The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, June 6, 2014

Just Another Gorgeous Spring

It's odd, saying that it is just another gorgeous spring when in only a 
few weeks we'll be officially into summer!

But it seemed as though it was such a long road this year to even get a spring -- 
we were wondering if we would have one.The beautiful cherry and apple trees that 
bloom so profusely on our MSU campus -- often by the end of April -- 
weren't even starting when blog friend Annie came to visit in mid-May 
and everyone was hesitating to plant their gardens outdoors until we 
were quite sure it wouldn't drop below freezing again -- or even snow. 
But the day came!

For me, it was a trip to the garden center with my friend Jan. It's our annual tradition!

For Rick it was time to get his seedlings in the ground. Take a look at our future strawberry shortcake!

And the bee balm is blooming!

For me, the warm weather has meant time at the pool, trying hard to increase my swimming laps. 
As you can imagine, for Rick, it is time for the bike!

Again, he participated in an event here called "Lucinda Means Advocacy Day," 
named after a friend who was a key advocate for cycling here in Michigan -- 
not just road biking but also riding bicycles to work, using public transportation. 
Sharing the road and protecting cyclists is a major issue.

Every year he participates in an event called the Ride of Silence where cyclists bicycle 
to the capitol building -- in silence -- with a police escort. There is a ceremony 
on the capitol steps where the names are read of cyclists who have been 
killed on the road. It also honors those who have been injured and is very moving.

There is also a "ghost bike" which represents the missing riders.


Earlier in the day, Rick's friend T.J. was recognized. T.J. is so dedicated, 
the joke is that he has no other clothes except bike gear! He's a hard-core rider 
who racks up the miles -- and quite the raconteur when he writes his road stories!


Sharing the road is a thought that rests heavily on my mind as Rick prepares for his 
summer bike-hike, where he plans to ride to Ottawa, Ontario on his bike. 
Alone. In the wilderness. Out of the country. 
You get my angst.


He practiced this weekend with a 200 mile ride with all his gear. Big gulp. 
But after a couple of blown out tires, all was well.

We also did our annual Memorial Day planting of flowers at my parents' graves, 
which is also where her parents and my aunts and their husbands are.

After, a picnic at the Frances Park Rose Garden (too early for roses!) and a trip to Lowes! 
(Which, I might add, was doing big business that day! Everyone had garden on the mind!)

Meanwhile, Lizzie Coco has commandeered the guest room bed as her own...

And she give you the evil eye if you disturb her!

I leave you with words to remember...


And this little heart.


I love spring -- and I can't wait for the next couple weeks and Kevin's wedding!


  1. Good luck to Rick on his journey. I wish I had his stamina.
    Over here in Hawaii, it has been raining quite a bit, so much so that there no longer is any drought on any of the islands. Wonderful news!

  2. It is a beautiful spring - and joyful to have after our winter. You have such a great ability to capture the moment and the tone in your photos.

  3. Good morning friend jeanie. What a glorious day it is. Glad to see all the evidence of spring's arrival, albiet, late, but arrived.

  4. There have been years that it seems like winter lasts up until the middle of June, and we're right into the heat of summer. This is not one of those years, though. While we had our typical cool early spring (which I often consider to still be winter), by mid-April, things were warming up nicely. We even had some lovely days in March!

    If I could live perpetually in a late-spring climate I would. Lows in the 50's, highs in the 70's or low 80's. Ah, that is paradise to me.

    I'm so glad spring has finally arrived at your house and that you are enjoying her so much.


  5. Looks like a beautiful spring! Here, the humidity and heat have started to go up. It's feeling more like summer than spring. Safe travels to Rick as he goes on his trek. And what a great ceremony to have to remember those who have lost their lives on the road on bikes. A good reminder to all of us.

    Lizzie has the right idea about comfort!

  6. I so like the idea of the silent is indeed an important reminder to all of us.

  7. We got back to Michigan a month ago, just in time for spring, and like you have really been enjoying the sequence of blossoming trees and flowers. Our lilacs are finished, our rhododendron just about over, the phlox too... must be the green time of year.

  8. It sounds like you have found the heart of spring and are enjoying it fully. It is indeed a special time of year.
    It is always very sobering to see a ghost bike along the side of the road.

