The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Paying It Backwards and Forward!

Recently I have been the happy beneficiary of some delightful ephemera.


The first package came from my Parisian friend Jerry, who managed to find a terrific vintage scrapbook filled with images that dated back to Victorian times, as well as those in the early 20th century.

Even the cover of the book was fabulous.

Inside was page after page of images, carefully cut and glued onto the page. 
(Yes, I know. Sad. Hard to peel off!)

Jerry had taken dental floss to a number of the images to remove them safely from the page. Others, perhaps, will be there forever.

While these aren't the only thing in that marvelous care package, I have to admit they all made me smile.


So many of you are so generous in sharing ephemera, tutorials and other ideas,
 I wanted to share these with you.

Just click on the image and right click to save.

It's hard to pick a favorite -- although I loved this little guy!

And since pansies are a favorite, this, too, caught my eye.

And of course, little vintage children!


Have fun!

(I'll have another post sometime soon with another ephemera bonus -- this from an estate sale here in town. 

There were lots of vintage holiday images there and I'll post it in plenty of time for the holidays!)


  1. I remember we played with similar pictures in my childhood. Perhaps they weren’t as old as these but they were very pretty and we’d try and collect more and more. How times change. Nobody but an adult like you, or maybe a collector, would like twice at them.

  2. Your friend Jerry is quite a guy so very thoughtful and a great eye too!
    Thank you so much for sharing these precious images with us Jeanie.

  3. dental floss to remove...brilliant.
    So fun to see old beauties
    find new purpose in life
    and live to sing their songs
    to another generation.
    I love your heart to repurpose
    and restore:)

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  6. oh Jeanie I like the new layout :)

  7. I'm so glad you got these posted, Jeanie. They make a charming post. Yay, Jerry.

  8. Great images. Both you anf Jerry are very generous.

  9. Now that was a very thoughtful gift. I do love these vintage ephemera and have a few collected. This collection would be lovely for the artwork you do too.

  10. I'm just amazed at the similarity in expression between your lady with the hummingbird on her hat, and the image I used to illustrate my ice cream etheree. There clearly are styles in advertising images, just as in everything else.

    I was surprised by the dental floss technique. As soon as I read about if, I thought, "Of course." That's my life -- always discovering the obvious!

    I saved the pansies and the kite-flyer - thank you!

  11. Good morning Jeanie! Aren't these sweet? It's fun to collect and look at these beauties from time to time to remember or rather imagine (for the younger folks) a time when art expressed an innocent state of being. Have a SUPER DAY! Anita

  12. Lovely images! You are lucky! I love anything colorful, so these made me very happy.

  13. The cover really appeals to me. I think it's a depiction of an Aesop's fable. I wonder when it was produced.

  14. What a fun package to receive in the mail! Those images are beautiful!

  15. How pretty and what a wonderful gift! You can get copies of many beautiful scraps these days, but it is so nice to see them all together, in a period album, put together by someone of the time, it adds an extra dimension. And of course many of the scraps will never have been reproduced.
    I have a collection of scrap books of all periods, and I truly love them. So this was a lovely post for me. I'm grateful to both you and Jerry!

  16. I love vintage scrap images! I too haven't heard of the dental floss technique.....but I recently tried soaking in water, and as scary as it sounds, it DOES work!

  17. Lovely vintage images! You have a beautiful collection. New Follower.

  18. What a sweet friend and BEAUTIFUL images! Sweet of you to pass them on for us to use too!

    Hope that you had a great week and an even better weekend!

  19. The flower images are my faves. What fun.


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