The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Southern Exposure

What could be a more delightful experience than attending a wreath-making workshop at Southern Exposure gardens in Battle Creek, MI.


You have to start with a walk through the gardens, just to whet your appetite for what's to come.

When you enter the Southern Exposure gates, this big vintage car is the first thing you see. It sets the mood for your visit.

As you wrap around several old buildings from the original far -- each named (The Corn Crib, for example), we parked -- yet another vintage car!

Everything about this place looks great. So many touches, like the flowers in the bird baths.

Even the outhouse is picturesque!

There is a fair amount of garden statuary.

...and plenty of whimsy, too.

Just walking around the gardens is an incredible experience -- and it was still so early (late April, here in Michigan) that few of the flowers had really popped. Later in the season it will be drop-dead gorgeous.

Of course, Southern Exposure is an experience -- and the time we were there was indeed all that and more.


  1. Gorgeous. Disarming. Delightful!

  2. I have been catching up on your blog, and I must compliment you on your beautiful photography. I especially enjoyed your post about Rick's son. How heartwarming!

  3. You've gotta love a place where even the outhouse is picturesque.
    Seriously, it looks like a wonderful place to enjoy the beauty of nature.

  4. Such a pretty place. I haven't been for years.

  5. I would love to visit this place. Very cool. We used to have a Chevy like that green vintage care. How fun this all looks.

  6. I love places like that, and aren't red buildings the most charming places? The straw man is way cool. Can't wait to see more.

  7. These are classy, post-card quality photos, Jeanie! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this interesting site. On another note, I just found out BC is in the AC Marple series.

  8. LOVE that pic of the tuplips at the top, Jeanie... it says spring about to meet summer, somehow! :o) Such a lovely, inspiring garden--I could live there. (LOVE the angel statue!) Look forward to your wreath-making fun. And LOVELY your previous post on Keven & Molly... here's to their big day coming up! Your outfit for the wedding is wonderful--it's very YOU! :o) We're off in a few days for our trip. Look forward to catching up with you more soon. I've had a cold this week, which has slowed things down... but gotta keep going! ((HUGS))

  9. Wonderful photos! But that big, vintage car you first see as you come into the place? That's just the sort of car we had when I was a kid. Whoops!

  10. Good morning Jeanie,
    Oh what beautiful photos.. Such a lovely place.. Would love to take a ride in that old car.

    You are so sweet to come over and leave such kind and encouraging words.. Thank you so much.
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Another excellent place to visit! :-)

    Love that shot of the roses in the birdbath, with the tree reflections.... Nice!

  12. Hi Jeanie! Look at you looking all cute and stuff! Oh, that looks like a fabulous place to visit! So much eye candy at every turn. Can't wait to see your wreath! Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Hello there Jeanie! You and I both were going to do the happy dance when our weather finally cooperated. Are ya dancin'? I AM! This has to be the most gorgeous spring I've ever seen here! HAVE FUN! Anita

  14. Looks like a beautiful place, and I'm sure it was an awesome workshop.

    Those tulips are to die for! So are the vintage cars! I think cars of yesteryear have a character lacking in cars of today. Wish I had one.

    Hope you're having a great weekend,

  15. These images are STUNNING! You have so much talent!

  16. This is my kind of place ~ how wonderful !
    Love the selfie ~ your smile is awsome and it always brings a smile to my face too :))

  17. Love the selfie - you look great Jeanie! What a fun day - looking forward to reading more about what you made. That place looks so charming! I love the vintage cars!!

  18. What a super place to visit and learn a craft into the bargain. Everywhere you turn to seems to offer up a delight for the eye to rest upon. Love your selfie, you look fabulous darling!

  19. Hi Jeanie,
    Thanks, I enjoyed my walk with you at Southern Exposure. Just beautiful with the flowers beginning to bloom. I really love the old cars and the outhouse is charming. The garden statuary is beautiful and the straw dude in his boots with the violas, very interesting. Look forward to more photos in the further.
    Hello June, can you believe it!

  20. What a beautiful place! I love those vintage cars, so wonderful. And I can't wait to hear more about that wreath-making workshop. That sounds awesome! :)
    Have a wonderful week! :)

  21. Oh SO lovely ...
    each and every photo!

  22. Wonderful bright tufts of magic,
    all found and celebrated
    by your keen eyes:)
    So glad you share,

  23. Love this visit to the garden with the old cars and flowers. Your selfie is very cute too.

  24. What a delightful location! I love old cars so much. They look right at home here. The gardens must be fantastic in full bloom!


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