The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Social Distancing

Orson Welles had it down long before the term "social distancing" evolved. This scene in "Citizen Kane" is part of a trajectory that shows first the younger, happier Kanes sitting close beside each other at the table. Their marriage has evolved to this.

We're all learning a little bit about Social Distancing (or spatial distancing, as I like to call it) these days. I'm talking with my neighbor from across the street. We are farther apart than six feet -- and that's just fine with us.  If I go for a walk, I take care to keep that distance with others. My roaming zone stretches from my house to the Ditch.

On the way, I may see other walkers, a cyclist, children with their parents headed toward the playground, the occasional wandering cat and especially dog walkers.  Rick makes his weekly visit to Apple Market, a few blocks from his house, for our groceries. But we are all respectful of space.

Even the birds at the Ditch seem to have received the message!

I suspect Skippy the Chipmunk is glad that Lizzie is keeping distance between them (through no desire of her own!).

Even Rick and I must keep apart and that's really hard! We are beginning to look like the Kanes! The difference? We still love and like each other. The Kanes? Not so much!

So, here's to staying apart so we can soon all be together! Stay well and stay home!


  1. I love the Kanes' relevance and what an adorable photo of Rick on the other side giving us a toast! Oh Jeanie that watercolor art is just a treasure, I love it! You painted that just these past days? I love it. It's been 25 days here in the Philippines since I last went outside our house but I'm not complaining because it tends to e very scary. Luckily we have a terrace where I can take a short walk while enjoying the sun and the sights on our street. Wish you all the best and thank you for these amazing photos! Sending you hugs from the Philippines!

  2. Oh my gosh, I love the name of the store, The Apple Market. What fun. We have an family-run shoppe that grows apples and sells fun stuff but it's expensive and I want to say almost 2 hours away. Though that might be wrong. Cheers and stay well. Ivy.

  3. Hello,

    Hubby and I are keeping our distance and just trying to stay at home.
    Lizzie has the perfect spot to watch the birds and chipmunk. I love your sketch, I found the Ditch. Your meal look yummy, is it shrimp? My favorite! Take care, wishing you a happy day!

  4. I went to the grocery store yesterday and everyone was so polite. Stopping at the intersection of each isle making sure they kept their distance. I will be glad when distancing is not needed....

  5. Good luck with all the efforts!

    be well... mae at

  6. Love your painting of your neighborhood and I laughed out loud over the birds social distancing. Stay safe!

  7. I know it's not easy keeping distance, but it has to be. I really hate being alone 24/7, but just now there's no alternative. Let's hope it will soon be over. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Oh, I´m soooo endlessly glad Ingo and I can stick together!
    I hope you and Rick can son too! But it´s still better than 13 years of weekend relationship we practised, right?
    And you have wine :-)

  9. Let hope all this will pass soon:)

    Stay safe

  10. Well, I guess we are in this together, social distancing. Lizzie is so cute. Stay safe Jeanie.

  11. I've always wondered exactly WHERE the fabled Ditch was in relation to your house and now I know. *loved* the neighborhood map! Do more! (when you feel like it ... :-) )

    So good to have cats and other wildlife around us, even if we can't get close. Listening to bird calls really smoothes things out.

    Love to you and Rick, and Lizzie of course.

  12. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful sense of humor. I love that about you. Happy Wednesday!

  13. Terrific map ~ yes social distance is a new norm, I just met a new neighbor and we couldn't shake hands and it felt so awkward not showing that type of greeting. I love Lizzie's ears on high alert ~ Dinner looks good ~ Blessings!

  14. I love the watercolor too! So pretty and whimsical looking!

    My only time outside the house is walks with Paul. We used to go to the creek but now we go to the lake as the ducks seem to hang out there. And seeing ducks is a must on walks! We are about 3/4 of a mile from the lake so not far. They closed the road around the lake to give pedestrians more room to spread out. I have been loving that! We get close to the lake for part of the walk for duck viewing and then take the road back home.

    I am definitely feeling stir crazy but trying to stay sane. The walks definitely help!!

  15. It's strange, so strange, isn't it.
    I think of you with your similar lung issues and send you often
    all the good juju I can muster:) For wellness and protection and
    grace to continue to see and celebrate the beauty in the midst of
    all the turmoil and grief. We are getting through this. And we will rise.

    Big joy to you - joy enough to be good medicine:)
    Gratefully, Jennifer

  16. Your Citizen Kane photo is the perfect social distancing illustration lol We're staying in, too, but we aren't distancing between us at home. I love your map! It looks like a great neighborhood for walking.

  17. I absolutely adore your hand illustrated map! Maybe if we all reverted to wearing crinolines social distancing would be automatic?

    Deb in Wales

  18. During the Gulf War, the young spokesman of the issraeli Army became the voice of calm by suggesting on the radio: drink water!
    Now, in the coronavirus war, we've got several suggestions to calm us and make us believe it's the right solution: stay home! wash your hands! keep the distance! wear a mask!

  19. Your painting of your neighborhood is so charming!! I am going to save it so I can think of you in that setting. :-)

  20. I walked in my neighborhood and I've never seen so many walkers out! But everyone stayed apart! YAY! We'll all be so glad for a HUG when this is all over! Take care and stay safe!

