The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Few Days In Dallas

It was more than a bit of a whirlwind. I took off for Dallas on a gloomy Thursday afternoon for the memorial of Rick's stepfather and his mother's birthday celebration. I arrived at Detroit Metro with a standby ticket (which apparently was a computer snafu). After more than a little angst (and a very helpful person from American) I at least got a pass to get through security and got on the standby list, finally getting a seat. Then our plane was grounded due to problems on the ground in Texas and we took off two hours late. What a start!

After arriving, Rick's mom picked me up and a couple hours later we were back at the airport, getting brother Randy and his family. And then, back at 12:30 a.m. to get Rick, whose delayed plane caused a missed connection and late arrival. We were toast!

I was hoping for sun and something warmer and drier than the gray gloom and damp of Michigan. For the most part, it wasn't to be had! It was cold and pouring rain! But the company more than made up for it!

More family arrived the next day and on Saturday afternoon after the memorial and lunch, we headed to the hotel where preparations for the birthday were in order!

There's something about being with family for something like this -- loads of support, lots of energy, loads of conversations.

And lots of activity! Rick was a hit, serving as the balloon guy. The kids had fun pummelling him into a corner with an attack of balloons!

He defended himself admirably!
And there were loads of smiles, which was extra fun.

Kitty was thrilled to be surrounded by her grands and great grands...

...and by her five boys.

Of course there was cake. And plenty of love to go around!

Most of the family left Sunday, which gave Rick and I time to spend with his mom, doing some household and legal things.

On Monday, during Rick's business appointment, I had the great good fortune to have breakfast with Laura Ingalls Gunn of Decor to Adore. We talked for a good three hours and every minute was delightful. And no, I didn't take photos. 

We made it home Monday night at about 11, totally exhausted but smiling with loads of good memories. Where we were greeted with lots of snow.
And this one.

And yes, the tree is still up. But I hope it will be down VERY soon! Because it's driving me nuts.


  1. What a whirlwind family time. It looks like fun and Rick's Mom looks happy with it all. I can understand your exhaustion. The thought of trying to travel in bad weather makes me nervous. My tree and decorations are finally down. My house looks bare!

  2. Sounds like it was a good trip. A little stressfull but good! Looks like the party was a success. They are going to remember as the balloon guy! Glad you are home safe (even if it is to gloomy old Michigan)!

  3. It was a hard trip but sounds like you were happy to be there! I would love to meet Laura some day. I have followed her blog for years and all of the amazing things she does. Love seeing your photos! I know you are happy to be home safe and sound!

  4. If we forget the airlines and weather, it sounds like a wonderful family get-together.

  5. A memorial and birthday in the same weekend. Makes sense when so many are coming from out of town. Glad you made it despite the delays.

  6. Great that you were able to spend time with family. I love birthdays! My tree has been up for over a year now and I enjoy looking at all my stitched ornaments.

  7. Maybe not the smoothest of transportation there, but looks like lots of fun once you got there. You both must have been tired at the end. No family resemblance with Rick's family, huh? -Jenn

  8. Jeanie, I love flying into DFW not only to see our grandkids, but also connecting with our Texas bloggers! I'm so happy Laura and you were able to connect. Ricks mother looks so great for having all these older "boys' of hers; and that little one is an absolute cutie! His family looks wonderful and full of love.

  9. Too bad it wasn't nicer in Dallas but all the smiles certainly makes me think it was warm and sunny. I can see the resemblance with Rick a couple of his brothers. It sounds like a worldwind for sure but still a good time. Hugs-Erika

  10. Glad you made it to TX and looks like the birthday was a grand one. Even though it was not nice down there it was nice to see smiling faces. Glad you are back safe at home too! Janice

  11. Oh, now I understand about going to Texas. That photo of mom with five sons is so wonderful!!

  12. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Dallas and some family time. That little girl is such a cutie! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Oh, don´t you just hate flying?
    Wow, you have a beautiful family! Ours is much, much smaller.
    The face-maker with the orange balloon is just great :-)
    Oh, and that little face with the huge smile!

  14. Rick has a wonderful family. I've greatly enjoyed the photos displayed in your post!

  15. Hello,

    It sounds like you and Rick had a great visit with the family. Traveling anywhere can be a pain at times, the weather can be unpredictable. Wonderful photos of Kitty, her five boys and all the grandchildren. It was a wonderful get together with the family. Wishing you a great day!

  16. Travel is great when you get to where you are going. It is the bit in between that is often not so pleasant. Miriam has totally sworn off long distance travel now.

  17. Looks and sounds like a fun birthday celebration.
    Travel glitches however . . . not much fun!
    And home to SNOW . . . well, it is what it is . . .
    Lizzie made the Home Welcome, the best, I am sure!

  18. It looks like you're having an exhausting and chock-a-block full winter. (I have been faithfully reading, although not commenting) Family time in Texas looks wonderful. I'm sure your tree will be gone soon (I packed away my Christmas stuff before I traveled South, even though I didn't unpack 80% of my boxes; it felt good to have it put away.

  19. Jeanie, it looks as though your trip was a great one, despite air travel problems. How fun that you got to have time with Laura. I do follow her blog and I agree that she is amazing. Enjoy being back in your home, I know Lizzie was so happy to see you.

  20. Sorry about all the travel issues. Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday celebration though. Hope you get the tree down soon, or can turn it in to a Valentine's tree.

  21. Traveling is so stressful! It looks like the gathering helped forget that stress. Balloons always add so much extra fun to an event! It looks like Lizzie had a stress free time when you were gone.

