The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wishing You A Lovely Easter and Passover

I know many of you who celebrate Easter or who are in the midst of Passover are experiencing it in different ways than in years past. It all causes me to be rather nostalgic.

So, in honor of Easter, of days past and less distant times, a few memories.

I wish I could remember the times above, with my cousin, David. But I do remember this big rabbit below.

By the time I was  a little older, my mom and I were turning out eggs for our Easter egg tree. My tree came out for Easter, or one of them and I'll share those pix soon!

There are some big gaps until adulthood in the Easter photos! One of the things I'll miss most this year is not doing our annual Easter egg dying with our friends Mark and Jan. This is from a few years ago.

Every year we dye eggs, enjoy dinner and then watch "Life of Brian." We know all the lines -- it's almost like choral speaking!

This year we'll did eggs on our own and a ZOOM show and tell.

I'll have to get creative with Rick's Easter basket. I feel some baking coming on. But no plants or seeds this year.

We've had Easters when it's just the two of us, which will be much like this year.

But we'll miss times when we are all together.

Oh, that was a tasty Easter!

This was our first Easter with Carson.

And last year we loved Carson's first egg hunt...

...and Cam's first Easter.

The weather was so nice we enjoyed a walk to the Ditch.

There may be chocolate, but it won't be wrapped in pretty foil.

And there will be colorful eggs (which will make wonderful deviled eggs for dinner!)

There will be memories of long ago days in church choir 250 singers from age five to adulthood with a big breakfast between the two services.

And memories matter. This year will be unforgettable for many of us. For some, very sad. For most, very different. Whatever holiday you may be celebrating this season, from my house to yours...

... and from sweet Lizzie too...

...all good wishes for a healthy, happy, lovely holiday and spring.


  1. Loved walking down Memory Lane with you. As always, the positive spin you put on all your posts leaves me smiling.

  2. Easter will be different this year for sure. I haven't dyed eggs in ages. Maybe I should have gotten some yesterday on my grocery store visit to dye. Oh well. I love the zoom egg dyeing idea. People are getting very creative and trying to make the best of this. Love your photos-love the idea of the egg tree-that might be a copy cat one next year. Have a wonderful holiday. Hugs-Erika

  3. Lovely eggs. Been years since we had children around to make them.

  4. What precious memories you have of Easters past. Memories will be made again this year, different and strange ones, but important ones to hold that we do not forget how unprepared our world is for all that unfolds, and the lessons we must learn from it all. We too, shall rise again.

    Have a blessed and joyful Easter Day!

    Deb in Wales

  5. Those marbelized gold eggs are gorgeous. I loved Easter as a child and also tried to make it very special for our own two children. I love the idea of watching Life of Brian (I can also quote it :) ). -Jenn

  6. What a wonderful Easter post and a walk down memory lane.I love it!!! The eggs are gorgeous and I LOVE how YOU love your family!!! Hugs- Diana

  7. Hello,

    Wonderful memories of past Easters! The egg tree is cute, I have not dyed Easter eggs in years, since my son was a child. The eggs look so colorful and pretty. Rick had a very nice Easter basket. I am sure you had something great for him this year. The grand-boys are so cute, hopefully you will all be together soon. Take care! I wish you and yours a happy and blessed Easter!

  8. It was fun to see your memory photos, Jeanie. It's beautiful here today, but snow is a possibility for Easter. I think those grandboys will miss seeing you and Rick on Easter. Bob and I will spend a quiet day alone, too. Maybe I'll pull out my bunny plates for our dinner - you gave me the idea!

  9. Seeing pictures of the past brings joful memories! I hadn't considered dyeing easter eggs but maybe I will now! Wishing you a blessed Easater.

  10. This does seem like a holiday that brings back lots of memories. I hope you have a blessed weekend my friend. Stay safe and healthy! Hugs!

  11. Easter is definitely different this year, but we have to take things as they come. Have a good time whatever you get up to. Hugs, Valerie

  12. The best thing in the photos is YOU! You look lovely at any age.
    Rick, the kids and the colored eggs follow with an awsome appearance!
    Happy Holiday!

  13. Adorable photos Jeanie. Easter was my favorite holiday due to bunnies and chocolate. I also had a huge stuffed bunny that I remember well. Zoom is certainly seeing a lot of action these days. Great idea to hold your egg tradition virtually. Wishing you and Rick a wonderful Easter.

  14. Beautiful memory pictures and I love your colored eggs ~ It's going to be strange doing online church tomorrow but I'm thankful we can still worship regardless of how it looks or feels this year. Beautiful Easter table ~ Enjoy! ~ He is Risen Indeed :)

  15. Beautiful Easter eggs and pics of Easter past. My grands were painting a mosaic on my daughters doorwall today. She showed me a pic and it looked wonderful. Happy Eater to you and yours. Looking at your bunny plates reminded me I need to get mine out for tomorrow. Janice

  16. My mother always made. beautiful Easter eggs of women’s heads with cotton hair and paper bonnets and a little collar to hold them up. She drew the faces with India Ink and colored their lips with a touch of lipstick. I must have told you this before, because your wonderful Easter celebration always makes me think of it. And. yes, we were celebrating Passover at the same time, and I don’t know why she chose to make Easter eggs.

