The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 9, 2020

A Sunny Day Walk!

When I get a good day, I max it out! So, off I venture into my roaming space. I've shown you this before -- it's not to scale, of course, but you can see my roaming space is about eight blocks to the Ditch and around.

These photos were taken on two or three different walks over the past few days. Got your mask? Let's go!

There's lots of early spring action. On this visit, I saw a whole flock of cedar waxwings (correct me if I'm wrong, bird fans!) in hog heaven at this bush of bright red berries.

It was hard to focus on them between the branches and they were pretty flighty -- eat and run! But so pretty. They weren't the only bird in the area, either. This pretty cardinal was flitting around...

...and there were loads of robins.

This red-winged blackbird is for David -- singing his song! (I finally got one with decent light!)

There were more than a few ducks, some dining....

...others just sunning themselves.

The geese were on patrol, watching out for their mates and taking on any bird that came near.

I saw a few grackles and a lovely mourning dove.

I'm not sure what this is. At first I thought it might be another waxwing but it has a pretty yellow tail.

I wasn't the only one out. On my first two rides I saw cyclists...

... lots of walkers, people on the benches and even someone who brought their own hammock.

That was too many people for me, so I changed my walking time to earlier, hoping for less people. I did see a few, including my neighbor Pat, with his Jack Russell, Annie.

I used to have a Jack that looked just like Annie so she's my favorite dog!

The greatest gift is when I happen to catch glimpse of a deer. Look on the far shore. Do you see her?

She was completely at ease with her various bird friends and they were relaxed with her.

One of the few times she looked up was when a Fed-ex truck went by.

She was beautiful.

But should you think it's all calm at the Ditch, think again. Apparently one duck must have come too close to another's nest for there was quite a kerfuffle as her mate chased him off.

Rounding the bend and off for home.

Signs of spring. (Although today the temperature dropped, it's sleeting and raining. This, too, will pass.)


  1. I love the map you made! Beautiful pictures, too. Looks like you had a wonderful day for a walk.

  2. Everything is wondrous today, but my favorites are the dear deer photos and your mapped out roaming space. Love it!
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  3. Lots and lots of spring action. I love it!

  4. Thanks for the walk around your neighborhood, Jeanie, and it was great to see the bird life too. BTW, I finished reading Belgravia by Julian Fellowes and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, our library doesn't have any more e-books by him, drat.

  5. OH Jeanie, scanning through your posts gives me so much happiness! From those bright red berries to that cute dog Annie. But that dear captured my heart so much! It looks very cute! I have a dog named Celyn and I always believed she descended from a Dog-Deer bloodline (of course it's just my own legend HAHA) because she looks so much like a deer! Thanks for sharing these beautiful captures and I love your matching sunglasses and jacket!


  6. Thank you for taking me on my morning walk. You have got this.

  7. I wish I had a 'ditch' by my house. You find so many lovely things on your walks down there. My once quiet neighborhood has come alive with walkers---with and without dogs---joggers, bikers and chalk artists. I have not seen a single one wearing a mask.

  8. Loved the walk! I have been making a point to take daily walks as well, no matter what the weather. I often take my phone along for photos, but perhaps I should grab my camera as well. The mystery bird is a waxwing. Such pretty birds!

  9. Thanks for the lovely walk! That yellow tailed bird is a cedar waxwing....some have yellow tails.

  10. You saw some beautiful birds on your walk, many of which we do not have over here. It's good to walk early when there are less people around. Nice that you saw the deer, too. Have a good Easter weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  11. Thanks for the tour of your 'hood! A truly lovely walk, with so very much to see ~ I'm off to get myself tested here in a few ~ I can't shake this flu-ish feeling I have.
    Sigh ~

  12. Hello,

    Your post is action packed with birds and wildlife. I love the cute pup too. I love the map you sketched, it looks like a great walk. I would love birdwatching near the ditch! Take care, have a happy day!

  13. So nice to go out for a walk :) I did so yesterday, today is rainy with severe thunderstorms :)

  14. Balm to soothe the soul

    Deb in Wales

  15. It's good y'all are able to spread out and allow so many to enjoy this lovely area. Signs of spring cheer my heart :)

  16. I just love to look at wildlife photos. People here in AZ have been out walking too lately except the weather turned rainy and thunder. We originally had snow in the forecast but the forecast changed to just rain.
    Take care

  17. Your photos are wonderful. I love the birds and the deer. We get the waxwings here in winter but not some of the others. Our robin is different with a red breast. What a lovely walk.

