The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Here Comes the Bride! (And It's Not Me!)

An event more than a year in the making! Last weekend we celebrated Kevin and Molly's wedding!

You'll have to bear with me, because I just have to share, partly because it was fun, partly because I'm so happy for Kevin and partly because we now have a daughter!

 Like all weddings, ours started with the rehearsal -- and then the following morning, we were all out decorating the Grand Ledge Opera House, the wedding's venue. (More on that in a Pink Saturday post, coming soon!) Then came the big day!

We were so excited to see family again -- many of whom we hadn't seen since the last wedding! Rick's gang is spread out all over the country, so it was good to connect.

Before the wedding, the photographer took photos of the wedding party. I was pretty far away, using my zoom -- but when I saw Molly standing on this ledge which was only about a foot wide -- above a deep river (on a windy afternoon), my heart jumped into
my throat!

Fortunately, she's an athlete with great balance and apparently no vertigo! I was awfully glad when she came down!

The photos with the guys (again, shot from far away) were a little more casual!

The ceremony was performed by a family friend. It was warm and personal.

 The wedding music was performed by a former teacher that Kevin had known since middle school.
You'll hear more about him in a bit!

It was fun to see both Kevin and Greg dressed to the nines...

And fun for Rick and me to get dressed that way, too! (And yes, I did find shoes.)

Of course there were the family photos. We don't often get one of Rick's dad, mom and all the brothers, since both his parents are now married to other people, so this was nice.

 Then came the party! The opera house ballroom filled up with people for dinner...

And then came the dancing -- a little more sedate at first....

Then lots of music I'd mostly heard in my spinning class! Only even louder! All of us above a certain age will get junk mail from hearing aid companies -- and if we get one, I'm convinced the wedding will have been one of the reasons why! (That and too many rock concerts when we were in our 20s!)

DJ/violinist Rodney added to that fun by playing along with some of the pieces. Everyone there kept talking about what a fabulous DJ he was (and we agreed!). Anyone planning a wedding in Michigan -- talk to me!

And as it began with Kevin and Molly's dance, it ended that way, too, surrounded by a circle of friends.

And then, it seemed as soon as it began -- although it was really six hours later, off they went, through an archway of loving arms!

I came into Kevin's life when he was seven and I've seen him through Harry Potter and football, high school proms, graduations and jobs so far away it made our heart ache. We'll always be a notch down the 'food chain' now that he has his Molly.

 And that's just the way it should be.


  1. Jeanie, these are beautiful photos! What a gorgeous bride Molly is! Her dress is absolutely stunning.

    I rejoice with you as you welcome a daughter into your family. May y'all enjoy a close relationship always.

    By the way, you look mighty beautiful yourself. Love the photos of you with the bride and with your own hubby.


  2. I was there and as fantastic as this write-up and photos are, it's pale by comparison to having been there!!

    A great time was had by all.

  3. Beautiful wedding! Congratulations to all!

  4. Oh dear Jeanie

    Absolutely fabulous photos of your family wedding - I could feel the love and fun by your commentary!

    Such a lovely photo of you hugging the lady in the wheelchair - you look so like my friend Jude it's uncanny.
    She is a warm beautiful person just like you Jeanie!
    Doesn't Rick look handsome in his finery too!

    I'm off to work I'll come back and have a better look and catch up when I get home tonight.


  5. Such a joy-filled post. What a beautiful bride. Even with the loud music it looks like it was all just perfect.

  6. What a truly joyous, beautiful event -- beautiful/handsome couple, surrounded by family and friends and your decorations look fabulous! I'm thrilled for all concerned that everything went so well and that you and Rick are truly understanding and celebrating what it means when children grow up and make lives of their own.

  7. Everyone looks so beautiful and happy! May you all bask in the joy and love you obviously share for all the years to come...

  8. Everyone looks so beautiful and happy! May you all bask in the joy and love you obviously share for all the years to come...

  9. I love the way you end this post, Jeanie. And what a happy beginning for the new couple.

  10. Lovely recap, w beautiful pix! Our best to the bride and groom!

    - Bonnie k

  11. Aw, what a beautiful post! Molly was stunning and Kevin looked so handsome, too. I love the gray suits and pink ties! You look beautiful, too, Jeanie! It looks like a good time was had by all, which is just the way a wedding should be!!

  12. What a beautiful couple...Molly is gorgeous and Kevin is so handsome. And you and Rick look pretty fabulous, too! It looks like a magical day for everyone.

  13. what a special day and what a special gain to your family…a beautiful daughter!!!!!

  14. what a special day and what a special gain to your family…a beautiful daughter!!!!!

  15. What a beautiful beginning for them and everyone connected to them! <3

  16. I got a message that Blogger ate my comment; so forgive me if this is repeated. I just wanted to tell you how your beautiful photos reflect a lot of joy and love. How wonderful to have such a great event and addition to your family.

  17. Congratualtions Jeanie - it looks like it was a wonderful day and a beautiful celebration of marriage. I love the bridesmaids colours and shoes. The Bride, Molly, is just stunning. Your family story is just heart warming. May you enjoy each others company and celebrate many more family events together.

