The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 4, 2015

Teardrop Swag at Southern Exposure

Tis the Season! Let's enjoy a must-have getaway from the crazy part of the Busy Season at Southern Exposure.

No busy mall here. Out in the country you'll find quiet country roads, branches now bare in the early days of December. No collection of stores you will find in just about any mall. Just a lovely gift shop so filled with beauty that you don't mind waiting in line. Chances are you will see something beautiful that just might end up going home with you!

Imagine ambling through a sweet winter wonderland where a striking Christmas tree, beautiful florals, bright berries and rustic stars beckon!

On to the dining area. Our name tags are attached to a holiday tree. Starlight beckons, beauty abounds.


No fast food here, either. Chef Elsie always prepares a lovely dinner and it's always beautifully served with wine at a table for eight with a most elegant place setting and centerpiece. On this evening it was a soy/cranberry marinated chicken breast served on a tasty rice, haricots verts, a pear/feta/walnut salad and a slice of chocolate cake so rich -- and large -- I had to leave half on my plate! Go, Chef Elsie!

Just peeking into the dining room from our registration area on the porch caused the anticipation level to raise even a bit more!

No clean-up in the craft room, either! After dinner we take our wine over to the craft tent, where Ethel and Elizabeth, the pet chickens, wander on the straw covered floor.

There we make our projects in consort with others, learning, admiring, advising, supporting, revising and finally discovering that yes, you are finished. And it is beautiful.

Our project on this December night was the "teardrop swag,"which will find a home either on my front door or perhaps inside. The swags have lovely lights that add a beautiful glow!

It was too dark, even upon arrival, to take photos of the garden, although to be honest, in early December there isn't much to see, plants cut back or pulled out till next spring's planting.

And yet, there is peace. Peace and beauty. And at the Busy Season we all need a little bit more of that.

The days of Christmas are counting down.


  1. Oh, how wonderful this all sounds! Love your beautiful snaps. If I lived close I'd love to join you.
    Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I always love hearing about classes that you attend at Southern Exposure. It looks like such a charming place. Those table settings are gorgeous and the meal sounded delicious! What a gem of a place!

    While I don't like the cold and snow, I do like the stillness of the winter season. It's an especially peaceful time of year when the city is blanketed in snow. I like hearing the crunch of snow under my boots and since our weather has been mild, I can enjoy the fresh air without having to worry about how hard it is on my lungs!

  3. Good morning, Jeanie. I always enjoy, so much, your visits to Southern Exposure. Such a lovely place, no matter the time of year and your creations are always so beautiful. Interesting thing - I've seen enough of these now that I am starting to recognize the faces of many of the women you share this happy time with.

  4. Oh Southern Exposure you have done it again! The swags are all just beautiful. The dining room so amazing. What fun to shop there. I think I keep wanting to call it Great Expectation because I anticipate and expect such beauty each time you visit Southern Exposure.

  5. Southern Exposure looks and sounds like such a fabulous place. Really special. And how nice that it is quietly situated out in the country!

  6. Sounds like happiness overload - wish I could have tasted that cake! I'm looking at your friend's scarf - I might have one like it!

  7. More! More! Jeanie never has enough Christmas decorations -- and it's wonderful!

  8. Food, wine, friends, and crafts. Sounds like a perfect way to spend the evening.

  9. Wonderful photos. Wonderful ambiance in this place where you ate and created. I'm sure I would love to eat and create there too!

  10. It all looks so beautiful and festive!

  11. I am having A BLAST with the countdown with beautiful decorations, anticipation and rest. GREAT PICTURES!

  12. You find the most wondrous places, Jeanie! I loved visiting Southern Exposure through this post!

  13. Sounds like another wonderful trip out there. If I lived close enough, I'd tag along for sure!

  14. of course, i wish i were in MI too. Everything you post is so beautiful. What a unique place this is... Southern Exposure. Makes me think of some small New England villages I'd passed through, quietly elegant with character.

  15. I finally found my Christmas spirit in your post. So calm and cosy.

  16. I like swags, and yours are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us -- and those marvelous photos of that dining room where you had such a lovely meal. Soy-cranberry, huh? I've never heard of such a thing, but it does sound good.

  17. Oh, thank you for taking up back SE for some Christmas cheer shared along with you, Jeanie! Just LOVE this place, and seeing what you create! They have great concept going on with that place! And such food... YUM! ((HUGS))

  18. OH what a lovely way to spend a December day in anticipation of Christmas! Everything looks so beautiful and I can only imagine all the little fairy lights. I look forward to seeing your swag in your decorations, whatever you decide. Thanks for sharing, makes me want to come to Michigan Jeanie……..

  19. I am going to have to take classes there next Christmas season!


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