    Have a wonderful holiday, sorry it’s so solitary.

    be well... mae at

  17. I love seeing the photos of Easters past, Jeanie. I love your darling giant bunny! Though this year will be different, I pray joy comes to you and your family.

  18. and to you Jeanie . . .
    Happy Easter

  19. Jeanie I felt like I was with all of these memories you have shared. You wrote it so vividly with all these treasures of photos you showed to us. I really love the egg dying and the friendships that you build with it. I am very sure that it will still be fun even via zoom meeting. That table setting is beyond exquisite, very beautiful! Someday when I get to have my own house, I would also love plates and props that speak about seasons :) Happy Easter Jeanie!

  20. Such sweet, sweet pics!
    Just colored eggs yesterday and am up to give some away :-)
    Ohhh. "Life of Brian." Years and years ago!

    Funny. Your kids really hunt eggs? Here it was chocolate, little pressies. And since I was not interrested in chocolate Dad was always eager to keep me going and find the pressies :-)

    Yes. Memories do matter!

    Happy, hoppy days to you!

  21. One good thing. If I want to celebrate Easter, all I have to do is come to your blog and see wonderful Easter nostalgia as well as more recent times. Although it will be different this year, you will still hold those memories in your heart and you have given us wonderful photos and words to enjoy, too. Happy Easter, dear Jeanie.

  22. Happy Easter, Jeanie & Rick. We'll be okay on this quiet Easter, but my heart hurts for those who are alone for whatever reasons. Peace be with us all!

  23. Jeanie, I love all of your photos filled with wonderful memories! Wishing you and Rick a Happy Easter!

  24. Wonderful memories of past Easters.
    I love your Easter egg tree, I remember having one when my kids were small and we lived in Germany.
    Happy Easter Jeanie.

  25. Jeanie, I loved all the photos. It will be quiet at our home this easter as well. But, I am thankful neither of us has come down with the dreadful virus.
    So, I am on my way to the garden to cut daffodils for the table.
    Wishing you and Rick a wonderful day. Easter blessings to you both.

  26. Beautiful Easter memories filled with color, laughter, abundant joy and blessings.
    Happy Easter!

  27. I wondered if or how you would do your egg dyeing this year -- now I know. I hope the day's a good one, despite all the changes, and that there are pleasures all around! Happy Easter! (And, I'm glad to read that you got at least one egg tree up.!

  28. Happy Easter to you and Rick and families as we all self-celebrate this holiday. I really enjoyed seeing the vintage photos, jeanie, and then the more current ones. What fabulous eggs you all did. We continued our egg coloring tradition but did it here in the apt just ourselves but shared a facetime with the grands in RI.

  29. We can always be together in spirit with our loved ones, together while apart. That's a timely paradox. :) Happy Easter, Jeanie!

  30. Thanks for the good wishes. Right back atcha. :-)

  31. Dear Jeanie...Thanks for sharing our egg-dyeing memories! Yes, it was different this year but I'm glad we kept the tradition going. Would have been great if one of us had thought to take a picture of Rick with the Golden Gate bridge behind him.

  32. Lovely memories Jeanie, and soon you will be back with your family making more :-) x

  33. Happy Easter to you and yours. We had eggs from our chooks on Good Friday as don't have meat then. We had leg of lamb dinner and chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday. I made colourful decorations from paper and balloons and we took turns choosing music.

    Love Cath in Australia xoxo

  34. Wonderful memories. I love your Easter china and Rick's Easter basket.
    Happy Easter.

  35. Jeanie, Happy Easter to you and your memories. I am doing something similar on Tuesday but for today I made a good dinner, baked parmesean chicken, butternut squash and salad, but no pretty plates or table settings. Just good food and thankful I could be with one person I love..Happy Easter to you and your family..xxoJudy

  36. Beautiful memories to cherish! May next year allow us to create new ones with family and friends in person! Hope you had a nice Easter, and thankyou for the Passover wishes!

  37. I loved seeing all of the old pictures! I'm sorry you missed out on so many traditions this year, but I'm so glad you're being smart about social distancing. I keep telling myself that next year we will more than make up for the less than stellar celebrations this year.

  38. I love your memories from Easters past. This Easter will definitely stand out for us. We made the most of it but it’s not the same as being with loved ones!!

  39. A belated happy Easter to you and Rick.

    I'm glad you have all those memories of past Easters, and hope you'll be able to be with the grands and your other family and friends to make more memories next year.

  40. I think this was has been a weird year all around. Hope your Easter was good and that you were able to chat with friends and family on Facetime, FB, Zoom and all the rest! I know I am learning a ton of new apps with distance learning at home. :)

    Your Easter eggs are beautiful! Will look and see if you linked up for SYS this past week. This too shall pass and I hope they get a vaccine soon! :D

    Big hugs,
    Barb :)


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