The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Toast to the Season

Let's hear it for the season of lights, of friends, of giving, of tasty treats and quiet delights.
Let's hear it for candlelight and colors, pretty dishes, savory smells.
And let's hear it for sweet, yappy felines who love more or less unconditionally.
Let's hear it for December. The end of the year, the threshold of the new.

I'll be posting a few photos of the season over the next week. Enjoy!


  1. What a pretty table, Jeanie. Looks like you had quite the spread. Waiting for a storm here in Breckenridge. It's snowing as I write, and we're supposed to get feet! Happy holidays to you!

  2. Lovely Christmassy pictures, Jeanie! So hard to believe it's really December!

  3. clink...clink...clink....those are the sound of our wine glasses hitting the glasses of our friends and loved included !!!


  4. Oh Jeanie,
    You put together such a beautiful table.
    Thank you so much for visiting. So happy you liked Dimity.. Yes, please do stop in and see Jeri.. I know you will enjoy her post.. She is such a talent.. Author, Artist, Illustrator, and the list goes on... and one of the sweetest people I know..
    Wishing you the warmest holiday season.
    Thank you for always thinking of me and taking time to visit.

  5. You've put me in a holiday mood with your lovely table and wonderful toast to the season, Jeanie! Hope this holiday will be very special for you and Rick.

  6. What a lovely table! It looks so warm and cozy. And yes, I'm raising my glass!

    Sweet kitty, too!

  7. Yes! So happy it's December and closer to 2014. Lovely glimpses of your holiday cheer. Hope you have a grand trip South.

  8. I did laugh at "more or less unconditionally" - isn't that just the truth?

    That's ok. It's a reminder that nothing in life is perfect - and that's just fine, even during the holidays. It's a time for enjoyment, after all - and who better to teach us how to enjoy than you!

  9. Amen to all of this! Hooray for December being here. This is one of my favorite months of the year since it's filled with Holiday cheer! I fly home for Christmas in 16 days and have 2 work trips and a weekend trip to NY between now & then so I think the trip will come fast. :)

  10. I'm impressed by the pine cones made into candle holders. Your creativity is always amazing! Those are beautiful images of the holidays.

  11. Love the celebration here.
    Is this a heating pad for the
    sweet feline?

  12. That's a table where you really feel welcome! (I wonder what mixture there is in the glasses.) :-)

  13. A great toast to the season! I need to get in the spirit of the season (just got home last night) and you're giving me a good start.

  14. Your photos and post lifted my spirits this morning ... here's to the candlelit , sparkly holidays , and unconditional love :)

  15. beautiful photos - every single one!

  16. Such a lovely post...and toast! (Love the kitty!)

  17. Everything looks fabulous... especially the kitty. *wink* It is getting super cold her lately, once again I find myself bringing in the Ferrel cats I've been feeding. Now I have three lol--- and no one has good bathroom manners! I put them all in "my" small bathroom for the night and pray nobody does anything I wouldn't do! lol
    big hugs,

  18. cheers, Jeanie! I love this time of coziness, gathering and reflection. Happy to be here to share the season with you. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

  19. They are the most gorgeous champagne saucers - so pretty. (And, of course, one should lift them in a toast to cats, most definitely!).

  20. That table is so welcoming. I wish I was there.


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