The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Basket o' Greens at Southern Exposure

One last visit to Southern Exposure before the long winter (spring workshops don't begin till late March!)

And we were lucky enough to visit on a day after a sweet blanket of snow. (The snow that would come the next day -- not so sweet!)

It looked like Christmas -- you know, what you "expect" Christmas to look like! Snow and sleds... fitting the season...


...kissing balls...

...beautiful wreaths...

...And wonderful arrangements!

Just walking into the milking parlor where we would have a delicious lunch showed the contrast of the seasons -- red rose petals against the white snow.

The lobby still had its elegant table set, which I showed in my last Southern Exposure post HERE. But this is a bit of a better view!

After we had a delicious lunch of Irish stew, we headed to the craft table where Micah got us started on our project -- and Irish Basket o' Greens.

Of course the chickens made an appearance -- they seemed to warm themselves by the open grate and I was a little worried we might see chicken fricasee before our very eyes!

We started with a wire basket, some boxwood, berries, burlap, shears and gloves (which no one seemed to use!) Placed around the room were bins of white pine, frasier fir, cedar and another I can't remember. From then on it was snip and tuck!

I love this craft tent! It's enormous with plenty of room for the 60 guests. And it even had its own statues for an elegant touch!

It was the perfect therapy for a cold winter's day -- playing with such pretty Christmas colors.

Here's the finished project...

...and with me for scale!

And two very happy friends enjoying wonderful and sorely needed time together.

When the workshop was over we continued our walkabout, knowing it would be awhile before we would be at our "soul place" again.

Admiring the stone sculptures...

...that wonderful sled...

...the old barn and gift shop (half off, thank you very much!)...

And the sleepy straw guy, looking a bit chilly on this December day.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


  1. Jeanie, what a beautiful place to visit, eat lunch, and work on that pretty craft project. I would love a place like that near me...I will have to enjoy through your camera lens! Have a beauty-filled day!

  2. What a wonderful place to visit and enjoy crafting fun, too. Love the photos, the chicken by the fire made me laugh. Yesterday I watched a raven fishing in the Rhine - never seen that before, either! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I always enjoy your posts from Southern Exposure, and enjoying meeting up with friends is even more enjoyable. Lots of wonderful ideas, and I know you know exactly where you are going to put this huge piece that would overwhelm my home. I DO love it, though.

    So, did you buy anything at half off?

  4. what fun! (except the bad snow)

    best... mae at

  5. What a gorgeous place. And I love the photo of you and your good friend. How nice to keep the tradition going with her. You always have such a beautiful smile, Jeanie. I LOVE the out-house. lol :)

  6. how fun this must have been....everything is really beautiful

  7. I think I would have loved that place:)

  8. Oh my, the snow certainly did make everything magical! I love the basket of greens and I keep telling you over and over how much I would love attending a craft event like this. Love the photo of you and your friend! Glad you'll be sharing with SYC.

  9. The snow makes it even more beautiful because there is just enough of it. It is pretty when it isn't piled up, and of course when it is Christmas time. I guess you will have to wait for spring to go back, but it will give you something to look forward to.:) But like us here in NH, the wait can seem awful long. Hugs-Erika

  10. That's a fantastic arrangement! I actually really like the birch bark container that was in one of the pictures. What a neat business that is. -Jenn

  11. More beautiful greenery! More great photos.

  12. Such a beautiful place. I loved the post and all the photos. Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Jeanie, this is most definitely a happy place for me to visit today! From the grounds (that urn with candles is breathtaking!), the chicken too close to the fire (!), and your end takeaway as gorgeous as it is. You said it best with your comment about the snow and it looking like the way we expect Christmas. That in itself had to be a wonderful, child-like feeling to set the mood for your fun day. Thanks for taking us along!
    Rita C at Panoply

  14. This is truly a charming place, filled with such a joy to create and to share both creativity and the love to stay together !

    Hope you're having the best of weeks,
    I'm sending blessings of joy,
    thinking of you with so much thankfulness and sincere love

    Xx Dany

  15. Jeanie - what a magical place...I can almost smell the lovely greens. Love your arrangement...your photos are enchanting...and the touch of snow...Just perfect. :)

  16. Sounds like another wonderful time was had by all!

    Sorry you got the bad kind of snow afterwards. At least it was the good kind for your trip to Southern Exposure.

  17. Jeanie, you know how to do Christmas! We can see you have so much fun making these beautiful arrangements. I feel like I'm getting my dose of north American Christmas vicariously through your posts.. thank you.

  18. I absolutely love, love this project. And the room you had lunch in is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  19. How very lovely it all is. I’d love to spend a day like that, looking, admiring, making and, not to forget, eating. All that in the company of a good friend. What could be more fun.

  20. The smell of fresh greens is one of the treats of the season that I miss. Even the tree lots nearly have disappeared, and a few cut branches from Lowe's just doesn't do it. Ah, well. I brought home a second tumbleweed from Kansas, painted it white, and hung little gold and silver stars from it. Eat your heart out, Upper Midwest! xoxo

  21. I can smell the evergreen right now - how beautiful all your photo's are. You look so happy and beautiful. Sounds like you had a terrific day and your arrangement is so pretty.

    Love the snow, but we will never get any here in So CA. The closest we will get will be a storm of rain. But, I did experience many years of snow in Ohio and Chicago. LOL

    Have a Very Merry Christmas.


  22. Southern Exposure is just absolutely gorgeous.
    And so is your arrangement!
    Glad you had such a good time.

  23. As usual your project turned out beautifully!! How fun! The blanket of snow is beautiful but the dumping you got the following day - not so much. we are getting another dump of snow today, too. I'm not excited about it but it will encourage us to hibernate which is what I sorely need after several hectic (albeit exciting!) weeks!

  24. OH THAT SNOW - it makes my heart sing! That is a cool picture of the white snow against the red chairs, love that one. This is a lovely place to visit, and wonderful for taking pictures. aahh, the red rose petals in the snow, it doesn't get much prettier than that. :)


  25. What a magical place! Next time I get over to that side of the state I will certainly be trying to swing a stop there! Love your basket of greens. Hmmm, I have a similar basket that I could fill, I just don't know if it would be worth it at this late date. Maybe next year. I will certainly be pinning this for inspiration :)

  26. I have been enjoying catching up with all you have been doing. Delightful post showing such a great place for a luncheon and fun workshop. Southern Exposure look like a great place.

    Snow looks pretty. Have a very Merry Christmas.


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