The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 6, 2013

The "White" Tree

I got a bit of a head start on holidays over the Thanksgiving weekend.
One of my favorite trees is "The White Tree." Almost everything is white or silver or glass with a little bit of color, just for fun.
I also include some of my old postcards tucked into the branches.
Every year I discover old friends, a happy reunion from those I've missed a long, long while.
And when the days are gloomy and the nights cold, I love the sparkly lights.
There's just something about it... Wishing you a peaceful holiday!


  1. That's a lovely tree! It creates such a warm and comfortable atmosphere. I love the lights at Christmas.

  2. That is just so pretty. Love the post-cards tucked into the branches. A little surprise. Hugs, Deb

  3. That tree is so pretty. I love the post cards tucked in! Please continue to share photos of your Christmas decorations - I love seeing how others deck the halls of their homes!

  4. Oh love that you used the old postcards. What a fab idea!

    Merry Merry

  5. I like your “white” Christmas tree full of light – it goes well with the origin of the Christmas tree. I have been reading, and being fascinated really, by the origins of Christmas. It comes from a feast centuries before Christianity, a celebration of the sun and of light. The first decorated tree came from the Egyptians and the Babylonians. It is so interesting to learn about old customs and also to see how they have changed but, not quite. I also read “The Battle for Christmas” by Stephen Nissenbaum, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, who really gives an engrossing history. You may find it in your library maybe.

  6. It's a lovely tree. I love that your home is full of Christmas.

  7. A very pretty tree, something to cheer you up while snow and ice rule outside.

  8. It is beautiful. I went through a phase where I used only white lights, but gave that up a few years ago and am back to the colored ones now.

    I do have a white tree, though. Remember those 1960s ceramic trees with the little lights? My mother made a large one and decided she wanted it to be white rather than green. It's gorgeous, and I still have the original tube light bulb. How I've managed to avoid breaking it I don't know, but it's a great addition to the small bit of decorating I do.

  9. It's so beautiful and one-of-a-kind, Jeanie! I just love it! Good for you for getting a head start on the season!

  10. Beautiful! The vintage postcards make it more classy. I'm a minimalist when it comes to Christmas celebrations. So I just hop over here to have my fill of festive glamor. :)

  11. Aw, I love your white tree, what a great idea, especially love the postcards, and good for you for getting an early start!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  12. LOVELY, Jeanie! I love all-white, silvery trees... Yours is so pretty--I love the nostalgic touches tucked here & there. So much holiday glow... Thanks for inviting us in! Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

  13. A lovely post an Miss Lizzy Cosette seems to know her place very well.

  14. Love, love your beautiful white tree. The postcards are such a good idea. I think I need to add some postcards to a couple of my little trees. Thanks for the idea.

  15. Beautiful, Jeanie! I know someone else who does an all-white tree. Someday maybe I'll attempt one. Must collect a few things first. Oh boy, a collecting project!

  16. Oh, I love it. It's so pretty. I can see how it would cheer up a winter day. Enjoy!

  17. So pretty! I prefer trees with one predominant colour and this one fits the bill!

  18. Christmas is over. I'm just seeing your lovely tree. I'm curious. Where do you keep your postcards that you discover new ones? Do you file them and only bring out a few?


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