The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Valentine Crafternoon and Watercolor Play

It's February! Month of love, fun, and eventually Lent. (Did anyone else pick up that Lent begins on Valentine's Day? I didn't, till yesterday.)

The February image from my friend Kate McNenly's "Birdiferous" calendar
 Sometimes you get so into what you are doing, you forget to take pictures of people actually doing it!

She says company is coming. Me, I'm a cat. I don't want company. I don't want them to pick me up. I just want food, birds and a nap.
Such was the case when Lizzie and I hosted a Valentine crafternoon for a couple of friends. My contribution to the party was cookies...

....raspberry bars (Ina Garten's -- HERE. Super easy). Chill them a bit and cut nicely into shapes with a cookie cutter...

...and everything from cards to paper stock, ribbon to glue and boatloads of embellishments so we could make candy boxes (see tutorial here) and valentines.

When all was said and done, we had quite the collective collection!

Here are the candy boxes -- Mine reflects Rick's music love; Jan recalls tango lessons and Kate used some beautiful marbled paper she bought in Florence.

Here are our valentines. Check out the one with the Bingo card that Jan made. We looked up Bingo Lingo on Google. Do you know that in Britain numbers have expressions that are called out? If you have a 14 on your card and someone calls out "Valentine's Day!" you'd better mark it!

 I realized I can probably never play bingo in England.

They left with the easiest takeaways I've ever pulled together -- cute little ice cream cups with a potholder, starlight mints and a bag of valentine cookies.

I've been busy painting these days, too.

I did this little girl first in markers (markers that were getting dry, by the way. Time for some new brush markers!) Then I re-did her in watercolor. (On the right) They have their own character and details. The watercolor is definitely softer.


I had fun with this scene too.  The big tree needs work but I was really pleased with the background trees!

In a recent post, Lynne shared some things her art friends had done and this one provided great inspiration for the snowflake below. The gray bits are actually some silver metallic watercolor. Loads of wet-on-wet here!

And of course, you've gotta have heart! It's February!

And don't forget, everyone needs a hug or two!

Stay cozy!

Sharing with Let's Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles   /   Share Your Cup  /    Best of the Weekend    


  1. What fun to host a craft time for friends. Love the boxes and Valentines! I'm always happy to see your watercolors. Hugs!

  2. You are so lucky...I'd love to have a crafternoon with friends! :D I love the little watercolor girl. Watercolors are so hard! I try to avoid them unless I'm using Derwent Inktense pencils. :D

    Thanks for sharing your fun day with us. I wish we lived close to each other so I could crash your fun activities and events! :D

    Ricki Jill

  3. What a good art time (and tasty snacks) you had with your friends. I have started to refer to art time with friends as mini-retreats. Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Hugs to you too, dear Jeanie. Your crafts look so well organised. I do love the heart boxes. I found one the other day in the basement and I will take it to the farm for my granddaughter to work on for her mother. She will be staying with us for the weekend.

    I do like your watercolours and am just a little envious that I haven't found the time to work on mine recently. I am still purging the house. It takes up a lot of time and energy, but it has to be done.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  5. You girls evidently had a wonderful, creative and sweet afternoon. You produced some great things. Makes me wish I didn't live so far away. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I love the February page with the cute little bird tucked into the scarf. Your cards and boxes are very pretty and your paintings are lovely, your little girl done with the marker is my favourite. When I was a little girl my mum and dad always went to bingo when we were on holiday, I knew all the bingo lingo. It’s not use much nowadays.

  7. The treats look tasty!

    The cat looks singularly unimpressed.

  8. Beautifully done.. love the music heart box you made and the tree & cat. Lovely to celebrate love all month!

  9. Jeanne, you are so talented and fun! Love your work. :)

  10. What a fun way to spend the afternoon. Nice artwork, the little girl is so sweet.

  11. How fun for a couple of your friends to get together and be oh so crafty! The sweets look delicious, Jeanie. I love your art work, you are so talented...have a wonderful week!

