The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, December 7, 2015

Oh Come, Let Us Adore Lizzie!

Many of you know Linda Leinen's (Shoreacres) blog, The Task at Hand. She consistently writes remarkable posts that combine history, humor, great thought -- all woven together eloquently and exquisitely.

Usually at the holidays she goes for the tuneful with her Cat Carols carols, as "sung" (or at least supported by) her own sweet Dixie Rose. This Lind-spiration inspired me to bring Lizzie to the caroling party with her own song!

Add your own caption to this photo! I can think of a few!

Oh come, give me crunchies.
And my special dinner.
And birds in my window that will entertain.
Clean out my litter.
Throw my little mousies.

Oh come, let us adore me.
Oh come, let us adore me.
Oh come, let us adore me,
I'm Lizzie Cosette. 

(And believe me -- I do not adore the humiliation of reindeer ears!)

These series of photos are a testament of how quickly I can shoot a moving target with my little camera!

We're headed to Southern Exposure -- again -- next time!


  1. Oh my gosh - Lizzie - what is she doing to you? I can add a few verses for you if you want, but I think the blog is rated PG.

  2. Ah..poor Lizzie. What we do to our cats. lol And yes, I adore her.

  3. Lizzie does not look pleased, he he. Aren't cats wonderful ♥

  4. I wish I was a mind reader. Lizzie has something to say. Thanks for the laugh. Your poem is great.

  5. Sweet Miss Lizzie, so lovely! :)

  6. We ADORE thee, O, Lizze!! hahaha... Lizzie does indeed look a bit miffed for having to wear the antlers... LOL! (How did you even get them on her?! Our Charlie kick and scream--it would never happen--ha!) This is just sooo CUTE, Jeanie!

  7. Ha ha! Oh, poor Lizzie. I see a rather "I'm gonna get you, sucker" look on her tiny little face! What a hoot!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Lizzie is such a pretty kitty! I love the look on her face with that reindeer ears on!! She doesn't look too pleased. ;) But what a good sport! You came up with some really clever lyrics.

    Can't wait to see what you are making/made at Southern Exposure!

  9. Hahaha that was really cute. I just wonder if Lizzie was happy about caroling. Her version was beautifully written :)

  10. Oh Lizzie! I feel for you! Such humiliation! Joey sends his best wishes for better times ahead. Maybe if you do like Joey and hide for a couple days then ignore your owner, the humiliation will stop. Oh but I love seeing you in reindeer gear. Joey send his sympathies as he sits here looking at your picture.

  11. Oh, my gosh. It's the Ghost of Christmas Cat -- Dickens would have included her, if only he'd known. I love her carol, and I admire you for actually getting a pair of real antlers on her. I had to photoshop Dixie's onto her. She never, ever would have sat still for this treatment.

    Her expression in that first photo is a classic. Tell her Dixie sends her regards, and sympathy!

  12. She may not be happy, but she looks wonderful. I used to love torturing my dogs by dressing them up or giving them headgear; they always (eventually) forgave me.

  13. "let us adore me" I'm still cracking up!

  14. I do believe that Lizzie is going to wait for an opportunity to get you back! What a fun Holiday post!
    Happy Friday,


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