  21. That shrimp looks faaaabulous. I am shouting from across the room! 😉

  22. Life has really been turned on its head, hasn't it? I am beginning to wonder whether life will return to the way it was. Will we still hug and kiss our friends when we meet them (a reflex action for us) and even if we are comfortable doing it, will they be? Will we develop a kind of distancing mentality? I hope not. Stay well, Jeanie and as I have said before be sure that you and Rick take care of each other. If there's only one thing Miriam and I do well, I think that is it. And, it seems to me, nothing is more important.

  23. One question, you often talk about the ditch. Can you tell me what this is? Janice

  24. I LOVE THIS MAP---THIS IS ADORABLE!! Hope y'all are having a good week so far. I enjoyed the previous post as well about Anne Frank.....very thoughtful and well done. I've never been there but sure did read and re-read that book when i was a young girl.

  25. Sweet! You know what I love best about this post? It's the map! Now I know where to find you, Rick, the Apple Market, and The Ditch. Love your social distancing.

  26. Jeanie, I love your map--darling look at your neighborhood! We see most folks making an effort to distance themselves. Occasionally there are folks on the trail that seem to not have a clue, so we distance ourselves from them. Really, we are usually very friendly and say hello to everyone, but this astonishes us. Take care of yourself and Rick and hopefully you will soon be able to hug!

  27. Oh I do love your map. The little figures made me smile. Everyone is out and enjoying a nice day. I walked this afternoon and I crossed paths with some of my neighbors here in the woods. It was nice to chat-with lots of social distancing of course. And you and Rick may be social distancing during dinner, but it still looks nice with a bottle of wine and all those books in the background-so many good stories to tell. Hope all is well with you and Lizzie and Rick too. Hugs-Erika

  28. Oh, I like this post, Jeanie. I'm trying really hard not to even go out except to get some fresh air in the neighborhood by myself. People are doing pretty good around here too, but I do still see a drive through line at the coffee shop. That is such a cute photo of Lizzie with the Chipmunk. And I see the blackbirds everywhere these days. Staying home right now is the safest place to be. : )


  29. Your playgrounds are still open? Wow! Everything is closed here. I guess parents are brought to the brim of insanity.
    Not to be doom and gloom, Jeanie, but I don't think that we can all be together soon again - I'm afraid it takes longer than "soon". THis is just for flattening the curve - what happens then?
    Stay healthy!

  30. Jeanie, we are now having grocery delivery way out in the country where we live, we are trying to do our part! Stay healthy and well my friend.

  31. Are you also giving space while sleeping? Did you seperate your rooms?

  32. Great references! Yes, we live in a different world today. I think you have caught the distancing beautifully, love the birds especially. It is difficult, but I think we have to be patient and just wait for it all to end. Happy to see that you are all healthy. Take care.

  33. Skippy looks like he is having a great time. This social distancing is hard indeed, but is also necessary. I really hope the situation will improve faster and that we can all go back to normal. Well, a new normal.

  34. Evlilikleri güzel hale getirmek bizim elimizde. Sevgiyi ve saygıyı yitirmemeliyiz.

  35. Darling post, Jeanie! The map is precious. Stay safe and healthy! xx

  36. One of my fave aquarelles' of yours..and uncannily(word?) I've been playing w/ my town:)
    Keep well:)
    Maybe coincidentally s a better word;)

  37. Jeanie, the map is darling, love I can see a little of your world, great idea! Yes, Social Distancing, words not likely to be forgotten anytime soon! I think we are all going to be dong this for awhile and it will be hard because it goes against human nature. I am happy you have Lizzie during this time.........Doing our part here, only getting out in our own yard and exercise is using treadmill for walks.......

  38. Seems as though we have never been so separated and yet so close!
    Enjoying your observations, thoughts, writing and photos.
    Take good care friend,

  39. Cute watercolour map of your area Jeanie. My older cats are not even bothered by birds that come close to them.
    Lovely photo of Rick keeping his distance across the table.
    Have a lovely Easter.

  40. We all seem to be adjusting to different times. That is good, as I think the current situation will be with us a while longer. It is wonderful to get outside though, dig in the dirt or go for a walk. Your ditch provides you with the best of entertainment and lovely sights. Lizzie is truly focused on Skippy, she knows just what she wants to do.

    So happy you and Rick are well. We will all continue to do as we are doing.
    Happy Easter to you and Rick.

  41. What a cute post Jeanie, and I love your artwork. Maps always intrigue me. I am doing a water-colour journal of our lockdown experience. Yes, social distancing here as well, and not leaving the house at all. We live in scary times. Your dinner looks amazing too. I think Todd would love that. He is able to eat prawns, whilst I am allergic. Sadly he doesn't have them very often. You stay safe and stay healthy! Love and hugs and Happy Easter Wishes. xoxo

  42. I do love your roaming chart.
    That chipmunk is a tease:)
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  43. So cute, Jeanie. A little humor goes a long ways these days. Stay safe..xxoJudy

  44. Cheers to Rick with his wine. There is a 10-day ban on alcohol sales currently here in Thailand!

  45. We are grateful we have been together. But my hubby is an essential employee so he has worked one week on one week off and now I am counting the hours til he is off this evening to be at home for 9 whole days! Very grateful. HUGS to you.

  46. Humor makes me smile and makes the long days feel better. Take care and thank you.

  47. I like the idea of calling it spatial distancing much more than social distancing. It sounds much nicer. It still seems strange that staying away from people is about the nicest thing we can all do for each other.

  48. I'm keeping my distance from everyone but hubby. It's just not possible for us to keep the recommended distance from each other in our place even if I was inclined to try, and me needing him to physically help me with some tasks makes that even less practical again.


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