The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 9, 2016

Deck the Halls -- Some More!

Well, after I finished part one of this house-decorating post, I thought I'd never get the photos done for part two! But here we are and welcome! 

As you might imagine...

You saw most of the living room last time but here is a peek at my comfy chair -- perfect color! After Lizzie started to "take out" the other chair in its place I figured I needed something inexpensive and with a slip cover, because you can try to train a cat -- and sometimes it even works. And sometimes you just keep buying furniture! This one was a steal at about $160 for the chair and cover. I bought a back-up cover because you never know!

And atop the telly a little red garden! (Yes, it's an old one. I keep waiting for it to die so I can get a new one but it's hard to recycle and harder to lift. However, it does have a flat top, perfect for a trio of poinsettias!)

I did add some lights to my Ice Berry wreath. It was in a bit of a dark spot and they really give it a glow.

And every where, there is a Santa or two!

My cozy little family room reminds me of an up-north cottage so nothing formal here! A few of the Santa collection is here, along with my favorite Christmas piece.

Yes, this is a Whimsical Whittler original. I wrote about them HERE and HERE carved by VJ Rawson and painted by his wife Stephanie, from the small town of Mason, MI nearby. Several years ago,  VJ died from cancer related to Agent Orange and that ended the business. Do visit the post to see some of their wonderful work. If you are lucky enough to have a piece, hold it close.

My fireplace is gas but needs a bit of repair before use so I just amped it up with sparkly lights.

And everyone needs shoes to be filled at Christmas!

The tree here is one I call "The Mom Tree" because many of the ornaments were her favorites, especially the storybook characters, exquisitely made from felt.

You'll find characters from "Wizard of Oz," "Peter Pan," "Pinocchio," "Red Riding Hood" and "Winnie the Pooh" here.

The tree is crowned with the giant gingerbread fellow my dad made. For the background story on that, read my "Modern Creative Life" article on finding your creative soul during the holidays HERE. On the left here is the one dad made; on the right, his inspiration, done by mom. Apart from one being about seven inches taller, it's hard to tell them apart!


I just love to sit in this room with all the "regular" lights off and just enjoy. It makes me feel a bit like I'm at the lake!

On Lizzie's bird watching window, another tree. This has a mix or ornaments and they change year to year. I love the colorful lights!

The sweet angel in the window came my way in the 1970s from my friend Lisa. A sweet reminder of many good times together.

Opposite the fireplace, my little Hitchcock dry sink, which serves as a "wine station."

And on the fourth wall, my Solstice tree.

Suns, moons, stars and planets twinkle and shine!

Of course, you could stop in the kitchen for a look! I made the swag last year at Southern Exposure. The cookie jar and teapots are gifts.

You might note that this fellow has quite the headdress! His lid, in the shape of a hat, broke and he suddenly went from teapot to vase.

A little faux ivy in some ironstone adds some festive color.

A peek into the bedroom. On the right wall, the Snowman tree, on the left, the "Dad" tree. On the bed, the Christmas Kitty!

The "Dad" tree has many ornaments that pertain to things he loved -- especially fishing!


I think of dad with every ornament that goes on this little one. He would have loved it!

And you've probably made one of these, too. I hadn't used it for a few years and decided the time was right!

We'll just skip right past the guest room and my office because -- well, you can probably guess why. Just a quick peek into the bathroom! You'll find a tree, of course! And a tree selfie!


In the other corner, a mercury glass snowman, broken on the back, finds a good home in a lantern.

And on the wall a couple of very special pieces of art. The Joan Walsh Anglund decoupage was done by my cousin Nancy decades ago and given to my mom. The framed art above that is one of my annual Christmas cards from someone I'm sure you know -- Caroll Spinney and his wonderful wife Debra. Who?'

Caroll is better know to the rest of the world as Big Bird and Oscar. But he's a gifted artist as well and probably the nicest man you'll ever meet. Each year he does a new drawing of his characters and I love and cherish every single one.

We'll head outside for a minute but first, make sure to check every corner. You never know who has been there!

Outdoors, not much. A few shoddy lights hanging on the rail and a small tree.

But I especially like the planters of greens by the door.

Cheerful and welcoming. Coming up I have a Southern Exposure workshop called "Bucket o' Greens." But I'm wondering if they'll be as cute!

Thanks for joining me in part two of the home tour. I wish you lived close at hand so you could come over, be merry and enjoy the cookies I did the other day or other tasty things, listen to a Christmas song or two or ten and just talk in person.

And now, I'm off to see what the rest of you are up to this holiday. I know I'll get a ton of ideas and no time to do them. But maybe next year!


  1. Jeanie, you give new meaning to having your selected objects bring you joy. You could teach a lot to the clueless decluttering lady.

    Best... mae at

  2. I think the thing that makes your Christmas decorating so beautiful is that your home is resplendent with objects that are full of memories and beauty.

