The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 9, 2016

Finding My Creative Soul Over the Holidays

I'm delighted to sharing my tips on finding your creative soul during the busy holiday season over at Modern Creative Life.

Please stop by and say hello! And consider adding it to your blog reading list. There are wonderful and thoughtful articles about living a modern creative life with new ones every few days. Take a look at the submission page, too and join in!


  1. Great article with lots of good ideas. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your suggestions are really pleasant; I love the idea that there's room for creativity in so many areas of life. The one thing that distinguishes you, though, is your consistency. You keep going back for more creative ideas and doing them again to get better, whether it's painting or setting a beautiful table. Maybe you are a poster child that the perfect is the enemy of the good: you know good, don't worry about perfect! I'm always disappointed when someone I know tries just once to start something (like a hobby or a blog) and then drops it.

    best... mae at

  3. Oh I did enjoy this article. Thanks for your wonderful writing.

  4. Great article Jeanie, people who claim to have no creativity are one of my pet peeves too! I always tell them, "we are all creative in our own way." My biggest problem with creating is not having enough hours in the day or the energy to do it all.

  5. I really enjoyed this article. I simply adore your "don't give up" attitude that always shines through, whether you are talking about your art, drawings, or decorating.

  6. Thanks Jeanie, on my way over. Happy Weekend.........

  7. What a wealth of ideas and info. Delightful article there. Have been enjoying all your holidays posts! You're one energetic and busy lady. :)

  8. What's in the water, Jeanie?
    Cranberries? Strawberries?

  9. PS Great article! Definitely puts the reader in the Christmas spirit.

  10. hoping your Christmas is Merry and Bright....going over to read all about it.

  11. I read your article – very nice! Many ideas there. This year though I’ll pass because there is so much to do for the move and Jim does not know what season we are in – told me he thought we were coming out of winter into spring …
    It must be fun to be in your house during the holidays. Enjoy the season!

  12. Excellent Jeanie . . .
    Creativity breathes such life . . .
    Love it . . .
    Getting "out of the box"
    New "twists to that" . . .
    Let "whatever" live and fly . . .
    Loved your article . . .
    Mind if I post your article on the Irish Garden House . . .
    I would have to figure out how to do that . . .
    Guess I could link to you . . .
    I think I will Get Creatuve and think of a way . . .
    Happy Iced Berry Wreaths . . . and more . . .

  13. Very nicely done Jeanie, I so enjoyed your article!

  14. I can see how you are finding your creative soul after seeing so many wonderful and creative decorations and ideas in the last post. It is very inspiring, Jeanie.


  15. So much eye candy Jeannie! Isn't it fun to peek at everyone's home and decorations? My favorite is the pink tree and selfie in the bathroom! LOVE that girly girl tree!


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