The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, January 24, 2020

Some of Paris' Most Beautiful Storefronts!

In these cold, white Michigan winter days, I have longed for color. So, when I saw this link to "colorfully decorated storefronts of Paris," it ticked a lot of boxes for me. Color. Paris!

I shot this on my first trip to Paris. Oh, Shakespeare and Company, I love you!

The link features the photographs of Sebastian Erras, who looks at some of Paris' most exquisite storefronts -- photographed with the merchants who inhabit them.

As you might expect, it reminded me of my previous trips to Paris. While none of these storefronts from my photo album made the cut for Erras' piece -- I'm realizing that some of these were never even put through Picassa to straighten them up so they're a tad crooked -- they are shops and storefronts I think of fondly!

Anyone who loves books and has visited Paris probably stopped at Shakespeare and Company, with its storied history of fascinating characters -- including many of the world's most famous authors -- who became part of its story.

The original Shakespeare is long gone; its successor stands proud, Its iconic exterior, complete with delightful details, helping tell its story. Looking for a book in English? Look no further.

Another old favorite (and I do mean old) is the art store Sennelier. My passion, of course, was for its inside but its exterior has greeted artists in search of their wonderful paints and art supplies for years.

Rick might say Poilane, the boulangerie that is home to the two kilo loaf of bread, is his favorite. Though I suspect that he finds the content of the interior more appealing than the front!

I have fond memories of this boulangerie, where we bought sandwiches before dining in the courtyard of Place des Vosges. The detail in the mosaic next to the door was exquisite.

You know what drew me to this one -- a cat that resembled Lizzie (five months before I knew I would have a Lizzie.)

I'm not sure where this is but who could resist that mustard-colored door?

Ah, Charlotte de Lisle. It was closed when I went by. I should have gone back!

This patisserie was across from our last hotel, on rue Amelie. I'm a sucker for turquoise, what can I say?

We didn't stop here, either, but isn't it inviting?

And of course the iconic Cafe de Flore, which has welcomed tourists and intellectuals (and was a favorite of Julia Child). On my first trip, I stopped there for a glass of wine to toast my favorite French Chef!

 I think back fondly on Victor, on Rue Rambuteau, that was the neighborhood boulangerie in the Marais on my first two visits.

And while it may be gaudy and not technically a store, the flashy facade of Moulin Rouge can certainly captivate the eye!

I leave you with my favorite storefront. Nothing fancy, purely functional and divinely traditional. The bouquinistes of the Seine. Nothing makes me happier!

Thanks for joining me on this jaunt through Paris, even though I'm no Sebastian Erras! Be sure to check out the link at the beginning of the post for his truly gorgeous photos of some of Paris' magnificent buildings!

Sharing with:       Pink Saturday    /    Let's Keep in Touch      /     Love Your Creativity!   /   Take Me Away!    


  1. Those are beautiful store fronts. You truly have a way with the camera, Jeanie. Blessings!

  2. This brought back wonderful memories of when I was in Paris in 2010! Thanks for sharing.

  3. You're right, a spot of color DOES brighten up a dull Michigan winter day. Thanks for sharing!

  4. In my memory, Paris and books go together - and bread too, fragrant, delicious baguettes. Surely one of the best things one can do is to visit a boulanger and leave with a baguette straight from the oven. When Miriam and I were last in France, half of the bread would be eaten before we made it back to the car. My only contact with Paris in recent years has been to make connections at Aéroport Charles de Gaulle, but the south of France has received both my affection and my money. That is the true France for me, or Brittany or Normandy. Paris has its allure no doubt, but it is still a huge city, with dirt, pollution, crime and NOISE - and in recent years riots, and the terrible trauma of multiple terrorist attacks. Not my personal cup of tea, but neither is any other major city either. Small towns like Foix, Avignon and so on, however, are truly exquisite and villages and hamlets even more so. And wineries and small cheese factories, family owned for generations. Vive La France!

  5. No one does store fronts like Paris does! Even in the dark of winter, the store fronts are so so cheery! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Ahhhhh, I'm in paradise! Thanks for the reminder that I can take a trip there even if it's just in my mind.

  7. Thanks for the trip through Paris! Hubby's niece lives there ~ I must go visit!!

  8. Jeanie... These photos are extraordinary! Did you take these or Rick? These should be blown up and framed. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I hope that the colours and memories of the happy days in Paris will tide you over the grey and cold days of winter. Hugs, Valerie

  10. I've mentioned Moulin Rouge in one of my posts, and to my surprise, readers from out of Europe (USA,Canada...) were quite ignorant about the famous cabaret!

  11. The Michigan weather is driving me crazy too. Looking back at photos from sunnier days and places seems like a great way out, though as you may have seen, I did a color post this week too, just to get away from the gray. I love the way that Paris shops do everything.

    best... mae at

  12. I have so many fond and happy memories of Paris. A magical city, I have visited in Spring and Winter. Walking the banks of the Seine while holding and eating roasted chestnuts in the snow! Love your photos of the doorways.

    ~~~Deb in Wales.

  13. Thanks for these bright bits of color and wonderful looking bookstores and bakeries, Jeanie. I have been to Paris too many year ago and one day plan to return.

  14. Both collections are wonderful! I was only in Paris briefly, when very young, but I loved looking at the bookshops. The old and venerable, redecorated, reinvented storefronts are captivating. Thank you for this bright spot in my day.