  18. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY! That gal is an athlete -standing on the edge, in a wedding gown! WOW! Oh Jeanie, you look fabulous and you found your shoes! YAY!

    Gorgeous river, park, people, bride and groom. Life is good....

  19. Looks like a beautiful wedding! Great pictures. I know you all feel so blessed!

  20. Such a beautiful wedding! And you looked gorgeous, too!

  21. Looks like a perfectly wonderful day. Congratulations to all!

    You look beautiful. (What, no pics of the shoes????? ;-) ;-) ;-) )

    Thanks for taking us along.

  22. Sharon (Morse) SolomonThursday, June 19, 2014

    Oh, Jeanie! I've been following your blog for a few weeks now! I look forward to your jottings, your photos, and your art. But today took my breath away! I almost feel like I'm there with you, and that very little time has passed! (Not the very long time since I moved away in 1976 - not to be believed!). You look beautiful, and so does your family! I'm so happy for you all! Best wishes, Sharon (Morse) Solomon,

  23. Dear Jeanie,
    What a beautiful wedding! Kevin and Molly make such a lovely couple, and they look wonderful!
    You and Rick look smashing!
    A day to remember always..

  24. What a pretty spot to hold the wedding, looks like it was a day full of memories.
    Heather :)

  25. Hi, Jeanie! So lovely to catch up with you after our travels! We go back a few days ago after a wonderful time with family and days out & about. :o) Oh, this was fun to see! Big congrats to Molly & Kevin. LOVE Molly's simple gown. And don't YOU look FAB!! The reception place is lovely--so nicely done. The bride's maids in gray and pink--such fun! What a happy day... I could just cry! :o) Thanks for sharing the fun & sweets. Happy Days ((HUGS))

  26. Jeanie,
    What a gorgeous bride and groom. So young and healthy and a lifetime ahead of them. I love the gray and pink color scheme and especially the bridemaid's shoes. :) You looked devine, Jeanie, and Rick so handsome. I'm glad you snapped away with your camera and shared it all with us. Congratulations to all of you! I can tell from the pix that it was a grand day.

  27. No official photographer needed whith you around! :-)

  28. Just wonderful, Jeanie! Everyone is beautiful, the party was beautiful, and your joy is the most beautiful of all. I am very happy for you all.

    Did you know I am from Grand Ledge? The Opera House went up long after I moved away. There is a memorial for my brother there, donated by his graduating class (1966). The Opera House is such a nice venue.

  29. Oh thank you for sharing the joy and beauty of this very special day with us Jeanie!
    I am sure you did not want it to end...
    Everyone looks so lovely and happy all dressed to the nines and pretty with all that pink too!
    Brightest of Blessings to the newlyweds and all of your family!!!

  30. What a gorgeous wedding! You will be a marvelous mother-in-law. Lucky her. Lucky you.

  31. The wedding looks like it was just superb and "awesome happy". So happy for you all. Having another family member, especially a daughter will be wonderful.

  32. Wow!! What a beautiful bride, that dress is gorgeous! It looks like a fantastic wedding in every possible way. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I can feel what a happy day it was for all of you :) I just love it, it made me smile.

  33. Well, by golly - I think I balanced my spiritual energy and got my inner self all aligned (or something!) by looking at these wonderful photos. You look wonderful - as does the bride, of course. They're all so fresh, youthful and fine-looking.

    I had to laugh at the pink and gray. It's lovely, and it's also proof that what goes around, comes around. When I was in junior high, pink and gray was The Thing. I always liked it, and I'm glad to see it back, especially in such a wonderful setting.

    Personally, I love the rock wall photo. I'd love to see the photographer's version of that, shooting toward the river and such as he was. I'll be it's great. Everyone has a cake and smiling in-laws, but not everyone has a rock wall!

  34. So much joy and love
    in each one of these wonderful
    images.....I love a wedding (sniff):)
    You looked every bit as beautiful
    as the gorgeous bride, by the way:)
    bravo for love!

  35. Oh Jeanie, what a wonderful post. I loved seeing your wedding. It looks like everything went off as planned and that there was plenty of fun too. The bride is beautiful, really, really beautiful. The groom is handsome. You and Rick are a handsome couple as well. I love weddings. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Congrats to you all, Jeanie! Thanks for sharing a most memorable occasion. You all look fantastic! All beautiful. I'm eagerly waiting for your further post about Kevin's former music teacher. How cool is that, to have your teacher perform at your wedding. Curious about the music he played.

  37. I have goose bumps from your last few sentences. It is as it should be but it makes your heart swell with pride. Everyone looks beautiful and I'm with you about Molly on that ledge - yikes!


  38. Now I know a second person who has a stunning smile - you and Molly! What a lovely wedding. You and Rick sure clean up nicely! Love that last pic of the hands. Just doing some catching up - when does Rick start his long ride?

  39. You are just as lovely as the bride, both of you glowing and so fresh! I'm glad she didn't fall into the river, and what a great shot of her on the ledge. Your boy looks so handsome and happy. Congratulations on the addition of a daughter into your family.


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