  18. It looks like a perfect place to take a little walk with lots of pretty birds and a little pond with deer! x Your map is so cute and so nice that you have this special place, even if you do have to get up extra early. Everyone wants to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine these days. I love the song of the red-wing blackbird. It reminds me of happy childhood days. Hope you have a peaceful, healthy and happy Easter. Hugs xo Karen

  19. We've had rain and I just looked out the window and now it is snowing. AUGH! It looks like a wonderful day to walk-and who doesn't love the new accessory we all are wearing? And wow.. Love all the birds. I had a rare cardinal pair at my feeders today. But no red wing black birds yet or cedar waxwings. You took some great photos. And a deer too. It looks like a great walk. Hope your weather stays nice and you can enjoy more walks this week. Hugs-Erika

  20. What a lovely time. Enjoyed seeing the wildlife vicariously via your blog. My tulips and daffodils have leaves now. No flowers yet. Still waiting. Janice

  21. Lovely walk! Those birds are so beautiful.

  22. Loved going along on your walks to the Ditch and seeing the birds and wildlife. It looks busier in your neighborhood than in mine. I mostly try to walk into the wilderness where I don't meet anyone. Our weather is changing,too - snow for Easter is the forecast. Stay well, Jeanie!

  23. What a beautiful place to walk. you had an opportunity to see so many animals. I love the deer drinking from the water.

  24. Your beautiful photos have me smiling this evening. I haven't seen a cedar waxwing in years, so thank you. What a lovely outing you have taken us all on! Have a great evening and stay well.

  25. What a beautiful outing you took me on. All the lovely wildlife. Great photos, especially the deer.
    Happy Easter, stay safe.

  26. Nice sunglasses, and jacket as well!
    Your map looks pretty! The photos are super cool! I am enjoy seeing those birds, the deer, and Annie. Thanks for sharing.

    Staying well!

  27. A beautiful walk! Thanks for taking us along!

  28. Oh my gosh, how gorgeous - to be able to walk out to the ditch - lovely to see your sketch and how close it is to your house. I would love to be able to get out and walk amongst nature and hear the birds sing. Lovely sunny weather.

  29. How wonderful that you have such a good place to walk. I love all the wild life!

  30. At first I was going to say this post is for the birds, but then you threw in the deer and the cyclists. LOVED seeing your map. It makes everything seem more real once I understand the location. Thanks for inviting me along on this walk, Jeanie.

  31. The yellow terminal band the tail of a Cedar Waxwing is a characteristic feature of the species, Jeanie. Great encounter you had with them. And I will be looking forward to news of your appointment to the urban planning department of your city, as official cartographer in the roads and traffic department. Originals of your streetscapes will be in big demand!

  32. Your pictures are always so beautiful. I'm amazed that the deer wasn't bothered by those around her. -Jenn

  33. What a lovely walk Jeanie, lots of action and beautiful wild life to make isolation less lonely! So glad you had a pretty day to get out and enjoy!

  34. That is a waxwing, with the yellow band on the tail. That band sometimes is orange. As I understand it, diet plays a role, but I'll have to look that up again. I do have some photos on my blog of a group of waxwings with both orange and yellow tips -- they're a favorite bird, but we rarely see them around here.

  35. Jeanie,
    You are so artistic, love this little map!
    We too have been embracing the outdoors and goodness it does us all the world of good. Everything is waking up and stretching to the sky and I sure did need that affirmation that the cycle of life doesn't know there is a pandemic and it marches on.
    Wishing you safety, health and a blessed and beautiful Easter!

  36. Jeanie, thank you for such a lovely and peaceful start to my day. It is cold and cloudy here this morning, so I very much enjoyed seeing all your lovely sights, especially the beautiful blue sky. Your 'Ditch' is a treasure trove of nature's beauty. I know during these times you are grateful for it.

    Have a lovely weekend and stay well.

