The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Not Here in Christmasland!

Hi there!
Last year at this time, we were kicking around Las Vegas for Rick's trade show! And no one does Christmas like the Bellagio!
I hate being away from home in December, but when you can see beautiful displays like this, it's a bit easier to take!
I don't know what we'll see at our current destination yet. But I'm thinking Christmas must be in the air!
Till I share, here's a little holiday color. And lots of fun!
Wishing you smooth skating this holiday season!


  1. Hope you are enjoying FABULOUS color, wherever you may be!

  2. Sending Christmas Cheer .

    Love the Polar bear !

  3. Wherever you are, you seem to find loveliness! Hope your holiday season is filled with lovely sights and fun experiences!

  4. Oooo! It's a fun mystery. I shall look forward to your posts! Merry Christmas season to you. :)

  5. I'll be back for more. And more. And more. Have fun.

  6. Love that sea of poinsettias! So festive looking. Have fun!

  7. Fun pics. I look forward to seeing new ones from wherever you are.

  8. You have gotten to see and get to see so many wonderful sights dear Jeanie!

    We are doing a bit of traveling and I am finding it VERY challenging to focus on Christmas creating and other festive home doings...

    I am deciding that it is OK
    nothing stays the same...

    Happy December from snowy Virginia

  9. Just love the displays anytime of the year at the Bellagio. Fun to see the Christmas decorations.

  10. All the vibrant poinsettias are gorgeous! Happy Holiday :)

  11. Happy holiday travels Jeanie, and thank you for the fun pictures!

  12. Beautiful! Anxious to see what you saw on your little trip.... glad you didn't wash away!

  13. Hi Jeanie! Thanks for your visit. Hope you are headed somewhere fun and had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Missed your last post so on to see what's next! Hugs, Kirsten

  14. Hope you have fun no matter where you are. Beautiful poinsettias. I'm a sucker for the red ones.

  15. Now I must go catch up. I've been having a problem with my "reader" getting posts in a timely fashion. I don't know what the problem is,

  16. A ghost wall, a blogger meet-up, and jalapeno poppers. Great line-up of pleasures.

  17. Beautiful pictures! Christmas is definitely in the air! I saw lots and lots of great decorations in NYC this weekend which helped me feel a bit more in the Christmas spirit. :)


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