The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Few of the Reasons This Guy is My Valentine

OK, I admit it. This is sappy. It's Valentine's Day. I'm allowed.

But these are a few reasons why this guy is my valentine.

I've known him for a long time. I took this picture below when we were "just friends." My friend Suzanne met him that day. She said "you should hang on to that guy." But there was nothing to hang onto at that point. We were just friendly neighbors.

We met a few years before when I was getting evicted from my apartment because of my illegal cat, the late, great Stimpy. He was renting the duplex on the other side of him, right down the street. I looked at it, loved it (a tall ceiling, great for a Christmas tree; I have every intention to live there when I'm old) but timing was bad. So I moved across the street a few months later. Who knew that he'd be hanging out with Stimpy and walking with me through that grief journey when Stimpy died? (And Gypsy too. And he's pretty smitten with Lizzie, for that matter.)

But, as I got to know him, I realized he had lots of good qualities, lots of interests. Longtime readers know he loves his bicycle.

But not everyone knows he was very much a cycling activist, leading the charge to establish Michigan's  Kal-Haven Trail a number of years ago and supporting cyclists though legislative lobbying and events like the Day of Silence ride.

And thanks to that hobby -- which has taken him on two wheels from Michigan to Ontario, Quebec, Vermont and other spots -- we've also had a few scary moments. (And yes, I freak every time he gets on that thing!)

He's made music, practicing his classical guitar with the relentless dedication of one who has a passion to learn.

And when it comes together, it's magical.

We've been to some terrific places together -- the busy streets and quiet mountains of Japan...

...the beautiful country of the Netherlands...

... and the City of Lights (and Love).

We'll always have bread if Rick is around. Nothing makes him happier than kneading bread!

And we'll probably have wine around, too! It's not a bad combo!

We've danced at more than a few weddings, but not ours because after 22 years we haven't done that yet!

And Rick has shown on occasion he can be a pretty snappy dresser.

Well, on more than one occasion.

Best of all, in introduced me to these guys.

Who grew into these guys.

And who just kept going, adding one more...

And then another!

And this one will be having a little brother soon. But there will be lots of hands to hold them both!

There are a lot of reasons why I feel like the luckiest woman on the entire planet.

But this is a big one.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Sharing with: Let's Keep in Touch   


  1. That was so sweet, Jeanie! Yes, he's a keeper! -Jenn

  2. Now this is as sweet as can be. I love a good love story♥️❤️♥️

  3. What a lovely story; I love when friendship becomes lasting love.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you both.

  4. Aww Jeanie, I loved reading your sweet love story. You two look so great together, having fun and traveling. I'm happy he was a "keeper" and those sweet baby grands are proof of a long and lasting relationship! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Rick.

  5. What a great love story Jeanie. He certainly seems to be a great guy.
    Enjoy the special date.

  6. Very beautiful love story! Kisses and hugs, Diane xox

  7. wonderful post! Happy Valentine’s Day to both of you.

    best... mae at

  8. What happened in the hospital picture?

  9. I love this post!!
    That second pic (the closeup) is great. The next one (the thumbs up one) is rally cute, too. It's fun to see him when he was young. There's nothing better than choosing the right guy (or being chosen) except "knowing" you chose the right guy. You and I both know we get good deals in that department.
    Hope you and Rick have a fabulous day!

  10. Happy, Happy Valentine's Day to you! You two are such a sweet couple.

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you.

  12. Well, you are one lucky girl having such a wonderful guy! This is a great tribute, love all the photos. Hugs, Valerie

  13. Rick sounds like a pretty great guy. He's also very lucky to have a sweetheart like you, dear Jeanie. Enjoy your day.

  14. That's very sweet, Jeanie! You two are a wonderful couple! Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!
    xo Julia

  15. Jeanie, what a sweet love story! Yes, you have a great guy, and Rick has a really special girl! Happy Valentine’s Day to you both! ❤️ the photos!

  16. What a beautiful love story. Two hearts beating as one.

  17. Such a special man and you are a special lady. You were meant to be together! I love reading stories like this. Much love to you both and Cheers!

  18. Oh, Jeanie. I absolutely love this post! Who cares about all the sappy hearts (such as my post) when you have the real thing next to you. You are a lucky couple and one that shows that a piece of paper is not what keeps love alive. I have been married for 58 years to my wonderful guy and he would deserve a post just like this one and I apologize that I didn't think of it! But, thank you for reminding me.. Happy Valentine Day to you and your beautiful family..Judy

  19. I can't get enough love stories today. I'm so glad you found each other. :)

  20. Happy Valentine's Day. A love story for the ages. Hope it's the best one yet for you, Rick, and Lizzie.

  21. Quite a tribute! Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Happy Valentine's Day to two wonderful people. Your post is delightful Jeanie. Love to you, Rick, Greg, Kevin, Molly and Carson (and the little ?)

  23. What a lovely, sweet tribute to your guy! Happy Valentine's to you both.

  24. Great that you are together even after so many years and the fact that you are still tickled pink with each other is terrific.