  37. I love your neighbourhood map. I should try one too.

  38. Beautiful spring day and so many birds and colors! We're still brown with snow patches. But this Easter weekend sure is different and I hope won't be repeated in the future!

  39. I love your painting of your neighborhood. How special is that! Love the images you captured. I looked up Cedar Waxwings and I’m sure that’s what that bird was. The sun was just highlighting the little bit of yellow at the tail. I rarely see them so I enjoy any glimpse of them I can get. We had snow this morning but it’s already melted. Sure is a long spring with this stay at home order and all. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

  40. Love the map! Oh my word- your photos are just gorgeous. I feel like I was right there with you on your beautiful spring walk. Lovely! Thanks for sharing. :)

  41. Still so pretty at the Ditch, Jeanie. Spring is on the way..xxoJudy

  42. International woman of mystery!!

    I'm so happy to enjoy a walk with you! And I lovedlovedloved your map. So glad to hear from you, so glad you're doing well...

  43. Glad you’re getting exercise but stay away from those people!


  44. Beautiful environment. Love the deer.

  45. You are so lucky having all that beauty on your doorstep Jeanie. I love your map x

  46. What a wonderful walk! No deer here though. So glad you are getting out with mask for some sunshine and exercise.

  47. Love seeing the flowers and the pops of green! You saw a lot of beautiful animals and birds on this walk! We see lots of ducks, if we are lucky, and occasionally a robin or cardinal. No deer in our neighborhood! We had snow flakes here yesterday and it was so so windy so we didn’t leave the house. Today is much better with sunshine and no wind. It’s chilly - 40s - but I will take it. I’m ready for warmer weather! We are supposed to get a rain/slush/snow mix on Easter Sunday. Bleh.

  48. I love all the photos! Thank you for sharing and Happy Easter to you and yours.

  49. Fabulous map, love the face mask and wow your wildlife pictures are so wonderful. Thanks for making my day.

    Hugs Diane

  50. Those berries! I've never seen such a feast of what look like very juicy fruits. Do you know what the plant is? No wonder you have a great bird convocation. I was down at my "ditch" today, too. It is a creek that serves as a ditch, and in some places looks ditchier than others. ;-) But as with yours, it's full of life and always something new.

  51. Those birds and other animals do not on their mask!!Shame on them. Glad to see you are out and about with yours on. Always wearing mine. Even went to drop off recycle and even though I was not close to anyone I had mine on. Enjoy your walks and stay safe.

  52. Ohhh :-) You´re at least close by! And, weee, you have a fire station nearby, too?
    Our main fire station is just around the corner, but we gladly never hear them.
    Great painting!! Lizzie sure must be proud to be presented with so much love!

    No masks here...

    Cute animals.
    People, well. "People are people"... nothing to add there!

  53. I really liked seeing your neighborhood for a a matter of perspective of your world, Jeanie. You look quite fashionable in your mask! I love walking and seeing the daily changes of spring!

  54. Hello Jeanie,

    What a great critter post, I love all the birds, the cute dog and the sweet deer. Wonderful collection of photos. I hope soon we are all making up for lost time with our families and friends. Some kind of normal and happy times. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay well! Enjoy your weekend, Happy Easter! PS, thank you for the visit and comment on my blog.

  55. Beautiful shots of nature! It looks like all earth's creatures are enjoying themselves! It is wonderful seeing so many people out for walks, bike rides, walking the dog, etc.

  56. You saw so many wonderful birds on your walk, Jeanie. I love the glimpse of the red bird behind the branches. And the Robin and Dove are very special to me. The photo of the ducks and the red flowers is lovely. I'm glad you got a chance to walk to the ditch.....and that deer!

    I also loved the old photos on your recent post, Jeanie. Your mom was so special to take all those pictures of you when you were little. They always bring a smile to my face every time you share them. The one with the stuffed bunny is something else.

    Happy Easter to my dear blog friend.


  57. Hello. You had a lovely walk. Beautiful birds. Happy Easter.

  58. I love the mask and sunglasses picture. You always manage to look happy. :-)

  59. Must be lovely to have such a nice roaming ground you can make use of right now.

    We've had mostly nice weather too. It got a bit chilly and stormy for a while on the weekend, but then the slightly warmer Spring-like weather returned.


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