The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mega Week!

It's been a busy couple of weeks -- and the busiest weekend (Kevin and Molly's wedding weekend)
 is to come -- all that begins on Thursday with the rehearsal and arrival of family.

So, what's been on my agenda? Well, getting the house together -- 
and the garden, which is mostly all in pots.

And I have to say, it's looking really healthy! Loving every single flower!

Lizzie watches. She's escaped from the house four times and I know 
she is giving me the evil eye, plotting her next attempt. 


I've hit a couple of estate and yard sales, and at one found this lovely white pitcher.

It looks great on the table with my grandmother's china and silver atop a different estate
 sale find, a lovely vintage tablecloth!

I had the great pleasure of hearing Blogger Becca play her handbells at a 
Classical Bells concert. It's a remarkable group with such diverse and 
entertaining music. If you ever have the opportunity to hear them, don't miss it! 
Even better, I got to connect with Becca afterward!

I've been swimming at the pool (and spinning and such). 
But these the photo of these towels were taken at my friend Anne's house, 
when she hosted Cork Poppers.

Speaking of Cork Poppers, look for a post on California Reds sometime soon!
 (They were all good!)

And we said farewell to friend Rhonda, who is leaving our community for 
Washington, DC. Boy, she'll be missed. (And no, we didn't call to 
coordinate wardrobes.)

Yes, it's been a busy couple of weeks. And more to come. 
I'll probably be taking a break from replying to comments for a bit 
(possibly visiting, but I'll try!) and hopefully catch up after the wedding.

Meanwhile, I hope you are having a wonderful week! I know we are!


  1. Your plants look really green and healthy! I love the white pitcher with the china--looks so nice.

    Chase Bird loves to go out on our covered porch and look outside. I'm so afraid he will get out, but so far so good.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. It does indeed sound like a busy couple of weeks! Enjoy the up coming nuptials !

  3. Your china and tablecloth look so pretty. Enjoy every moment of the wedding celebration, but don't forget to take time to breathe.

  4. You have been busy! Are you getting exciting for the wedding? I sure am getting excited for our wedding this weekend. Can't wait.

    I love your estate sale finds. The dishes are a treasure. Everything sure goes together well.

  5. You keep yourself very active, which is wonderful. Spinning AND swimming? I couldn't even make myself take a walk today. But the first week of vacation for me is usually a bit "vague." Happy wedding to your family - I look forward to hearing all about it! (I did reply to your Otsego Lake comment on the blog- YES, I was there!)

  6. Oh Lizzie!
    Breathe and Enjoy the week!
    Your garden looks wonderful.
    Cork Poppers fun!
    Love, love the new white pitcher
    and the table setting.
    Hugs for a wonderful week and wedding events.

  7. Thanks for sharing your exciting and very colourful past week. It's always wonderful to meet up with virtual friends in real life. Last week I was away in Toronto, so, it's a TO post today. ;)

  8. You are one busy gal! I know you're looking forward to the wedding and I'm sure it will be beautiful.

    Your flowers look so bright and happy.


  9. Well hello there, GORGEOUS swimming mermaid! You look vibrant, Jeanie! How I wish I could swim because if I could, I would!

    Happy day and keep having FUN!

  10. Best wishes for a wonderful week! Once again, I can't see most of your photos, but I know they're lovely -- as will be the wedding!
    Enjoy every minute of it!

  11. Oh, am I laughing! I tried again, and Lizzie, the towels, and the wine bottles appeared. That seems like a sign to me. By the time this all is over, Lizzie, a pool, some towels and some wine may be all you want for a couple of days!

  12. Lovely daisies and potted plants too. I especially like your new blog background - nice!

  13. What lovely things for your table - your pitcher, tablecloth, china, and silver. I love a pretty table.

    Enjoy the wedding celebration. I know you will.

  14. I hope the wedding is fun and enjoyable for all.

  15. Your flowers look gorgeous! Have a wonderful time at the wedding. Looking forward to your photos!

  16. You have been BUSY! Wanna be even more busy? There is two blogging events coming up. Both held on July the 12th. One is, "Where bloggers create" hosted by:
    The next one is "The Mad Hatters Tea Party" hosted by:
    You should think about joining in on one or both :-)
    big hugs,

  17. big love to the wedding party
    and all celebrating
    and thanks for sharing such
    beautiful glimpses into the
    loveliness of your days:)
    you are an inspiration,

  18. You have been busy!! Enjoy the wedding weekend and all of the fun festivities. I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures. It's going to be a fabulous weekend!

  19. Everything looks so very pretty---your Garden, your table, that wonderful "find"--that lovely pitcher...
    It sounds like a full busy week and a happy one,too.....Hope all goes well, with the Wedding !!!

  20. so you are obviously in the middle of busy busy busy….take time to enjoy it all !!!

  21. A lovely bunch of jolly colourful photos. Pretty flowers, the lot of you (and them).

    Don’t overdo the work and enjoy what life throws at you.

  22. It's nice to be busy is a nice way! :-)

  23. Gorgeous flowers and what a beautiful table with plates,flowers and cloth. Hope you enjoyed the wedding

  24. Oh Jeanie, the flowers are stunning!
    Your beautiful smile just lights up room... You have been busy.
    Have a wonderful time at the wedding!
    Thank you so much for coming over to wish Jasper a Happy Birthday.

  25. Good morning sweet Jeanie! Thanks for coming to visit. I think you and I are milking this season for every bit of color and ray of sun that it's worth! XXOXO

  26. You do sound busy ~ in a great way though.
    I hope you're enjoying yourself this past week .
    You certainly look fabulous in that photo !

  27. You are really busy! Great photos! Dagmar

  28. What gorgeous photos, Jeanie! So lush, summery and lovely! Lizzie is adorable and mischievous.. I ant to hug her lots!

  29. I love seeing touches of your garden. The table setting and new pitcher are beautiful. What exciting times, but full of JOY.


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