  12. Looks like you had a fun day with your friend. I love the Valentine theme. It is time for some hearts, kisses and hugs. I need to get busy and do some more playing. Hope you didn't get hit by this latest weather blowing on through. :) Hugs-Erika

  13. What a delightful way to gather with friends and have a fun afternoon, Jeanie, enjoying treats and crafts!

  14. What a fun crafting day Jeanie! So many beautiful things made and given. Such lovely art work. I like the pen picture reminds me of Wind in the Willows by EH Shepherd illustrations.

  15. I love it when you ladies get together. You have so much fun and make fabulous art. I especially like the Bingo card, and it gives me an idea for one of my own.

    Poor Lizzie, I think she feels left out, not antisocial. And of course, your paintings are out of this world. And YES, I knew V day and Ash Wed. were the same day this year. So much going on this month and so many events to participate in.

  16. Looks like a fun day! Your watercolor little girl with heart balloons is adorable. Liking your watercolor heart for February, also! That could be a greeting card!
    You have fun friends and I can hear the laughter. It was enjoyable seeing your crafty day. I would have enjoyed your cookies as well. They look so pretty.

  17. I love craft dates with friends and I love how your projects turned out. The treats sure do look tasty too!
    Happy Wednesday,

  18. Hello, it is a fun get together with your friends to make these pretty crafts. The cookies looks delicious. I love your sweet Lizzie and the watercolors. The girl with the balloons is so cute! Wonderful post and images. Have a happy day!

  19. Loved this Jeanie!
    Your twist to Southern Exposure . . .
    Valentine Watercolor style
    And the Rasberry Sweets using the valentine cutter . . . SWEET!
    Love your watercolor . . . snowflake is lwonderful, love the little girl . . .
    And “kitty cat” conversation had me at “hello!”
    Great post!

  20. Glad you've been having such a great time painting and getting crafty. The treats on hand for during the craft session with friends sound tasty.

    No, I didn't pick up on the fact Lent begins on Valentine's Day. Not until you mentioned it in this post.

  21. You must have had so much fun..and I love seeing your artwork and the collaboration of your frinds:) Ina's bars looom great and your cookies are sweet!
    Art..I just love bits.Crafts..painting..all of you.
    Bonne journée!

  22. Well, it certainly looks like you know how to throw a crafting bee! LOL. I want to be invited to the next one - all my friends think I'm crazy playing around cutting up stuff and gluing it down to other stuff. LOL
    I enjoyed seeing all your Valentine boxes and cards you made - some lovely things - and I loved your balloon girl drawing!
    Once again, I have to thank you for sharing a part of your life - it's very inspirational to see that others are doing exactly what makes them happy and rewarded!

  23. How fun! And I love Lizzie's commentary......

  24. The expression on Lizzie's face cracks me up! Other that her disapproval I'm sure it was a lovely get together with friends producing such pretty crafts. The cookies look yummy, which would taste so good with my coffe right now! I love all of your art, beautiful, especially the girl. Hope your day is grand, mine today will be a quite one with a book while it's storming...........

  25. Your kitty is adorable. You sure got a lot accomplished. Thanks for the link to the recipe.

  26. Oh fun! The treats you made for your guests look so delicious. And their takeaway gift is wonderful, too. I love what you and your guests came up with. You all have some lucky Valentine's! I did realize that Lent starts on Valentine's Day. I'll have to make some sort of fish for dinner that night! I don't cook fish much so this will give me the motivation to make some.

    Oscar feels the same way about visitors. She is not a fan - especially if they ring the doorbell. She actually growls if she hears a doorbell ring on tv! She usually hides under our dining room table or goes upstairs and hides under the bed, especially when kids come over!

  27. What a fun craft day with friends, Jeanie. I love the little goodies you put together for them, and those cookies, oh they look Yummy! Love the sweet girl picture with the red balloons. Yes, the right one looks softer, and I think that's my favorite one. I really like the trees covered with snow and the Valentine as well. You have such a gift in painting, Jeanie. Please stay with it. What a delightful February post, and thank you for reminding me that Lent starts on Valentine's Day. : )


  28. I love crafting! Those are so neat. I love the first painting the best. Yes the watercolor is softer but that could be because it is not outlined. I love them and the tree and cat is great.

  29. The boxes are lovely, and the little girl with the balloon is adorable. You found a great way to pass a cold afternoon in February.

