped on hot, buttered toast for breakfast. I can smell and taste them now! Foraging is fun if you know what you are about.

    Deb in Wales

  14. That's a lovely post! The complicated ecosystem of mature woods is always fascinating to get a glimpse of. Sounds like these are wild woods not plantations?

  15. Hello, Jeanie

    The mushrooms, fungi and moss are all eye candy. So many pretty shapes and colors, wonderful finds. I would be afraid to eat them, I would love that to the mushroom experts. Your photos are lovely. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  16. Frankly, I trust only grocery store mushrooms. Great photos; I can see magical watercolors coming from them.

  17. Oh, yes, best not to risk mushrooms if you don't know what to look for to know which kind you're getting, or didn't get them from someone you know for sure knows. Besides, you wouldn't want to leave some poor fairy who moved in to a mushroom house knowing it was the kind of mushroom people don't generally eat homeless, would you?

  18. Wow so many different kinds!! It does look like a magical walk! And you know what they say about mushrooms - all mushrooms are edible, just some of them only once.

  19. I love taking a walk in the woods! Your mushrooms and moss are quite beautiful.

  20. Charmed:) Must be a very moist environment.I know a sad aquaintance of mine..her son married an Italian girl..he being Italian also..His wife's mom owned a hotel..excellent cook/chef.. she died after ingesting one particular mushroom in Italy..and she knew her mushrooms.I had never heard of this.

  21. Fungi fun! Love your pictures♥

  22. Nature is SO interesting at every turn!

  23. Jeanie, I thoroughly enjoyed the walk. The mushrooms and moss are wonderful and so interesting. Nature is marvelous. Your area certainly provides beauty and loads of entertainment. Enjoy and stay well.

  24. I found new mushrooms and mosses I'd never seen in the woods last weekend. It's another reminder of how different eastern and coastal areas of my 'neighborhood' are. Even the sort of yucky mushrooms are interesting, and some of them are gorgeous. The only ones I've eaten are morels -- nothing better than those, but they're rare around here. At least they're easy to identify.

  25. Jeanie, you have so many varieties of fungi! Once when I was younger, I went mushroom gathering with a friend who said she knew mushrooms. Unfortunately, I wasn't quite convinced of her knowledge and didn't use the ones I gathered for cooking. I think I photographed them! We hardly have any this summer/fall because it's been so dry.

  26. Lots of mushrooms this year!! I see one I know to be edible in your photos. Kind of a gray inverted cone, shaggy, yes, called Shaggy Mane. Mike is really into his mushrooms.
    We saw a news report that mushroom poisoning is really up this year. Some of them are EXTREMELY poisonous. With names like Destroying Angel, Death Cap, whew!

  27. I agree with you that the mushrooms look amazingly yummy, but I wouldn't try to eat one either. They look so different from each other too. Love all your photos.

  28. So many different kinds of mushrooms! That view down the woodland path calls to me :) That's a walk I'd enjoy :)

  29. Terrific journey into the woods ~ Lot's of interesting fungi to see and beautiful leaves and moss. Even though it rained, it looked like you had a nice adventure ~ Enjoy the weekend!

  30. Gorgeous Photos Jeanie. We get them in the yard now and then, so interesting to watch. Such a lovely walk........Happy weekend.

  31. Oh! I LOVE this post. I live by the beach because Mr. FGH loves the ocean, but my heart lives in the woods. I miss our family woods in Europe, seeing your lovely photos has done my heart good. thank you! xo Lidy

  32. I know there are mushroom scavengers who really know their "shrooms" and would know if any of the ones in your yard are safe or not, but as you said better to ignore them. They make better photo subjects than menu items. Glad the woods provided shelter from the weather, which is rain here today.

  33. I so enjoy this time of year.
    You saw some wonderful mushrooms and so many wonderful colours too.
    I really enjoyed your photographs, thanks for taking them and sharing them with us here.

    Happy October Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  34. Nature can be so fun. Wonderful to see the different shapes of mushrooms. Eating them is a no no. Thanks for sharing Jeanie. Happy weekend.

  35. Wonderful mushrooms! I would also prefer to just admire them and not try them in stews or soups - better stick to those you can get at the farmers market or in the grocery store. That walk through the wood must have been delightful - I would probably take that route pretty often.

  36. So many varieties all over around here.
    After the rain this week the mushrooms have gone bananas!
    Not a mushroom fan at all in my recipes, it is a texture thing for me.
    An interesting mixture in different parts of our yard . . .
    I have enjoyed seeing all the variety, although a nuisance popping up in the turf.
    I enjoyed your pictures . . . happy you moved out of that wet, squishy area.
    Do you carry your phone when you venture out for walks?
    (Sounding motherly aren’t I . . . 😉)

  37. What a fantastic journey in the woods!
    Those mushrooms look cute!

  38. That is a lot of different fungi! I would be afraid to try them, too. I do love mushrooms, though, when I know they are safe to eat. That red moss is so pretty and unique. I have never seen something like that. Just goes to show it often pays off to the path less traveled at times!

  39. Hi Jeanie! :) Wow look at those shrooms! :))) Pretty to look at but yeah, I wouldn't venture eating them! There are so many varieties. I loved going on that walk with you! :))

  40. Jeanie, beautiful walk in the woods. Those mushrooms are amazing..Stay Well..xxoJudy

  41. Seems wise to be risk-averse when it comes to eating the wild, though? I'll enjoy every one you share! Love the closing shot of the pink 'shrooms!

  42. Jeanie, I love finding mushrooms and yours are quite unique. The walk in the woods was a treat for the eyes!

  43. I love this post soooooo much! All those mushrooms just make me smile. I think I need to go searching for more mushrooms outdoors. Just walking in my neighborhood I am spotting a few, but certainly not the beauties you are finding. They are glorious!

  44. The mushrooms around your neck of the woods are so strange looking, and I wonder if some of them are poisonous. Such a pretty trail. I would really like hiking on that right now to get away from all the noise in town. ; )


  45. Nature is always so magnificent in all it's Glory!

  46. I am jealous. Hardly any mushrooms at all this year, so far.
    You do have a few edibles in your photos. But yes, eye candy is awesome, the land of fairies and magic. Loved seeing your shrooms!


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