  22. Your description of getting there reminded me of why I swore off flying. If far-flung destinations were on my mind, I'd have to reconsider, but since I can't afford a trip to Paris or Fiji, it's a non-issue. I am glad you had such a wonderful time after enduring the trials and tribulations. Wouldn't it be great if all our fights could be balloon fights? The popping might be a little scary, but I've never heard of any real injuries caused by balloons! (Well, except for a toddler who swallowed one, but things happen!)

  23. Oh I do dread flying when the weather is anything but great, yes nerves! And, flying is tiring and stressful but looks like y'all got into the party mood. Fun pics and happy mom. Glad you got to meet and chat with Laura, I do know her blog. Glad you home and I know that greeting look after you've been away. LOL, how could you leave me. Get your rest before you tackle the tree.........

  24. Jeanie, I would have died going through your travel time all by myself. I have only flown one time and even though after much trepidation, it was really a fun experience, but to go through trouble all by myself. No Thanks! I'm glad the birthday celebration was a success. I imagine it took a lot off of Rick's mother's mind. Looks like a lot of fun and kids always makes get togethers so special..Don't worry, your tree will come down. I just now am putting some stuff away..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  25. Oh shoot, wish I could have seen you. I'm so sorry for you loss.

  26. What a pretty little baby. Lovely happy family get together.

  27. How fortunate to be able to turn the sad reason for being in Dallas such a good time with family and friends! Happy Birthday to Rick's mom, and she sure has a fine legacy in those men of hers and all their families. And how lucky were you to be able to visit with Laura! Happy to be home now, though, I'm certain.

  28. That looks like a wonderful wonderful and fun family time together, so glad y'all got to be there. And love the pictures of Rick playing balloons....FUN!! That is also a great picture of her with all 5 boys. Glad you're now home safe and hope your week is going well.

  29. What a lovely family.
    I still have my tree up and am still enjoying it. I hate to take it down but I know its time.
    I'm glad Rick's mom had a wondrous BDay.

  30. What a visit - isn't it nice to be together with family that you haven't seen for quite some time? Sorry for the unfortunate experience at the airport - when we headed to NYC our flight was delayed by more than two hours, from 11:59 pm to 2:45 am - not exactly fun. Who is looking after your cat when you're gone?

  31. What a lovely family gathering, and so many kids! But I think the most happy person must be Rick's mother, five boys and so close to each other and to their mom. A perfect picture there! Thanks for sharing!

  32. If one is blessed, family time is the most precious time of all and it appears that you, like me, are blessed with a wonderful family. May 2020 be kind to you all.

  33. Jeanie, it seems the beginning of the trip was stressful. But the birthday celebration looks fabulous with Rick’s mom and her five boys and all the other family members. How much fun to meet up with Laura and spend three hours talking. Happy Thursday!

  34. The birthday party looked fun! I know you were all gathering for a sober reason but it's nice that there was some levity to the gathering. Funerals/memorials are always a sad time but the upside is that you get to see so many family members. Sadly it seems to take a wedding or a funeral for that to happen.

    I am glad you made it back safely. Travel is exhausting as is, and even more exhausting when you add in delays and such.

  35. A quick and somewhat frustrating time at the airport, Jeanne, but glad to read and see that all worked out well and a great family celebration was had by all.

  36. WOW...what a BIG get together...nice. Balloons are so much fun. Even Dakota loves playing with balloons. I throw them up and he takes his nose and hits them...sort of like a seal with a ball.

  37. Oh, that little one is precious, Jeanie. Rick looks like he's having fun being the balloon guy for all the kids. It sounds like an exhausting trip, but you had a wonderful time with all the family. And you came home to a decorated tree! Don't feel bad about taking it down yet - Jess just took hers down this last weekend. It didn't dry out or anything, and no pine needles fell. It was the most long lasting tree they've had. I bet your cat was happy to see you. : )


  38. That little girl is a doll baby. As is Lizzie;)

  39. Jeanie, looks like a great time with the family. Happy to know you had safe travels. Welcome home!

  40. What a wonderful family get-together. Rick's mother must have been thrilled to have her sons, grandkids and great-grandkids around. The little one is a cutie.
    I can see Rick and most of his brothers look so much alike.

  41. Sometimes sadness and pure joy are all mixed together when gathering with family. What an adventure in both. Loved Rick with the balloons and kids. I think they all were having fun.

  42. Awesome! Rick got so many fans :)

  43. It appears the stressful journey was rewarded with much family happiness for you and Rick! Rick is great at balloons.

    So happy you got to meet Laura! She is so creative!

  44. I've always loved flying, at least until I flew "scare air," one of those commuter planes that was caught in turbulence. I was so scared, I nearly rented a car to drive home. It took several cups of coffee to ca;m my nerves/

    All in all, I would say, despite the very scary start of your trip, it all turned out great and at the end, it was hard to remember the angst you felt getting to Dallas. It must have been a wonderful trip and fun time for both you and Rick, as well as Rick's mother.

  45. What an amazing, rich, happy trip! And you even got to visit in person with a blog friend! Maybe someday you and I will get to visit in person! I can see you making a trip to my beautiful Maine...

  46. I'm so pleased you had a wonderful trip. Your photographs are all lovely to see and the little girl is so cute, she has a wonderful smile.

    All the best Jan

  47. Well, not the best start.
    I'm happy that the party went well :) All the preparations had to be a fun for you! I love to prepare party! I love to decorate the flat, make all these colorful ornaments! :)


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