  30. Jeanie, what a fun party. So many cute and clever ideas. Love the Bingo card and your paintings are wonderful. Wish I had that talent..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  31. Your water colours are lovely! I particularly love the little cats :) Happy Valentines day!

  32. How sweet to have a hearty-party! I did not realize that Lent starts on Valentine's Day. I am glad to know it! Thanks!

  33. So much I love in this post: the trees in the snow with the cat in the foreground watercolor, the pretty results from your craft day, the raspberry bars and that lovely snowman watercolor calendar to name a few.
    I'll be back and posting Friday.

  34. Jeanie darlin'! HELLO!

    Lizzie looks so sweet (and sleepy) in her photo! How are you all holding up to winter?It has been infernally cold in this place and the school building where I work is like a meat locker. I love school and I love winter. HOWEVER....this is enough! Let's get on with the show of eternally spring in our hearts!

  35. Love your craft party and all the beautiful things you all did.
    Your little girl paintings are beautiful and soft.
    Lizzie is very pretty Jeanie.

  36. Jeanie, I adore everything about your party! The dessert looks amazing. I also really love that everyone's valentine box was not the same. Brilliant!

  37. Lovely post with delightful photos - my favorite is your cat. Very sweet. You're very creative!

  38. "Crafternoon" - I love that, Jeanie! And I love the look of your contributions. Anything raspberry, and I'm all over it!

  39. Oh ..Such fun... All the art pieces are simply delightful ... Who doesn’t love decorating valentine boxes... and the water coloured cat was adorable... not to mention the yummies...You’ve inspired me ... so THANK YOU...Have a lovely day !!!

  40. Oh how I love all your art projects. They are all wonderful. Yes, the background trees are wonderful. I do think the watercolor girl is lovely. The boxes are extra special and the recipients will treasure them. What a fun play time.

  41. Looks like such a fun day - such sweet little Valentine's crafts and yummy treats. Wonderful paintings, too. Love the expression on the kitty's face :) Karen

  42. Hi, Jeanie! I've been giggling for week that Lent begins on Valentine's Day. It's going to be tough fasting all day that day! Just LOVE Miss Lizzie's expression...Only cat can give that one! ;) Such fun times, and such great friends you have. LOVE all this Valentine fun. Bingo Lingo is a very interesting thing, it's like it's an different language sometimes... LOL! FUN to see your paintings/sketchbook! Keep happy while keeping warm! ;) ((HUGS))

  43. Hi there Jeanie, the crafternoon looks great! I love the picture of the little girl with the balloons, I do like the one on the right best. Thank you so much for your kind words, they have helped me. Its been a rough rough week. It helps to know people care.

  44. I would love to have a crafternoon with you - I'm quite jealous. You all made some fun items. I love your paintings - those watercolors are beautiful. I love the little cats - so cute. Those background trees are really good.

  45. I didn't make Valentines this it too late? Wish I lived closer to you to share in your fun! Happy weekend!

  46. ....And here's a hug to you from Bangkok! What fun you had making your Valentine's boxes. Of course we all want to know what Rick and your friends partners do to reciprocate, you would be a hard act to follow! If Mr Wren heard I was having a few friends round for a Valentine's craft session he would freak out, haha I should so try it!
    Love it!
    Wren x

  47. Sounds like such a fun day and fun things to do with friends.
    I hope you have a great day...

  48. Good morning Jeanie! I love your artwork, and no matter what version you make (as I do in photos), the process of editing and deciding what goes public is most of the fun. ENJOY and happy love day!

  49. I love how personalized everyone's box was. Your crafts always look so pretty and nice.

    I love Lizzie's expression in that picture. Cats are so funny, aren't they?

  50. WOW! Such treats at Crafternoon, both before and after!! Oh how I would have enjoyed being there! Have you seen the film New in Town when they are scrapbooking in the kitchen, and then making Valentine's?

  51. Such a fun day! You are so very talented!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  52. You have talent for sure. Your paintings are wonderful. Your craft night looks fun. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.
    Katie - Let's Add Sprinkles

  53. No one does holidays as well as you!

    Your watercolors are so nice. Which do you prefer? Watercolor or other mediums. I just love your watercolor style.


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