  3. You have the absolutely perfect Christmas house, Jeanie! So beautiful and warm and with so many memories in those wonderful decorations. You put me in the Christmas spirit for sure!

  4. Oh my . . .
    You've been busy . . .
    Love your Creativity and Creating . . .
    Off I go to do a post!

  5. Jeanie, what a delightful tour of your lovely home. I love that your decor has special meaning of memories that you have shared with those you love. Everything is beautiful and I would love to sit and enjoy cookies and conversation!

  6. Oh Jeanie, I wish we were neighbors and I could pop in for cookies and coffee while I admire all your beautiful decorations first hand. I love how so many of your decorations come with precious memories. I love all your trees and ornaments with mom and dad memories, those felt pieces are precious. I think your home is so warm and cozy and beautifully decorated. I think you could be the poster child for "the all American Christmas!. Perfect Jeanie!! I'm strolling through again for more inspiration............PS, I relate big time to Photo #2

  7. Everything looks beautiful and festive.

  8. So much Christmas, I love it!! Wow you really do it up right! Love the Mom and Dad trees!

  9. I love your Christmas kitty!

    The wreath looks great with the lights. And I really like your Solstice tree.

  10. First of all ..if Santa granted all wishes..I would ask for your smile..You really go all out Jeanie:)
    I am quite the tole tray nut..I have a huge collector but ..♥
    You have some cute collections and I see you are not lacking is spirit! For some reason..I did not get this post..have to see if there is another I missed..
    I wish you a Merry Christmas..and a Happy New Year.!(You have to sing it).

  11. I get discombobulated too when someone says..I can't even draw stick people..or I cannot bake..etc..anyone can!:)
    You may not be top notch at the beginning..but learning is fun.
    Great ideas.

  12. I so wish I lived close enough to stop in for cookies, and to see your cozy welcoming home with all the Christmas decorations. You must have boxes and boxes of them. And it must take you forever to put them up and then to take them all down but I'm sure it's so worth it to be able to enjoy them during the holidays.

    LOVE the selfie in the bathroom with the pink tree!! You look gorgeous!

  13. I was just thinking what a shame they will have to come down after Christmas, but then I thought that really putting them up the next year will mean you have fun all over again! :)

  14. Jeanie! Your hearth is beautiful and your home so festive! You are doing the same thing I do with my fireplace: flicker lights! And did you get hit with tons of snow we sent your way yesterday? We got at least 8 inches or more!

    I have decided that the entire month of December is decorating time and I love it. Celebrate the light!

  15. If I was close enough to do so, I'd take you up on that invitation to join you for sure!

    You can only train a cat so much, even if you're the best animal trainer in the world. In the end though, the cat will do more training, and be more successful at it. ;)

  16. Oh, it's all beautiful. I love it and I love your spirit, too. It makes me jolly just to look at it all. I can't pick a favorite thing. It's all fun and Christmasy. Wish I was there to share a cookie and cup of coffee with you.

  17. Everything looks so festive! Just lovely.
    FYI: I use a corrugated disposable scratching pad. When one of my cats started working on the couch, I used the ole treat routine. Every time she used the scratching pad she got a treat. It took a little bit, but I got her back on track.

  18. Wow Jeanie, you sure know how to deck the halls for Christmas! Everything looks great! So many trees, and I think my favorite was the "mom's tree." I really like the storybook characters. I can see why these were some of your mom's favorites. The Santa tea pot is so cute, and the PINK bathroom tree is delightful. The purple wreath caught my eye, as purple is my favorite color. That is gorgeous with all the purples and blues. Thanks for giving us a peek in your home. I will show my tree soon. It's small cause I have a small space this year, but it's real, which is always important to me. :)


  19. How fun it would be to wander through your house and find all your special Christmas treasures. I love having a peek. Wow! that is alot of work putting up and taking down. I love it!

  20. Gee, should get into the Christmas spirit. lol
    I loved everything you showed us and especially the trees that fill you with memories of your mom and dad. What a beautiful way to remember them and all that they loved. Just wonderful. "Hi Christmas kitty. You, in my opinion, steal the show. xoxo"

  21. and there was I thinking that you didn't like to decorate for Christmas!!!
    I love that you have a Mom tree and a Dad tree, a Solstice tree, a Lizzie tree, an office tree and one in the bathroom too! Not to mention the small one on the beautifully decorated mantle piece. Any others that I missed?
    I feel positively minimalistic compared to all this wonderfulness.
    BTW the lights on your ice berry wreath are a great idea it really pops now.
    Merry Christmas dear friend, wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2017.

  22. I love how festive your house is! Adding lights to your wreath was a great idea as it makes it extra festive! I love how you have all these themed trees. And i really love that your dad made a gingerbread man! I can not see my dad ever doing that! :P


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