  9. I know Spring has whizzed by quickly it seems Summer is on our heels ~
    or even better our bare feet ! :))

  10. Oh my gosh - to Ontario?! That's a long one and yes I can feel your angst. I'm a worrier by nature, add something like this and I'd be right there with you. I pray that God will keep him safe!


  11. So happy Spring finally arrived and you are able to enjoy the growing season. Yummm, strawberry shortcake! One of my favorites. We have ghost bikes around town here in Portland. They chain them to a pole near where someone has been killed on their bike, so sad. I love seeing bicyclist, but I must say so many don't think they have to follow the rules of the road. The wedding is going to be here very soon now. Happy times!

  12. Sweet friend, I too understand this thing about having a very short spring; we are not entering summer and it seems like every year, our spring is cut in half! But let us all enjoy a safe play-time under the sun! Anita

    PS, kitty is so sweet!

  13. I've never heard of the ghost bikes. Of course, we don't have much of a bicycle culture here. Even those who would ride to work, for example, often are constrained by the heat and humidity as much as by the traffic. We're already into the 90s with heat indices in the hundreds, so I think I've missed spring!

    Rick will be fine. He's not simply fit and in shpe, he's clearly resourceful and capable of dealing with whatever comes his way. As long as it's not an errant vehicle, it's all good.

    Now -- back to coo over Lizzie a bit more. Such a darling, she is!

  14. You always bring us so many wonderful shots. I'm lucky to eek out one photo a day!

  15. Wow, that bike event sounds so neat. What a great way to raise awareness and honor the lives of those who have died. I use a bike to get to and from work so this post hits me because I have to trust that those in their cars are respectful of me being on a bike. Minneapolis is pretty bike friendly but I still encounter rude drivers who are so aggressive.

    I hope that Rick's big bike trip goes well! Yikes, that is a long ways to bike!!

  16. Hi Jeanie,
    Lovely Hosta, ours here are getting rather lacey with the snails nocturnal visits!

    Glad you like our Siamese cat.
    Thought you could just click somewhere to follow our blog - new to all this blogging so still learning the ropes. Have already got 2 followers so they must have found a way to click and follow to receive our posts. Hope you can receive them, it's nice to share what's going on here in our little Studio.
    Heather :)

  17. Hi Jeanie! Oh, this is a a great post filled with so much! I love hosta and yours is so pretty. God bless and watch after Rick on his big bike journey! My hubby is a runner and has done quite a few marathons but I'm always worried til I see him crossing the finish line! ;) Take care and thanks for coming along with me on my Little House journey.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Hi Jeanie, So happy to see spring has finally come to you. I think we may skip spring this year and go directly into summer - it's to go below freezing again tonight. My back garden still has a bit of snow covering it! However, my hardy perennials are raising their green heads as soon as the snow is partially gone - they're amazing. Good Luck to Rick. I hope you give updates on his trip. My Bob is sure interested and so am I!

  19. it looks really glorious Jeanie. I love spring, although my allergies act up a little, but it is such a happy time. I also love you guys getting together for more respect on the streets for cyclists... really needed, especially considering all the pollution and destruction we have been commanding in our little planet. And Lizzie Coco... what can I say? I guess guest room is hers now ;-)

  20. Wow, Rick is a serious rider!! Good for him :)
    Lizzie Coco looks adorable! OH, and I'll be over for some of that strawberry shortcake ;)

  21. Dear Jeanie, enjoy your lovely spring days filled with flowers and sunshine, my favourite time of year. I'd love to try the strawberry shortcake when the time comes!

  22. Hi Jeanie,

    Managed to work out how to add followers!
    Heather :)

  23. The bike ride is a great way to bring attention to share the road. We live just off of a road that goes up to the foothills and mountains and is a popular route for bikers. The road is very narrow in places. In those places, we have to share the road or someone on a bike gets hit. I worry about the bikers. I wish there was a lane for them. On the same road, we have to watch out for deer. Of course, some drivers just want to drive the road faster than posted speeds, and they don't want to take time to watch for bikers or follow behind them when the road narrows. I am amazed bikers aren't killed along that road.

    We are having a late and a cold spring. I am freezing today. Last evening and this morning, I had to turn on the gas fireplace. I wonder if we will have summer this year.

  24. I do so get your angst...big protective prayers cover and keep your sweet man:)
    I think bicyclists are such brave souls; I could never do that.
    Bravo to you for your own
    brave letting go,


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