  15. This is a good time of year to dream of these places, isn't it? Nice photos. Happy weekend!

  16. Goodness I just want to hop right into each one of these pictures and stay for awhile. How absolutely beautiful they make even the most 'mundane' thing look. I've never been but would sure love to visit one day!

  17. You took a lot of colourful and wonderful photos of storefronts and cafes in Paris. Sadly I got barely any and those I did get were taken by my nephew who was more interested in other things :-)

  18. Oh, the streets of Paris! I'm ready for a return. I know rue Amelie! We have stayed in an apartment on Rue Cler since 2000. I love that neighborhood!!!

  19. Oh my! Books! Bread! Color! Art! Wine (or people drinking wine)! Paris! This checked ALL my boxes. Sure made this dreary, drippy day a much brighter one -- thank you!

  20. Beautiful store fronts!! Would love to live in a town that looked like that with such pretty buildings...
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  21. My favourites were the turquoise storefront (I love turquoise too!) and the cute boulangerie with the tiles.
    Great photos Jeanie.

  22. These storefronts are much life and color!

  23. Hello, Jeanie

    What a fun post on the Paris storefronts. I would love to check out the book store, patisserie and the cafe. Wonderful memories and photos from your trip! Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  24. I love French storefronts..I bet parts of London would be thrilling too.
    The inside of Sennelier is a dream come true:)
    Little paper shops..Ladurée..soooo many.

    When we were in Paris that fateful for us June..Café de Flore was almost hidden w/ mountains of stinking garbage..mountains..a strike was in effect..
    Changed the whole effect;)

  25. Thanks for telling us Paris has a lot of interesting faces.

  26. Oh Jeanie, I feel like I've just had a nice stroll through one of my favorite cities! How can one not enjoy these colorful and charming shops and restaurants. Strolling is one of my favorite things to do in this city, all I need is my camera. Thanks for the memories.....

  27. Yes, I'd experienced your delights when I visited Paris some years ago, and had spent some time inside Shakespeare and Co. I still remember there was a girl playing the piano in there. Next time I'll stroll along the promenade more and try those tasty sweets in your photos here. Thanks for the fond memories!

  28. Wow, Jeanie. I enjoyed this little trip this morning. Just what I needed to go with my coffee. Loved seeing all the shops. I would so love to visit the bookstore. It is wet and cold here, snow on the way tomorrow. Maybe, I will dream away the weather thinking of your post. Happy day and weekend to you!

  29. I really enjoyed looking at these photos. I had to go back and looks again. So beautiful. Just what I need on this gloomy Winter day. I've never been to Paris. Hopefully one day I'll go. Thelma xo

  30. Loved this post! just what I needed on a dreary day in January. I loved the Taverne so much! I saved your photo so I can use those colors in my next home. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

  31. Lovely photos. Makes me want to be in Paris. We love it and always ready to go back.
    You are a great tour guide.

  32. I always love seeing photos of Paris. The absinthe shop looks intriguing. I have never had it but what better place to try? Beautiful stroll through Paris Jeanie!

  33. What could be as nice as a colorful trip to Paris while we are in the midst of January?

    Thank you! :-)

  34. This post makes me sigh with remembrances and hoping there will still be another adventure to Paris. Oh how I love this city and seeing those store fronts is wonderful. Love, love Shakespeare and Co. and all the rest too. I remember once getting scolded when I tried to take pictures of a flower shop, but still can picture it in my mind. No one can take that memory from me. Thanks for the memories.

  35. Now that is some very beautiful store-sign!!!
    Who could resist!!!
    I was 14 when I was in Paris. Like... AGES ago. And just for one afternoon, all in a rush.
    Oh, what a very cute coincidence with Lizzie!!! It was just meant to be!
    You should´ve been with me back then (well, maybe I was an annoying teenager, though ;-)...) - I never saw the beauty! Now I understand my Grace is so fond of Paris!

  36. All front of shops look very inviting. The colors and the small signs show another part of Paris history. So happy to see those beautiful images :)

  37. So love each and every one of these storefronts...but oh have never seen a yellow, and that red with it really makes it POP. Janice

  38. Beautiful photos <jeanie! Each one would make a wonderful postcard or scene for a painting. I really hope I get an opportunity to visit Paris one day!

  39. After seeing these beautiful photos and enjoying your words about Paris, I am doubly interested in visiting there. You could be a travel salesperson for the city (not that it needs much advertising). LOVED the Moulin Rouge photo.

  40. Jeanie, I love this post, but what is not to love about Paris! Thank you for the virtual storefront tour as a I enjoyed my steaming and bold cup of coffee. Happy Monday!

  41. I love this little visit to Paris via storefronts!!! Some of your favorites are my favorites!! I may re-post 2 drawings of Sennelier and Shakespeare and Company and maybe some others. I have been going through old journals and drawings, trying to organize them. While doing so, it is fun to look at them again. Thank you!

  42. This was a wonderful wander through Paris! Thanks for sharing it - stuff of daydreams there!

  43. Such a lovely jaunt through Paris, great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  44. I LOVE Paris and always love a great patisserie store front!

  45. Hello Jeanie, such wonderful store fronts. Definitely brings back memories when we went to Paris. I want to go back and take in all of the beauty. Thank you for sharing at Love Your Creativity. Have a lovely week. I hope to finally kick this darn cold flu.


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