  25. A sweet post for Valentine's Day. Rick sounds like an awesome guy and I know you are an awesome gal. Together you make a wonderful couple. Here's to many more happy years ahead. xx

  26. You too are sooo cute!❤❤ Thanks for sharing!

  27. What a lovely post, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing with us.

  28. You are a great story teller---it brings a tear to my eyes. Jeanne.


  29. this is a great post and so many sweet memories you shared with us! Love all the pictures of your love along the way. You two are a great match---adorable together!

  30. Wonderful post and tribute to a great man. It is great to see how happy you seem. Happy Valentine and happy years to come.

  31. How wonderful to read a post that is filled with love and respect and made me a little blurry eyed, I must admit.
    Congratulations on finding your handsome Lochinvar. You make a beautiful couple - and you made a beautiful family!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  32. Beautiful post. I'm sure he's as glad to have you in his life as you are to have him inyours.

    If you don't feel the need to actually get married, there's no need to do so. You're obviously happy together, and that's what matters.

  33. So sweet both have such kind faces..and what a beautiful full family:)
    Adorable post,Teary eyed post:)

  34. So sweet Jeanie, a story of true love! Happy Valentine's Day!!

  35. I love you both, Jeanie, and the life you share on your blog. So happy to 'know' you!

  36. I love posts like these. The best we can all ask for is someone to go through life with who will support us through the awful stuff, and who we can do the fun stuff like travel and snappy dressing with. :-) I hope you and Rick had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  37. Hi Jeanie: Thanks for visiting my blog. If you make it to Waterloo later this year be sure to let me know ahead of time so that we can help you in any way possible.

  38. Awww, this is such a sweet post! You two are clearly a wonderful match for one another and make each other so very happy! It's been fun to get to know Rick through your blog over the many years. He's a keeper but he's very very lucky to have you!!

  39. Adorable photos of you two. My husband and I started "going steady"
    Valentines Day 1967, and we've been married almost 47 years! Yep.
    Sweet and steady. We also live in Mid Michign just south of Flint.
    Take care.

  40. How I love this post! I feel like I now know Rick! You have a rich history behind you, I, too, as friends with mu husband before we were dating.

    Such a lovely tribute to your relationship this is, Jeanie!


  41. What a heartwarming post today Jeanie. I think you found a good man, and even if you aren't married, after 22 years you are like an "old" married couple. I sure sounds that way from your commitment to each other. You are definitely blessed. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day. Hugs-Erika

  42. Oh and congrats on the new arrival that will be coming your way!

  43. Ohhhh. I loved this! I think we all adore Rick. He has such a sweet, rather shy smile. He is a bit shy, right? I don’t know, I just thought so from his pictures. I’d don’t think he’d get up on a stage as you once did. I imagine he is ying to your yang, or whatever that means. He compliments you so well, and I know you do the same for him. You to are wonderful together. P.S. I love that charming pic of him from back when you two first met.

  44. This was sooo sweet, Jeanie! What a loving portrait... love seeing all the photos and good times. Oh, that early pic of Rick is FUN--love the plaid and argyle socks! A good man who loves cats and plaid is a keeper. ;) And how CUTE are you two...that kiss at the end is the best! :))) HAPPY HEARTS DAY belated! ((HUGS))

  45. Loved, loved, LOVED . . .
    This was fabulous . . . loved seeing glimpses of twenty two years . . .
    Happy ❤️ . . . all we need is love . . . Day . . . each day!

  46. So good to pay attention to our blessings, and to celebrate the good qualities of our loved ones! :-)

  47. So Gorgeous! You do know that the magic number is 22 years, that was how long Mr Wren & I were together before we got married, that was 10 years ago! I know you would have had a lovely Valentine's Day!
    Wren x

  48. What a sweet, sweet post Jeanie! He is a keeper for sure. I have a keeper too, and it took me a lifetime to find him. We are on our 18th year together now and we cherish every day! xo

  49. Wow! The boy next door! Very sweet post, and he must be so charmed by it! Fun to see you too!

  50. What a great post and thanks so much for it. Rick is a wonderful person and the two of you together are a terrific couple.


  51. You are both so lucky! So nice to know your lovely story.

  52. Sooo Sweeet! Trust you two had a wonderful Valentine's.

  53. This is the most beautiful post I have read Jeanie. I'm so happy for you both, I hope you have many more happy Valentines days together xx

  54. What a lovely valentine, Jeannie! It is such a huge blessing to have a life partner who is what you want. I didn't know all those things about Rick although I have been reading your blog for ages. In particular I never knew about the fashion sense :D :D He can come and bake bread for us sometime, that loaf looks wonderful!
    Happy Valentine to you both!

  55. Such a great collection of pictures depicting great memories. This was a wonderful tribute to love and your special Valentine!

  56. Jeanie, I did remember this, I thought there was an older post I missed. Such a sweet story of you two and your great love! I'm enjoying reading all over again. Hugs sweet friend.........

  57. Well Jeanie, this is just a beautiful love story. Two hearts beating as one. You certainly made my morning brighter!

  58. Sweet post. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch. In that first picture, he almost looks like my husband's twin.


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